package depositor _imagethispage_ {The Depositor} _httpjavascript_ {_httpprefix_/web/script} _httpchecksum_ {/greenstone/cgi-bin/} # _pagescriptextra_ will be set to the appropriate _***scriptextra_ # macro from within the server _pagescriptextra_ {} _pagescriptfileextra_ { } _cssfilelinkextra_ { } _collectionspecificstyle_{} _Ximagecollection_ {Greenstone
} _httptmp_ {_httpprefix_/tmp} _httpdspacehelp_{_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&a=p&p=dspacehelp} ####################################################################### # steps _numsteps_ {6} _textstep1_ {Describe-1} _textstep2_ {Describe-2} _textstep3_ {Upload-1} _textstep4_ {Upload-2} _textstep5_ {Verify} _textstep6_ {License} _laststep_ {bild} _textlaststep_ {_textbild_} _textaddmore_ {Add More} _textnext_ {Next} _textprev_ {Previous} _textauthor_ {Author} _texttitle_ {Title} _textseriesrep_ {Series/Report No.} _textidentifiers_ {Identifiers} _textsubject_ {Subject Keywords} _textabstract_ {Abstract} _textsponsors_ {Sponsors} _textdescription_ {Description} _textlicense_ { You are free: * to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work Under the following conditions: * by Attribution -- you must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. * Noncommercial -- you may not use this work for commercial purposes. * Derivative Works -- You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work without permission from the author or licensor For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above. This is a human-readable summary of the Legal Code (the full license), which is available at: } _di1ds.Title_ {_If_("_:cgiargdi1ds.Title_" eq "_cgiargdi1ds.Title_",_cgiargdi1ds.Title_,)} _di1ds.Type_ {_If_("_:cgiargdi1ds.Type_" eq "_cgiargdi1ds.Type_",_cgiargdi1ds.Type_,)} _di1ds.Language_ {_If_("_:cgiargdi1ds.Language_" eq "_cgiargdi1ds.Language_",_cgiargdi1ds.Language_,)} _di1ds.Abstract_ {_If_("_:cgiargdi1ds.Abstract_" eq "_cgiargdi1ds.Abstract_",_cgiargdi1ds.Abstract_,)} _di1ds.Sponsorship_ {_If_("_:cgiargdi1ds.Sponsorship_" eq "_cgiargdi1ds.Sponsorship_",_cgiargdi1ds.Sponsorship_,)} _di1ds.Description_ {_If_("_:cgiargdi1ds.Description_" eq "_cgiargdi1ds.Description_",_cgiargdi1ds.Description_,)} _di1authornum_ {_If_("_:cgiargdi1authornum_" eq "_cgiargdi1authornum_",_cgiargdi1authornum_,)} _di1authorsplit_ {_If_("_:cgiargdi1authorsplit_" eq "_cgiargdi1authorsplit_",_cgiargdi1authorsplit_,)} _di1authorarray_ {_If_("_:cgiargdi1authorarray_" eq "_cgiargdi1authorarray_",_cgiargdi1authorarray_,)} _di1seriesrepnum_ {_If_("_:cgiargdi1seriesrepnum_" eq "_cgiargdi1seriesrepnum_",_cgiargdi1seriesrepnum_,)} _di1seriesrepsplit_ {_If_("_:cgiargdi1seriesrepsplit_" eq "_cgiargdi1seriesrepsplit_",_cgiargdi1seriesrepsplit_,)} _di1seriesreparray_ {_If_("_:cgiargdi1seriesreparray_" eq "_cgiargdi1seriesreparray_",_cgiargdi1seriesreparray_,)} _di1identifiernum_ {_If_("_:cgiargdi1identifiernum_" eq "_cgiargdi1identifiernum_",_cgiargdi1identifiernum_,)} _di1identifiersplit_ {_If_("_:cgiargdi1identifiersplit_" eq "_cgiargdi1identifiersplit_",_cgiargdi1identifiersplit_,)} _di1identifierarray_ {_If_("_:cgiargdi1identifierarray_" eq "_cgiargdi1identifierarray_",_cgiargdi1identifierarray_,)} _di1subjectnum_ {_If_("_:cgiargdi1subjectnum_" eq "_cgiargdi1subjectnum_",_cgiargdi1subjectnum_,)} _di1subjectsplit_ {_If_("_:cgiargdi1subjectsplit_" eq "_cgiargdi1subjectsplit_",_cgiargdi1subjectsplit_,)} _di1subjectarray_ {_If_("_:cgiargdi1subjectarray_" eq "_cgiargdi1subjectarray_",_cgiargdi1subjectarray_,)} _wizardscript_ { function dspacehelp(anchor) \{ //alert("help = " + "_httpdspacehelp_"); var popupwin ='_httpdspacehelp_#'+anchor,'dspacepopup','height=600,width=550,resizable,scrollbars'); if (window.focus) \{ popupwin.focus(); \} \} var addmore = new Array(); function wizmore(label, fieldid, num, split, width, strcallbacks) \{ var callbacks = new Array(); for (i=0; i= num) \{ // revisiting page, use form recorded number addmore.push(fieldid); num = startnum; startnum = 0; \} fieldnum.value = num; var fieldsplit = get\_fieldid(fieldid,"split"); fieldsplit.value = split; for (i=0; i"); newstr = newstr.replace(/\\%3C/g,"<"); // the comma was already being decoded for dspace's deposit dm file newstr = newstr.replace(/\\%2C/g,","); return eval(newstr); \} function prevval(fieldid,row,split) \{ var val = ''; var prevarray = get\_fieldid(fieldid,"array"); if (prevarray.value) \{ var prevvalarray = comma\_and\_special_chars\_decode(prevarray.value); var fieldnum = get\_fieldid(fieldid,"num"); var fieldsplit = get\_fieldid(fieldid,"split"); var num\_split = fieldsplit.value; var pos = row*num\_split + split; if (pos'); \} \} function present\_general(array,num,split,combinefn) \{ if (num == "") \{ alert("Not multiple type"); document.write('None'); \} else \{ var combarray = combinefn(array,num,split); if (combarray.length==0) \{ document.write('None'); \} else \{ present\_combine(combarray); \} \} \} function check\_submit (gotopage) \{ for (var i in addmore) \{ var fid = addmore[i]; var fieldnum = get\_fieldid(fid,"num"); var num = fieldnum.value; var fieldsplit = get\_fieldid(fid,"split"); var split = fieldsplit.value; var arraystr = "new Array("; for (var n=0; n0) || (s>0)) \{ arraystr += ", "; \} arraystr += "'" + fidns.value + "'"; \} \} arraystr += ")"; var fieldarray = get\_fieldid(fid,"array"); fieldarray.value = arraystr; var arrayval = fieldarray.value; \} var form = document.depositorform; form.p.value = gotopage; form.submit(); \} function hidden\_field(label,val) \{ var form = document.getElementById("depositorform"); if (val != "") \{ var inputel = document.createElement("input"); inputel.setAttribute("type","hidden"); inputel.setAttribute("name","di1md." + label); inputel.setAttribute("value", val); form.appendChild(inputel); \} \} function hidden\_multifield(label,valarray) \{ var form = document.getElementById("depositorform"); for (var i=0; i} _iconcross_ [v=1] {no} _icontick_ {} _icontick_ [v=1] {yes} _iconblank_ {} _iconblank_ [v=1] {} _imagemore_ {_textmore_} _imagemore_ [v=1] {_textmore_} _icongreyarrow_ {} _icongreyuparrow_ {} _iconstop_ {} ####################################################################### # http macros #_httpstep1_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&p=step1} #_httpstep2_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&p=step2} _httpinfo_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&p=info} _httpsrce_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&p=srce} _httpconf_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&p=conf} _httpbild_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&p=bild} _httpview_ {_gwcgi_?a=p&p=about&c=_cgiargdi1dirnameUrlsafe_} _httpdel_ {javascript:do\_delete();} _httpexpt_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&p=expt} ####################################################################### # select // this really should be intro ####################################################################### # _fullnamemenu_ has previous collection selected. Since there is no button # on this page to proceed, we reset the drop down box to have no collection # selected. _selectheader_ {_cgihead_ _htmlhead_(class="bgimage" onLoad="initialize();")_startspacer_ } _selectscriptextra_ { function initialize() \{ document.depositorform.di1dirname.value = ""; \} function check\_submit (gotopage) \{ var form = document.depositorform; form.p.value = gotopage; // if 'dirname' given, then link to cgiarg c so collection specific macros work if (form.di1dirname) \{ form.c.value = form.di1dirname.value; \} form.submit(); \} function menuchange() \{ _buildtypearray_ var form = document.depositorform; if (form.di1dirname.value == "") \{ alert("Please choose a collection first"); \} else \{ var pos = form.di1dirname.selectedIndex; var bt = buildtype[pos]; if (bt=="") \{ bt = "mg"; \} form.di1buildtype.value = bt; check\_submit('step1'); \} \} } _selectcontent_ {





