source: documentation/trunk/tutorial_sample_files/interfaces/jquery.galleryview-2.1.1.js@ 37565

Last change on this file since 37565 was 28943, checked in by ak19, 10 years ago

The website template from for the GS3 interfaces tutorial is slightly out of date: its jquery.galleryview js and min.js files use the dollar-dot-browser variable but it is no longer available for use and is undefined. A workaround has been suggested at, which has been inserted into both these files.

  • Property svn:executable set to *
File size: 40.8 KB
3** GalleryView - jQuery Content Gallery Plugin
4** Author: Jack Anderson
5** Version: 2.1 (March 14, 2010)
7** Please use this development script if you intend to make changes to the
8** plugin code. For production sites, please use jquery.galleryview-2.1-pack.js.
10** See README.txt for instructions on how to markup your HTML
12** See CHANGELOG.txt for a review of changes and LICENSE.txt for the applicable
13** licensing information.
17//Global variable to check if window is already loaded
18//Used for calling GalleryView after page has loaded
19var window_loaded = false;
22 $.fn.galleryView = function(options) {
23 var opts = $.extend($.fn.galleryView.defaults,options);
25 var id;
26 var iterator = 0; // INT - Currently visible panel/frame
27 var item_count = 0; // INT - Total number of panels/frames
28 var slide_method; // STRING - indicator to slide entire filmstrip or just the pointer ('strip','pointer')
29 var theme_path; // STRING - relative path to theme directory
30 var paused = false; // BOOLEAN - flag to indicate whether automated transitions are active
32 // Element dimensions
33 var gallery_width;
34 var gallery_height;
35 var pointer_height;
36 var pointer_width;
37 var strip_width;
38 var strip_height;
39 var wrapper_width;
40 var f_frame_width;
41 var f_frame_height;
42 var frame_caption_size = 20;
43 var gallery_padding;
44 var filmstrip_margin;
45 var filmstrip_orientation;
48 // Arrays used to scale frames and panels
49 var frame_img_scale = {};
50 var panel_img_scale = {};
51 var img_h = {};
52 var img_w = {};
54 // Flag indicating whether to scale panel images
55 var scale_panel_images = true;
57 var panel_nav_displayed = false;
59 // Define jQuery objects for reuse
60 var j_gallery;
61 var j_filmstrip;
62 var j_frames;
63 var j_frame_img_wrappers;
64 var j_panels;
65 var j_pointer;
69** Plugin Functions
72 /*
73 ** showItem(int)
74 ** Transition from current frame to frame i (1-based index)
75 */
76 function showItem(i) {
77 // Disable next/prev buttons until transition is complete
78 // This prevents overlapping of animations
79 $('.nav-next-overlay',j_gallery).unbind('click');
80 $('.nav-prev-overlay',j_gallery).unbind('click');
81 $('.nav-next',j_gallery).unbind('click');
82 $('.nav-prev',j_gallery).unbind('click');
83 j_frames.unbind('click');
85 if(opts.show_filmstrip) {
86 // Fade out all frames
87 j_frames.removeClass('current').find('img').stop().animate({
88 'opacity':opts.frame_opacity
89 },opts.transition_speed);
90 // Fade in target frame
91 j_frames.eq(i).addClass('current').find('img').stop().animate({
92 'opacity':1.0
93 },opts.transition_speed);
94 }
96 //If necessary, fade out all panels while fading in target panel
97 if(opts.show_panels && opts.fade_panels) {
98 j_panels.fadeOut(opts.transition_speed).eq(i%item_count).fadeIn(opts.transition_speed,function(){
99 //If no filmstrip exists, re-bind click events to navigation buttons
100 if(!opts.show_filmstrip) {
101 $('.nav-prev-overlay',j_gallery).click(showPrevItem);
102 $('.nav-next-overlay',j_gallery).click(showNextItem);
103 $('.nav-prev',j_gallery).click(showPrevItem);
104 $('.nav-next',j_gallery).click(showNextItem);
105 }
106 });
107 }
109 // If gallery has a filmstrip, handle animation of frames
110 if(opts.show_filmstrip) {
111 // Slide either pointer or filmstrip, depending on transition method
112 if(slide_method=='strip') {
113 // Stop filmstrip if it's currently in motion
114 j_filmstrip.stop();
115 var distance;
116 var diststr;
117 if(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal') {
118 // Determine distance between pointer (eventual destination) and target frame
119 distance = getPos(j_frames[i]).left - (getPos(j_pointer[0]).left+(pointer_width/2)-(f_frame_width/2));
120 diststr = (distance>=0?'-=':'+=')+Math.abs(distance)+'px';
122 // Animate filmstrip and slide target frame under pointer
123 j_filmstrip.animate({
124 'left':diststr
125 },opts.transition_speed,opts.easing,function(){
126 var old_i = i;
