#!/bin/bash package=audioDB version=-QM-svn progname=$0 source ../cascade-make/lib/cascade-lib.bash GEXT_AUDIODB ../.. $* prefix=$GEXTAUDIODB_INSTALLED export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I$GEXTAUDIODB_INSTALLED/include" export CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$GEXTAUDIODB_INSTALLED/include" export CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$GEXTAUDIODB_INSTALLED/include" export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$GEXTAUDIODB_INSTALLED/lib" echo GSDLOS = $GSDLOS opt_run_untar $force_untar $auto_untar $package $version echo "*** force_untar = $force_untar" echo "*** auto_config = $auto_config" ##if [ $force_untar = "1" ] ; then if [ $auto_config = "1" ] ; then if [ -d $package$version ] ; then if [ ! -f audioDB-QM-svn/configure.ac ] ; then echo "Copying audioDB-configure.ac to audioDB-QM-snv/configure.ac" /bin/cp audioDB-configure.ac audioDB-QM-svn/configure.ac fi if [ ! -f audioDB-QM-svn/configure ] ; then echo "Copying audioDB-configure to audioDB-QM-snv/configure" /bin/cp audioDB-configure audioDB-QM-svn/configure fi if [ ! -f audioDB-QM-svn/Makefile.in ] ; then echo "Copying audioDB-Makefile.in to audioDB-QM-snv/Makefile.in" /bin/cp audioDB-Makefile.in audioDB-QM-svn/Makefile.in fi if [ ! -f audioDB-QM-svn/config.h.in ] ; then echo "Creating empty audioDB-QM-snv/config.h.in" touch audioDB-QM-svn/config.h.in fi fi fi opt_run_configure $force_config $auto_config $package $version $prefix opt_run_make $compile $package $version \ GENGETOPT=$GEXTAUDIODB_INSTALLED/bin/gengetopt \ SOAPCPP2=$GEXTAUDIODB_INSTALLED/bin/soapcpp2 \ GSOAP_CPP=$GEXT_AUDIODB/packages/gsoap-2.8,3/gsoap/stdsoap2.cpp # GSOAP_INCLUDE="-I /path/to/gsoap" \ # GSL_INCLUDE'"-I /path/to/gsl/" # LIBGSL="-L/path/to/libgsl/libraries -lgsl -lgslcblas" opt_run_make $install $package $version "install" opt_run_make $clean $package $version "clean" opt_run_make $distclean $package $version "distclean" opt_run_tarclean $tarclean $package $version