# URL 'whitelist': urls of these forms go into the keep pile. # whitelist overrides blacklist and greylist. # FORMAT: # precede URL by ^ to greylist urls that match the given prefix # succeed URL by $ to greylist urls that match the given suffix # ^url$ will greylist urls that match the given url completely # Without either ^ or $ symbol, urls containing the given url will get greylisted # Special exception for this url on yale.edu, since we needed to blacklist # some particular other urls on yale.edu http://korora.econ.yale.edu/phillips/archive/hauraki.htm # We've added .ru$ sites to the blacklist, but the following # Russian website contains actual Maori language content http://www.krassotkin.ru/sites/prayer.su/maori/ https://mi.centr-zashity.ru/