#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Need to specify the full path of Perl above #print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; &main; use gsdlCGI4gs3; use strict; #my $authentication_enabled = 0; my $debugging_enabled = 1; my $mail_enabled = 0; my $mail_to_address = "user\@server"; # Set this appropriately my $mail_from_address = "user\@server"; # Set this appropriately my $mail_smtp_server = "smtp.server"; # Set this appropriately sub main { my $gsdl_cgi = new gsdlCGI4gs3(); # Load the Greenstone modules that we need to use $gsdl_cgi->setup_gsdl(); my $gsdlhome = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; $gsdl_cgi->checked_chdir($gsdlhome); require "$gsdlhome/perllib/util.pm"; # This is OK on Windows require "$gsdlhome/perllib/cpan/Crypt/UnixCrypt.pm"; # This is OK on Windows # Encrypt the password if (defined $gsdl_cgi->param("pw")) { $gsdl_cgi->param('-name' => "pw", '-value' => $gsdl_cgi->rot13($gsdl_cgi->clean_param("pw"))); } $gsdl_cgi->parse_cgi_args(); # We don't want the gsdlCGI module to return errors and warnings in XML $gsdl_cgi->{'xml'} = 0; # Retrieve the (required) command CGI argument my $cmd = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("cmd"); if (!defined $cmd) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No command specified."); } $gsdl_cgi->delete("cmd"); # The check-installation command has no arguments if ($cmd eq "check-installation") { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; &check_installation($gsdl_cgi); return; } # All other commands require a username, for locking and authentication my $username = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("un"); if ((!defined $username) || ($username =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No username specified."); } $gsdl_cgi->delete("un"); # Get then remove the ts (timestamp) argument (since this can mess up other scripts) my $timestamp = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("ts"); if ((!defined $timestamp) || ($timestamp =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $timestamp = time(); # Fall back to using the Perl time() function to generate a timestamp } $gsdl_cgi->delete("ts"); my $site= $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("site"); if (!defined $site) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No site specified."); } $gsdl_cgi->delete("site"); if ($cmd eq "delete-collection") { &delete_collection($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site); } elsif ($cmd eq "download-collection") { &download_collection($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site); } elsif ($cmd eq "download-collection-archives") { &download_collection_archives($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site); } elsif ($cmd eq "download-collection-configurations") { &download_collection_configurations($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site); } elsif ($cmd eq "download-collection-file") { &download_collection_file($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site); } elsif ($cmd eq "download-web-xml-file") { &download_web_xml_file($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site); } elsif ($cmd eq "upload-collection-file") { &upload_collection_file($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site); } elsif ($cmd eq "delete-collection-file") { &delete_collection_file($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site); } elsif ($cmd eq "get-script-options") { &get_script_options($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site); } elsif ($cmd eq "get-site-names") { &get_site_names($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site); } elsif ($cmd eq "move-collection-file") { &move_collection_file($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site); } elsif ($cmd eq "new-collection-directory") { &new_collection_directory($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site); } elsif ($cmd eq "authenticate_user") { &authenticate_user($gsdl_cgi, $username, "a1-t1", $site); } elsif ($cmd eq "run-script") { &run_script($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site); } elsif ($cmd eq "timeout-test") { while (1) { } } else { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Unrecognised command: '$cmd'"); } } sub authenticate_user { my $gsdl_cgi = shift(@_); my $username = shift(@_); my $collection = shift(@_); my $site = shift(@_); # Even if we're not authenticating remove the un and pw arguments, since these can mess up other scripts my $user_password = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("pw"); $gsdl_cgi->delete("pw"); # Only authenticate if it is enabled # return "all-collections-editor" if (!