

16:32 Changeset [8092] by nzdl
Changed the "Download Greenstone v2.51" link on the front page to link …
16:00 Changeset [8091]
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag …
16:00 Changeset [8090] by davidb
Switching RecPlug over to using XMLParser wrapper rather than …
12:26 Changeset [8089] by mdewsnip
Updated the version number for the Fiji workshop distribution, and …
12:22 Changeset [8088] by mdewsnip
Fixed a bug where assigned metadata would be stuffed up on Windows.
11:32 Changeset [8087] by mdewsnip
On Windows we use the XML::Parser stuff in bin/windows/perl/lib rather …


13:36 Changeset [8086] by mdewsnip
Updated the PROGRAM_VERSION string for the Fiji workshop.
13:35 Changeset [8085] by mdewsnip
Updated the AboutDialog.Date string for the Fiji workshop.
13:29 Changeset [8084] by mdewsnip
Fixed the help file loading so it works with the stand-alone version …
07:50 Changeset [8083] by nzdl
added the new collections


17:29 Changeset [8082] by kjdon
added quotes around paths that can contain spaces
17:12 Changeset [8081] by kjdon
filenames from urls can contain %20 instead of spaces, so need to …
17:06 Changeset [8080] by kjdon
put quotes around all the paths that might have spaces in them
16:54 Changeset [8079] by davidb
docsave.pm had been saving both GA and METS format. if-statement …
16:45 Changeset [8078] by kjdon
commented out some print statements
16:42 Changeset [8077] by mdewsnip
Changed things back to using XML-Parser-2.27 until the Expat code can …
16:16 Changeset [8076] by kjdon
fixed a bug
13:59 Changeset [8075] by davidb
README file updated to reflect shift to using newer version of …
13:56 Changeset [8074] by davidb
Upgrade to using newer version of XML::Parser.
13:38 Changeset [8073] by davidb
removed a handful of #include statements involving mg and mgpp that …
13:36 Changeset [8072] by davidb
Support for building collections with lucene.
13:33 Changeset [8071] by davidb
When title metadata is derived from first 100 chars of text, extra =~ …
13:17 Changeset [8070] by mdewsnip
Removed some debug statements accidently committed.
12:28 Changeset [8069] by davidb
Introduction of XMLParser.pm as a wrapper for XML::Parser (a standard …
12:25 Changeset [8068] by mdewsnip
Removed the GSDLHOME argument, to be consistent with gs3-launch.sh.in.
12:24 Changeset [8067] by mdewsnip
Removed GSDLHOME stuff (it is now done only when necessary -- in the …
12:23 Changeset [8066] by davidb
Changes introduced so Expat shared library (.so) for perl 5.6 and perl …
12:19 Changeset [8065] by mdewsnip
Now sets GSDLHOME itself (rather than relying on gs3-setup.* to do it).
12:18 Changeset [8064] by mdewsnip
Now sets up GSDLHOME itself (rather than relying on gs3-setup.* to do it).
11:58 Changeset [8063] by kjdon
added a fix to get ENABLE_NLS working
11:51 Changeset [8062] by kjdon
changed the library url warnign message for gs3
09:12 Changeset [8061] by kjdon
fixed a typo
06:24 Changeset [8060] by kjdon
made this look for gsdl a bit better - need gsdl to run gli
05:55 Changeset [8059] by kjdon
added in some new library checks to match the things that were added …


16:52 Changeset [8058] by kjdon
added missing %
16:31 Changeset [8057] by kjdon
fixed a bug in the format statement for search results
16:17 Changeset [8056] by mdewsnip
Fixed a bug where the subcollection regular expression was parsed …
10:43 Changeset [8055] by mdewsnip
Removed some long dead "search and replace" code.
09:33 Changeset [8054] by kjdon
added in some warnign text about non greenstone colls
09:31 Changeset [8053] by kjdon
added in some warning text for classic interface
08:16 Changeset [8052] by kjdon
new database
07:56 Changeset [8051] by kjdon
import.zip now at coll level not in import directory so that the zip …
07:50 Changeset [8050] by kjdon
rebuilt the index with doc level index and no cover images
07:47 Changeset [8049] by kjdon
new version of archives after removing cover images
07:41 Changeset [8048] by kjdon
added the document index back in
07:40 Changeset [8047] by kjdon
moved import.zip out of import directory and put it at the top level - …


