This account of Mary's famous speech rallying her subjects was recorded by John Foxe in The Actes and Monuments of these latter and perillous dayes.

The first year of Mary's reign witnessed a Protestant rebellion led by Sir Thomas Wyatt.  The uprising was sparked by her impending marriage to Philip II of Spain.

'I am your Queen, to whom at my coronation, when I was wedded to the realm and laws of the same (the spousal ring whereof I have on my finger, which never hitherto was, not hereafter shall be, left off), you promised your allegiance and obedience to me....  And I say to you, on the word of a Prince, I cannot tell how naturally the mother loveth the child, for I was never the mother of any; but certainly, if a Prince and Governor may as naturally and earnestly love her subjects as the mother doth love the child, then assure yourselves that I, being your lady and mistress, do as earnestly and tenderly love and favour you.  And I, thus loving you, cannot but think that ye as heartily and faithfully love me; and then I doubt not but we shall give these rebels a short and speedy overthrow'.


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