$authentication_enabled); if ((!defined $user_password) || ($user_password =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Authentication failed: no password specified."); } my $gsdl3srchome = $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}; my $java = $gsdl_cgi->get_java_path(); my $java_gsdl3_classpath = &util::filename_cat($gsdl3srchome, "web", "WEB-INF", "lib", "gsdl3.jar"); my $java_derby_classpath = &util::filename_cat($gsdl3srchome, "web", "WEB-INF", "lib", "derby.jar"); my $java_classpath; my $gsdlos = $ENV{'GSDLOS'}; if ($gsdlos !~ /windows/){ $java_classpath = $java_gsdl3_classpath . ":" . $java_derby_classpath; }else{ $java_classpath = $java_gsdl3_classpath . ";" . $java_derby_classpath; } my $java_args = &util::filename_cat($gsdl3srchome, "web", "sites", $site, "etc", "usersDB"); my $java_command="$java -classpath \"$java_classpath\" org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.usersDB2txt \"$java_args\" 2>&1"; my $users_db_content = `$java_command`; # Get the user account information from the usersDB database my %users_db_data = (); foreach my $users_db_entry (split(/-{70}/, $users_db_content)) { if ($users_db_entry =~ /\n?\[(.+)\]\n/) { $users_db_data{$1} = $users_db_entry; } } # Check username my $user_data = $users_db_data{$username}; if (!defined $user_data) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Authentication failed: no account for user '$username'."); } # Check password my ($valid_user_password) = ($user_data =~ /\(.*)/); if ($user_password ne $valid_user_password) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Authentication failed: incorrect password."); } # Check group my ($user_groups) = ($user_data =~ /\(.*)/); if ($collection eq "") { # If we're not editing a collection then the user doesn't need to be in a particular group return $user_groups; # Authentication successful } foreach my $user_group (split(/\,/, $user_groups)) { # Does this user have access to all collections? if ($user_group eq "all-collections-editor") { return $user_groups; # Authentication successful } # Does this user have access to personal collections, and is this one? if ($user_group eq "personal-collections-editor" && $collection =~ /^$username\-/) { return $user_groups; # Authentication successful } # Does this user have access to this collection if ($user_group eq "$collection-collection-editor") { return $user_groups; # Authentication successful } } $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Authentication failed: user is not in the required group."); } sub lock_collection { my $gsdl_cgi = shift(@_); my $username = shift(@_); my $collection = shift(@_); my $site = shift(@_); my $steal_lock = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("steal_lock"); $gsdl_cgi->delete("steal_lock"); my $gsdlhome = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; my $gsdl3srchome = $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}; my $collection_directory = &util::filename_cat($gsdl3srchome, "web", "sites", $site, "collect", $collection); $gsdl_cgi->checked_chdir($collection_directory); # Check if a lock file already exists for this collection my $lock_file_name = "gli.lck"; if (-e $lock_file_name) { # A lock file already exists... check if it's ours my $lock_file_content = ""; open(LOCK_FILE, "<$lock_file_name"); while () { $lock_file_content .= $_; } close(LOCK_FILE); # Pick out the owner of the lock file $lock_file_content =~ /\(.*?)\<\/User\>/; my $lock_file_owner = $1; # The lock file is ours, so there is no problem if ($lock_file_owner eq $username) { return; } # The lock file is not ours, so throw an error unless "steal_lock" is set unless (defined $steal_lock) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Collection is locked by: $lock_file_owner"); } } my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time); my $current_time = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d", $mday, $mon + 1, $year + 1900, $hour, $min, $sec); # Create a lock file for us (in the same format as the GLI) and we're done open(LOCK_FILE, ">$lock_file_name"); print LOCK_FILE "\n"; print LOCK_FILE "\n"; print LOCK_FILE " " . $username . "\n"; print LOCK_FILE " (Remote)\n"; print LOCK_FILE " " . $current_time . "\n"; print LOCK_FILE "\n"; close(LOCK_FILE); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ACTIONS # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_installation { my ($gsdl_cgi) = @_; my $installation_ok = 1; my $installation_status = ""; # Check that Java is installed and accessible my $java = $gsdl_cgi->get_java_path(); my $java_command = "$java -version 2>&1"; my $java_output = `$java_command`; my $java_status = $?; print "
