GS tools that provide similar functionality to the GDBM Edit tools but based on the TDB project (from SAMBA Project). TDB has the same API as GDBM and is designed to support parallel processor. === Static Library === In certain circumstances you may find that the shared object library provided by default by TDB is not sufficient. For instance, I discovered that on a cluster using automount directories (crucially for the /share/apps directory), I was not able to compile Greenstone and have Apache run because the link to the shared library couldn't be resovled by the Apache user (as it didn't automount the correct directories). I may have been able to alter the Apache configuration to solve this, but I instead decided to compile the TDB library as static. To do so: 1. Run as usual 2. Run as usual 3. Change directory to: /packages/tdb-1.2.9/bin/default/common/ 4. Execute: ar -cvq libtdb.a *.o 5. Execute: cp libtdb.a /linux/lib/ 6. Change directory to: /runtime-src/src/recpt/ 7. Edit Makefile and modify this line: EXT_LDFLAGS = 8. Edit Makefile and modify this line: EXT_LIBS = $(GSDL_DIR)/ext/tdb-edit/linux/lib/libtdb.a 9. Compile and install Greenstone 10. Ensure the resulting executable no longer links to libtdb as a shared library: ldd /cgi-bin/linux/library.cgi === TDB Server Configuration === If using the TDBServer version you need to include a per-collection configuration file called ''tdbserver.conf'' with this information (altered as required): serverhost localhost serverport 8191 threads 10