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_imagelogo_ _textgreenstone1_(http://greenstone.org/download)








_textdocuments_(http://wiki.greenstone.org, http://wiki.greenstone.org/doku.php?id=en:tutorials)




_textpoem_ _imagetoki_
_textgreenstone_ _texttoki_ _nzdlpagefooter_
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Kia papapounamu te moana

kia hora te marino,
kia tere te karohirohi,
kia papapounamu te moana

may peace and calmness surround you,
may you reside in the warmth of a summer's haze,
may the ocean of your travels be as smooth as the polished greenstone. } _texttoki_ {

Toki Pou Hinengaro

'The adze that shapes the excellence of thought'



Haramai te toki, haumi e, hui e, tāiki e! } _contributorlist_ {

} _inspirationlist_ {} _gnupackagelist_ {}