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The navigation bar is persistent across all pages in the collection. ####################### # query page ######################## query=Search query.nodocsmatch=No {0-level-plural} match the query. query.onedocsmatch=One {0-level-single} matches the query. query.manydocsmatch={0-numdocs} {1-level-plural} match the query. query.atleastdocsmatch=At least {0-numdocs} {1-level-plural} match the query. query.docsreturned={0-numdocs} {1-level-plural} returned. query.termoccurs.0='{0-term}' occurs 0 times query.termoccurs.1='{0-term}' occurs 1 time query.termoccurs.x='{0-term}' occurs {1-termfreq} times query.termoccurs.x.1='{0-term}' occurs {1-termfreq} times in 1 {3-level-single} query.termoccurs.x.x='{0-term}' occurs {1-termfreq} times in {2-numdocs} {3-level-plural} query.document=document query.document_plural=documents query.section=section query.section_plural=sections # eg Displaying 1 to 20 of 42 sections/documents query.displayingnumdocs=Displaying {0-startnum} to {1-endnum} of {2-totalnum} {3-level-plural} query.common=The following terms are too common and have been excluded from the search: query.results.next=Next query.results.previous=Previous query.facet.less=See less... query.facet.more=See more... ################## # prefs page ################## pref.searchpref=Search preferences pref.prespref=Presentation preferences pref.interfacelang=Interface language: pref.encoding=Encoding: pref.hitsperpage=Number of hits per page: pref.maxDocs=Maximum documents to return: pref.all=all pref.set_prefs=Set preferences pref.set_prefs_help=Click 'Set preferences' if you want to save your changes. pref.berrybasket=Berry basket: pref.documentbasket=Document basket: pref.on=on pref.off=off pref.book=Book viewer mode: pref.formatedit=Format edit mode: pref.theme=Visual theme: pref.switch_theme=Switch Theme pref.theme_default=Greenstone Default pref.theme_custom1=Greenstone Custom 1 pref.theme_custom2=Greenstone Custom 2 ################## # document page ################## doc.loading=loading doc.filter_pages=Filter pages doc.filter.pagenum=pagenum doc.filter.title=title doc.highlightTooltip=Enable or disable search term highlighting doc.realisticBooksTooltip=Enable or disable the realistic books view doc.zoomTooltip=Enable or disable zooming images in the standard view doc.slideshowTooltip=View a slideshow of the images doc.floatingTooltip=Fix the table of contents to the right side of the screen doc.expand_doc=Expand document doc.collapse_doc=Collapse document doc.document=Document doc.back_to_top=back to top doc.default_view=Default view doc.image_view=Image view doc.text_view=Text view doc.map_nearby_docs=Show documents near here doc.nearby_doc_tooltip=Hover to center the map on this document; Click to go to the document. maps.scrolllabel=Scroll through places external.title=External Link external.text=The link you have selected is external to any of your currently selected collections. If you still wish to view this link and your browser has access to the Web, you can {0-go-forward-link} to this page; otherwise use your browsers 'back' button to return to the previous document. external.go_forward=go forward ######################################################### # User Comments section (available on a document page) # ######################################################### usercomments.username=User name usercomments.add=Add Comment usercomments.submit=Submit Comment usercomments.submitted=Comment Submitted usercomments.isempty=Comment was empty. usercomments.heading=Comments ##################### # Document Editing # ##################### de.error=Editing unavailable... de.error_unavailable=Document editing is unavailable at this time. Maybe the archives folder is not present. de.error_wrong_group=You are not a member of the right group to have edit permission for this collection. de.error_contact_admin=Please contact your library administrator ({0}). de.rebuilding_collection=rebuilding collection de.no_changes=No changes detected de.save=Save changes de.rebuild=Rebuild de.saverebuild=Save and Rebuild de.extract_pages=Extract these pages to a document de.visible_metadata=Visible metadata: de.all_metadata=All de.add_new_metadata=Add new metadata de.add_all_metadata=Add all de.no_meta_name_given=No value given for new metadata name de.edit_metadata=Edit metadata de.edit_map_gps=Edit map GPS de.hide_metadata=Hide metadata de.hide_map_gps=Hide map GPS de.remove=remove de.edit_content=Edit content de.hide_editor=Hide Editor de.save_changes=Save changes de.saving=Saving de.enter_meta_name=Enter a metadata name, then click 'Add New Metadata' de.enter_meta_dropdown=Enter a metadata name, or use the down arrow to select one, then click 'Add New Metadata' de.top_level_menu=Top level menu ################## # authentication page ################## authen.username=Username authen.page_not_found=Page not found authen.submit=Submit authen.error_failed_to_add=Error: Failed to add user authen.user_added_success=User added successfully authen.status=Status authen.password=Password authen.account_status=Account status authen.enabled=enabled authen.disabled=disabled authen.groups=Groups authen.add_group=Add Group authen.comment=Comment authen.email=Email address authen.add_a_new_user_title=Add a New User authen.old_password=Old password authen.new_password=New password authen.retype_password=Retype password authen.edit_user_information=Edit User Information authen.list_of_current_users_title=List of current users authen.delete_warning=Are you sure you want to delete user authen.edit=Edit authen.delete=Delete authen.authentication=Administration Page authen.add_a_new_user=Add a New User authen.register=Register authen.account_settings=Account Settings authen.change_password=Change Password authen.reset_password=Reset Password authen.register_as_new=Register as a new user