Preliminaries: You will need to have installed: 1. SVN 2. Ant 3. JDK 1.8 for Expeditee (4. For the Windows release-kits, you will further need Microsoft Visual Studio.) A. One-off steps 1. Check out the expeditee release kits: svn co 2. Create a snapshots\expeditee folder 3. Create the file "snapshots\expeditee\". It should contain: version:1 projectname:Expeditee For 64 bit linux it should contain: version:1 projectname:Expeditee x64:true Other versions of this Readme contained variations on some of these properties: - version:v1.0 - x64:true* B. Each time you want to run the release-kit: (MANUAL STEPS. A script that automates these steps follows in C) Set the environment: 1. Add SVN\bin to the PATH 2. Set ANT_HOME and add ANT_HOME\bin to the PATH 3. Set JAVA_HOME to JDK 1.8 and add JAVA_HOME\bin to the PATH 4. If you're on Windows, run the vcvars.bat file of your Microsoft Visual Studio. My windows compile environment batch file looks like: set ANT_HOME=C:\Research\apache-ant-1.8.2 set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0 set PATH=C:\Research\ant\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;c:\Program Files\Subversion\bin;%PATH% call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Bin\SetEnv.cmd" call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat" (Microsoft SDK is necessary for the windows.h header I think. It may not be needed for the Expeditee release kits.) 5. Add your expeditee-release-kits\bin to the PATH. E.g. on Windows cd c:\Research\Nightly\tools\expeditee-release-kits\bin set PATH=%CD%;%PATH% E.g. on Linux/Mac: export PATH=/Volumes/Research/jts21/expeditee-release-kits/bin:$PATH Toro is the Mac we use and JDK1.8 is located in /Volumes/Research Jeremy's Linux under his jts21 account is what's used to generate the Linux binary. (6. If you have any file-locking issues, you may want to delete the contents of the snapshots\expeditee folder, all EXCEPT the file) 6. Go to your snapshots\expeditee folder and run "rke": cd snapshots\expeditee rke C. Automated binary generation The script expeditee-release-kits\create-expeditee.bat now does all the above steps. To use it, 1. First create a custom version of at the same level (as "expeditee-release-kits\rke-setup.bat") and adjust its environment variable paths 2. Put create-expeditee.bat into C:\Research\Nightly. Check that the file paths it refers to are correct. 3. Run create-expeditee.bat D. Compile up custom ant taskdefs that the release kit relies on, if you ever update the ant task definitions or the ant installer code. You will need to recompile them before running the release-kit. pushd shared\core\ant-tasks\greenstone ant popd pushd shared\core\ant-installer ant popd