package edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.resource.iiif.v2; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.RestletApplication; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.cache.CacheFacade; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.config.Configuration; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.config.Key; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.image.Format; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.image.Identifier; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.image.Info; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.image.MediaType; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.operation.OperationList; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.processor.Processor; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.processor.ProcessorFactory; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.processor.UnsupportedOutputFormatException; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.processor.UnsupportedSourceFormatException; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.source.Source; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.source.SourceFactory; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.processor.ProcessorConnector; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.resource.CachedImageRepresentation; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.resource.IllegalClientArgumentException; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.resource.ImageRepresentation; import edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.resource.iiif.SizeRestrictedException; import; import org.restlet.representation.Representation; import org.restlet.representation.StringRepresentation; import org.restlet.resource.Get; import java.awt.Dimension; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.IIIFServerBridge; /** * Handles IIIF Image API 2.x image requests. * * @see Image * Request Operations */ public class GSImageResource extends IIIF2Resource { protected Source createSource(Identifier identifier) throws Exception { String identifier_str = identifier.toString(); String[] strs = identifier_str.split(":", 3); if(strs == null || strs.length < 3) { System.err.println("identifier is not in the form site:coll:id" + identifier_str); return null; } String site_name = strs[0]; String coll_name = strs[1]; String doc_id = strs[2]; // Move into Constructor ??? IIIFServerBridge gs_iiif_bridge = new IIIFServerBridge(); // and keep cache of of bridges in hashmap, keyed on sitename?? gs_iiif_bridge.init(site_name); String collect_image_filename = gs_iiif_bridge.doGetDocumentMessage(coll_name + ":" + doc_id); String site_image_filename = site_name + "/collect/" + coll_name + "/index/assoc/" + collect_image_filename; System.err.println("**** Greenstone site image filename = " + site_image_filename); final Identifier identifier_image = new Identifier(site_image_filename); System.err.println("***** identifier_image = " + identifier_image); final Source source = new SourceFactory().newSource(identifier_image, getDelegateProxy()); System.err.println("***** source path = " + ((edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.source.FileSource)source).getPath()); return source; } /** * Responds to image requests. */ @Get public Representation doGet() throws Exception { final Configuration config = Configuration.getInstance(); final Map attrs = getRequest().getAttributes(); final Identifier identifier = getIdentifier(); final CacheFacade cacheFacade = new CacheFacade(); // Assemble the URI parameters into a Parameters object. final Parameters params = new Parameters( identifier, (String) attrs.get("region"), (String) attrs.get("size"), (String) attrs.get("rotation"), (String) attrs.get("quality"), (String) attrs.get("format")); final OperationList ops = params.toOperationList(); ops.getOptions().putAll( getReference().getQueryAsForm(true).getValuesMap()); final Disposition disposition = getRepresentationDisposition( getReference().getQueryAsForm() .getFirstValue(RESPONSE_CONTENT_DISPOSITION_QUERY_ARG), ops.getIdentifier(), ops.getOutputFormat()); Format sourceFormat = Format.UNKNOWN; // If we don't need to resolve first, and are using a cache: // 1. If the cache contains an image matching the request, skip all the // setup and just return the cached image. // 2. Otherwise, if the cache contains a relevant info, get it to avoid // having to get it from a source later. if (!isResolvingFirst()) { final Info info = cacheFacade.getInfo(identifier); if (info != null) { ops.applyNonEndpointMutations(info, getDelegateProxy()); InputStream cacheStream = null; try { cacheStream = cacheFacade.newDerivativeImageInputStream(ops); } catch (IOException e) { // Don't rethrow -- it's still possible to service the // request. getLogger().severe(e.getMessage()); } if (cacheStream != null) { addLinkHeader(params); commitCustomResponseHeaders(); return new CachedImageRepresentation( cacheStream, params.getOutputFormat().toFormat().getPreferredMediaType(), disposition); } else { Format infoFormat = info.getSourceFormat(); if (infoFormat != null) { sourceFormat = infoFormat; } } } } final Source source = createSource(identifier); //final Source source = new SourceFactory().newSource( // identifier, getDelegateProxy()); // If we are resolving first, or if the source image is not present in // the source cache (if enabled), check access to it in preparation for // retrieval. final Path sourceImage = cacheFacade.getSourceCacheFile(identifier); if (sourceImage == null || isResolvingFirst()) { try { source.checkAccess(); } catch (NoSuchFileException e) { // this needs to be rethrown! if (config.getBoolean(Key.CACHE_SERVER_PURGE_MISSING, false)) { // If the image was not found, purge it from the cache. cacheFacade.purgeAsync(ops.getIdentifier()); } throw e; } } // If we don't know the format yet, get it. if (Format.UNKNOWN.equals(sourceFormat)) { // If we are not resolving first, and there is a hit in the source // cache, read the format from the source-cached-file, as we will // expect source cache access to be more efficient. // Otherwise, read it from the source. if (!isResolvingFirst() && sourceImage != null) { List mediaTypes = MediaType.detectMediaTypes(sourceImage); if (!mediaTypes.isEmpty()) { sourceFormat = mediaTypes.get(0).toFormat(); } } else { sourceFormat = source.getFormat(); } } // Obtain an instance of the processor assigned to that format. This // must eventually be close()d, but we don't want to close it here // unless there is an error. final Processor processor = new ProcessorFactory(). newProcessor(sourceFormat); try { // Connect it to the source. tempFileFuture = new ProcessorConnector().connect( source, processor, identifier, sourceFormat); final Info info = getOrReadInfo(ops.getIdentifier(), processor); Dimension fullSize; try { fullSize = info.getSize(getPageIndex()); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new IllegalClientArgumentException(e); } getRequestContext().setOperationList(ops, fullSize); StringRepresentation redirectingRep = checkRedirect(); if (redirectingRep != null) { return redirectingRep; } checkAuthorization(); validateRequestedArea(ops, sourceFormat, fullSize); try { processor.validate(ops, fullSize); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalClientArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e); } final Dimension resultingSize = ops.getResultingSize(info.getSize()); validateSize(resultingSize, info.getOrientationSize(), processor); try { ops.applyNonEndpointMutations(info, getDelegateProxy()); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // applyNonEndpointMutations() will freeze the instance, and it // may have already been called. That's fine. } // Find out whether the processor supports the source format by asking // it whether it offers any output formats for it. Set availableOutputFormats = processor.getAvailableOutputFormats(); if (!availableOutputFormats.isEmpty()) { if (!availableOutputFormats.contains(ops.getOutputFormat())) { Exception e = new UnsupportedOutputFormatException( processor, ops.getOutputFormat()); getLogger().warning(e.getMessage() + ": " + getReference()); throw e; } } else { throw new UnsupportedSourceFormatException(sourceFormat); } addLinkHeader(params); commitCustomResponseHeaders(); return new ImageRepresentation(info, processor, ops, disposition, isBypassingCache(), () -> { if (tempFileFuture != null) { Path tempFile = tempFileFuture.get(); if (tempFile != null) { Files.deleteIfExists(tempFile); } } return null; }); } catch (Throwable t) { processor.close(); throw t; } } private void addLinkHeader(Parameters params) { final Identifier identifier = params.getIdentifier(); final String paramsStr = params.toString().replaceFirst( identifier.toString(), getPublicIdentifier()); getBufferedResponseHeaders().add("Link", String.format("<%s%s/%s>;rel=\"canonical\"", getPublicRootReference(), RestletApplication.IIIF_2_PATH, paramsStr)); } private void validateSize(Dimension resultingSize, Dimension virtualSize, Processor processor) { final Configuration config = Configuration.getInstance(); if (config.getBoolean(Key.IIIF_2_RESTRICT_TO_SIZES, false)) { final ImageInfoFactory factory = new ImageInfoFactory( processor.getSupportedFeatures(), processor.getSupportedIIIF2Qualities(), processor.getAvailableOutputFormats()); final List sizes = factory.getSizes(virtualSize); boolean ok = false; for (ImageInfo.Size size : sizes) { if (size.width == resultingSize.width && size.height == resultingSize.height) { ok = true; break; } } if (!ok) { throw new SizeRestrictedException(); } } } private boolean isResolvingFirst() { return Configuration.getInstance(). getBoolean(Key.CACHE_SERVER_RESOLVE_FIRST, true); } }