===== Image and Video support for Terrier ===== ==== Installation Instructions ==== 1. Copy the two document plugins into Terrier: cd /ext/video-and-audio/opt/Terrier/ cp *Document.java /src/core/org/terrier/indexing/ 2. Recompile: cd ant 3. Edit the configuration to include the new document plugins. Your usage may vary depending on what type of Terrier installation you are setting up, but I'll show the example of the configuration for a SimpleFileIndexer installation - available as part of the parallel-building extension: cd /etc/ emacs terrier.properties ################################################################### #SimpleFileCollection specific properties ################################################################### trec.collection.class=SimpleFileCollection ##use this to define parsers for know file extensions indexing.simplefilecollection.extensionsparsers=txt:FileDocument, pdf:PDFDocument, html:TaggedDocument,htm:TaggedDocument,xhtml:TaggedDocument,xml:TaggedDocument, jpg:ImageDocument, ts:VideoDocument 4. Overwrite the simple results JSP file in order to support images and video: cp /ext/video-and-audio/opt/Terrier/results.jsp /src/webapps/simple/results.jsp 5. Build your index including some JPG and TS files. 6. If you plan to use Terrier built in Jetty server, then you may need to replace the launching script - otherwise symlinked files won't work: cp /ext/video-and-audio/opt/Terrier/http_terrier.sh /bin/http_terrier.sh 7. Test the index in your preferred tool, and marvel at the beautiful image and video metadata (or thumbnails, if you are in a web interface)