16:51 Changeset [8046] by mdewsnip
Removed some very specific code from what should be a generic Object. …
16:35 Changeset [8045] by mdewsnip
Removed all the undo crap out of here (which wasn't complete and …
16:14 Changeset [8044] by mdewsnip
Removed some dead code.
16:13 Changeset [8043] by mdewsnip
Moved undo/UndoManager.java to file/RecycleBin.java and removed undo …
16:11 Changeset [8042] by mdewsnip
Removed the undo directory, and added the new metadata directory.
16:09 Changeset [8041] by mdewsnip
Moved undo/UndoManager.java to file/RecycleBin.java.
16:05 Changeset [8040] by mdewsnip
Moved to ../file/RecycleBin.java.
15:38 Changeset [8039] by mdewsnip
Removed some dead code.
15:23 Changeset [8038] by mdewsnip
Removed some dead code.
15:17 Changeset [8037] by mdewsnip
More additions to the new metadata code; now the …
15:14 Changeset [8036] by mdewsnip
Moved some code around in preparation for removing the msm package.
15:03 Changeset [8035] by mdewsnip
Moving some code around in preparation for removing the entire msm package.
10:50 Changeset [8034] by mdewsnip
Removed some meaningless comment fields.
10:10 Changeset [8033] by davidb
Support for optional compilation of lucene searching and z39.50 server.
10:04 Changeset [8032] by davidb
Introduction of #ifdef USE_LUCENE around lucene specific code.
10:03 Changeset [8031] by davidb
Support for compiling lucene and z39.50 options in.


23:26 Changeset [8030] by davidb
Support for lucene indexer added.
23:24 Changeset [8029] by davidb
Introduction of code for elementary use of lucene indexer.
23:14 Changeset [8028] by davidb
Changes introduced to support lucene indexer.
23:14 Changeset [8027] by davidb
Introduction of lucene*.cpp,h classes to support searching with this …
23:12 Changeset [8026] by davidb
Shift from mg* fields and member functions to text* to better reflect …
23:11 Changeset [8025] by davidb
Change of mg* field and member functions to text* to better reflect …
23:08 Changeset [8024] by davidb
Renaming of variables and member functions using contstructs such as …
16:02 Changeset [8023] by mdewsnip
More new metadata code: metadata elements now have definitions and …
15:07 Changeset [8022] by mdewsnip
(Very) minor changes.


16:31 Changeset [8021] by mdewsnip
Has the format of gsdlsourcefilename suddenly changed?
16:30 Changeset [8020] by mdewsnip
Removed some dead code.
15:39 Changeset [8019] by mdewsnip
Removed some dead code.
15:36 Changeset [8018] by mdewsnip
Fixed the METADATUM argument case so the import.pl "sortmeta" option …
15:06 Changeset [8017] by mdewsnip
Changed the type of the "sortmeta" option to be accurate for the GLI.
14:41 Changeset [8016] by mdewsnip
Removed some dead code.
13:59 Changeset [8015] by mdewsnip
Moved clear() and setValue() functions from MSMUtils into XMLTools. …
13:15 Changeset [8014] by mdewsnip
Moved the getValue() and getNodeFromNamed() functions from MSMUtils …
13:14 Changeset [8013] by mdewsnip
More new code, this time for the MetadataAuditTable.
07:30 Changeset [8012] by kjdon
hopefully this wont cause an exception now. still need to implement …
05:30 Changeset [8011] by kjdon
minor formatting changes
05:28 Changeset [8010] by kjdon
made this up to date with gs3-setup.sh
05:20 Changeset [8009] by kjdon
changed the java commands to use GathererProg instead of Gatherer - …
05:17 Changeset [8008] by kjdon
batch file for running gli under gs3
04:41 Changeset [8007] by kjdon
removed the cover images from this collection - they are a pain cos …
04:28 Changeset [8006] by kjdon
changed the name of the table of contents option to documentTOC
04:25 Changeset [8005] by kjdon
added a width to the td elem for the icon - so michael doesn't lie …


16:16 Changeset [8004] by mdewsnip
A small taste of what's to come…
16:13 Changeset [8003] by mdewsnip
Tightened up some public functions to be private.
15:07 Changeset [8002] by mdewsnip
Tightened up many public functions to private.
11:40 Changeset [8001] by mdewsnip
Fixed the tiny little problem preventing the GLI from being compiled.


