6.1 The Enrich View

This section describes how to input and edit metadata using the Enrich view.

Simple instructions
  The collection tree
  The MetaEdit Controls
  The value tree
  The metadata table
Simple Instructions:

Use the Enrich view to assign metadata to the documents in the collection. Metadata is data about data -- typically title, author, creation date, and so on. Each metadata item has two parts: "element" tells what kind of item it is (such as author), and "value" gives the value of that metadata element (such as the author's name).

On the left of the "Enrich" view is the Collection Tree. When you select files their details appear in the Metadata Table on the right.

The Metadata Table appears the upper right of the screen when files are selected and shows all metadata for the selected files. Columns are named in grey at the top, and can be resized by dragging the separating line. Clicking any row transfers its details to the MetaEdit Controls below. If several files are selected, black text indicates that the value is common to all of the selected files, while grey text indicates that it is not. Black values may be updated or removed, while grey ones can be removed from those that have it, or appended to the others.

A folder icon may appear beside some metadata entries. This indicates that the values are inherited from a parent (or ancestor) folder. Inherited metadata cannot be edited or removed, only appended to or overwritten. Click on the folder icon to go immediately to the folder where the metadata is assigned.

The MetaEdit Controls at the lower right appear only when a file is selected from the tree and a row is selected from the table. Use them to update, append, and remove the metadata value. The value field is for entering or editing the metadata value. Beside it is a button labelled "..." which, when clicked, opens a larger editing box. In the buttons below, "Append" assigns the value as new metadata and adds it to any existing values for the selected element, "Replace" overwrites any existing value(s) with the new one, and "Remove clears any existing values. Underneath, labelled "All Previous Values", is the "Value Tree".

The Value Tree expands and collapses. Usually it is a list that shows all values entered previously for the selected element. Clicking an entry automatically places it into the value field. Conversely, typing in the text field selects the Value Tree entry that starts with the characters you have typed. Pressing [Enter] auto-completes the typing with the selected value.

The Value Tree also shows hierarchical structures. Values can be grouped together, and a group can be assigned as a metadata value. Each value has a "path" obtained by tracing down to it from the tree root, and the path can be typed into the text field using the character "\" to separate the levels. For example, in a hierarchy that represents a pack of playing cards you might type "Cards\Red\Diamonds\Seven".

Greenstone extracts metadata automatically from documents into a metadata set whose elements are prefixed by "ex.". This has no value tree and cannot be edited, so the edit controls are hidden if such an entry is selected. The "..." button still serves to expand the value, but the text cannot be edited.