initial prototype of gsdl3 only for linux need to run setup.bash to set CLASSPATH etc java src code in src/java/org/greenstone/gsdl3 - you need to do a make, and then a make install in this top directory. - makes all the classes in the subdirectories too. classes get compiled to src/java/org/greenstone/gsdl/classes, then a jar file is made of them all. make install copies this to lib/java There are two executable classes: Library1 and Library2 both are run by "java org.greenstone.gsdl3.Libraryx " gsdlhome is the base dir for your installation: .../gsdl3 sitehome is the base dir for the site you are running: for the local library example site, its .../gsdl3/sites/localsite for the distributed soap example site, its .../gsdl3/sites/site1 (imaginative names eh) There are 3 sites in this prototype example. sites/localsite is a standalone site, like used by a local library. It has no connections to any other sites. sites/site1 is a site that specifies a SOAP connection to another site: site2 sites/site2 can be run as a local site also. to run site1, and talk to site2 via SOAP, you need to have apache tomcat installed,running, and serving site2. (see below) Library1 - just takes straight XML queries and returns the results. see docs/xml/* for examples - not there yet. can use the other library to see how requests are formatted basically its like: with type="describe", to="", can use serviceList, collectionList and siteList for the info field. Library2 - still command line based, but has a slightly nicer interface. it will prompt you for commands eg type of request - describe/query collection name service name info name (at the moment collectionList, serviceList, siteList) these can all be left blank except for the first one A sample usage thingy: describe,_,_,_ - returns info from MessageRouter - list of colls, sites, services etc describe,_,_,collectionList - returns info from MessageRouter - only a list of colls describe,demo,_,_ - returns info from demo coll - list of services describe,demo,TextQuery,_ - returns info about the service Library2 also attempts to use some XSLT transforms to format the resulting xml ******************************************************************** SOAP stuff. am using jakarta tomcat at this stage to serve the SOAP classes ----------------------------------------------------- set up SOAP Server: the class SOAPServer is a wrapper around a messagerouter - so can serve the collections it has a path hard coded in - need to set this to your appropriate site - for the example sites that I've set up, it should be /sites/site2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- TOMCAT installation: need to install tomcat and soap: a tar file is in comms/tomcat directory - not sure where to put this, so made a new directory for it you need to unzip the tar file. edit jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1/bin/ on line 89 add $CP to the CP="...." line ie. CP="$CP:..." - this sets up the class path properly edit jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1/conf/server.xml add the following (put proper path for ) (there are other Context elements to look at) --------------------------------------------------------------------- install soap: just untar soap-bin-2.2.tar.gz in the comms/soap directory -------------------------------------------------------------- to run tomcat, need to source setup.bash in GSDL3HOME to set up $CP then cd to comms/tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1/bin run to shut down tomcat, run you can access the soap service though the web, at http://localhost:8080/soap (conf/server.xml is the place to change the port number if needed) Run the admin client can list, deploy, undeploy soap services ----------------------------------------------------------------- to deploy the SOAPServer for site2: edit the following fields in the deploy form: ID: org.greenstone.site2 Scope: any will do: Request - new instantiation for each request Session - same instantiation across a session Application - only uses one instantiation Methods: process Java Provider / Provider Class: org.greenstone.gsdl3.SOAPServer then click deploy. hopefully all will be well. --------------------------------------------------------- shoudl be able to run (from GSDL3HOME directory) java org.greenstone.gsdl3.Library2 . ./sites/site1 and have it talk via soap. (assuming you have tomcat running and have deployed org.greenstone.site2) -------------------------------------------------------- debugging soap: tomcat output goes to jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1/logs/catalina.out if you recompile the classes, you need to shutdown and restart tomcat to get the new classes. deployment info is retained between shutdown and start up - dont need to redeploy it each time. TcpTUnnelGui: this program allows you to view the actual soap messages run like: java 8070 localhost 8080 tomcat uses 8080, and you need to modify the greenstone stuff to talk to port 8070 instead of 8080: sites/site1 is the site that talks to the SOAPServer for site2 in site1/sitecfg.xml, in the address field, replace 8080 with 8070 when you want to use TcpTunnelGui. note that http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter is the address for talking to the tomcat soap thingy.