17:16 Changeset [8000] by mdewsnip
Removed some dead code.
17:00 Changeset [7999] by mdewsnip
Removed some dead code.
16:49 Changeset [7998] by mdewsnip
Removed some dead code.
16:36 Changeset [7997] by mdewsnip
Removed some more references to the msm package.
16:28 Changeset [7996] by mdewsnip
Removed more references to the msm package, which is being removed.
16:18 Changeset [7995] by mdewsnip
Removed a whole lot of references to the msm package, which is on its …
15:49 Changeset [7994] by kjdon
forgot to add a popd after the pushd
15:41 Changeset [7993] by kjdon
previously changed the subset param to use DisplayItemList instead of …
15:10 Changeset [7992] by mdewsnip
No longer used.
15:05 Changeset [7991] by mdewsnip
Removed some dead code.
14:47 Changeset [7990] by kjdon
added in creation of the var/log directory
14:42 Changeset [7989] by mdewsnip
Removed some dead code.
14:33 Changeset [7988] by kjdon
pass in pageType to standardPageBanner so that in classic mode don't …
14:29 Changeset [7987] by mdewsnip
Removed some dead code.
14:29 Changeset [7986] by kjdon
made the classifier table width 100% so that its not centered
14:20 Changeset [7985] by mdewsnip
Removed some dead code.
14:08 Changeset [7984] by kjdon
* empty log message *
14:02 Changeset [7983] by mdewsnip
Part of the new metadata code; used for rendering the cells in the …
14:01 Changeset [7982] by mdewsnip
Removed some dead code.
13:51 Changeset [7981] by mdewsnip
Removed some dead code.
13:45 Changeset [7980] by mdewsnip
13:39 Changeset [7979] by mdewsnip
A utility class containing useful XML processing functions.
11:01 Changeset [7978] by mdewsnip
Fixed code indenting.
09:12 Changeset [7977] by kjdon
fixed up the format statement
05:32 Changeset [7976] by kjdon
added a few more args to the mysql_safe command, changed …
05:31 Changeset [7975] by kjdon
added a few more args to mysql scripts
05:30 Changeset [7974] by kjdon
moved mysql stuff so that it matches the linux install script, and …
05:29 Changeset [7973] by kjdon
predeploy the soap site and use the predefined server.xml for tomcat
05:05 Changeset [7972] by kjdon
we don't really need this I think. (Can always get it back if necessary)
03:45 Changeset [7971] by kjdon
I think the old version was from the older tomcat. have replaced it …


16:14 Changeset [7970] by mdewsnip
Updated in response to renaming of gs3-launch.bat and …
16:12 Changeset [7969] by mdewsnip
Renamed gs3-soap-deploy-site.bat to gs3-soap-deploy-site.bat.in …
16:11 Changeset [7968] by mdewsnip
Renamed gs3-launch.bat to gs3-launch.bat.in (because it contains the …
14:38 Changeset [7967] by mdewsnip
Now fixes up Tomcat's setclasspath.bat as well as setclasspath.sh.
14:10 Changeset [7966] by mdewsnip
Updated my fix from yesterday, so the collections will work correctly …
10:10 Changeset [7965] by nzdl
A couple of updates to the new "documented example collections" …


