source: documentation/trunk/packages/dokuwiki-2011-05-25a/lib/_fla/ 27251

Last change on this file since 27251 was 25027, checked in by jmt12, 12 years ago

Adding the packages directory, and within it a configured version of dokuwiki all ready to run

File size: 10.0 KB
2 * Flash Multi Upload
3 *
4 * Based on a example from Alastair Dawson
5 *
6 * @link
7 * @author Alastair Dawson
8 * @author Andreas Gohr <[email protected]>
9 * @license MIT <>
10 */
12// delegate
13import mx.utils.Delegate;
14// ui components
15import mx.controls.DataGrid;
16import mx.controls.gridclasses.DataGridColumn
17import mx.controls.Button;
18import mx.controls.TextInput;
19import mx.controls.CheckBox;
20import mx.controls.Label;
21// file reference
25class MultipleUpload {
27 private var fileRef:FileReferenceList;
28 private var fileRefListener:Object;
29 private var list:Array;
30 private var dp:Array;
32 private var files_dg:DataGrid;
33 private var browse_btn:Button;
34 private var upload_btn:Button;
35 private var ns_input:TextInput;
36 private var ns_label:Label;
37 private var overwrite_cb:CheckBox;
39 private var url:String;
40 private var upurl:String;
41 private var current:Number;
42 private var done:Number;
43 private var lasterror:String;
45 /**
46 * Constructor.
47 *
48 * Initializes the needed objects and stage objects
49 */
50 public function MultipleUpload(fdg:DataGrid, bb:Button, ub:Button, nsi:TextInput, nsl:Label, ob:CheckBox) {
51 // references for objects on the stage
52 files_dg = fdg;
53 browse_btn = bb;
54 upload_btn = ub;
55 ns_input = nsi;
56 ns_label = nsl;
57 overwrite_cb = ob;
59 // file list references & listener
60 fileRef = new FileReferenceList();
61 fileRefListener = new Object();
62 fileRef.addListener(fileRefListener);
64 // setup
65 iniUI();
66 inifileRefListener();
67 }
69 /**
70 * Initializes the User Interface
71 *
72 * Uses flashvars to access possibly localized names
73 */
74 private function iniUI() {
75 // register button handlers
76 browse_btn.onRelease = Delegate.create(this, this.browse);
77 upload_btn.onRelease = Delegate.create(this, this.upload);
79 // columns for dataGrid
80 var col:DataGridColumn;
81 col = new DataGridColumn('name');
82 col.headerText = ( _root.L_gridname ? _root.L_gridname : 'Filename' );
83 col.sortable = false;
84 files_dg.addColumn(col);
85 col = new DataGridColumn('size');
86 col.headerText = ( _root.L_gridsize ? _root.L_gridsize : 'Size' );
87 col.sortable = false;
88 files_dg.addColumn(col);
89 col = new DataGridColumn('status');
90 col.headerText = ( _root.L_gridstat ? _root.L_gridstat : 'Status' );
91 col.sortable = false;
92 files_dg.addColumn(col);
94 // label translations
95 if(_root.L_overwrite) overwrite_cb.label = _root.L_overwrite;
96 if(_root.L_browse) browse_btn.label = _root.L_browse;
97 if(_root.L_upload) upload_btn.label = _root.L_upload;
98 if(_root.L_namespace) ns_label.text = _root.L_namespace;
100 // prefill input field
101 if(_root.O_ns) ns_input.text = _root.O_ns;
103 // disable buttons
104 upload_btn.enabled = false;
105 if(!_root.O_overwrite) overwrite_cb.visible = false;
107 // initalize the data provider list
108 dp = new Array();
109 list = new Array();
110 files_dg.spaceColumnsEqually();
111 }
113 /**
114 * Open files selection dialog
115 *
116 * Adds the allowed file types
117 */
118 private function browse() {
119 if(_root.O_extensions){
120 var exts:Array = _root.O_extensions.split('|');
121 var filter:Object = new Object();
122 filter.description = (_root.L_filetypes ? _root.L_filetypes : 'Allowed filetypes');
123 filter.extension = '';
124 for(var i:Number = 0; i<exts.length; i++){
125 filter.extension += '*.'+exts[i]+';';
126 }
127 filter.extension = filter.extension.substr(0,filter.extension.length-1);
128 var apply:Array = new Array();
129 apply.push(filter);
130 fileRef.browse(apply);
131 }else{
132 fileRef.browse();
133 }
134 }
136 /**
137 * Initiates the upload process
138 */
139 private function upload() {
140 // prepare backend URL
141 this.url = _root.O_backend; // from flashvars
142 this.url += '&ns='+escape(ns_input.text);
144 // prepare upload url
145 this.upurl = this.url;
146 this.upurl += '&sectok='+escape(_root.O_sectok);
147 this.upurl += '&authtok='+escape(_root.O_authtok);
148 if(overwrite_cb.selected) this.upurl += '&ow=1';
150 // disable buttons
151 upload_btn.enabled = false;
152 browse_btn.enabled = false;
153 ns_input.enabled = false;
154 overwrite_cb.enabled = false;
156 // init states
157 this.current = -1;
158 this.done = 0;
159 this.lasterror = '';
161 // start process detached
162 _global.setTimeout(this,'uploadNext',100);
163 nextFrame();
164 }
166 /**
167 * Uploads the next file in the list