127 // After transition is complete, shift filmstrip so that a sufficient number of frames
128 // remain on either side of the visible filmstrip
129 if(i>item_count) {
130 i = i%item_count;
131 iterator = i;
132 j_filmstrip.css('left','-'+((f_frame_width+opts.frame_gap)*i)+'px');
133 } else if (i<=(item_count-strip_size)) {
134 i = (i%item_count)+item_count;
135 iterator = i;
136 j_filmstrip.css('left','-'+((f_frame_width+opts.frame_gap)*i)+'px');
137 }
138 // If the target frame has changed due to filmstrip shifting,
139 // make sure new target frame has 'current' class and correct size/opacity settings
140 if(old_i != i) {
141 j_frames.eq(old_i).removeClass('current').find('img').css({
142 'opacity':opts.frame_opacity
143 });
144 j_frames.eq(i).addClass('current').find('img').css({
145 'opacity':1.0
146 });
147 }
148 // If panels are not set to fade in/out, simply hide all panels and show the target panel
149 if(!opts.fade_panels) {
150 j_panels.hide().eq(i%item_count).show();
151 }
153 // Once animation is complete, re-bind click events to navigation buttons
154 $('.nav-prev-overlay',j_gallery).click(showPrevItem);
155 $('.nav-next-overlay',j_gallery).click(showNextItem);
156 $('.nav-prev',j_gallery).click(showPrevItem);
157 $('.nav-next',j_gallery).click(showNextItem);
158 enableFrameClicking();
159 });
160 } else { // filmstrip_orientation == 'vertical'
161 //Determine distance between pointer (eventual destination) and target frame
162 distance = getPos(j_frames[i]).top - (getPos(j_pointer[0]).top+(pointer_height)-(f_frame_height/2));
163 diststr = (distance>=0?'-=':'+=')+Math.abs(distance)+'px';
165 // Animate filmstrip and slide target frame under pointer
166 j_filmstrip.animate({
167 'top':diststr
168 },opts.transition_speed,opts.easing,function(){
169 // After transition is complete, shift filmstrip so that a sufficient number of frames
170 // remain on either side of the visible filmstrip
171 var old_i = i;
172 if(i>item_count) {
173 i = i%item_count;
174 iterator = i;
175 j_filmstrip.css('top','-'+((f_frame_height+opts.frame_gap)*i)+'px');
176 } else if (i<=(item_count-strip_size)) {
177 i = (i%item_count)+item_count;
178 iterator = i;
179 j_filmstrip.css('top','-'+((f_frame_height+opts.frame_gap)*i)+'px');
180 }
181 //If the target frame has changed due to filmstrip shifting,
182 //Make sure new target frame has 'current' class and correct size/opacity settings
183 if(old_i != i) {
184 j_frames.eq(old_i).removeClass('current').find('img').css({
185 'opacity':opts.frame_opacity
186 });
187 j_frames.eq(i).addClass('current').find('img').css({
188 'opacity':1.0
189 });
190 }
191 // If panels are not set to fade in/out, simply hide all panels and show the target panel
192 if(!opts.fade_panels) {
193 j_panels.hide().eq(i%item_count).show();
194 }
196 // Once animation is complete, re-bind click events to navigation buttons
197 $('.nav-prev-overlay',j_gallery).click(showPrevItem);
198 $('.nav-next-overlay',j_gallery).click(showNextItem);
199 $('.nav-prev',j_gallery).click(showPrevItem);
200 $('.nav-next',j_gallery).click(showNextItem);
201 enableFrameClicking();
202 });
203 }
204 } else if(slide_method=='pointer') {
205 // Stop pointer if it's currently in motion
206 j_pointer.stop();
207 // Get screen position of target frame
208 var pos = getPos(j_frames[i]);
210 if(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal') {
211 // Slide the pointer over the target frame
212 j_pointer.animate({
213 'left':(pos.left+(f_frame_width/2)-(pointer_width/2)+'px')
214 },opts.transition_speed,opts.easing,function(){
215 if(!opts.fade_panels) {
216 j_panels.hide().eq(i%item_count).show();
217 }
218 $('.nav-prev-overlay',j_gallery).click(showPrevItem);
219 $('.nav-next-overlay',j_gallery).click(showNextItem);
220 $('.nav-prev',j_gallery).click(showPrevItem);
221 $('.nav-next',j_gallery).click(showNextItem);
222 enableFrameClicking();
223 });
224 } else {
225 // Slide the pointer over the target frame
226 j_pointer.animate({
227 'top':('px')
228 },opts.transition_speed,opts.easing,function(){
229 if(!opts.fade_panels) {
230 j_panels.hide().eq(i%item_count).show();
231 }
232 $('.nav-prev-overlay',j_gallery).click(showPrevItem);
233 $('.nav-next-overlay',j_gallery).click(showNextItem);
234 $('.nav-prev',j_gallery).click(showPrevItem);
235 $('.nav-next',j_gallery).click(showNextItem);
236 enableFrameClicking();
237 });
238 }
239 }
241 }
242 };
244 /*
245 ** extraWidth(jQuery element)
246 ** Return the combined width of the border and padding to the elements left and right.