22:46 Changeset [7964] by davidb
Updated version of Signed Gatherer applet jar file with better …
22:44 Changeset [7963] by davidb
Debugging statement commented out.
22:43 Changeset [7962] by davidb
Additional functions added to support using pluginfo.pl and …
22:41 Changeset [7961] by davidb
GLI applet will try and use plugin.dat and classifier.dat in Jar file …
22:38 Changeset [7960] by davidb
Improvements to remoteRun code to catch and respond to errors better.
22:36 Changeset [7959] by davidb
Extended to allow pluginfo.pl and classinfo.pl to retrieve their …
22:32 Changeset [7958] by davidb
Minor tweak to open statement for gsdlsite.cfg
22:29 Changeset [7957] by davidb
Scripts revised to provide better error handline. Much of useful …
22:28 Changeset [7956] by davidb
Customisation of CGI.pm for Greenstone uses. Includes a …
16:01 Changeset [7955] by davidb
Introduction of some strings for various news options to command line …
15:59 Changeset [7954] by davidb
Minor tweak to regular expression that modifies white space.
15:58 Changeset [7953] by davidb
Minor modifications relating to storing buildtype information. …
15:55 Changeset [7952] by davidb
Script extended to support '-listall' option which prints out all the …
15:54 Changeset [7951] by davidb
macro directory (if present) now included in exported files so any …
15:53 Changeset [7950] by davidb
Exit status resulting from a 'die' statement changed to print and exit …
14:02 Changeset [7949] by mdewsnip
Added a bit of a hack for the wv 0.7.1 bug under Windows that causes …
10:10 Changeset [7948] by nzdl
Changed a "2.50" to "2.51".
10:08 Changeset [7947] by nzdl
Added information and links to new "documented example collections" …


09:59 Changeset [7946] by kjdon
added some options to the mysql scripts - inlethbridge we have a …
07:54 Changeset [7945] by kjdon
added in some more #define stuff - copied form gsdl config.h.in. to …
07:30 Changeset [7944] by kjdon
trying to keep mgpp up to date with gsdl version. added in mdewsnip …
07:12 Changeset [7943] by kjdon
making mgpp up to date with gs version:Header now checks for #ifdef to …


16:44 Changeset [7942] by mdewsnip
Updated Chinese interface images, many thanks to Andrew Yan Han and …
16:43 Changeset [7941] by mdewsnip
Updated Chinese interface, many thanks to Andrew Yan Han and student.
15:03 Changeset [7940] by nzdl
Added another entry to the new customization entry in the FAQ.
14:53 Changeset [7939] by nzdl
Updated the FAQ to include a new section on customization. It …
14:26 Changeset [7938] by mdewsnip
Added a note to say that (apparently) Greenstone can also be compiled …
11:35 Changeset [7937] by nzdl
Fixed a couple of stupid things I just added.
10:27 Changeset [7936] by nzdl
Updated the workshop materials text and links.


16:38 Changeset [7935] by mdewsnip
Changed the image type of the buttons on the home page to home_page_button.
13:17 Changeset [7934] by mdewsnip
No longer used (upgraded to pdftohtml v0.36).
12:16 Changeset [7933] by mdewsnip
Win32::Shortcut 0.03 module (from CPAN) to support RecPlug resolving …
11:46 Changeset [7932] by mdewsnip
A first cut at modifying RecPlug to resolve Windows shortcuts …


13:49 Changeset [7931] by mdewsnip
Tidied up the macros for the buttons in the table in the middle of the …
12:22 Changeset [7930] by davidb
Improved GLI applet with better feedback when uploading and …


16:37 Changeset [7929] by davidb
doc.pm modified so filename stored under gsdlsourcefilename is local …
12:00 Changeset [7928] by davidb
Erroneous <<<< left in file. Now deleted.
11:43 Changeset [7927] by davidb
Put debug option back to false by default.
11:28 Changeset [7926] by davidb
Fixed typo in comment.
11:27 Changeset [7925] by davidb
URL arguments to launch now encoded, to ensure spaces etc. are handled …
11:25 Changeset [7924] by davidb
Function added to make it easy to display text on progress bar. For …
11:24 Changeset [7923] by davidb
GLI applet now only quits once the web page with the launch button is …
11:21 Changeset [7922] by davidb
Improved checking of cgi arguments.
10:43 Changeset [7921] by nzdl
Updated documentation text to thank UNESCO Almaty for the Kazakh …
10:08 Changeset [7920] by nzdl
Added Vietnamese manuals (thanks to Integrated e-Solutions Ltd., …