168 */
169 private function uploadNext(){
170 this.current++;
171 if(this.current >= this.list.length){
172 return this.uploadDone();
173 }
175 var file = this.list[this.current];
177 if(_root.O_maxsize && (file.size > _root.O_maxsize)){
178 this.lasterror = (_root.L_toobig ? _root.L_toobig : 'too big');
179 _global.setTimeout(this,'uploadNext',100);
180 nextFrame();
181 }else{
182 file.addListener(fileRefListener);
183 file.upload(upurl);
184 // continues in the handlers
185 }
186 }
188 /**
189 * Redirect to the namespace and set a success/error message
190 *
191 * Called when all files in the list where processed
192 */
193 private function uploadDone(){
194 var info = (_root.L_info ? _root.L_info : 'files uploaded');
195 if(this.done == this.list.length){
196 this.url += '&msg1='+escape(this.done+'/'+this.list.length+' '+info);
197 }else{
198 var lasterr = (_root.L_lasterr ? _root.L_lasterr : 'Last error:');
199 this.url += '&err='+escape(this.done+'/'+this.list.length+' '+info+' '+lasterr+' '+this.lasterror);
200 }
202 // when done redirect
203 getURL(this.url,'_self');
204 }
206 /**
207 * Set the status of a given file in the data grid
208 */
209 private function setStatus(file,msg){
210 for(var i:Number = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
211 if (list[i].name == {
212 files_dg.editField(i, 'status', msg);
213 nextFrame();
214 return;
215 }
216 }
217 }
219 /**
220 * Initialize the file reference listener
221 */
222 private function inifileRefListener() {
223 fileRefListener.onSelect = Delegate.create(this, this.onSelect);
224 fileRefListener.onCancel = Delegate.create(this, this.onCancel);
225 fileRefListener.onOpen = Delegate.create(this, this.onOpen);
226 fileRefListener.onProgress = Delegate.create(this, this.onProgress);
227 fileRefListener.onComplete = Delegate.create(this, this.onComplete);
228 fileRefListener.onHTTPError = Delegate.create(this, this.onHTTPError);
229 fileRefListener.onIOError = Delegate.create(this, this.onIOError);
230 fileRefListener.onSecurityError = Delegate.create(this, this.onSecurityError);
231 }
233 /**
234 * Handle file selection
235 *
236 * Files are added as in a list of references and beautified into the data grid dataprovider array
237 *
238 * Multiple browses will add to the list
239 */
240 private function onSelect(fileRefList:FileReferenceList) {
241 var sel = fileRefList.fileList;
242 for(var i:Number = 0; i < sel.length; i++) {
243 // check size
244 var stat:String;
245 if(_root.O_maxsize && sel[i].size > _root.O_maxsize){
246 stat = (_root.L_toobig ? _root.L_toobig : 'too big');
247 }else{
248 stat = (_root.L_ready ? _root.L_ready : 'ready for upload');
249 }
250 // add to grid
251 dp.push({name:sel[i].name, size:Math.round(sel[i].size / 1000) + " kb", status:stat});
252 // add to reference list
253 list.push(sel[i]);
254 }
255 // update dataGrid
256 files_dg.dataProvider = dp;
257 files_dg.spaceColumnsEqually();
259 if(list.length > 0) upload_btn.enabled = true;
260 }
262 /**
263 * Does nothing
264 */
265 private function onCancel() {
266 }
268 /**
269 * Does nothing
270 */
271 private function onOpen(file:FileReference) {
272 }
274 /**
275 * Set the upload progress
276 */
277 private function onProgress(file:FileReference, bytesLoaded:Number, bytesTotal:Number) {
278 var percentDone = Math.round((bytesLoaded / bytesTotal) * 100);
279 var msg:String = 'uploading @PCT@%';
280 if(_root.L_progress) msg = _root.L_progress;
281 msg = msg.split('@PCT@').join(percentDone);
282 this.setStatus(file,msg);
283 }
285 /**
286 * Handle upload completion
287 */
288 private function onComplete(file:FileReference) {
289 this.setStatus(file,(_root.L_done ? _root.L_done : 'complete'));
290 this.done++;
291 uploadNext();
292 }
294 /**
295 * Handle upload errors
296 */
297 private function onHTTPError(file:FileReference, httpError:Number) {
298 var error;
299 if(httpError == 400){
300 error = (_root.L_fail ? _root.L_fail : 'failed');
301 }else if(httpError == 401){
302 error = (_root.L_authfail ? _root.L_authfail : 'auth failed');
303 }else{
304 error = "HTTP Error " + httpError
305 }
306 this.setStatus(file,error);
307 this.lasterror = error;
308 uploadNext();
309 }
311 /**
312 * Handle IO errors
313 */
314 private function onIOError(file:FileReference) {
315 this.setStatus(file,"IO Error");
316 this.lasterror = "IO Error";
317 uploadNext();
318 }
320 /**
321 * Handle Security errors
322 */
323 private function onSecurityError(file:FileReference, errorString:String) {
324 this.setStatus(file,"SecurityError: " + errorString);
325 this.lasterror = "SecurityError: " + errorString;
326 uploadNext();
327 }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.