#!/bin/sh package=afrepo version=-git-all-april2013 srcdir=$package$version echo "" echo "+ Testing for existing Greenstone extensions for AMP and echoprint" if [ "x$GEXTAMP" = "x" ] ; then echo "" echo "Error: Failed to find PHP-configured Apache httpd (GEXTAMP) extension" echo "" else echo "++ Found GEXTAMP: $GEXTAMP" fi if [ "x$GEXT_ECHOPRINT" = "x" ] ; then echo "" echo "Error: Failed to find GEXT_ECHOPRINT extension" echo "" else echo "++ Found GEXT_ECHOPRINT: $GEXT_ECHOPRINT" fi # 1. #echo "" #echo "+ Installing PHP bin scripts" #if [ ! -d "$GEXT_AFREPO_INSTALLED/bin" ] ; then # echo "++ Creating $GEXT_AFREPO_INSTALLED/bin" # mkdir "$GEXT_AFREPO_INSTALLED/bin" #fi #echo "++ Copying $srcdir/bin to GEXT_AFREPO_INSTALLED bin folder" #/bin/cp -r $srcdir/bin $GEXT_AFREPO_INSTALLED/. # 2. #echo "" #echo "+ Copying PHP CGI-scripts Apache\'s htdocs directory" #if [ ! -d "$GEXTAMP_INSTALLED/htdocs/afrepo" ] ; then # echo "++ Creating $GEXTAMP_INSTALLED/htdocs/afrepo" # mkdir "$GEXTAMP_INSTALLED/htdocs/afrepo" #fi if [ ! -e $GEXTAMP_INSTALLED/htdocs/afrepo ] ; then echo "++ Creating symbolic link GEXTAMP_INSTALLED/htdocs/afrepo -> $srcdir" ln -s $srcdir $GEXTAMP_INSTALLED/htdocs/afrepo fi echo "" echo "What about Override apache settings ?????" echo "****** Test to see if 'audiofiles' exists => generate message if not? ==> auto run cmd ???" echo "" echo "****" echo "* Afrepo extension now installed in " echo "* $GEXTAMP_INSTALLED" echo "*" echo "* Place audio files in: " echo "* $GEXTAMP_INSTALLED/htdocs/afrepo/localtest" echo "*" echo "* Run: " echo "* makelines" echo "* to populate:" echo "* $GEXTAMP_INSTALLED/htdocs/afrepo/audio" echo "*" echo "* Finall, run: " echo "* apchectl start" echo "*" echo "* And in a web browser load up the URL:" echo "* http://localhost:8282/afrepo/" echo "****" echo ""