@echo off pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" if "x%GSDLHOME%" == "x" ( REM This extension needs to have the main GSDL setup.bat sourced echo Greenstone environment variable GSDLHOME not set. echo Have you sourced the main installation\'s setup file, e.g. setup.bat? goto ErrorExitNeg1 ) if not exist "%GSDLHOME%\apache-httpd" ( REM ... and it also needs to have been configured with --enable-apache-httpd REM This is because the entension needs to add mod_flvx to the web server echo Could not find the directory "%GSDLHOME%\apache-httpd" echo Has the main Greenstone been configure for this? echo e.g. nmake /f win32.mak APACHE_HTTPD=1 [... other options] exit ErrorExitNeg1 ) REM call cascade-make/bin/script/test-setup.bat call cascade-make/lib/cascade-lib.bat :: Guaranteed that GSDLOS has now been set for /D %%d IN ("%GSDLOS%") do ( if not exist "%GEXTVIDEO_INSTALLED%\%%d" ( echo Creating %GEXTVIDEO_INSTALLED%\%%d mkdir "%GEXTVIDEO_INSTALLED%\%%d" ) ) set dirlist=build-srcpack runtime-srcpack if exist "devel-srcpack" ( set dirlist=%dirlist% devel-srcpack ) for /D %%d IN (%dirlist%) do ( echo Running %%d\CASCADE-MAKE.bat %* (cd %%d && call CASCADE-MAKE.bat %* && cd ..) if not ERRORLEVEL 0 ( echo Error encountered running %%d\CASCADE-MAKE.bat goto ErrorExitPos1 ) ) if "%install%" == "1" ( type NOTES.txt ) goto End :ErrorExitNeg1 set ERRORLEVEL=-1 goto End :ErrorExitPos1 set ERRORLEVEL=1 goto End :End popd