source: extensions/gsdl-video/trunk/installed/cmdline/lib/ruby/1.8/i686-linux/intern.h@ 18425

Last change on this file since 18425 was 18425, checked in by davidb, 15 years ago

Video extension to Greenstone

File size: 18.2 KB
3 intern.h -
5 $Author: knu $
6 $Date: 2007-03-11 17:31:53 +0900 (Sun, 11 Mar 2007) $
7 created at: Thu Jun 10 14:22:17 JST 1993
9 Copyright (C) 1993-2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto
10 Copyright (C) 2000 Network Applied Communication Laboratory, Inc.
11 Copyright (C) 2000 Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan
16 * Functions and variables that are used by more than one source file of
17 * the kernel.
18 */
20#define ID_ALLOCATOR 1
22/* array.c */
23void rb_mem_clear _((register VALUE*, register long));
24VALUE rb_assoc_new _((VALUE, VALUE));
25VALUE rb_check_array_type _((VALUE));
26VALUE rb_ary_new _((void));
27VALUE rb_ary_new2 _((long));
28VALUE rb_ary_new3 __((long,...));
29VALUE rb_ary_new4 _((long, const VALUE *));
30VALUE rb_ary_freeze _((VALUE));
31VALUE rb_ary_aref _((int, VALUE*, VALUE));
32void rb_ary_store _((VALUE, long, VALUE));
33VALUE rb_ary_dup _((VALUE));
34VALUE rb_ary_to_ary _((VALUE));
35VALUE rb_ary_to_s _((VALUE));
36VALUE rb_ary_push _((VALUE, VALUE));
37VALUE rb_ary_pop _((VALUE));
38VALUE rb_ary_shift _((VALUE));
39VALUE rb_ary_unshift _((VALUE, VALUE));
40VALUE rb_ary_entry _((VALUE, long));
41VALUE rb_ary_each _((VALUE));
42VALUE rb_ary_join _((VALUE, VALUE));
43VALUE rb_ary_print_on _((VALUE, VALUE));
44VALUE rb_ary_reverse _((VALUE));
45VALUE rb_ary_sort _((VALUE));
46VALUE rb_ary_sort_bang _((VALUE));
47VALUE rb_ary_delete _((VALUE, VALUE));
48VALUE rb_ary_delete_at _((VALUE, long));
49VALUE rb_ary_clear _((VALUE));
50VALUE rb_ary_plus _((VALUE, VALUE));
51VALUE rb_ary_concat _((VALUE, VALUE));
52VALUE rb_ary_assoc _((VALUE, VALUE));
53VALUE rb_ary_rassoc _((VALUE, VALUE));
54VALUE rb_ary_includes _((VALUE, VALUE));
55VALUE rb_ary_cmp _((VALUE, VALUE));
56VALUE rb_protect_inspect _((VALUE(*)(ANYARGS),VALUE,VALUE));
57VALUE rb_inspecting_p _((VALUE));
58VALUE rb_check_array_value _((VALUE));
59VALUE rb_values_at _((VALUE, long, int, VALUE*, VALUE(*) _((VALUE,long))));
60/* bignum.c */
61VALUE rb_big_clone _((VALUE));
62void rb_big_2comp _((VALUE));
63VALUE rb_big_norm _((VALUE));
64VALUE rb_uint2big _((unsigned long));
65VALUE rb_int2big _((long));
66VALUE rb_uint2inum _((unsigned long));
67VALUE rb_int2inum _((long));
68VALUE rb_cstr_to_inum _((const char*, int, int));
69VALUE rb_str_to_inum _((VALUE, int, int));
70VALUE rb_cstr2inum _((const char*, int));
71VALUE rb_str2inum _((VALUE, int));
72VALUE rb_big2str _((VALUE, int));
73VALUE rb_big2str0 _((VALUE, int, int));
74long rb_big2long _((VALUE));
75#define rb_big2int(x) rb_big2long(x)
76unsigned long rb_big2ulong _((VALUE));
77#define rb_big2uint(x) rb_big2ulong(x)
79VALUE rb_ll2inum _((LONG_LONG));
80VALUE rb_ull2inum _((unsigned LONG_LONG));
81LONG_LONG rb_big2ll _((VALUE));
82unsigned LONG_LONG rb_big2ull _((VALUE));
83#endif /* HAVE_LONG_LONG */
84void rb_quad_pack _((char*,VALUE));
85VALUE rb_quad_unpack _((const char*,int));
86VALUE rb_dbl2big _((double));
87double rb_big2dbl _((VALUE));
88VALUE rb_big_plus _((VALUE, VALUE));
89VALUE rb_big_minus _((VALUE, VALUE));
90VALUE rb_big_mul _((VALUE, VALUE));
91VALUE rb_big_divmod _((VALUE, VALUE));