247 ** If the border is non-numerical, assume zero (not ideal, will fix later)
248 ** RETURNS - int
249 */
250 function extraWidth(el) {
251 if(!el) { return 0; }
252 if(el.length==0) { return 0; }
253 el = el.eq(0);
254 var ew = 0;
255 ew += getInt(el.css('paddingLeft'));
256 ew += getInt(el.css('paddingRight'));
257 ew += getInt(el.css('borderLeftWidth'));
258 ew += getInt(el.css('borderRightWidth'));
259 return ew;
260 };
262 /*
263 ** extraHeight(jQuery element)
264 ** Return the combined height of the border and padding above and below the element
265 ** If the border is non-numerical, assume zero (not ideal, will fix later)
266 ** RETURN - int
267 */
268 function extraHeight(el) {
269 if(!el) { return 0; }
270 if(el.length==0) { return 0; }
271 el = el.eq(0);
272 var eh = 0;
273 eh += getInt(el.css('paddingTop'));
274 eh += getInt(el.css('paddingBottom'));
275 eh += getInt(el.css('borderTopWidth'));
276 eh += getInt(el.css('borderBottomWidth'));
277 return eh;
278 };
280 /*
281 ** showNextItem()
282 ** Transition from current frame to next frame
283 */
284 function showNextItem() {
286 // Cancel any transition timers until we have completed this function
287 $(document).stopTime("transition");
288 if(++iterator==j_frames.length) {iterator=0;}
289 // We've already written the code to transition to an arbitrary panel/frame, so use it
290 showItem(iterator);
291 // If automated transitions haven't been cancelled by an option or paused on hover, re-enable them
292 if(!paused) {
293 $(document).everyTime(opts.transition_interval,"transition",function(){
294 showNextItem();
295 });
296 }
297 };
299 /*
300 ** showPrevItem()
301 ** Transition from current frame to previous frame
302 */
303 function showPrevItem() {
304 // Cancel any transition timers until we have completed this function
305 $(document).stopTime("transition");
306 if(--iterator<0) {iterator = item_count-1;}
307 // We've already written the code to transition to an arbitrary panel/frame, so use it
308 showItem(iterator);
309 // If automated transitions haven't been cancelled by an option or paused on hover, re-enable them
310 if(!paused) {
311 $(document).everyTime(opts.transition_interval,"transition",function(){
312 showNextItem();
313 });
314 }
315 };
317 /*
318 ** getPos(jQuery element
319 ** Calculate position of an element relative to top/left corner of gallery
320 ** If the gallery bounding box itself is passed to the function, calculate position of gallery relative to top/left corner of browser window
321 ** RETURNS - JSON {left: int, top: int}
322 */
323 function getPos(el) {
324 var left = 0, top = 0;
325 var el_id =;
326 if(el.offsetParent) {
327 do {
328 left += el.offsetLeft;
329 top += el.offsetTop;
330 } while(el = el.offsetParent);
331 }
332 //If we want the position of the gallery itself, return it
333 if(el_id == id) {return {'left':left,'top':top};}
334 //Otherwise, get position of element relative to gallery
335 else {
336 var gPos = getPos(j_gallery[0]);
337 var gLeft = gPos.left;
338 var gTop =;
340 return {'left':left-gLeft,'top':top-gTop};
341 }
342 };
344 /*
345 ** enableFrameClicking()
346 ** Add an onclick event handler to each frame
347 ** Exception: if a frame has an anchor tag, do not add an onlick handler
348 */
349 function enableFrameClicking() {
350 j_frames.each(function(i){
351 if($('a',this).length==0) {
352 $(this).click(function(){
353 // Prevent transitioning to the current frame (unnecessary)
354 if(iterator!=i) {
355 $(document).stopTime("transition");
356 showItem(i);
357 iterator = i;
358 if(!paused) {
359 $(document).everyTime(opts.transition_interval,"transition",function(){
360 showNextItem();
361 });
362 }
363 }
364 });
365 }
366 });
367 };
369 /*
370 ** buildPanels()
371 ** Construct gallery panels from <div class="panel"> elements
372 ** NOTE - These DIVs are generated automatically from the content of the UL passed to the plugin
373 */
374 function buildPanels() {
375 // If panel overlay content exists, add the necessary overlay background DIV
376 // The overlay content and background are separate elements so the background's opacity isn't inherited by the content
377 j_panels.each(function(i){
378 if($('.panel-overlay',this).length>0) {
379 $(this).append('<div class="overlay-background"></div>');
380 }
381 });
382 // If there is no filmstrip in this gallery, add navigation buttons to the panel itself
383 if(!opts.show_filmstrip) {
384 $('<img />').addClass('nav-next').attr('src',theme_path+opts.nav_theme+'/next.gif').appendTo(j_gallery).css({
385 'position':'absolute',
386 'zIndex':'1100',
387 'cursor':'pointer',
388 'top':((opts.panel_height-22)/2)+gallery_padding+'px',
389 'right':'10px',
390 'display':'none'
391 }).click(showNextItem);
392 $('<img />').addClass('nav-prev').attr('src',theme_path+opts.nav_theme+'/prev.gif').appendTo(j_gallery).css({
393 'position':'absolute',
394 'zIndex':'1100',
395 'cursor':'pointer',
396 'top':((opts.panel_height-22)/2)+gallery_padding+'px',
397 'left':'10px',
398 'display':'none'
399 }).click(showPrevItem);
401 $('<img />').addClass('nav-next-overlay').attr('src',theme_path+opts.nav_theme+'/panel-nav-next.gif').appendTo(j_gallery).css({
402 'position':'absolute',
403 'zIndex':'1099',
404 'top':((opts.panel_height-22)/2)+gallery_padding-10+'px',
405 'right':'0',
406 'display':'none',
407 'cursor':'pointer',
408 'opacity':0.75
409 }).click(showNextItem);
411 $('<img />').addClass('nav-prev-overlay').attr('src',theme_path+opts.nav_theme+'/panel-nav-prev.gif').appendTo(j_gallery).css({
412 'position':'absolute',
413 'zIndex':'1099',