16:20 Changeset [7919] by mdewsnip
Fixed navigation bar image problem.
16:20 Changeset [7918] by mdewsnip
Russian greenstone.org button images. Only about six months late.
16:19 Changeset [7917] by mdewsnip
Updated for Russian images.
16:16 Changeset [7916] by mdewsnip
Spanish greenstone.org button images. Only about six months late.
16:16 Changeset [7915] by mdewsnip
Updated for Spanish images.
16:12 Changeset [7914] by mdewsnip
Fixed navigation bar image problem.
15:32 Changeset [7913] by mdewsnip
French greenstone.org button images. Only about six months late.
15:31 Changeset [7912] by mdewsnip
Updated for French images.
13:52 Changeset [7911] by mdewsnip
Finally got around to committing Christy Kuo's (cyk2) COMP517-03B …
10:52 Changeset [7910] by nzdl
Updated link to version 2.51 export to CD package.


17:11 Changeset [7909] by mdewsnip
CPAN module for processing XPath expressions.
16:53 Changeset [7908] by mdewsnip
No longer used (7zip.exe used instead).
16:45 Changeset [7907] by mdewsnip
Windows equivalent to gs3-soap-deploy-site.sh.
16:43 Changeset [7906] by chi
Introduction of '-saveas' flag for controlling the generation of the …
16:39 Changeset [7905] by chi
New entries in dictionary for -saveas METS option.
16:38 Changeset [7904] by chi
Minor changes to layout of code.
16:37 Changeset [7903] by chi
Added unescaping routine for HTML entities < > &. Used in METSPlug.
16:34 Changeset [7902] by chi
Saving of documents (in archive format) extended to generate METS …
16:27 Changeset [7901] by chi
Greenstone2 now supports METS format as an archiving option. …
16:23 Changeset [7900] by chi
Some minor changes in preparation for the introduction of METSPlug.
15:53 Changeset [7899] by kjdon
renamed to avoid conflict with mysql README
15:47 Changeset [7898] by kjdon
haven't tested this :-)
15:40 Changeset [7897] by kjdon
jni library for mgpasses
15:08 Changeset [7896] by mdewsnip
Added mySQL startup and shutdown into the Windows launcher.
14:59 Changeset [7895] by kjdon
fixed a bug
14:49 Changeset [7894] by mdewsnip
Windows equivalent to gs3-enable-soap.sh. Just renames a file in the …
14:48 Changeset [7893] by mdewsnip
Another bug fix.
14:37 Changeset [7892] by kjdon
yay. simple install instructions
14:30 Changeset [7891] by mdewsnip
Updated Windows installation instructions.
14:29 Changeset [7890] by kjdon
moved to dist-resources dir
14:26 Changeset [7889] by kjdon
now incorporated into gs3-install.sh
14:23 Changeset [7888] by kjdon
renamed gs3-install-soap.sh to gs3-enable-soap.sh. all it does now is …
14:19 Changeset [7887] by mdewsnip
No longer used.
14:14 Changeset [7886] by mdewsnip
A couple more fixes to the install script for Windows.
14:13 Changeset [7885] by kjdon
mysql_install_db is now in scripts directory
14:09 Changeset [7884] by kjdon
strip the c/c++ executables
14:05 Changeset [7883] by kjdon
updated it for static compiling of mg, mgpp, and use new binary dist …
13:59 Changeset [7882] by kjdon
added in a LDFLAGS= bit - set this to -static when compiling for a …
13:58 Changeset [7881] by mdewsnip
Further improvements to install script for Windows.
13:52 Changeset [7880] by kjdon
changed the mysql command
13:52 Changeset [7879] by kjdon
added in a pid_file variable
13:51 Changeset [7878] by kjdon
data dir is now data not var
13:51 Changeset [7877] by mdewsnip
Have been replaced by gs3-install.bat, which does everything necessary …
13:37 Changeset [7876] by mdewsnip
Updated file for Windows.
13:35 Changeset [7875] by mdewsnip
This is mysql-4.0.20d-win-noinstall.zip with the Docs and bench …
13:34 Changeset [7874] by kjdon
try doing mysql from a binary version
13:33 Changeset [7873] by mdewsnip
No longer used.
13:33 Changeset [7872] by kjdon
we are going to use a binary distribution of mysql
12:27 Changeset [7871] by kjdon
some notes about how we got mysql
12:27 Changeset [7870] by kjdon
upgraded to a newer version, now uses a binary distribution, and the …
11:42 Changeset [7869] by mdewsnip
First cut at a Windows equivalent to gs3-install.sh. Replaces the old …
11:34 Changeset [7868] by mdewsnip
Added an install command for Greenstone 3.
10:27 Changeset [7867] by mdewsnip
7-zip v3.13 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip). Command-line …
09:57 Changeset [7866] by kjdon
forgot to have the --force option - needed if hostname doesn't work