92VALUE rb_big_pow _((VALUE, VALUE));
93VALUE rb_big_and _((VALUE, VALUE));
94VALUE rb_big_or _((VALUE, VALUE));
95VALUE rb_big_xor _((VALUE, VALUE));
96VALUE rb_big_lshift _((VALUE, VALUE));
97VALUE rb_big_rand _((VALUE, double*));
98/* class.c */
99VALUE rb_class_boot _((VALUE));
100VALUE rb_class_new _((VALUE));
101VALUE rb_mod_init_copy _((VALUE, VALUE));
102VALUE rb_class_init_copy _((VALUE, VALUE));
103VALUE rb_singleton_class_clone _((VALUE));
104void rb_singleton_class_attached _((VALUE,VALUE));
105VALUE rb_make_metaclass _((VALUE, VALUE));
106void rb_check_inheritable _((VALUE));
107VALUE rb_class_inherited _((VALUE, VALUE));
108VALUE rb_define_class_id _((ID, VALUE));
109VALUE rb_module_new _((void));
110VALUE rb_define_module_id _((ID));
111VALUE rb_mod_included_modules _((VALUE));
112VALUE rb_mod_include_p _((VALUE, VALUE));
113VALUE rb_mod_ancestors _((VALUE));
114VALUE rb_class_instance_methods _((int, VALUE*, VALUE));
115VALUE rb_class_public_instance_methods _((int, VALUE*, VALUE));
116VALUE rb_class_protected_instance_methods _((int, VALUE*, VALUE));
117VALUE rb_class_private_instance_methods _((int, VALUE*, VALUE));
118VALUE rb_obj_singleton_methods _((int, VALUE*, VALUE));
119void rb_define_method_id _((VALUE, ID, VALUE (*)(ANYARGS), int));
120void rb_frozen_class_p _((VALUE));
121void rb_undef _((VALUE, ID));
122void rb_define_protected_method _((VALUE, const char*, VALUE (*)(ANYARGS), int));
123void rb_define_private_method _((VALUE, const char*, VALUE (*)(ANYARGS), int));
124void rb_define_singleton_method _((VALUE, const char*, VALUE(*)(ANYARGS), int));
125VALUE rb_singleton_class _((VALUE));
126/* compar.c */
127int rb_cmpint _((VALUE, VALUE, VALUE));
128NORETURN(void rb_cmperr _((VALUE, VALUE)));
129/* enum.c */
130/* error.c */
131RUBY_EXTERN int ruby_nerrs;
132VALUE rb_exc_new _((VALUE, const char*, long));
133VALUE rb_exc_new2 _((VALUE, const char*));
134VALUE rb_exc_new3 _((VALUE, VALUE));
135NORETURN(void rb_loaderror __((const char*, ...)));
136NORETURN(void rb_name_error __((ID, const char*, ...)));
137NORETURN(void rb_invalid_str _((const char*, const char*)));
138void rb_compile_error __((const char*, ...));
139void rb_compile_error_append __((const char*, ...));
140NORETURN(void rb_load_fail _((const char*)));
141NORETURN(void rb_error_frozen _((const char*)));
142void rb_check_frozen _((VALUE));
143/* eval.c */
144RUBY_EXTERN struct RNode *ruby_current_node;
145void ruby_set_current_source _((void));
146NORETURN(void rb_exc_raise _((VALUE)));
147NORETURN(void rb_exc_fatal _((VALUE)));
148VALUE rb_f_exit _((int,VALUE*));
149VALUE rb_f_abort _((int,VALUE*));
150void rb_remove_method _((VALUE, const char*));
151#define rb_disable_super(klass, name) ((void)0)
152#define rb_enable_super(klass, name) ((void)0)
154void rb_define_alloc_func _((VALUE, VALUE (*)(VALUE)));
155void rb_undef_alloc_func _((VALUE));
156void rb_clear_cache _((void));
157void rb_clear_cache_by_class _((VALUE));
158void rb_alias _((VALUE, ID, ID));
159void rb_attr _((VALUE,ID,int,int,int));
160int rb_method_boundp _((VALUE, ID, int));
161VALUE rb_dvar_defined _((ID));
162VALUE rb_dvar_curr _((ID));
163VALUE rb_dvar_ref _((ID));
164void rb_dvar_asgn _((ID, VALUE));
165void rb_dvar_push _((ID, VALUE));
166VALUE *rb_svar _((int));
167VALUE rb_eval_cmd _((VALUE, VALUE, int));
