===== Terrier: Parallel Processing ===== Intended to be run on processor intensive collections containing Images and/or Videos (support available in the 'video-and-audio' extension). ==== Installation Instructions ==== 1. Link/Copy the new simple file indexer application into Terrier: cd /ext/parallel-building/opt/Terrier/ ln -s FileIndexer.java /src/core/org/terrier/applications/FileIndexer.java 2. Recompile Terrier: cd ant 3. Ensure Greenstone's "source setup.bash" has been run, and that parallel_terrier_fileindex.pl and mpiterrierfileindexer are on the path. 4. You can then parallel ingest a collection using a command like this: parallel_terrier_fileindexer.pl -workers -terrier -collection -batchsize [-debug] 5. Review your collection in the web interface to ensure it built correctly.