17:33 Changeset [7865] by kjdon
a new one-step install script
17:20 Changeset [7864] by mdewsnip
Modified version of tomcat\conf\server.xml with GSDL3 and Soap …
11:21 Changeset [7863] by kjdon
added the header file in case others dont have javah
11:20 Changeset [7862] by kjdon
include this header file in case others can't do the javah bit


17:23 Changeset [7861] by kjdon
more changes
16:44 Changeset [7860] by kjdon
added in changes for the new soap server class
16:40 Changeset [7859] by kjdon
reworked this so it gets gsdl3home from a config file rather than in …
16:22 Changeset [7858] by nzdl
Changed the Vietnamese language maintainer to "Integrated e-solutions …
16:19 Changeset [7857] by kjdon
renamed it to SOAPServer.cfg.in because it will be modified to contain …
16:16 Changeset [7856] by kjdon
a config file that a SOAPServer class can use to find the value of …
11:47 Changeset [7855] by nzdl
Slightly modified new example title.
11:45 Changeset [7854] by kjdon
do more stuff here instead of in the installer
11:35 Changeset [7853] by kjdon
made this up to date with gli.sh, most importantly, now run …
11:30 Changeset [7852] by mdewsnip
Updated link to new workshop materials package.
10:56 Changeset [7851] by kjdon
set the default debug mode back to false
08:59 Changeset [7850] by nzdl
added back in the SRM example - for some reason it had disappeared
08:59 Changeset [7849] by nzdl
committed the change for mac dist 2.51 that someone else had added. --kjdon


17:54 Changeset [7848] by kjdon
no longer using a zip file for mysql
17:53 Changeset [7847] by kjdon
need the pid_file and err-log options for mysql in case hostname …
17:52 Changeset [7846] by kjdon
added a force option so that it will continue even if it can't use …
17:48 Changeset [7845] by kjdon
a copy of the nzdl interface strings, for the classic inerface
15:34 Changeset [7844] by mdewsnip
Latvian interface completed.
15:13 Changeset [7843] by nzdl
Oh dear... can I get it right?!?
15:11 Changeset [7842] by mdewsnip
Fixed a stupid typo I just added.
15:08 Changeset [7841] by kjdon
the zip file seems to cause problems for the installer, so I have …
14:37 Changeset [7840] by kjdon
scripts to setup mysql and load in the sample dbs for the installer
14:17 Changeset [7839] by mdewsnip
Updated Chinese interface, many thanks to Andrew Yan Han.
14:03 Changeset [7838] by nzdl
Forgot to mark the new example as new.
13:58 Changeset [7837] by mdewsnip
Added the "National Sciences Digital Library, VNU-HCM" site to the …
13:57 Changeset [7836] by kjdon
our machines have permission denied for hostname command. so we don't …


15:41 Changeset [7835] by jrm21
record mdoffset for each document when adding to a sub list. List.pm …
15:14 Changeset [7834] by kjdon
changed the links to use the new names (library, classic, gateway)
13:54 Changeset [7833] by kjdon
classic style library now uses classic interface not nzdl interface
13:40 Changeset [7832] by kjdon
remved the displayItem from CL4 so that it looks nicer
13:37 Changeset [7831] by kjdon
new classic (greenstone 2) style interface - kind of the same as nzdl …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.