168int rb_obj_respond_to _((VALUE, ID, int));
169int rb_respond_to _((VALUE, ID));
170void rb_interrupt _((void));
171VALUE rb_apply _((VALUE, ID, VALUE));
172void rb_backtrace _((void));
173ID rb_frame_last_func _((void));
174VALUE rb_obj_instance_eval _((int, VALUE*, VALUE));
175VALUE rb_mod_module_eval _((int, VALUE*, VALUE));
176void rb_load _((VALUE, int));
177void rb_load_protect _((VALUE, int, int*));
178NORETURN(void rb_jump_tag _((int)));
179int rb_provided _((const char*));
180void rb_provide _((const char*));
181VALUE rb_f_require _((VALUE, VALUE));
182VALUE rb_require_safe _((VALUE, int));
183void rb_obj_call_init _((VALUE, int, VALUE*));
184VALUE rb_class_new_instance _((int, VALUE*, VALUE));
185VALUE rb_block_proc _((void));
186VALUE rb_f_lambda _((void));
187VALUE rb_proc_new _((VALUE (*)(ANYARGS/* VALUE yieldarg[, VALUE procarg] */), VALUE));
188VALUE rb_protect _((VALUE (*)(VALUE), VALUE, int*));
189void rb_set_end_proc _((void (*)(VALUE), VALUE));
190void rb_mark_end_proc _((void));
191void rb_exec_end_proc _((void));
192void ruby_finalize _((void));
193NORETURN(void ruby_stop _((int)));
194int ruby_cleanup _((int));
195int ruby_exec _((void));
196void rb_gc_mark_threads _((void));
197void rb_thread_start_timer _((void));
198void rb_thread_stop_timer _((void));
199void rb_thread_schedule _((void));
200void rb_thread_wait_fd _((int));
201int rb_thread_fd_writable _((int));
202void rb_thread_fd_close _((int));
203int rb_thread_alone _((void));
204void rb_thread_polling _((void));
205void rb_thread_sleep _((int));
206void rb_thread_sleep_forever _((void));
207VALUE rb_thread_stop _((void));
208VALUE rb_thread_wakeup _((VALUE));
209VALUE rb_thread_run _((VALUE));
210VALUE rb_thread_kill _((VALUE));
211VALUE rb_thread_create _((VALUE (*)(ANYARGS), void*));
212void rb_thread_interrupt _((void));
213void rb_thread_trap_eval _((VALUE, int, int));
214void rb_thread_signal_raise _((int));
215void rb_thread_signal_exit _((void));
216int rb_thread_select _((int, fd_set *, fd_set *, fd_set *, struct timeval *));
217void rb_thread_wait_for _((struct timeval));
218VALUE rb_thread_current _((void));
219VALUE rb_thread_main _((void));
220VALUE rb_thread_local_aref _((VALUE, ID));
221VALUE rb_thread_local_aset _((VALUE, ID, VALUE));
222void rb_thread_atfork _((void));
223VALUE rb_funcall_rescue __((VALUE, ID, int, ...));
224/* file.c */
225VALUE rb_file_s_expand_path _((int, VALUE *));
226VALUE rb_file_expand_path _((VALUE, VALUE));
227void rb_file_const _((const char*, VALUE));
228int rb_find_file_ext _((VALUE*, const char* const*));
229VALUE rb_find_file _((VALUE));
230char *rb_path_next _((const char *));
231char *rb_path_skip_prefix _((const char *));
232char *rb_path_last_separator _((const char *));
233char *rb_path_end _((const char *));
234VALUE rb_file_directory_p _((VALUE,VALUE));
235/* gc.c */
236NORETURN(void rb_memerror __((void)));
237int ruby_stack_check _((void));
238int ruby_stack_length _((VALUE**));
239char *rb_source_filename _((const char*));
240void rb_gc_mark_locations _((VALUE*, VALUE*));
241void rb_mark_tbl _((struct st_table*));
242void rb_mark_hash _((struct st_table*));
243void rb_gc_mark_maybe _((VALUE));
244void rb_gc_mark _((VALUE));
245void rb_gc_force_recycle _((VALUE));
246void rb_gc _((void));
247void rb_gc_copy_finalizer _((VALUE,VALUE));