414 'top':((opts.panel_height-22)/2)+gallery_padding-10+'px',
415 'left':'0',
416 'display':'none',
417 'cursor':'pointer',
418 'opacity':0.75
419 }).click(showPrevItem);
420 }
421 // Set the height and width of each panel, and position it appropriately within the gallery
422 j_panels.each(function(i){
423 $(this).css({
424 'width':(opts.panel_width-extraWidth(j_panels))+'px',
425 'height':(opts.panel_height-extraHeight(j_panels))+'px',
426 'position':'absolute',
427 'overflow':'hidden',
428 'display':'none'
429 });
430 switch(opts.filmstrip_position) {
431 case 'top': $(this).css({
432 'top':strip_height+Math.max(gallery_padding,filmstrip_margin)+'px',
433 'left':gallery_padding+'px'
434 }); break;
435 case 'left': $(this).css({
436 'top':gallery_padding+'px',
437 'left':strip_width+Math.max(gallery_padding,filmstrip_margin)+'px'
438 }); break;
439 default: $(this).css({'top':gallery_padding+'px','left':gallery_padding+'px'}); break;
440 }
441 });
442 // Position each panel overlay within panel
443 $('.panel-overlay',j_panels).css({
444 'position':'absolute',
445 'zIndex':'999',
446 'width':(opts.panel_width-extraWidth($('.panel-overlay',j_panels)))+'px',
447 'left':'0'
448 });
449 $('.overlay-background',j_panels).css({
450 'position':'absolute',
451 'zIndex':'998',
452 'width':opts.panel_width+'px',
453 'left':'0',
454 'opacity':opts.overlay_opacity
455 });
456 if(opts.overlay_position=='top') {
457 $('.panel-overlay',j_panels).css('top',0);
458 $('.overlay-background',j_panels).css('top',0);
459 } else {
460 $('.panel-overlay',j_panels).css('bottom',0);
461 $('.overlay-background',j_panels).css('bottom',0);
462 }
464 $('.panel iframe',j_panels).css({
465 'width':opts.panel_width+'px',
466 'height':opts.panel_height+'px',
467 'border':'0'
468 });
470 // If panel images have to be scaled to fit within frame, do so and position them accordingly
471 if(scale_panel_images) {
472 $('img',j_panels).each(function(i){
473 $(this).css({
474 'height':panel_img_scale[i%item_count]*img_h[i%item_count],
475 'width':panel_img_scale[i%item_count]*img_w[i%item_count],
476 'position':'relative',
477 'top':(opts.panel_height-(panel_img_scale[i%item_count]*img_h[i%item_count]))/2+'px',
478 'left':(opts.panel_width-(panel_img_scale[i%item_count]*img_w[i%item_count]))/2+'px'
479 });
480 });
481 }
482 };
484 /*
485 ** buildFilmstrip()
486 ** Construct filmstrip from <ul class="filmstrip"> element
487 ** NOTE - 'filmstrip' class is automatically added to UL passed to plugin
488 */
489 function buildFilmstrip() {
490 // Add wrapper to filmstrip to hide extra frames
491 j_filmstrip.wrap('<div class="strip_wrapper"></div>');
492 if(slide_method=='strip') {
493 j_frames.clone().appendTo(j_filmstrip);
494 j_frames.clone().appendTo(j_filmstrip);
495 j_frames = $('li',j_filmstrip);
496 }
497 // If captions are enabled, add caption DIV to each frame and fill with the image titles
498 if(opts.show_captions) {
499 j_frames.append('<div class="caption"></div>').each(function(i){
500 $(this).find('.caption').html($(this).find('img').attr('title'));
501 //$(this).find('.caption').html(i);
502 });
503 }
504 // Position the filmstrip within the gallery
505 j_filmstrip.css({
506 'listStyle':'none',
507 'margin':'0',
508 'padding':'0',
509 'width':strip_width+'px',
510 'position':'absolute',
511 'zIndex':'900',
512 'top':(filmstrip_orientation=='vertical' && slide_method=='strip'?-((f_frame_height+opts.frame_gap)*iterator):0)+'px',
513 'left':(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal' && slide_method=='strip'?-((f_frame_width+opts.frame_gap)*iterator):0)+'px',
514 'height':strip_height+'px'
515 });
516 j_frames.css({
517 'float':'left',
518 'position':'relative',
519 'height':f_frame_height+(opts.show_captions?frame_caption_size:0)+'px',
520 'width':f_frame_width+'px',
521 'zIndex':'901',
522 'padding':'0',
523 'cursor':'pointer'
524 });
525 // Set frame margins based on user options and position of filmstrip within gallery
526 switch(opts.filmstrip_position) {
527 case 'top': j_frames.css({
528 'marginBottom':filmstrip_margin+'px',
529 'marginRight':opts.frame_gap+'px'
530 }); break;
531 case 'bottom': j_frames.css({
532 'marginTop':filmstrip_margin+'px',
533 'marginRight':opts.frame_gap+'px'
534 }); break;
535 case 'left': j_frames.css({
536 'marginRight':filmstrip_margin+'px',
537 'marginBottom':opts.frame_gap+'px'
538 }); break;
539 case 'right': j_frames.css({
540 'marginLeft':filmstrip_margin+'px',
541 'marginBottom':opts.frame_gap+'px'
542 }); break;
543 }
544 // Apply styling to individual image wrappers. These will eventually hide overflow in the case of cropped filmstrip images
545 $('.img_wrap',j_frames).each(function(i){
546 $(this).css({
547 'height':Math.min(opts.frame_height,img_h[i%item_count]*frame_img_scale[i%item_count])+'px',
548 'width':Math.min(opts.frame_width,img_w[i%item_count]*frame_img_scale[i%item_count])+'px',
549 'position':'relative',
550 'top':(opts.show_captions && opts.filmstrip_position=='top'?frame_caption_size:0)+Math.max(0,(opts.frame_height-(frame_img_scale[i%item_count]*img_h[i%item_count]))/2)+'px',
551 'left':Math.max(0,(opts.frame_width-(frame_img_scale[i%item_count]*img_w[i%item_count]))/2)+'px',
552 'overflow':'hidden'
553 });
554 });
555 // Scale each filmstrip image if necessary and position it within the image wrapper
556 $('img',j_frames).each(function(i){
557 $(this).css({
558 'opacity':opts.frame_opacity,
559 'height':img_h[i%item_count]*frame_img_scale[i%item_count]+'px',
560 'width':img_w[i%item_count]*frame_img_scale[i%item_count]+'px',
561 'position':'relative',