} ####################################################################### # step0 ####################################################################### _step0scriptextra_ { _wizardscript_ } _step0content_ {

Submit: Select collection

Please select the collection you wish to submit a document to.  Through the following sequence of pages, you will be asked to describe your document (Title, Author, and so forth), select the document in question, and then verify the details entered and whether to attach a license or not.

In the event the document you plan to submit consists of multiple files, please first archive them together with a software tool that is convenient to your computer platform (such as zip or tar).


} ####################################################################### # step1 ####################################################################### _step1scriptextra_ { function idmenu(fieldid,row,split,width) \{ var selectel = document.createElement('select'); var nameval = "di1" + fieldid + '_' + row + '_' + split; selectel.setAttribute('name',nameval); selectel.setAttribute('id',nameval); var val = prevval(fieldid,row,split); var issnopt = document.createElement('option'); issnopt.setAttribute('value','issn'); if (val == 'issn') \{ issnopt.setAttribute('selected','selected'); \} var issntext = document.createTextNode('ISSN'); issnopt.appendChild(issntext); selectel.appendChild(issnopt); var otheropt = document.createElement('option'); otheropt.setAttribute('value','other'); if (val == 'other') \{ otheropt.setAttribute('selected','selected'); \} var othertext = document.createTextNode('Other'); otheropt.appendChild(othertext); selectel.appendChild(otheropt); var ismnopt = document.createElement('option'); ismnopt.setAttribute('value','ismn'); if (val == 'ismn') \{ ismnopt.setAttribute('selected','selected'); \} var ismntext = document.createTextNode('ISMN'); ismnopt.appendChild(ismntext); selectel.appendChild(ismnopt); var govdocopt = document.createElement('option'); govdocopt.setAttribute('value','govdoc'); if (val == 'govdoc') \{ govdocopt.setAttribute('selected','selected'); \} var govdoctext = document.createTextNode('Gov\\'t Doc \#'); govdocopt.appendChild(govdoctext); selectel.appendChild(govdocopt); var uriopt = document.createElement('option'); uriopt.setAttribute('value','uri'); if (val == 'uri') \{ uriopt.setAttribute('selected','selected'); \} var uritext = document.createTextNode('URI'); uriopt.appendChild(uritext); selectel.appendChild(uriopt); var isbnopt = document.createElement('option'); isbnopt.setAttribute('value','isbn'); if (val == 'isbn') \{ isbnopt.setAttribute('selected','selected'); \} var isbntext = document.createTextNode('ISBN'); isbnopt.appendChild(isbntext); selectel.appendChild(isbnopt); return selectel; \} _wizardscript_ } _step1content_ {

Submit: Describe Your Item

Please fill in the requested information about your submission below. In most browsers, you can use the tab key to move the cursor to the next input box or button, to save you having to use the mouse each time.

Enter the names of the authors of this item below.
  Last name
e.g. Smith
First name(s) + "Jr"
e.g. Donald Jr
Enter the main title of the item.
Enter the series and number assigned to this item by your community.
  Series Name Report or Paper No.  
If the item has any identification numbers or codes associated with it, please enter the types and the actual numbers or codes below.
Select the type(s) of content you are submitting. To select more than one value in the list, you may have to hold down the "CTRL" or "Shift" key.
Select the language of the main content of the item. If the language does not appear in the list below, please select "Other". If the content does not really have a language (for example, if it is a dataset or an image) please select "N/A".


} ####################################################################### # step2 ####################################################################### _step2scriptextra_ { _wizardscript_ } _step2content_ {

Submit: Describe Your Item

Please fill further information about your submission below.

Enter appropriate subject keywords or phrases below.
Enter the abstract of the item below.
Enter the names of any sponsors and/or funding codes in the box below.
Enter any other description or comments in this box.


} ####################################################################### # step3 ####################################################################### _step3scriptextra_ { _wizardscript_ } _step3content_ {

Submit: Upload a File

Please enter the name of the file on your local hard drive corresponding to your item. If you click "Browse...", a new window will appear in which you can locate and select the file on your local hard drive.

