The Greenstone Librarian Interface ---------------------------------- This folder contains the Greenstone Librarian Interface (GLI), a tool to assist you with building digital libraries using Greenstone. The GLI gives you access to Greenstone's functionality from an easy-to-use, 'point and click' interface. To use the GLI, you need a suitable version of the Java Runtime Environment (version 1.4.0 or newer). If you don't already have one, you can download one from Note that the GLI is run in conjunction with Greenstone, and assumes that it is installed in a subdirectory of your Greenstone installation. If you have downloaded one of the Greenstone distributions, this will be the case. -- Running the GLI under Windows -- To run the GLI under Windows, browse to the GLI folder in your Greenstone installation (using Windows Explorer), and double-click on the gli.bat file. This file will check that Greenstone, Perl, and the Java Runtime Environment are installed, then start the Greenstone Librarian Interface. -- Running the GLI under Unix -- To run the GLI under Unix, change to the GLI directory in your Greenstone installation, then run the script. This script will check that Greenstone, Perl, and the Java Runtime Environment are installed (make sure they are on your search path), then start the Greenstone Librarian Interface. Please report any problems you have running or using the Librarian Interface to -- Compiling the GLI -- If you have downloaded the Greenstone source distribution, or you have obtained the GLI via CVS, you will have the source code (Java) of the Librarian Interface. To compile this source code, run the makegli.bat (Windows) or (Unix) files. Once this has been done, you can run the GLI using the instructions above.