248void rb_gc_finalize_deferred _((void));
249void rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit _((void));
250VALUE rb_gc_enable _((void));
251VALUE rb_gc_disable _((void));
252VALUE rb_gc_start _((void));
253/* hash.c */
254void st_foreach_safe _((struct st_table *, int (*)(ANYARGS), unsigned long));
255void rb_hash_foreach _((VALUE, int (*)(ANYARGS), VALUE));
256VALUE rb_hash _((VALUE));
257VALUE rb_hash_new _((void));
258VALUE rb_hash_freeze _((VALUE));
259VALUE rb_hash_aref _((VALUE, VALUE));
260VALUE rb_hash_aset _((VALUE, VALUE, VALUE));
261VALUE rb_hash_delete_if _((VALUE));
262VALUE rb_hash_delete _((VALUE,VALUE));
263int rb_path_check _((char*));
264int rb_env_path_tainted _((void));
265/* io.c */
266#define rb_defout rb_stdout
268RUBY_EXTERN VALUE rb_output_fs;
270RUBY_EXTERN VALUE rb_default_rs;
271RUBY_EXTERN VALUE rb_output_rs;
272VALUE rb_io_write _((VALUE, VALUE));
273VALUE rb_io_gets _((VALUE));
274VALUE rb_io_getc _((VALUE));
275VALUE rb_io_ungetc _((VALUE, VALUE));
276VALUE rb_io_close _((VALUE));
277VALUE rb_io_eof _((VALUE));
278VALUE rb_io_binmode _((VALUE));
279VALUE rb_io_addstr _((VALUE, VALUE));
280VALUE rb_io_printf _((int, VALUE*, VALUE));
281VALUE rb_io_print _((int, VALUE*, VALUE));
282VALUE rb_io_puts _((int, VALUE*, VALUE));
283VALUE rb_file_open _((const char*, const char*));
284VALUE rb_gets _((void));
285void rb_write_error _((const char*));
286void rb_write_error2 _((const char*, long));
287/* marshal.c */
288VALUE rb_marshal_dump _((VALUE, VALUE));
289VALUE rb_marshal_load _((VALUE));
290/* numeric.c */
291void rb_num_zerodiv _((void));
292VALUE rb_num_coerce_bin _((VALUE, VALUE));
293VALUE rb_num_coerce_cmp _((VALUE, VALUE));
294VALUE rb_num_coerce_relop _((VALUE, VALUE));
295VALUE rb_float_new _((double));
296VALUE rb_num2fix _((VALUE));
297VALUE rb_fix2str _((VALUE, int));
298VALUE rb_dbl_cmp _((double, double));
299/* object.c */
300int rb_eql _((VALUE, VALUE));
301VALUE rb_any_to_s _((VALUE));
302VALUE rb_inspect _((VALUE));
303VALUE rb_obj_is_instance_of _((VALUE, VALUE));
304VALUE rb_obj_is_kind_of _((VALUE, VALUE));
305VALUE rb_obj_alloc _((VALUE));
306VALUE rb_obj_clone _((VALUE));
307VALUE rb_obj_dup _((VALUE));
308VALUE rb_obj_init_copy _((VALUE,VALUE));
309VALUE rb_obj_taint _((VALUE));
310VALUE rb_obj_tainted _((VALUE));
311VALUE rb_obj_untaint _((VALUE));
312VALUE rb_obj_freeze _((VALUE));
313VALUE rb_obj_id _((VALUE));
314VALUE rb_obj_class _((VALUE));
315VALUE rb_class_real _((VALUE));
316VALUE rb_class_inherited_p _((VALUE, VALUE));
317VALUE rb_convert_type _((VALUE,int,const char*,const char*));
318VALUE rb_check_convert_type _((VALUE,int,const char*,const char*));
319VALUE rb_to_int _((VALUE));
320VALUE rb_Integer _((VALUE));
321VALUE rb_Float _((VALUE));
322VALUE rb_String _((VALUE));
323VALUE rb_Array _((VALUE));
324double rb_cstr_to_dbl _((const char*, int));
325double rb_str_to_dbl _((VALUE, int));
326/* parse.y */
327RUBY_EXTERN int ruby_sourceline;
328RUBY_EXTERN char *ruby_sourcefile;
329int ruby_yyparse _((void));
330ID rb_id_attrset _((ID));
331void rb_parser_append_print _((void));
332void rb_parser_while_loop _((int, int));
333int ruby_parser_stack_on_heap _((void));
334void rb_gc_mark_parser _((void));
335int rb_is_const_id _((ID));
336int rb_is_instance_id _((ID));
337int rb_is_class_id _((ID));
