Preliminaries: You will need to have installed: 1. SVN 2. Ant 3. JDK 1.8 for Expeditee (4. For the Windows release-kits, you will further need Microsoft Visual Studio.) A. One-off steps 1. Check out the expeditee release kits: svn co 2. Create a snapshots\expeditee folder 3. Create the file "snapshots\expeditee\". It should contain: version:1 projectname:Expeditee For 64 bit linux it should contain: version:1 projectname:Expeditee x64:true* B. Each time you want to run the release-kit: Set the environment: 1. Add SVN\bin to the PATH 2. Set ANT_HOME and add ANT_HOME\bin to the PATH 3. Set JAVA_HOME to JDK 1.8 and add JAVA_HOME\bin to the PATH 4. If you're on Windows, run the vcvars.bat file of your Microsoft Visual Studio. My windows compile environment batch file looks like: set ANT_HOME=C:\Research\apache-ant-1.8.2 set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0 PATH=C:\Research\ant\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;c:\Program Files\Subversion\bin;%PATH% call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Bin\SetEnv.cmd" call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat" (Microsoft SDK is necessary for the windows.h header I think. It may not be needed for the Expeditee release kits.) 5. Add your expeditee-release-kits\bin to the PATH. E.g. on Windows cd c:\Research\Nightly\tools\expeditee-release-kits\bin set PATH=%CD%;%PATH% E.g. on Linux/Mac: export PATH=/Volumes/Research/jts21/expeditee-release-kits/bin:$PATH Toro is the Mac we use and JDK1.8 is located in /Volumes/Research Jeremy's Linux under his jts21 account is what's used to generate the Linux binary. (6. If you have any file-locking issues, you may want to delete the contents of the snapshots\expeditee folder, all EXCEPT the file) 6. Go to your snapshots\expeditee folder and run "rke": cd snapshots\expeditee rke