    print "===============" ;
    print "$java_output";
    print "
"; if ($java_status < 0) { # The Java command failed $installation_status = "Java failed -- do you have the Java run-time installed?\n" . $gsdl_cgi->check_java_home() . "\n"; $installation_ok = 0; } else { $installation_status = "Java found: $java_output"; } # Show the values of some important environment variables $installation_status .= "\n"; $installation_status .= "GSDL3SRCHOME: " . $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'} . "\n"; $installation_status .= "GSDLHOME: " . $ENV{'GSDLHOME'} . "\n"; $installation_status .= "GSDLOS: " . $ENV{'GSDLOS'} . "\n"; $installation_status .= "PATH: " . $ENV{'PATH'} . "\n"; if ($installation_ok) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_ok_message($installation_status . "\nInstallation OK!"); } else { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error($installation_status); } } sub delete_collection { my ($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site) = @_; my $collection = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("c"); if ((!defined $collection) || ($collection =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No collection specified."); } # Ensure the user is allowed to edit this collection &authenticate_user($gsdl_cgi, $username, $collection, $site); my $gsdl3srchome = $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}; my $gsdlhome = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; my $collect_directory = &util::filename_cat($gsdl3srchome, "web", $site, "collect"); $gsdl_cgi->checked_chdir($collect_directory); # Check that the collection exists if (!-d $collection) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Collection $collection does not exist."); } # Make sure the collection isn't locked by someone else &lock_collection($gsdl_cgi, $username, $collection, $site); $gsdl_cgi->checked_chdir($collect_directory); $gsdl_cgi->local_rm_r("$collection"); # Check that the collection was deleted if (-e $collection) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Could not delete collection $collection."); } $gsdl_cgi->generate_ok_message("Collection $collection deleted successfully."); } sub delete_collection_file { my ($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site) = @_; my $collection = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("c"); if ((!defined $collection) || ($collection =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No collection specified."); } my $file = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("file"); if ((!defined $file) || ($file =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No file specified."); } $file =~ s/\|/&util::get_dirsep()/eg; # Convert the '|' characters into whatever is right for this OS # Make sure we don't try to delete anything outside the collection if ($file =~ /\.\./) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Illegal file specified."); } # Ensure the user is allowed to edit this collection &authenticate_user($gsdl_cgi, $username, $collection, $site); my $gsdl3srchome = $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}; my $gsdlhome = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; my $collection_directory = &util::filename_cat($gsdl3srchome, "web", "sites", $site, "collect", $collection); if (!-d $collection_directory){ $gsdl_cgi->generate_ok_message("Directory $collection_directory does not exist."); die; } $gsdl_cgi->checked_chdir($collection_directory); # Make sure the collection isn't locked by someone else &lock_collection($gsdl_cgi, $username, $collection, $site); # Check that the collection file exists if (!-e $file) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_ok_message("Collection file $file does not exist."); die; } $gsdl_cgi->local_rm_r("$file"); # Check that the collection file was deleted if (-e $file) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Could not delete collection file $file."); } $gsdl_cgi->generate_ok_message("Collection file $file deleted successfully."); } sub download_collection { my ($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site) = @_; my $collection = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("c"); if ((!defined $collection) || ($collection =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No collection specified."); } # Ensure the user is allowed to edit this collection &authenticate_user($gsdl_cgi, $username, $collection, $site); my $gsdl3srchome = $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}; my $gsdlhome = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; my $collect_directory = &util::filename_cat($gsdl3srchome, "web", "sites", $site, "collect"); $gsdl_cgi->checked_chdir($collect_directory); # Check that the collection exists if (!