338int rb_is_local_id _((ID));
339int rb_is_junk_id _((ID));
340int rb_symname_p _((const char*));
341int rb_sym_interned_p _((VALUE));
342VALUE rb_backref_get _((void));
343void rb_backref_set _((VALUE));
344VALUE rb_lastline_get _((void));
345void rb_lastline_set _((VALUE));
346VALUE rb_sym_all_symbols _((void));
347/* process.c */
348int rb_proc_exec _((const char*));
349VALUE rb_f_exec _((int,VALUE*));
350int rb_waitpid _((int,int*,int));
351void rb_syswait _((int));
352VALUE rb_proc_times _((VALUE));
353VALUE rb_detach_process _((int));
354/* range.c */
355VALUE rb_range_new _((VALUE, VALUE, int));
356VALUE rb_range_beg_len _((VALUE, long*, long*, long, int));
357VALUE rb_length_by_each _((VALUE));
358/* re.c */
359int rb_memcmp _((const void*,const void*,long));
360int rb_memcicmp _((const void*,const void*,long));
361long rb_memsearch _((const void*,long,const void*,long));
362VALUE rb_reg_nth_defined _((int, VALUE));
363VALUE rb_reg_nth_match _((int, VALUE));
364VALUE rb_reg_last_match _((VALUE));
365VALUE rb_reg_match_pre _((VALUE));
366VALUE rb_reg_match_post _((VALUE));
367VALUE rb_reg_match_last _((VALUE));
368VALUE rb_reg_new _((const char*, long, int));
369VALUE rb_reg_match _((VALUE, VALUE));
370VALUE rb_reg_match2 _((VALUE));
371int rb_reg_options _((VALUE));
372void rb_set_kcode _((const char*));
373const char* rb_get_kcode _((void));
374void rb_kcode_set_option _((VALUE));
375void rb_kcode_reset_option _((void));
376/* ruby.c */
378RUBY_EXTERN VALUE rb_argv0;
379void rb_load_file _((const char*));
380void ruby_script _((const char*));
381void ruby_prog_init _((void));
382void ruby_set_argv _((int, char**));
383void ruby_process_options _((int, char**));
384void ruby_load_script _((void));
385void ruby_init_loadpath _((void));
386void ruby_incpush _((const char*));
387/* signal.c */
388VALUE rb_f_kill _((int, VALUE*));
389void rb_gc_mark_trap_list _((void));
390#ifdef POSIX_SIGNAL
391#define posix_signal ruby_posix_signal
392void posix_signal _((int, RETSIGTYPE (*)(int)));
394void rb_trap_exit _((void));
395void rb_trap_exec _((void));
396const char *ruby_signal_name _((int));
397void ruby_default_signal _((int));
398/* sprintf.c */
399VALUE rb_f_sprintf _((int, VALUE*));
400/* string.c */
401VALUE rb_str_new _((const char*, long));
402VALUE rb_str_new2 _((const char*));
403VALUE rb_str_new3 _((VALUE));
404VALUE rb_str_new4 _((VALUE));
405VALUE rb_str_new5 _((VALUE, const char*, long));
406VALUE rb_tainted_str_new _((const char*, long));
407VALUE rb_tainted_str_new2 _((const char*));
408VALUE rb_str_buf_new _((long));
409VALUE rb_str_buf_new2 _((const char*));
410VALUE rb_str_buf_append _((VALUE, VALUE));
411VALUE rb_str_buf_cat _((VALUE, const char*, long));
412VALUE rb_str_buf_cat2 _((VALUE, const char*));
413VALUE rb_obj_as_string _((VALUE));
414VALUE rb_check_string_type _((VALUE));
415VALUE rb_str_dup _((VALUE));
416VALUE rb_str_locktmp _((VALUE));
417VALUE rb_str_unlocktmp _((VALUE));
418VALUE rb_str_dup_frozen _((VALUE));
419VALUE rb_str_plus _((VALUE, VALUE));
420VALUE rb_str_times _((VALUE, VALUE));
421VALUE rb_str_substr _((VALUE, long, long));
422void rb_str_modify _((VALUE));
423VALUE rb_str_freeze _((VALUE));
424VALUE rb_str_resize _((VALUE, long));
425VALUE rb_str_cat _((VALUE, const char*, long));
426VALUE rb_str_cat2 _((VALUE, const char*));
