Note: when running the localhost:8080/gsdl3/library, only the mgppdemo and chinese demo collections can do anything useful. ******************************************************* There are 3 main parts to the system: sites, interfaces, library executables. Sites contain collections. Interfaces contain images and xslts. There are 2 sites in this prototype example. sites/localsite is a standalone site, like used by a local library. It has no connections to any other sites. sites/site1 is a site that specifies a SOAP connection to another site: localsite to run site1, and talk to localsite via SOAP, you need to have apache tomcat installed, running, and serving site2. (see INSTALL) You can add other sites by putting a directory in the sites directory, and configuring it appropriately. TODO MakeSite program There is one interface - default. you can add other interfaces if you like, in the interfaces directory. The interface and site to use for a particular servlet is determined by the init-params in the web.xml file XSL Files: when an xslt file is to be used, eg home.xsl, it is looked for in several places: in sites/current site/transform, interfaces/current interface/transform, and finally interfaces/default/transform so you can change the interface by adding new xslt files to these three places. ****************************************************** Servlet: need to run setup.bash to set CLASSPATH etc Can run the web interface by starting tomcat (see INSTALL) and going to localhost:8080/gsdl3/library only mgpp collections can be searched - use mgppdemo, not demo. Currently, only Text search works. to change the interface language, you can add &l=fr to the url. However, there are no alternative langs at the moment. ******************************************************* Command line libraries need to run setup.bash to set CLASSPATH etc there is a sample executable class: Library1 it can be run by "java org.greenstone.gsdl3.Library1 " sitehome is the base dir for the site you are running: for the local library example site, its .../gsdl3/sites/localsite for the distributed soap example site, its .../gsdl3/sites/site1 Library1 - just takes straight XML queries and returns the results. It talks directly to the message router basically messages are like: with type="describe", to="", can use serviceList, collectionList and siteList for the info field. this program is not very useful - except for debugging - when using the servlet or Library2, can print out the messages - then cut and paste these for teh input to Library1 sample messages: (to cut and paste) describe request to message router: describe request to collection: query: the get Titles for a list of docs: get a document: Library2: java org.greenstone.gsdl3.Library2 takes xml request of 'cgi' params, and returns html (input must be all on one line) the info field is action/subaction, eg a=p&sa=home, or a=q&sa=text Some sample queries: (to cut and paste) home page: about page for mgppdemo: search for frog in mgppdemo: (no docs returned) search for frog in mgppdemo, with stemming on: (some docs returned) Collections: Can use the new java Queryer to test mgpp collections: java org.greenstone.mgpp.Queryer eg java org.greenstone.mgpp.Queryer sites/localsite/collect/mgppdemo/index tt/mgppdemo text/mgppdemo you can use any mgpp collection built with gsdl2 - you need to add a buildcfg.xml file to the index directory - look at the one for mgppdemo to see what it should look like.