-d $collection) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_ok_message("Collection $collection does not exist."); die; } # Make sure the collection isn't locked by someone else &lock_collection($gsdl_cgi, $username, $collection, $site); # Zip up the collection my $java = $gsdl_cgi->get_java_path(); my $java_classpath = &util::filename_cat($gsdlhome, "bin", "java", "GLIServer.jar"); my $zip_file_path = &util::filename_cat($collect_directory, $collection . "-" . $timestamp . ".zip"); my $java_args = "\"$zip_file_path\" \"$collect_directory\" \"$collection\" gsdl3"; my $java_command = "$java -classpath \"$java_classpath\" org.greenstone.gatherer.remote.ZipCollectionShell $java_args"; my $java_output = `$java_command`; my $java_status = $?; if ($java_status > 0) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Java failed: $java_command\n--\n$java_output\nExit status: " . ($java_status / 256) . "\n" . $gsdl_cgi->check_java_home()); } # Check that the zip file was created successfully if (!-e $zip_file_path || -z $zip_file_path) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Collection zip file $zip_file_path could not be created."); } &put_file($gsdl_cgi, $zip_file_path, "application/zip"); unlink("$zip_file_path") unless $debugging_enabled; } sub download_collection_archives { my ($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site) = @_; my $collection = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("c"); if ((!defined $collection) || ($collection =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No collection specified."); } # Ensure the user is allowed to edit this collection &authenticate_user($gsdl_cgi, $username, $collection, $site); my $gsdl3srchome = $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}; my $gsdlhome = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; my $collect_directory = &util::filename_cat($gsdl3srchome, "web", "sites", $site, "collect"); $gsdl_cgi->checked_chdir($collect_directory); # Check that the collection archives exist if (!-d &util::filename_cat($collection, "archives")) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Collection archives do not exist."); } # Make sure the collection isn't locked by someone else &lock_collection($gsdl_cgi, $username, $collection, $site); # Zip up the collection archives my $java = $gsdl_cgi->get_java_path(); my $java_classpath = &util::filename_cat($gsdlhome, "bin", "java", "GLIServer.jar"); my $zip_file_path = &util::filename_cat($collect_directory, $collection . "-archives-" . $timestamp . ".zip"); my $java_args = "\"$zip_file_path\" \"$collect_directory\" \"$collection\""; my $java_command = "$java -classpath \"$java_classpath\" org.greenstone.gatherer.remote.ZipCollectionArchives $java_args"; my $java_output = `$java_command`; my $java_status = $?; if ($java_status > 0) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Java failed: $java_command\n--\n$java_output\nExit status: " . ($java_status / 256) . "\n" . $gsdl_cgi->check_java_home()); } # Check that the zip file was created successfully if (!-e $zip_file_path || -z $zip_file_path) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Collection archives zip file $zip_file_path could not be created."); } &put_file($gsdl_cgi, $zip_file_path, "application/zip"); unlink("$zip_file_path") unless $debugging_enabled; } # Collection locking unnecessary because this action isn't related to a particular collection sub download_collection_configurations { my ($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site) = @_; # Users can be in any group to perform this action my $user_groups = &authenticate_user($gsdl_cgi, $username, "", $site); my $gsdl3srchome = $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}; my $gsdlhome = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; my $collect_directory = &util::filename_cat($gsdl3srchome, "web", "sites",$site, "collect"); $gsdl_cgi->checked_chdir($collect_directory); # Zip up the collection configurations my $java = $gsdl_cgi->get_java_path(); my $java_classpath = &util::filename_cat($gsdlhome, "bin", "java", "GLIServer.jar"); my $zip_file_path = &util::filename_cat($collect_directory, "collection-configurations-" . $timestamp . ".zip"); my $java_args = "\"$zip_file_path\" \"$collect_directory\" \"$username\" \"$user_groups\""; my $java_command = "$java -classpath \"$java_classpath\" org.greenstone.gatherer.remote.ZipCollectionConfigurations $java_args"; my $java_output = `$java_command`; my $java_status = $?; if ($java_status > 0) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Java failed: $java_command\n--\n$java_output\nExit status: " . ($java_status / 256) . "\n" . $gsdl_cgi->check_java_home()); } # Check that the zip file was created successfully if (!