A set of Ansible playbooks for: o installing a base Greenstone3 system where the tomcat server is accessed directly over http o hardening the installation to run over https through an Apache2 web server using a certificate issued by Let's Encrypt. To install ansible, for example, on Debian systems: sudo apt update sudo apt install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible sudo apt install ansible Review and edit as needed the variables in: vars/default-core.xml Then run the Ansible playbooks in the following order: ./01-RUN-ANSIBLE-BASE-INSTALL.sh ./02-RUN-ANSIBLE-REVPROXY.sh ==== Misc extra notes: This Ansible playbook installs an Apache2 web server and Let's Encrypt's certbot command-line tool (if not already present), and then proceeds to configure Apache2 so it acts as a reverse-proxy web server for a Greenston3 Tomcat installation. In developing these playbooks, the following resources were consulted: https://github.com/do-community/ansible-playbooks/tree/master https://github.com/mvarian/certbot-apache/tree/master