Netscape users please note: By default, the window brought up by clicking "Browse..." will only display files of type HTML. If the file you are uploading isn't an HTML file, you will need to select the option to display files of other types.

Document File:


} ####################################################################### # step4 ####################################################################### _step4scriptextra_ { _wizardscript_ _externalscript_ function add\_checksum(filename) \{ loadUrl("_httpchecksum_?filename="+filename,"pane1"); //setTimeout('override\_search\_action()',1000); \} } _step4content_ {

Submit: File Uploaded Successfully

Your file was successfully uploaded.

Here are the details of the file you have uploaded. Please check the details before going to the next step.

File Size File Format Checksum
_di1userfile_ _di1userfilesize_ bytes calculate ...

You can verify that the file has been uploaded correctly by:

  • Clicking on the filename above. This will download the file in a new browser window, so that you can check the contents.
  • The system can calculate a checksum you can verify.

} ####################################################################### # step5 ####################################################################### _step5scriptextra_ { _wizardscript_ } _step5content_ {

Submit: Verify Submission

Not quite there yet, but nearly!

Please spend a few minutes to examine what you've just submitted below. If anything is wrong, please go back and correct it by using the buttons next to the error, or by clicking on the progress bar at the top of the page.

If everything is OK, please click the "Next" button at the bottom of the page.

You can safely check the files you've uploaded - a new window will be opened to display them.

_texttitle_: _If_(_di1ds.Title_,_di1ds.Title_,None)
Type: _If_(_di1ds.Type_,_di1ds.Type_,None)
Language: _If_(_di1ds.Language_,_di1ds.Language_,None)
_textabstract_: _If_(_di1ds.Abstract_,_di1ds.Abstract_,None)
_textsponsors_: _If_(_di1ds.Sponsorship_,_di1ds.Sponsorship_,None)
_textdescription_: _If_(_di1ds.Description_,_di1ds.Description_,None)
Uploaded File: _di1userfile_ - HTML (Known)


} ####################################################################### # step6 ####################################################################### _step6scriptextra_ { _wizardscript_ } _step6content_ {

Submit: Grant DSpace Distribution License

There is one last step: In order for Greenstone to reproduce, translate and distribute your submission worldwide, your agreement to the following terms is necessary. Please take a moment to read the terms of this license, and click on one of the buttons at the bottom of the page. By clicking on the "Grant License" button, you indicate that you grant the following terms of the license.

Not granting the license will not delete your submission. Your item will remain in your "My DSpace" page. You can then either remove the submission from the system, or agree to the license later once any queries you might have are resolved.


} ####################################################################### # step7 ####################################################################### _step7scriptextra_ { _wizardscript_ } _step7content_ {

Submit: Submission Complete!

Your submission will now go through the workflow process designated for the collection to which you are submitting. You will receive e-mail notification as soon as your submission has become a part of the collection, or if for some reason there is a problem with your submission. You can also check on the status of your submission by going to the My DSpace page.

Go to My DSpace


} ####################################################################### # bild (main frameset for build page) ####################################################################### _bildcontent_ {
<body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <p>You must have a frame enabled browser to obtain feedback on how the building process is progressing. The collection <i>will</i> continue to build as normal however.</p> <table> <tr valign=center><td> To stop the building process at any time, click here. <br>The collection you are working on will remain intact. </td> <td><input type="submit" value="stop building"></td> </table> </body> } ####################################################################### # bildframe1 ####################################################################### # header overridden to allow base target to be set _bildframe1header_ {_cgihead_ _pagetitle_ _globalscripts_ _cssheader_ _startspacer__pagebanner_ } _bildframe1header_[v=1] {_cgihead_ _pagetitle_ _globalscripts_ _pagebanner_ } _bildframe1scriptextra_ {} _bildframe1content_ {






} ####################################################################### # bildcancel ####################################################################### _bildcancelscriptextra_ { function check\_submit (gotopage) \{ var form = document.depositorform; form.p.value = gotopage; form.submit(); \} } _bildcancelcontent_ {