-e $zip_file_path || -z $zip_file_path) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Collection configurations zip file $zip_file_path could not be created."); } &put_file($gsdl_cgi, $zip_file_path, "application/zip"); unlink("$zip_file_path") unless $debugging_enabled; } sub download_collection_file { my ($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site) = @_; my $collection = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("c"); if ((!defined $collection) || ($collection =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No collection specified."); } my $file = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("file"); if ((!defined $file) || ($file =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No file specified."); } $file =~ s/\|/&util::get_dirsep()/eg; # Convert the '|' characters into whatever is right for this OS # Make sure we don't try to download anything outside the collection if ($file =~ /\.\./) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Illegal file specified."); } # Ensure the user is allowed to edit this collection &authenticate_user($gsdl_cgi, $username, $collection, $site); my $gsdl3srchome = $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}; my $gsdlhome = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; my $collection_directory = &util::filename_cat($gsdl3srchome, "web", "sites", $site, "collect", $collection); $gsdl_cgi->checked_chdir($collection_directory); # Check that the collection file exists if (!-e $file) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_ok_message("Collection file $file does not exist."); die; } # Make sure the collection isn't locked by someone else &lock_collection($gsdl_cgi, $username, $collection, $site); # Zip up the collection file my $java = $gsdl_cgi->get_java_path(); my $java_classpath = &util::filename_cat($gsdlhome, "bin", "java", "GLIServer.jar"); my $zip_file_path = &util::filename_cat($collection_directory, $collection . "-file-" . $timestamp . ".zip"); my $java_args = "\"$zip_file_path\" \"$collection_directory\" \"$file\""; my $java_command = "$java -classpath \"$java_classpath\" org.greenstone.gatherer.remote.ZipFiles $java_args"; print "$java_command \n"; my $java_output = `$java_command`; my $java_status = $?; if ($java_status > 0) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Java failed: $java_command\n--\n$java_output\nExit status: " . ($java_status / 256) . "\n" . $gsdl_cgi->check_java_home()); } # Check that the zip file was created successfully if (!-e $zip_file_path || -z $zip_file_path) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Collection archives zip file $zip_file_path could not be created."); } &put_file($gsdl_cgi, $zip_file_path, "application/zip"); unlink("$zip_file_path") unless $debugging_enabled; } # download web.xml from the server sub download_web_xml_file { my ($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site) = @_; my $file = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("file"); if ((!defined $file) || ($file =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No file specified."); } $file =~ s/\|/&util::get_dirsep()/eg; # Convert the '|' characters into whatever is right for this OS # Make sure we don't try to download anything else if ($file =~ /\.\./) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Illegal file specified."); } my $gsdl3srchome = $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}; my $gsdlhome = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; my $web_inf_directory = &util::filename_cat($gsdl3srchome, "web", "WEB-INF"); $gsdl_cgi->checked_chdir($web_inf_directory); # Check that the collection file exists if (!-e $file) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("file $file does not exist."); } # Zip up the collection file my $java = $gsdl_cgi->get_java_path(); my $java_classpath = &util::filename_cat($gsdlhome, "bin", "java", "GLIServer.jar"); my $zip_file_path = &util::filename_cat($web_inf_directory, "webxml" . $timestamp . ".zip"); my $java_args = "\"$zip_file_path\" \"$web_inf_directory\" \"$file\""; my $java_command = "$java -classpath \"$java_classpath\" org.greenstone.gatherer.remote.ZipFiles $java_args"; my $java_output = `$java_command`; my $java_status = $?; if ($java_status > 0) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Java failed: $java_command\n--\n$java_output\nExit status: " . ($java_status / 256) . "\n" . $gsdl_cgi->check_java_home()); } # Check that the zip file was created successfully if (!