562 'top':Math.min(0,(opts.frame_height-(frame_img_scale[i%item_count]*img_h[i%item_count]))/2)+'px',
563 'left':Math.min(0,(opts.frame_width-(frame_img_scale[i%item_count]*img_w[i%item_count]))/2)+'px'
565 }).mouseover(function(){
566 $(this).stop().animate({'opacity':1.0},300);
567 }).mouseout(function(){
568 //Don't fade out current frame on mouseout
569 if(!$(this).parent().parent().hasClass('current')) { $(this).stop().animate({'opacity':opts.frame_opacity},300); }
570 });
571 });
572 // Set overflow of filmstrip wrapper to hidden so as to hide frames that don't fit within the gallery
573 $('.strip_wrapper',j_gallery).css({
574 'position':'absolute',
575 'overflow':'hidden'
576 });
577 // Position filmstrip within gallery based on user options
578 if(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal') {
579 $('.strip_wrapper',j_gallery).css({
580 'top':(opts.filmstrip_position=='top'?Math.max(gallery_padding,filmstrip_margin)+'px':opts.panel_height+gallery_padding+'px'),
581 'left':((gallery_width-wrapper_width)/2)+gallery_padding+'px',
582 'width':wrapper_width+'px',
583 'height':strip_height+'px'
584 });
585 } else {
586 $('.strip_wrapper',j_gallery).css({
587 'left':(opts.filmstrip_position=='left'?Math.max(gallery_padding,filmstrip_margin)+'px':opts.panel_width+gallery_padding+'px'),
588 'top':Math.max(gallery_padding,opts.frame_gap)+'px',
589 'width':strip_width+'px',
590 'height':wrapper_height+'px'
591 });
592 }
593 // Style frame captions
594 $('.caption',j_gallery).css({
595 'position':'absolute',
596 'top':(opts.filmstrip_position=='bottom'?f_frame_height:0)+'px',
597 'left':'0',
598 'margin':'0',
599 'width':f_frame_width+'px',
600 'padding':'0',
601 'height':frame_caption_size+'px',
602 'overflow':'hidden',
603 'lineHeight':frame_caption_size+'px'
604 });
605 // Create pointer for current frame
606 var pointer = $('<div></div>');
607 pointer.addClass('pointer').appendTo(j_gallery).css({
608 'position':'absolute',
609 'zIndex':'1000',
610 'width':'0px',
611 'fontSize':'0px',
612 'lineHeight':'0%',
613 'borderTopWidth':pointer_height+'px',
614 'borderRightWidth':(pointer_width/2)+'px',
615 'borderBottomWidth':pointer_height+'px',
616 'borderLeftWidth':(pointer_width/2)+'px',
617 'borderStyle':'solid'
618 });
620 // For IE6, use predefined color string in place of transparent (IE6 bug fix, see stylesheet)
621 //var transColor = $.browser.msie && $.browser.version.substr(0,1)=='6' ? 'pink' : 'transparent';
622 // From jQuery 1.9 on, $.browser is no longer defined. For a quick workaround see,
623 var transColor = (navigator.userAgent.match(/msie [6]/i)) ? 'pink' : 'transparent';
625 // If there are no panels, make pointer transparent (nothing to point to)
626 // This is not the optimal solution, but we need the pointer to exist as a reference for transition animations
627 if(!opts.show_panels) { pointer.css('borderColor',transColor); }
629 switch(opts.filmstrip_position) {
630 case 'top': pointer.css({
631 'bottom':(opts.panel_height-(pointer_height*2)+gallery_padding+filmstrip_margin)+'px',
632 'left':((gallery_width-wrapper_width)/2)+(slide_method=='strip'?0:((f_frame_width+opts.frame_gap)*iterator))+((f_frame_width/2)-(pointer_width/2))+gallery_padding+'px',
633 'borderBottomColor':transColor,
634 'borderRightColor':transColor,
635 'borderLeftColor':transColor
636 }); break;
637 case 'bottom': pointer.css({
638 'top':(opts.panel_height-(pointer_height*2)+gallery_padding+filmstrip_margin)+'px',
639 'left':((gallery_width-wrapper_width)/2)+(slide_method=='strip'?0:((f_frame_width+opts.frame_gap)*iterator))+((f_frame_width/2)-(pointer_width/2))+gallery_padding+'px',
640 'borderTopColor':transColor,
641 'borderRightColor':transColor,
642 'borderLeftColor':transColor
643 }); break;
644 case 'left': pointer.css({
645 'right':(opts.panel_width-pointer_width+gallery_padding+filmstrip_margin)+'px',
646 'top':(f_frame_height/2)-(pointer_height)+(slide_method=='strip'?0:((f_frame_height+opts.frame_gap)*iterator))+gallery_padding+'px',
647 'borderBottomColor':transColor,
648 'borderRightColor':transColor,
649 'borderTopColor':transColor
650 }); break;
651 case 'right': pointer.css({
652 'left':(opts.panel_width-pointer_width+gallery_padding+filmstrip_margin)+'px',
653 'top':(f_frame_height/2)-(pointer_height)+(slide_method=='strip'?0:((f_frame_height+opts.frame_gap)*iterator))+gallery_padding+'px',
654 'borderBottomColor':transColor,
655 'borderLeftColor':transColor,
656 'borderTopColor':transColor
657 }); break;
658 }
660 j_pointer = $('.pointer',j_gallery);
662 // Add navigation buttons
663 var navNext = $('<img />');
664 navNext.addClass('nav-next').attr('src',theme_path+opts.nav_theme+'/next.gif').appendTo(j_gallery).css({
665 'position':'absolute',
666 'cursor':'pointer'
667 }).click(showNextItem);
668 var navPrev = $('<img />');
669 navPrev.addClass('nav-prev').attr('src',theme_path+opts.nav_theme+'/prev.gif').appendTo(j_gallery).css({
670 'position':'absolute',
671 'cursor':'pointer'
672 }).click(showPrevItem);
673 if(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal') {
674 navNext.css({
675 'top':(opts.filmstrip_position=='top'?Math.max(gallery_padding,filmstrip_margin):opts.panel_height+filmstrip_margin+gallery_padding)+((f_frame_height-22)/2)+'px',
676 'right':((gallery_width+(gallery_padding*2))/2)-(wrapper_width/2)-opts.frame_gap-22+'px'
677 });
678 navPrev.css({
679 'top':(opts.filmstrip_position=='top'?Math.max(gallery_padding,filmstrip_margin):opts.panel_height+filmstrip_margin+gallery_padding)+((f_frame_height-22)/2)+'px',
680 'left':((gallery_width+(gallery_padding*2))/2)-(wrapper_width/2)-opts.frame_gap-22+'px'
681 });
