$Date: 1999-10-19 03:17:57 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 1999) $ This is a list over things that we plan to implement in libwww-perl-5. The order of items does not reflect priority. o HTTP/1.1 support is on its way. This also includes support of multiple parallel connections. Take a look at LWPng (aka libwww-perl-6). o Provide initial credentials so that we don't always have to get a 401 response first. Both for Basic and Digest authentication. This is in fact implemented for LWPng. o HTTP::Request::Common::POST() should be able to create large file upload requests by making a closure content. o Support PICS?? o Cache previous ftp connections. "Keep-Alive"? o Support MOVE, DELETE method for ftp. o Support If-Modified-Since for ftp. o Use Mail::Send to implement LWP::Protocol::mailto. Today we just invoke sendmail directly, which is not very portable. o The lwp-request -o processing should check for Content-Encoding as well as Content-Type. o The lwp-request script should optionally consult Mail::Cap for handling of media types. o The lwp-request script should use the callback interface so that it prints data as it is received. o The lwp-mirror script should be able to work recursively. o Include more useful programs o More documentation o More tests o Fix bugs, if there are any...