-e $zip_file_path || -z $zip_file_path) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("web.xml zip file $zip_file_path could not be created."); } &put_file($gsdl_cgi, $zip_file_path, "application/zip"); unlink("$zip_file_path") unless $debugging_enabled; } # Collection locking unnecessary because this action isn't related to a particular collection sub get_script_options { my ($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site) = @_; my $script = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("script"); if ((!defined $script) || ($script =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No script specified."); } $gsdl_cgi->delete("script"); # Users can be in any group to perform this action &authenticate_user($gsdl_cgi, $username, "", $site); $gsdl_cgi->delete("ts"); $gsdl_cgi->delete("pw"); my $perl_args = ""; if ($script eq "classinfo.pl") { $perl_args = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("classifier") || ""; $gsdl_cgi->delete("classifier"); } if ($script eq "pluginfo.pl") { $perl_args = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("plugin") || ""; $gsdl_cgi->delete("plugin"); } foreach my $cgi_arg_name ($gsdl_cgi->param) { my $cgi_arg_value = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param($cgi_arg_name) || ""; $cgi_arg_value = $gsdl_cgi->safe_val($cgi_arg_value); if ($cgi_arg_value eq "") { $perl_args = "-$cgi_arg_name " . $perl_args; } else { $perl_args = "-$cgi_arg_name \"$cgi_arg_value\" " . $perl_args; } } my $perl_command = "perl -S $script $perl_args 2>&1"; my $perl_output = `$perl_command`; my $perl_status = $?; if ($perl_status > 0) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Perl failed: $perl_command\n--\n$perl_output\nExit status: " . ($perl_status / 256)); } print STDOUT "Content-type:text/plain\n\n"; print STDOUT $perl_output; } # get the names of all sites available on the server sub get_site_names { my ($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site) = @_; my $gsdl3srchome = $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}; my $gsdlhome = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; my $sites_directory = &util::filename_cat($gsdl3srchome, "web", "sites"); my @sites_dir; my @site_dir; $gsdl_cgi->checked_chdir($sites_directory); opendir(DIR, $sites_directory); @sites_dir= readdir(DIR); my $sites_dir; my $sub_dir_file; print STDOUT "Content-type:text/plain\n\n"; foreach $sites_dir(@sites_dir) { if (!(($sites_dir eq ".") || ($sites_dir eq "..") || ($sites_dir eq "CVS"))) { my $site_dir_path= &util::filename_cat($sites_directory,$sites_dir); $gsdl_cgi->checked_chdir($site_dir_path); opendir(DIR,$site_dir_path); @site_dir=readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach $sub_dir_file(@site_dir) { if ($sub_dir_file eq "siteConfig.xml"){ print STDOUT "$sites_dir" . "-----"; } } } } } sub move_collection_file { my ($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site) = @_; my $collection = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("c"); if ((!defined $collection) || ($collection =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No collection specified."); } my $source_file = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("source"); if ((!defined $source_file) || ($source_file =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No source file specified."); } $source_file =~ s/\|/&util::get_dirsep()/eg; # Convert the '|' characters into whatever is right for this OS my $target_file = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("target"); if ((!defined $target_file) || ($target_file =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No target file specified."); } $target_file =~ s/\|/&util::get_dirsep()/eg; # Convert the '|' characters into whatever is right for this OS # Make sure we don't try to move anything outside the collection if ($source_file =~ /\.\./ || $target_file =~ /\.\./) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Illegal file specified."); } # Ensure the user is allowed to edit this collection &authenticate_user($gsdl_cgi, $username, $collection, $site); my $gsdl3srchome = $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}; my $gsdlhome = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; my $collection_directory = &util::filename_cat($gsdl3srchome, "web", "sites", $site, "collect", $collection); $gsdl_cgi->checked_chdir($collection_directory); # Check that the collection source file exists if (!