427VALUE rb_str_append _((VALUE, VALUE));
428VALUE rb_str_concat _((VALUE, VALUE));
429int rb_str_hash _((VALUE));
430int rb_str_cmp _((VALUE, VALUE));
431VALUE rb_str_upto _((VALUE, VALUE, int));
432void rb_str_update _((VALUE, long, long, VALUE));
433VALUE rb_str_inspect _((VALUE));
434VALUE rb_str_dump _((VALUE));
435VALUE rb_str_split _((VALUE, const char*));
436void rb_str_associate _((VALUE, VALUE));
437VALUE rb_str_associated _((VALUE));
438void rb_str_setter _((VALUE, ID, VALUE*));
439VALUE rb_str_intern _((VALUE));
440/* struct.c */
441VALUE rb_struct_new __((VALUE, ...));
442VALUE rb_struct_define __((const char*, ...));
443VALUE rb_struct_alloc _((VALUE, VALUE));
444VALUE rb_struct_aref _((VALUE, VALUE));
445VALUE rb_struct_aset _((VALUE, VALUE, VALUE));
446VALUE rb_struct_getmember _((VALUE, ID));
447VALUE rb_struct_iv_get _((VALUE, char*));
448VALUE rb_struct_s_members _((VALUE));
449VALUE rb_struct_members _((VALUE));
450/* time.c */
451VALUE rb_time_new _((time_t, time_t));
452/* variable.c */
453VALUE rb_mod_name _((VALUE));
454VALUE rb_class_path _((VALUE));
455void rb_set_class_path _((VALUE, VALUE, const char*));
456VALUE rb_path2class _((const char*));
457void rb_name_class _((VALUE, ID));
458VALUE rb_class_name _((VALUE));
459void rb_autoload _((VALUE, ID, const char*));
460VALUE rb_autoload_load _((VALUE, ID));
461VALUE rb_autoload_p _((VALUE, ID));
462void rb_gc_mark_global_tbl _((void));
463VALUE rb_f_trace_var _((int, VALUE*));
464VALUE rb_f_untrace_var _((int, VALUE*));
465VALUE rb_f_global_variables _((void));
466void rb_alias_variable _((ID, ID));
467struct st_table* rb_generic_ivar_table _((VALUE));
468void rb_copy_generic_ivar _((VALUE,VALUE));
469void rb_mark_generic_ivar _((VALUE));
470void rb_mark_generic_ivar_tbl _((void));
471void rb_free_generic_ivar _((VALUE));
472VALUE rb_ivar_get _((VALUE, ID));
473VALUE rb_ivar_set _((VALUE, ID, VALUE));
474VALUE rb_ivar_defined _((VALUE, ID));
475VALUE rb_iv_set _((VALUE, const char*, VALUE));
476VALUE rb_iv_get _((VALUE, const char*));
477VALUE rb_attr_get _((VALUE, ID));
478VALUE rb_obj_instance_variables _((VALUE));
479VALUE rb_obj_remove_instance_variable _((VALUE, VALUE));
480void *rb_mod_const_at _((VALUE, void*));
481void *rb_mod_const_of _((VALUE, void*));
482VALUE rb_const_list _((void*));
483VALUE rb_mod_constants _((VALUE));
484VALUE rb_mod_remove_const _((VALUE, VALUE));
485int rb_const_defined _((VALUE, ID));
486int rb_const_defined_at _((VALUE, ID));
487int rb_const_defined_from _((VALUE, ID));
488VALUE rb_const_get _((VALUE, ID));
489VALUE rb_const_get_at _((VALUE, ID));
490VALUE rb_const_get_from _((VALUE, ID));
491void rb_const_set _((VALUE, ID, VALUE));
492VALUE rb_mod_constants _((VALUE));
493VALUE rb_mod_const_missing _((VALUE,VALUE));
494VALUE rb_cvar_defined _((VALUE, ID));
495#define RB_CVAR_SET_4ARGS 1
496void rb_cvar_set _((VALUE, ID, VALUE, int));
497VALUE rb_cvar_get _((VALUE, ID));
498void rb_cv_set _((VALUE, const char*, VALUE));
499VALUE rb_cv_get _((VALUE, const char*));
500void rb_define_class_variable _((VALUE, const char*, VALUE));
501VALUE rb_mod_class_variables _((VALUE));
502VALUE rb_mod_remove_cvar _((VALUE, VALUE));
503/* version.c */
504void ruby_show_version _((void));
505void ruby_show_copyright _((void));
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.