authen.group_desc=Groups is a comma-separated list of group names. Type in a group name, or choose one from the list and click 'Add Group'. authen.admin_desc='Administrator' gives access to user management authen.all_coll_edit_desc='all-collections-editor' allows editing of all collections authen.pers_coll_edit_desc='personal-collections-editor' allows editing of all collections created by the user in GLI authen.single_coll_edit_desc='COLLNAME-collection-editor' allows editing of the specified collection (replace COLLNAME with the collection identifier) ################## # RSS page # ################### rss.page_title=RSS Feed ############## # Basket common strings #################### basket.expand=Expand basket.collapse=Collapse basket.clear=Clear basket ################### # Document basket # ################### db.doc_basket=Document Basket db.access_denied=Access Denied db.no_collection_building=You cannot use this feature of Greenstone as you do not have collection building enabled ################### # Human Verification Page ####################### verify.title=Verification verify.terms_title=Terms and Conditions verify.terms_content=Terms And Conditions
To customise these terms and conditions, either edit verify.terms_content in web/WEB-INF/classes/interface_default.properties (for the whole library) or create interface_custom.properties in web/sites/localsite/collect/collname/resources folder, and add verify.terms_content=custom terms. verify.terms_accept=I accept the terms and conditions ################### # Error Page ################### error.title=Oops! Something went wrong. error.recap_fail=Recaptcha Failed. error.wrong_group=You are not in the right group to view this document. ##################### # Berry Baskets # ##################### berry.title=Berry Basket berry.full_view=Full View berry.text_view=Text View berry.email_view=Email berry.help=Drag & drop berries here to add documents to your Berry Basket berry.full=Full View » berry.to=To: berry.cc=CC: berry.bcc=BCC: berry.subject=Subject: berry.send=Send berry.url_only=URL only view berry.url_and_metadata=URL and Metadata view berry.empty_basket=Your berry basket is empty berry.doc_name=ID berry.doc_title=title berry.doc_collection=collection berry.doc_date=date berry.doc_root_title=main title berry.send_success=Sending mail succeeded berry.send_fail=Sending mail failed berry.invalid_to_address_empty=The To address field cannot be empty. berry.invalid_to_address=The To address field must contain an email address. berry.invalid_msg_body_empty=The message body text field cannot be empty. ################################## # About Greenstone page ################################## gsdl.title=About Greenstone gsdl.brief=About the Greenstone software gsdl.main=Greenstone is a suite of software which has the ability to serve digital library collections and build new collections. It provides a versatile way of organizing information and publishing it on the web or on removable media such as DVD or USB thumb drive. Greenstone is produced by the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the University of Waikato, and distributed in cooperation with UNESCO and the Human Info NGO. It is open-source software, available from {0-link} under the terms of the GNU General Public License. gsdl.technical=Technical gsdl.technical_desc=See the greenstone factsheet for technical details such as versions, platform support and interoperability. There are two major versions of the software: the original Greenstone 2, and Greenstone 3 which is a complete redesign and reimplementation. Greenstone 3 is under active development, and is recommended for download. This page is part of a Greenstone 3 installation. gsdl.customisation=Customisation gsdl.customisation_desc=Greenstone is specifically designed to be highly extensible and customisable. New document and metadata formats are accommodated by writing "plugins" (in Perl). Analogously, new metadata browsing structures can be implemented by writing "classifiers." The user interface look-and-feel can be altered using XSLT templates, CSS and Javascript. The source code, in Java, C++, Perl and C++, is available and accessible for modification. For more information, see the Greenstone wiki. gsdl.documentation=Documentation gsdl.documentation_desc=Extensive documentation for the Greenstone software is available on the Greenstone Wiki, including step-by-step tutorials. gsdl.support=Support gsdl.support_desc=See the support page for details about language specific mailing lists, regional support groups and other resources. gsdl.bugs=Bugs gsdl.bugs_desc=We want to ensure that this software works well for you. Please report any bugs to the Greenstone Users Mailing List. gsdl.greenstone_stone=Greenstone is a semi-precious stone that (like this software) is sourced in New Zealand. In traditional Maori society it was the most highly prized and sought after of all substances. It can absorb and hold wairua, which is a spirit or life force, and is endowed with traditional virtues that make it an appropriate emblem for a public-domain digital library project. Its lustre shows charity; its translucence, honesty; its toughness, courage; and the sharp edge it can take, justice. gsdl.toki_about1=In November 2000, a toki pou tangata (greenstone adze) was presented to the New Zealand Digital Library by Māori, to acknowledge the important work being done on taonga (treasure) such as the Niupepa Collection. The toki was carved by Bernard Makoare of Ngāti Whātua and Te Rarawa descent. gsdl.toki_about2=The toki is to symbolize the significance of pounamu (greenstone). It is to inspire the work that is being done here with qualities of mana, authority and leadership. It is a tough stone, a connection to be made. It is to be used to carve out and guide the excellence of thought that is harvested in the New Zealand Digital Library.