6.4: Search Types
This section explains how to modify a new design feature in Greenstone, Search Types, which allow fielded searching. Under "Design Sections", click "Search Types".

Simple Instructions:
What enabling advanced searches means
Adding a new search type
Removing a search type
Changing the order of search types

Simple Instructions:

When you enter the Search Types view, first check "Enable Advanced Searches", which activates the other controls. This migrates the collection to Greenstone 2.4 format, which supports fielded searching, and means that (a) the index design is different (explained in the Search Indexes section), (b) there are more text fragments to translate (see Translation), and (c) the collection will not be usable under older Greenstone installations. If you later uncheck this field, most of your collection will be migrated back to Greenstone 2.39. However the Librarian Interface cannot convert the new index specifications into older ones, so you will have to re-enter them manually.

To add a search type, select it from the "Search Types" list and click "Add Search Type". Each type can only appear in the list once.

To remove a search type, select it from the "Currently Assigned Search Types" list and click "Remove Search Type". The list must contain at least one search type.

To change to order of a search type, select it from the list and click "Move Up" or "Move Down". The first one will be the default.