#!/usr/bin/perl -w ########################################################################### # # solr_passes.pl -- perl wrapper, akin to mgpp_passes, for Solr # A component of the Greenstone digital library software # from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the # University of Waikato, New Zealand. # # Copyright (C) 1999 New Zealand Digital Library Project # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ########################################################################### # Heavily based on lucene_passes.pl, but does not need a SolrWrapper.jar # style solution as Solr has its own XML syntax: # # http://wiki.apache.org/solr/UpdateXmlMessages # # This syntax is rather similar to what we already use, so the # main task of monitor_xml() is to translate the XML syntax Greenstone uses # into that needed by the solr server. BEGIN { die "GSDLHOME not set\n" unless defined $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; die "GSDLOS not set\n" unless defined $ENV{'GSDLOS'}; unshift (@INC, "$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}/perllib"); die "GEXT_SOLR not set\n" unless defined $ENV{'GEXT_SOLR'}; } use strict; use util; # Not quite OO, but close enough for now # my $self = { 'full_server_jar' => undef, 'jetty_explicitly_started' => undef, 'jetty_stop_key' => "greenstone-solr" }; sub locate_file { my ($search_path,$suffix) = @_; foreach my $sp (@$search_path) { my $full_path = &util::filename_cat($sp,$suffix); if (-f $full_path) { return $full_path; } } # if get to here, then failed to find match print STDERR "Error: Failed to find '$suffix'\n"; print STDERR " Looked in: ", join(", ", @$search_path), "\n"; exit -1; } sub start_solr_server { my ($search_path) = @_; my $solr_home = $ENV{'GEXT_SOLR'}; my $jetty_stop_port = $ENV{'JETTY_STOP_PORT'}; my $jetty_server_port = $ENV{'SOLR_JETTY_PORT'}; chdir($solr_home); my $solr_etc = &util::filename_cat($solr_home,"etc"); my $server_props = "-DSTOP.PORT=$jetty_stop_port"; $server_props .= " -DSTOP.KEY=".$self->{'jetty_stop_key'}; $server_props .= " -Dsolr.solr.home=$solr_etc"; my $server_jar = &util::filename_cat("lib","java","solr-jetty-server.jar"); my $full_server_jar = locate_file($search_path,$server_jar); $self->{'full_server_jar'} = $full_server_jar; my $server_java_cmd = "java $server_props -jar \"$full_server_jar\""; ## print STDERR "**** server cmd = $server_java_cmd\n"; if (open(SIN,"$server_java_cmd 2>&1 |")) { my $server_status = "unknown"; my $line; while (defined($line=)) { # Scan through output until you see a line like: # 2011-08-22 .. :INFO::Started SocketConnector@ # which signifies that the server has started up and is # "ready and listening" ## print STDERR "**** $line"; if (($line =~ m/^(WARN|ERROR|SEVERE):/) || ($line =~ m/^[0-9 :-]*(WARN|ERROR|SEVERE)::/)) { print $line; } if ($line =~ m/WARN::failed SocketConnector/) { if ($line =~ m/Address already in use/) { $server_status = "already-running"; } else { $server_status = "failed-to-start"; } last; } if ($line =~ m/INFO::Started SocketConnector/) { $server_status = "explicitly-started"; last; } } if ($server_status eq "explicitly-started") { $self->{'jetty_explicitly_started'} = 1; print STDERR "Jetty server ready and listening for connections\n"; } elsif ($server_status eq "already-running") { print STDERR "Using existing server detected on port $jetty_server_port\n"; } else { print STDERR "Failed to start Solr/Jetty web server on $jetty_server_port\n"; exit -1; } # now we know the server is ready to accept connections, fork a # child process that continues to listen to the output and # prints out any lines that are not INFO lines if (fork()==0) { # child process my $line; while (defined ($line = )) { next if ($line =~ m/^INFO:/); next if ($line =~ m/^[0-9 :-]*INFO::/); next if ($line =~ m/^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}\s+/); } close(SIN); # And now stop nicely exit 0; } } else { print STDERR "Error: failed to start solr-jetty-server\n"; print STDERR "!$\n\n"; print STDERR "Command attempted was:\n"; print STDERR " $server_java_cmd\n"; print STDERR "run from directory:\n"; print STDERR " $solr_home\n"; print STDERR "----\n"; exit -1; } # If get to here then server started (and ready and listening) # *and* we are the parent process of the fork() } sub stop_solr_server { my $full_server_jar = $self->{'full_server_jar'}; my $jetty_stop_port = $ENV{'JETTY_STOP_PORT'}; my $server_props = "-DSTOP.PORT=$jetty_stop_port"; $server_props .= " -DSTOP.KEY=".$self->{'jetty_stop_key'}; my $server_java_cmd = "java $server_props -jar \"$full_server_jar\" --stop"; my $server_status = system($server_java_cmd); if ($server_status!=0) { print STDERR "Error: failed to stop solr-jetty-server\n"; print STDERR "!