} ####################################################################### # bildstatus ####################################################################### # special header for status page _bildstatusheader_ {_cgihead_ _htmlhead_(class="bgimage" onLoad="initialize();")_startspacer_ } _bildstatusheader_[v=1] {_cgihead_ _htmlhead_(onLoad="initialize();") } _bildstatusscriptextra_ { var timer = 5; function initialize() \{ setTimeout("count_down()",1000); \} function count_down() \{ if (timer==0) \{ window.status = ""; document.depositorform.submit(); \} else \{ if (timer==1) \{ window.status = "_textbsupdate1_"; \} else \{ window.status = "_textbsupdate2_ "+timer+" _textseconds_"; \} timer--; setTimeout("count_down()",1000); \} \} } _bildstatuscontent_ {
} ####################################################################### # bilddone ####################################################################### _bilddoneheader_ {_cgihead_ _htmlhead_(class="bgimage")_startspacer_ } _bilddonescriptextra_ { function check\_submit (gotopage) \{ var form = document.depositorform; form.p.value = gotopage; form.submit(); \} } _bilddonecontent_ {



} ####################################################################### # bildfail ####################################################################### _bildfailheader_ {_cgihead_ _htmlhead_(class="bgimage")_startspacer_ } _bildfailscriptextra_ { function check\_submit (gotopage) \{ var form = document.depositorform; form.p.value = gotopage; form.submit(); \} } _bildfailcontent_ {
} # _textfailmsg_ will be set to one of the following macros from within # the server _textfailmsg1_ { _textfailmsg11_

} _textfailmsg6_ {_textfailmsg1_} _textfailmsg2_ { _textfailmsg21_



_texttryagain_ } _textfailmsg3_ { _textfailmsg31_



_texttryagain_ } _textfailmsg4_ { _textfailmsg41_


_faillog_ } _textfailmsg5_ {_textfailmsg4_} _textfailmsg7_ { _textfailmsg71_

_texttryagain_ } ####################################################################### # Error and message pages ####################################################################### _messagehead_ {

} _messagefoot_ {


} _messagefootnolink_ {
} #_delpermissioncontent_ { #_messagehead_ #

#_textdelperm_ #_messagefoot_ #} #_delinvalidcontent_ { #_messagehead_ #

#_textdelinv_ #_messagefoot_ #} #_delsuccesscontent_ { #_messagehead_ #

#_textdelsuc_ #_messagefoot_ #} #_clonefailcontent_ { #_messagehead_ # #

_textclonefail_ #_messagefoot_ #} _genericcontent_ { _messagehead_

_textcolerr_ _messagefoot_ } _tmpfailcontent_ { _messagehead_

_texttmpfail_ _messagefoot_ } #_mkcolfailcontent_ { #_messagehead_ #

_textmkcolfail_ #_messagefoot_ #} _nocollectioncontent_ { _messagehead_


_messagefootnolink_ } #_reloaderrorcontent_ { #_messagehead_ #

_textreloaderror_ #
_textrestart_ #

#_messagefootnolink_ #} _exptscriptextra_ {} #_exptsuccesscontent_ { #_messagehead_ # #

_textexptsuc_ #_messagefoot_ #} #_exptfailcontent_ { #_messagehead_ # #_textexptfail_ #_messagefoot_ #} ####################################################################### # depositonly ####################################################################### _depositonlyscriptextra_ {} _depositonlycontent_ {

Thanks for using the Depositor! Cick here to return to the Greenstone home page.



_textfilename_: _di1userfile_

_textfilesize_: _di1userfilesize_

} ################################################### ## text macros that are defined by another package ################################################### _textbsupdate1_ {_wizard:textbsupdate1_} _textbsupdate2_ {_wizard:textbsupdate2_} _textseconds_ {_wizard:textseconds_} _textbildsuc_ {_wizard:textbildsuc_} _textviewbildsummary_ {_wizard:textviewbildsummary_} _textview_ {_wizard:textview_} _textbild1_ {_wizard:textbild1_} _textbild2_ {_wizard:textbild2_} _textstopbuild_ {_wizard:textstopbuild_} _textbild3_ {_wizard:textbild3_} _textbuildcancelled_ {_wizard:textbuildcancelled_} _textbildcancel1_ {_wizard:textbildcancel1_} _textfailmsg11_ {_wizard:textfailmsg11_} _textfailmsg21_ {_wizard:textfailmsg21_} _textblcont_ {_wizard:textblcont_} _textfailmsg31_ {_wizard:textfailmsg31_} _textfailmsg41_ {_wizard:textfailmsg41_} _textfailmsg71_ {_wizard:textfailmsg71_}