682 } else {
683 navNext.css({
684 'left':(opts.filmstrip_position=='left'?Math.max(gallery_padding,filmstrip_margin):opts.panel_width+filmstrip_margin+gallery_padding)+((f_frame_width-22)/2)+13+'px',
685 'top':wrapper_height+(Math.max(gallery_padding,opts.frame_gap)*2)+'px'
686 });
687 navPrev.css({
688 'left':(opts.filmstrip_position=='left'?Math.max(gallery_padding,filmstrip_margin):opts.panel_width+filmstrip_margin+gallery_padding)+((f_frame_width-22)/2)-13+'px',
689 'top':wrapper_height+(Math.max(gallery_padding,opts.frame_gap)*2)+'px'
690 });
691 }
692 };
694 /*
695 ** mouseIsOverGallery(int,int)
696 ** Check to see if mouse coordinates lie within borders of gallery
697 ** This is a more reliable method than using the mouseover event
698 ** RETURN - boolean
699 */
700 function mouseIsOverGallery(x,y) {
701 var pos = getPos(j_gallery[0]);
702 var top =;
703 var left = pos.left;
704 return x > left && x < left+gallery_width+(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal'?(gallery_padding*2):gallery_padding+Math.max(gallery_padding,filmstrip_margin)) && y > top && y < top+gallery_height+(filmstrip_orientation=='vertical'?(gallery_padding*2):gallery_padding+Math.max(gallery_padding,filmstrip_margin));
705 };
707 /*
708 ** getInt(string)
709 ** Parse a string to obtain the integer value contained
710 ** If the string contains no number, return zero
711 ** RETURN - int
712 */
713 function getInt(i) {
714 i = parseInt(i,10);
715 if(isNaN(i)) { i = 0; }
716 return i;
717 };
719 /*
720 ** buildGallery()
721 ** Construct HTML and CSS for the gallery, based on user options
722 */
723 function buildGallery() {
724 var gallery_images = opts.show_filmstrip?$('img',j_frames):$('img',j_panels);
725 // For each image in the gallery, add its original dimensions and scaled dimensions to the appropriate arrays for later reference
726 gallery_images.each(function(i){
727 img_h[i] = this.height;
728 img_w[i] = this.width;
729 if(opts.frame_scale=='nocrop') {
730 frame_img_scale[i] = Math.min(opts.frame_height/img_h[i],opts.frame_width/img_w[i]);
731 } else {
732 frame_img_scale[i] = Math.max(opts.frame_height/img_h[i],opts.frame_width/img_w[i]);
733 }
735 if(opts.panel_scale=='nocrop') {
736 panel_img_scale[i] = Math.min(opts.panel_height/img_h[i],opts.panel_width/img_w[i]);
737 } else {
738 panel_img_scale[i] = Math.max(opts.panel_height/img_h[i],opts.panel_width/img_w[i]);
739 }
740 });
742 // Size gallery based on position of filmstrip
743 j_gallery.css({
744 'position':'relative',
745 'width':gallery_width+(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal'?(gallery_padding*2):gallery_padding+Math.max(gallery_padding,filmstrip_margin))+'px',
746 'height':gallery_height+(filmstrip_orientation=='vertical'?(gallery_padding*2):gallery_padding+Math.max(gallery_padding,filmstrip_margin))+'px'
747 });
749 // Build filmstrip if necessary
750 if(opts.show_filmstrip) {
751 buildFilmstrip();
752 enableFrameClicking();
753 }
754 // Build panels if necessary
755 if(opts.show_panels) {
756 buildPanels();
757 }
759 // If user opts to pause on hover, or no filmstrip exists, add some mouseover functionality
760 if(opts.pause_on_hover || (opts.show_panels && !opts.show_filmstrip)) {
761 $(document).mousemove(function(e){
762 if(mouseIsOverGallery(e.pageX,e.pageY)) {
763 // If the user opts to pause on hover, kill automated transitions
764 if(opts.pause_on_hover) {
765 if(!paused) {
766 // Pause slideshow in 500ms
767 $(document).oneTime(500,"animation_pause",function(){
768 $(document).stopTime("transition");
769 paused=true;
770 });
771 }
772 }
773 // Display panel navigation on mouseover
774 if(opts.show_panels && !opts.show_filmstrip && !panel_nav_displayed) {
775 $('.nav-next-overlay').fadeIn('fast');
776 $('.nav-prev-overlay').fadeIn('fast');
777 $('.nav-next',j_gallery).fadeIn('fast');
778 $('.nav-prev',j_gallery).fadeIn('fast');
779 panel_nav_displayed = true;
780 }
781 } else {
782 // If the mouse leaves the gallery, stop the pause timer and restart automated transitions
783 if(opts.pause_on_hover) {
784 $(document).stopTime("animation_pause");
785 if(paused) {
786 $(document).everyTime(opts.transition_interval,"transition",function(){
787 showNextItem();
788 });
789 paused = false;
790 }
791 }
792 // Hide panel navigation
793 if(opts.show_panels && !opts.show_filmstrip && panel_nav_displayed) {
794 $('.nav-next-overlay').fadeOut('fast');
795 $('.nav-prev-overlay').fadeOut('fast');
796 $('.nav-next',j_gallery).fadeOut('fast');
797 $('.nav-prev',j_gallery).fadeOut('fast');
798 panel_nav_displayed = false;
799 }
800 }
801 });
802 }
804 // Hide loading box and display gallery
805 j_filmstrip.css('visibility','visible');
806 j_gallery.css('visibility','visible');
807 $('.loader',j_gallery).fadeOut('1000',function(){
808 // Show the 'first' panel (set by opts.start_frame)
809 showItem(iterator);
810 // If we have more than one item, begin automated transitions
811 if(item_count > 1) {
812 $(document).everyTime(opts.transition_interval,"transition",function(){
813 showNextItem();
814 });
815 }
816 });
817 };
819 /*
821 */
822 return this.each(function() {
823 //Hide the unstyled UL until we've created the gallery
824 $(this).css('visibility','hidden');
826 // Wrap UL in DIV and transfer ID to container DIV
827 $(this).wrap("<div></div>");
828 j_gallery = $(this).parent();
829 j_gallery.css('visibility','hidden').attr('id',$(this).attr('id')).addClass('gallery');
831 // Assign filmstrip class to UL
832 $(this).removeAttr('id').addClass('filmstrip');
834 // If the transition or pause timers exist for any reason, stop them now.
