' This file is a port to VBScript from VB of the files pptextract.exe, pptextract.frm ' (and pptextract.vbp, pptextract.vbw), which have been removed after revision 30571. ' It was hard to upgrade the VB pptextract.frm form script in Visual Studio ' to the current Visual Basic, and some packages it needed wouldn't install, ' making it hard to compile up. ' As this VBScript doesn't need to be compiled up, it may be easier to maintain. ' For differences between VBScript and VB, see ' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms970436.aspx ' http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/asp/vbs-ref/article.php/3458611/Key-Differences-Between-VB-and-VB-Script.htm ' (Note that VBScript does support reading and writing to files) 'Option Explicit 'Imports PowerPoint = Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint ' Run as: CScript //Nologo