README file for Greenstone 3's Solr extension CONTENTS OF THIS README - Acquiring and setting up the Solr extension - Importing and (re-)building a collection with the Solr extension - Running the Solr extension's Jetty server on its own - Some handy manual commands - Adding new Java classes into the Solr extension ACQUIRING AND SETTING UP THE SOLR EXTENSION 1. SVN checkout the solr extension's src folder into the top-level ext directory of a Greenstone 3 installation, under the name "solr": $gs3> cd ext $gs3> svn co solr 2. Next run the add-service ant target in the solr extension just checked out, which will set up solr (the del-service will undo this setup if ever required): $gs3/ext> cd solr $gs3/ext/solr> ant add-service 3. The solr-jdbm-demo collection is copied into localsite's collect folder as part of the install. 4. Edit a collection's etc/collectionConfig.xml, setting the search type to be solr. For instance, copy the (Lucene) Demo Collection of Greenstone 3 and rename it as Solr-JDBM-Demo. Next open etc/collectionConfig.xml in an editor and adjust the display name of the collection and then set the search type attribute to solr: Solr/JDBM demo (For this collection, references to dc.Title in the collectionConfig.xml may need to become or be preceded by references to dls.Title) 5. Run the GS3 tomcat server: $gs3> ant start IMPORTING AND (RE-)BUILDING A COLLECTION WITH SOLR 1. Set up the environment for Greenstone 3 first to have access to the build-scripts: $gs3> gs3-setup.bat / source 2a. For a full rebuild (without -removeold it defaults to -removeold anyway), with or without the Greenstone3 server already running, type the following commands in succession: $gs3> perl -S [-removeold] -site localsite $gs3> perl -S [-removeold] -site localsite $gs3> perl -S [-removeold] -site localsite OR: $gs3> perl -S [-removeold] -site localsite $gs3> perl -S [-removeold] -activate -site localsite OR: $gs3> perl -S -site localsite 2b. For an incremental rebuild, with or without the Greenstone3 server already running: $gs3> perl -S -site localsite $gs3> perl -S -site localsite $gs3> perl -S -incremental -site localsite 3. Preview the collection. If the Greenstone3 server wasn't already running, start it up first: $gs3> ant start RUNNING THE SOLR EXTENSION'S JETTY SERVER ON ITS OWN 1. Ensure the environment for Greenstone 3 is set up, if you haven't already done so: $gs3> gs3-setup.bat / source 2. Run the solr extension's jetty server in standalone mode: $gs3> perl -S start If no stopkey is provided, it will use "standalone-greenstone-solr" as the stopkey. 3. Visit the running Solr Admin page for an index of your solr collection, which tends to be run on port 8983: http://localhost:8983/solr/localsite--/admin E.g. http://localhost:8983/solr/localsite-solr-jdbm-demo-didx/admin http://localhost:8983/solr/localsite-solr-jdbm-demo-sidx/admin Search each index on the default search pattern (*:*) to see if documents have been properly indexed by solr. If that's the case, an XML listing the number of responses and some metadata for each should be returned. 4. To stop a running solr extension jetty server that has been run in standalone mode. Pass in the same stopkey if you provided any during start: $gs3> perl -S stop SOME HANDY MANUAL COMMANDS The commands expressed below are for Linux, adjust them for Windows 1. Manually running the solr extension's jetty server: $gs3/ext/solr> java -Dsolr.solr.home=`pwd` -jar lib/java/solr-jetty-server.jar 2. Manually getting this running solr server to index a greenstone collection's documents: $gs3/ext/solr> java -Dsolr.solr.home=`pwd` -Durl=http://localhost:8983/solr/localsite-solr-jdbm-demo-didx/update -jar lib/java/solr-post.jar The above posts the solr-jdbm-demo collection's didx (document-level) index folder contents to Solr to be ingested. ADDING NEW JAVA CLASSES INTO THE SOLR EXTENSION 1. Create the Java classes and place them into their package within the ext/solr/src/java location. They can then be compiled by running 'ant compile' in the ext/solr folder.