835 $(document).stopTime("transition");
836 $(document).stopTime("animation_pause");
838 // Save the id of the UL passed to the plugin
839 id = j_gallery.attr('id');
841 // If the UL does not contain any <div class="panel-content"> elements, we will scale the UL images to fill the panels
842 scale_panel_images = $('.panel-content',j_gallery).length==0;
844 // Define dimensions of pointer <div>
845 pointer_height = opts.pointer_size;
846 pointer_width = opts.pointer_size*2;
848 // Determine filmstrip orientation (vertical or horizontal)
849 // Do not show captions on vertical filmstrips (override user set option)
850 filmstrip_orientation = (opts.filmstrip_position=='top'||opts.filmstrip_position=='bottom'?'horizontal':'vertical');
851 if(filmstrip_orientation=='vertical') { opts.show_captions = false; }
853 // Determine path between current page and plugin images
854 // Scan script tags and look for path to GalleryView plugin
855 $('script').each(function(i){
856 var s = $(this);
857 if(s.attr('src') && s.attr('src').match(/jquery\.galleryview/)){
858 loader_path = s.attr('src').split('jquery.galleryview')[0];
859 theme_path = s.attr('src').split('jquery.galleryview')[0]+'../images/galleryviewthemes/';
860 }
861 });
863 // Assign elements to variables to minimize calls to jQuery
864 j_filmstrip = $('.filmstrip',j_gallery);
865 j_frames = $('li',j_filmstrip);
866 j_frames.addClass('frame');
868 // If the user wants panels, generate them using the filmstrip images
869 if(opts.show_panels) {
870 for(i=j_frames.length-1;i>=0;i--) {
871 if(j_frames.eq(i).find('.panel-content').length>0) {
872 j_frames.eq(i).find('.panel-content').remove().prependTo(j_gallery).addClass('panel');
873 } else {
874 p = $('<div>');
875 p.addClass('panel');
876 im = $('<img />');
877 im.attr('src',j_frames.eq(i).find('img').eq(0).attr('src')).appendTo(p);
878 p.prependTo(j_gallery);
879 j_frames.eq(i).find('.panel-overlay').remove().appendTo(p);
880 }
881 }
882 } else {
883 $('.panel-overlay',j_frames).remove();
884 $('.panel-content',j_frames).remove();
885 }
887 // If the user doesn't want a filmstrip, delete it
888 if(!opts.show_filmstrip) { j_filmstrip.remove(); }
889 else {
890 // Wrap the frame images (and links, if applicable) in container divs
891 // These divs will handle cropping and zooming of the images
892 j_frames.each(function(i){
893 if($(this).find('a').length>0) {
894 $(this).find('a').wrap('<div class="img_wrap"></div>');
895 } else {
896 $(this).find('img').wrap('<div class="img_wrap"></div>');
897 }
898 });
899 j_frame_img_wrappers = $('.img_wrap',j_frames);
900 }
902 j_panels = $('.panel',j_gallery);
904 if(!opts.show_panels) {
905 opts.panel_height = 0;
906 opts.panel_width = 0;
907 }
910 // Determine final frame dimensions, accounting for user-added padding and border
911 f_frame_width = opts.frame_width+extraWidth(j_frame_img_wrappers);
912 f_frame_height = opts.frame_height+extraHeight(j_frame_img_wrappers);
914 // Number of frames in filmstrip
915 item_count = opts.show_panels?j_panels.length:j_frames.length;
917 // Number of frames that can display within the gallery block
918 // 64 = width of block for navigation button * 2 + 20
919 if(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal') {
920 strip_size = opts.show_panels?Math.floor((opts.panel_width-((opts.frame_gap+22)*2))/(f_frame_width+opts.frame_gap)):Math.min(item_count,opts.filmstrip_size);
921 } else {
922 strip_size = opts.show_panels?Math.floor((opts.panel_height-(opts.frame_gap+22))/(f_frame_height+opts.frame_gap)):Math.min(item_count,opts.filmstrip_size);
923 }
925 // Determine animation method for filmstrip
926 // If more items than strip size, slide filmstrip
927 // Otherwise, slide pointer
928 if(strip_size >= item_count) {
929 slide_method = 'pointer';
930 strip_size = item_count;
931 }
932 else {slide_method = 'strip';}
934 iterator = (strip_size<item_count?item_count:0)+opts.start_frame-1;
936 // Determine dimensions of various gallery elements
937 filmstrip_margin = (opts.show_panels?getInt(j_filmstrip.css('marginTop')):0);
938 j_filmstrip.css('margin','0px');
940 if(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal') {
941 // Width of gallery block
942 gallery_width = opts.show_panels?opts.panel_width:(strip_size*(f_frame_width+opts.frame_gap))+44+opts.frame_gap;
944 // Height of gallery block = screen + filmstrip + captions (optional)
945 gallery_height = (opts.show_panels?opts.panel_height:0)+(opts.show_filmstrip?f_frame_height+filmstrip_margin+(opts.show_captions?frame_caption_size:0):0);
946 } else {