-e $source_file) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Collection file $source_file does not exist."); } # Make sure the collection isn't locked by someone else &lock_collection($gsdl_cgi, $username, $collection, $site); &util::mv($source_file, $target_file); # Check that the collection source file was moved if (-e $source_file || !-e $target_file) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Could not move collection file $source_file to $target_file."); } $gsdl_cgi->generate_ok_message("Collection file $source_file moved to $target_file successfully."); } sub new_collection_directory { my ($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site) = @_; my $collection = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("c"); if ((!defined $collection) || ($collection =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No collection specified."); } my $directory = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("directory"); if ((!defined $directory) || ($directory =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No directory specified."); } $directory =~ s/\|/&util::get_dirsep()/eg; # Convert the '|' characters into whatever is right for this OS # Make sure we don't try to create anything outside the collection if ($directory =~ /\.\./) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Illegal directory specified."); } # Ensure the user is allowed to edit this collection &authenticate_user($gsdl_cgi, $username, $collection, $site); my $gsdl3srchome = $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}; my $gsdlhome = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; my $collection_directory = &util::filename_cat($gsdl3srchome, "web", "sites", $site, "collect", $collection); $gsdl_cgi->checked_chdir($collection_directory); # Check that the collection directory doesn't already exist # ZipTools doesn't zip up empty directories, so this causes an error when downloading a new collection as we explicity # try to create the import directory if (-d $directory) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Collection directory $directory already exists."); } # Make sure the collection isn't locked by someone else &lock_collection($gsdl_cgi, $username, $collection, $site); &util::mk_dir($directory); # Check that the collection directory was created if (!-d $directory) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Could not create collection directory $directory."); } $gsdl_cgi->generate_ok_message("Collection directory $directory created successfully."); } sub run_script { my ($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site) = @_; my $script = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("script"); if ((!defined $script) || ($script =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No script specified."); } $gsdl_cgi->delete("script"); my $collection = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("c"); if ((!defined $collection) || ($collection =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No collection specified."); } $gsdl_cgi->delete("c"); # confuse other, so delete timestamp $gsdl_cgi->delete("ts"); # Ensure the user is allowed to edit this collection &authenticate_user($gsdl_cgi, $username, $collection, $site); # Make sure the collection isn't locked by someone else (unless we're running mkcol.pl, of course) &lock_collection($gsdl_cgi, $username, $collection, $site) unless ($script eq "mkcol.pl"); # Last argument is the collection name, except for explode_metadata_database.pl my $perl_args = $collection; if ($script eq "explode_metadata_database.pl") { # Last argument is the file to be exploded my $file = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("file"); if ((!defined $file) || ($file =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No file specified."); } $gsdl_cgi->delete("file"); $perl_args = $file; } foreach my $cgi_arg_name ($gsdl_cgi->param) { my $cgi_arg_value = $gsdl_cgi->safe_val($gsdl_cgi->clean_param($cgi_arg_name)); if ($cgi_arg_value eq "") { $perl_args = "-$cgi_arg_name " . $perl_args; } else { $perl_args = "-$cgi_arg_name \"$cgi_arg_value\" " . $perl_args; } } if (($script eq "import.pl") || ($script eq "buildcol.pl")){ my $gsdl3srchome = $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}; my $collect_directory = &util::filename_cat($gsdl3srchome, "web", "sites", $site, "collect"); $perl_args = $perl_args . " -collectdir " . $collect_directory; } if ($script eq "mkcol.pl"){ my $gsdl3srchome = $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}; my $collect_directory = &util::filename_cat($gsdl3srchome, "web", "sites", $site, "collect"); $perl_args = $perl_args . " -collectdir " . $collect_directory; } my $perl_command = "perl -S $script $perl_args 2>&1"; if (!open(PIN, "$perl_command |")) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Unable to execute command: $perl_command"); } print STDOUT "Content-type:text/plain\n\n"; print "$perl_command \n"; while (defined (my $perl_output_line = )) { print STDOUT $perl_output_line; } close(PIN); my $perl_status = $?; if ($perl_status > 0) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Perl failed: $perl_command\n--\nExit status: " . ($perl_status / 256)); } elsif ($mail_enabled) { if ($script eq "buildcol.pl") { &send_mail($gsdl_cgi, "Remote Greenstone building event", "Build of collection '$collection' complete."); } } } sub upload_collection_file { my ($gsdl_cgi, $username, $timestamp, $site) = @_; my $collection = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("c"); if ((!defined $collection) || ($collection =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No collection specified."); } my $file = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("file"); if ((!defined $file) || ($file =~ m/^\s*$/)) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("No file specified."); } my $directory = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("directory") || ""; $directory =~ s/\|/&util::get_dirsep()/eg; # Convert the '|' characters into whatever is right for this OS my $zip = $gsdl_cgi->clean_param("zip"); # Make sure we don't try to upload anything outside the collection if ($file =~ /\.\./) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Illegal file specified."); } if ($directory =~ /\.\./) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Illegal directory specified."); } # Ensure the user is allowed to edit this collection #&authenticate_user($gsdl_cgi, $username, $collection, $site); my $gsdl3srchome = $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}; my $gsdlhome = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; my $collection_directory = &util::filename_cat($gsdl3srchome, "web", "sites", $site, "collect", $collection); $gsdl_cgi->checked_chdir($collection_directory); # Make sure the collection isn't locked by someone else &lock_collection($gsdl_cgi, $username, $collection, $site); my $directory_path = &util::filename_cat($collection_directory, $directory); if (!-d $directory_path) { &util::mk_dir($directory_path); if (!-d $directory_path) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Could not create directory $directory_path."); } } #my $file_path = &util::filename_cat($directory_path, $file . "-" . $timestamp); my $file_path = &util::filename_cat($directory_path, $file); if (!open(FOUT, ">$file_path")) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Unable to write file $file_path"); } # Read the uploaded data and write it out to file my $buf; my $num_bytes = 0; binmode(FOUT); my $bread; my $fh=$gsdl_cgi->clean_param("uploaded_file"); while ($bread=read($fh, $buf, 1024)) { print FOUT $buf; } close(FOUT); # If we have downloaded a zip file, unzip it if (defined $zip) { my $java = $gsdl_cgi->get_java_path(); my $java_classpath = &util::filename_cat($gsdlhome, "bin", "java", "GLIServer.jar"); my $java_args = "\"$file_path\" \"$directory_path\""; my $java_command = "$java -classpath \"$java_classpath\" org.greenstone.gatherer.remote.Unzip $java_args"; my $java_output = `$java_command`; my $java_status = $?; # Remove the zip file once we have unzipped it, since it is an intermediate file only unlink("$file_path"); if ($java_status > 0) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Java failed: $java_command\n--\n$java_output\nExit status: " . ($java_status / 256) . "\n" . $gsdl_cgi->check_java_home()); } } $gsdl_cgi->generate_ok_message("Collection file $file uploaded successfully."); } sub put_file { my $gsdl_cgi = shift(@_); my $file_path = shift(@_); my $content_type = shift(@_); if (open(PIN, "<$file_path")) { print STDOUT "Content-type:application/zip\n\n"; my $buf; my $num_bytes = 0; binmode(PIN); while (read(PIN, $buf, 1024) > 0) { print STDOUT $buf; $num_bytes += length($buf); } close(PIN); } else { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Unable to read file $file_path\n $!"); } } sub send_mail { my $gsdl_cgi = shift(@_); my $mail_subject = shift(@_); my $mail_content = shift(@_); my $sendmail_command = "perl -S sendmail.pl"; $sendmail_command .= " -to \"" . $mail_to_address . "\""; $sendmail_command .= " -from \"" . $mail_from_address . "\""; $sendmail_command .= " -smtp \"" . $mail_smtp_server . "\""; $sendmail_command .= " -subject \"" . $mail_subject . "\""; if (!open(POUT, "| $sendmail_command")) { $gsdl_cgi->generate_error("Unable to execute command: $sendmail_command"); } print POUT $mail_content . "\n"; close(POUT); }