$\n"; exit -1; } else { wait(); # let the child process finish print STDERR "Jetty server shutdown\n"; } } sub open_java_solr { my ($collect, $doc_tag_level,$full_builddir,$indexdir,$removeold) = @_; # if removeold set, then delete the curring $full_builddir if ($removeold) { my $full_indexdir = &util::filename_cat($full_builddir,$indexdir); &util::rm_r($full_indexdir); } my $search_path = []; push(@$search_path,$ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}) if defined $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}; push(@$search_path,$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}) if defined $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; push(@$search_path,$ENV{'GEXT_SOLR'}) if defined $ENV{'GEXT_SOLR'}; # The following returns once Jetty has generated its # "reading and listening" line # start_solr_server($search_path); # Now run the solr-post command chdir($ENV{'GEXT_SOLR'}); my $post_jar = &util::filename_cat("lib","java","solr-post.jar"); my $full_post_jar = locate_file($search_path,$post_jar); my $jetty_server_port = $ENV{'SOLR_JETTY_PORT'}; # Now run solr-post command my $post_props = "-Durl=http://localhost:$jetty_server_port/solr/$collect-$doc_tag_level/update"; $post_props .= " -Ddata=stdin"; $post_props .= " -Dcommit=yes"; my $post_java_cmd = "java $post_props -jar \"$full_post_jar\""; ### print STDERR "**** post cmd = $post_java_cmd\n"; open (PIPEOUT, "| $post_java_cmd") || die "Error in solr_passes.pl: Failed to run $post_java_cmd\n!$\n"; } sub close_java_solr { # closing the pipe has the effect of shutting down solr-post.jar close(PIPEOUT); if ($self->{'jetty_explicitly_started'}) { stop_solr_server(); } } #---- sub save_xml_doc { # This is identical to the one in lucene_passes.pl, and should be # moved in to a package and shared #### my ($full_textdir,$output_filename,$doc_xml) = @_; my $dir_sep = &util::get_os_dirsep(); my $full_output_filename = &util::filename_cat($full_textdir,$output_filename); my ($full_output_dir) = ($full_output_filename =~ m/^(.*$dir_sep)/x); &util::mk_all_dir($full_output_dir); open(DOCOUT,">$full_output_filename") || die "Unable to open $full_output_filename"; print DOCOUT $doc_xml; close(DOCOUT); # What this the purpose of the following? #### my @secs = ($doc_xml =~ m/.*?<\/Sec>/sg); } sub compress_xml_doc { # This is identical to the one in lucene_passes.pl, and should be # moved in to a package and shared #### my ($full_textdir,$output_filename) = @_; my $full_output_filename = &util::filename_cat($full_textdir,$output_filename); # Greenstone ships with gzip for Windows `gzip $full_output_filename`; } sub monitor_xml_stream { # based on lucene's monitor_xml_stream, but simplified # as only now used when in "text" mode my ($full_textdir) = @_; my $doc_xml = ""; my $output_filename = ""; my $line; while (defined ($line = )) { $doc_xml .= $line; if ($line =~ m/^$/) { $output_filename = $1; } if ($line =~ m/^<\/Doc>$/) { save_xml_doc($full_textdir,$output_filename,$doc_xml); # Compress file # # The compress option was taken out for efficiency # reasons. Consider putting it back in but making it a # switch so a collection builder can decide for themselves on a # case by case basis if they want to save on diskspace, but have # the overhead of uncompressing at runtime ### compress_xml_doc($full_textdir,$output_filename); $doc_xml = ""; $output_filename = ""; } } } sub pass_on_xml_stream { my $line; while (defined ($line = )) { print PIPEOUT $line; } } # /** This checks the arguments on the command line, filters the # * unknown command line arguments and then calls the open_java_solr # * function to begin processing. # */ sub main { my (@argv) = @_; my $argc = scalar(@argv); my $removeold = 0; my @filtered_argv = (); my $i = 0; while ($i<$argc) { if ($argv[$i] =~ m/^\-(.*)$/) { my $option = $1; # -removeold causes the existing index to be overwritten if ($option eq "removeold") { print STDERR "\n-removeold set (new index will be created)\n"; $removeold = 1; } # -verbosity elsif ($option eq "verbosity") { $i++; if ($i<$argc) { # solr indexing has no support for verbosity # => parse to be compatible with calling program, but supress it # for solr-post.jar } } else { print STDERR "Unrecognised minus option: -$option\n"; } } else { push(@filtered_argv,$argv[$i]); } $i++; } my $filtered_argc = scalar(@filtered_argv); if ($filtered_argc < 5) { print STDERR "Usage: solr_passes.pl [-removeold|-verbosity num] collect \"text\"|\"index\" doc-tag-level build-dir index-name\n"; exit 1; } my $collect = $filtered_argv[0]; my $mode = $filtered_argv[1]; my $doc_tag_level = $filtered_argv[2]; my $full_builddir = $filtered_argv[3]; my $indexdir = $filtered_argv[4]; # We only need the Solr handle opened if we are indexing the # documents, not if we are just storing the text if ($mode eq "index") { open_java_solr($collect, $doc_tag_level, $full_builddir, $indexdir, $removeold); } if ($mode eq "text") { print STDERR "Monitoring for input!\n"; my $full_textdir = &util::filename_cat($full_builddir,"text"); monitor_xml_stream($full_textdir); } else { print STDERR "Streaming document input onto Solr server!\n"; pass_on_xml_stream(); } if ($mode eq "index") { close_java_solr(); } } &main(@ARGV);