#!/bin/sh if [ "$glilang" = "es" ]; then PROGNAME="Biblioteca Digital Fedora" elif [ "$glilang" = "fr" ]; then PROGNAME="Bibliothécaire Fedora" elif [ "$glilang" = "ru" ]; then PROGNAME="ÉÎÔÅÒÆÅÊÓ Fedora" else PROGNAME="Fedora Librarian Interface" fi export PROGNAME PROGNAME_EN="Fedora Librarian Interface" export PROGNAME_EN PROGABBR="FLI" export PROGABBR # Test to see if FEDORA environment variables have been set up if [ "x$FEDORA_HOME" = "x" ]; then echo "Error: Cannot find Fedora home. Have set the environment variable 'FEDORA_HOME' ?" exit fi if [ ! -d "$FEDORA_HOME" ]; then echo "Error: Cannot find Fedora home: Not such directory $FEDORA_HOME" exit fi ./gli.sh -fedora_home "$FEDORA_HOME" $*