947 // Width of gallery block
948 gallery_height = opts.show_panels?opts.panel_height:(strip_size*(f_frame_height+opts.frame_gap))+22;
950 // Height of gallery block = screen + filmstrip + captions (optional)
951 gallery_width = (opts.show_panels?opts.panel_width:0)+(opts.show_filmstrip?f_frame_width+filmstrip_margin:0);
952 }
954 // Width of filmstrip
955 if(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal') {
956 if(slide_method == 'pointer') {strip_width = (f_frame_width*item_count)+(opts.frame_gap*(item_count));}
957 else {strip_width = (f_frame_width*item_count*3)+(opts.frame_gap*(item_count*3));}
958 } else {
959 strip_width = (f_frame_width+filmstrip_margin);
960 }
961 if(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal') {
962 strip_height = (f_frame_height+filmstrip_margin+(opts.show_captions?frame_caption_size:0));
963 } else {
964 if(slide_method == 'pointer') {strip_height = (f_frame_height*item_count+opts.frame_gap*(item_count));}
965 else {strip_height = (f_frame_height*item_count*3)+(opts.frame_gap*(item_count*3));}
966 }
968 // Width of filmstrip wrapper (to hide overflow)
969 wrapper_width = ((strip_size*f_frame_width)+((strip_size-1)*opts.frame_gap));
970 wrapper_height = ((strip_size*f_frame_height)+((strip_size-1)*opts.frame_gap));
973 gallery_padding = getInt(j_gallery.css('paddingTop'));
974 j_gallery.css('padding','0px');
976 // Place loading box over gallery until page loads
977 galleryPos = getPos(j_gallery[0]);
978 $('<div>').addClass('loader').css({
979 'position':'absolute',
980 'zIndex':'32666',
981 'opacity':1,
982 'top':'0px',
983 'left':'0px',
984 'width':gallery_width+(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal'?(gallery_padding*2):gallery_padding+Math.max(gallery_padding,filmstrip_margin))+'px',
985 'height':gallery_height+(filmstrip_orientation=='vertical'?(gallery_padding*2):gallery_padding+Math.max(gallery_padding,filmstrip_margin))+'px'
986 }).appendTo(j_gallery);
988 // Don't call the buildGallery function until the window is loaded
989 // NOTE - lazy way of waiting until all images are loaded, may find a better solution for future versions
990 if(!window_loaded) {
991 $(window).load(function(){
992 window_loaded = true;
993 buildGallery();
994 });
995 } else {
996 buildGallery();
997 }
999 });
1000 };
1003** GalleryView options and default values
1005 $.fn.galleryView.defaults = {
1007 show_panels: true, //BOOLEAN - flag to show or hide panel portion of gallery
1008 show_filmstrip: true, //BOOLEAN - flag to show or hide filmstrip portion of gallery
1010 panel_width: 600, //INT - width of gallery panel (in pixels)
1011 panel_height: 400, //INT - height of gallery panel (in pixels)
1012 frame_width: 100, //INT - width of filmstrip frames (in pixels)
1013 frame_height: 60, //INT - width of filmstrip frames (in pixels)
1015 start_frame: 1, //INT - index of panel/frame to show first when gallery loads
1016 filmstrip_size: 3,
1017 transition_speed: 800, //INT - duration of panel/frame transition (in milliseconds)
1018 transition_interval: 4000, //INT - delay between panel/frame transitions (in milliseconds)
1020 overlay_opacity: 0.7, //FLOAT - transparency for panel overlay (1.0 = opaque, 0.0 = transparent)
1021 frame_opacity: 0.3, //FLOAT - transparency of non-active frames (1.0 = opaque, 0.0 = transparent)
1023 pointer_size: 0, //INT - Height of frame pointer (in pixels)
1025 nav_theme: 'dark', //STRING - name of navigation theme to use (folder must exist within 'themes' directory)
1026 easing: 'swing', //STRING - easing method to use for animations (jQuery provides 'swing' or 'linear', more available with jQuery UI or Easing plugin)
1028 filmstrip_position: 'bottom', //STRING - position of filmstrip within gallery (bottom, top, left, right)
1029 overlay_position: 'bottom', //STRING - position of panel overlay (bottom, top, left, right)
1031 panel_scale: 'nocrop', //STRING - cropping option for panel images (crop = scale image and fit to aspect ratio determined by panel_width and panel_height, nocrop = scale image and preserve original aspect ratio)
1032 frame_scale: 'crop', //STRING - cropping option for filmstrip images (same as above)
1034 frame_gap: 5, //INT - spacing between frames within filmstrip (in pixels)
1036 show_captions: false, //BOOLEAN - flag to show or hide frame captions
1037 fade_panels: true, //BOOLEAN - flag to fade panels during transitions or swap instantly
1038 pause_on_hover: true //BOOLEAN - flag to pause slideshow when user hovers over the gallery
1039 };
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.