@echo off pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" set extdesc=the Solr Extension if "%GSDL3SRCHOME%" == "" echo Run the toplevel gs3-setup.bat before calling this script& goto End rem IF USING TOMCAT SERVER FOR SOLR :: If using tomcat, read the tomcat host and port from the toplevel GS3 build.properties :: http://en.kioskea.net/faq/1757-how-to-read-a-file-line-by-line :: The following reads build.properties line by line, tokenizing it around the = sign, then :: sets the SOLR_PORT and SOLR_HOST to the values of tomcat.port and tomcat.host properties set SOLR_PORT=8383 set SOLR_HOST= setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set FOUNDPROPS= :: The Solr servlet should only be locally accessible, thus restricting the protocol to http as :: https certificates can't be issued for localhost/ (https://letsencrypt.org/docs/certificates-for-localhost/) :: This means we use the properties localhost.server.http (defaults to and localhost.port.http :: to construct the solr servlet url, rather than properties tomcat.server and tomcat.port.https :: Loosely based on :: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7708681/how-to-read-from-a-properties-file-using-batch-script :: for with usebackq option allows spaces in filepath to be protected with double quotes :: (backquotes will be used for executing the commands) :: See also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5553040/batch-file-for-loop-with-spaces-in-dir-name :: for alternative suggestions useful in other instances FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==" %%G IN ("%GSDL3SRCHOME%\build.properties") DO ( if "%%G"=="localhost.server.http" set SOLR_HOST=%%H& set FOUNDPROPS=!FOUNDPROPS!found if "%%G"=="localhost.port.http" set SOLR_PORT=%%H& set FOUNDPROPS=!FOUNDPROPS!found :: break out of the loop as soon as both properties are found if "!FOUNDPROPS!" == "foundfound" goto foundall ) :foundall endlocal& set SOLR_HOST=%SOLR_HOST%& set SOLR_PORT=%SOLR_PORT% echo - Solr API accessed internally via: http://%SOLR_HOST%:%SOLR_PORT%/solr/ if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT if "%OS%" == "" goto Win95 if "%GSDLLANG%" == "en" echo Setup failed - your PATH has not been set if "%GSDLLANG%" == "es" echo No se pudo realizar la configuraci¢n - no se ha establecido la RUTA. if "%GSDLLANG%" == "fr" echo Ech‚c de l'installation - votre variable PATH n'a pas ‚t‚ ajust‚e if "%GSDLLANG%" == "ru" echo “áâ ­®¢ª  ­¥ 㤠« áì - “’œ ­¥ ¡ë« ãáâ ­®¢«¥­ goto End :WinNT set GEXT_SOLR=%CD% set PATH=%GEXT_SOLR%\bin\script;%PATH% set PATH=%GEXT_SOLR%\lib;%PATH% set GS_CP_SET=yes goto Success :Win95 if "%1" == "SetEnv" goto Win95Env REM We'll invoke a second copy of the command processor to make REM sure there's enough environment space COMMAND /E:2048 /K %0 SetEnv goto End :Win95Env set GEXT_SOLR=%CD% set PATH="%GEXT_SOLR%\bin\script";"%PATH%" set PATH="%GEXT_SOLR%\lib";"%PATH%" set GS_CP_SET=yes goto Success :Success set fulldir=%~dp0 :: strip off everything up to (and including) ext dir set extdir=%fulldir:*ext\=% :: remove trailing slash set extdir=%extdir:\=% setlocal enabledelayedexpansion if "x%GSDL3EXTS%" == "x" ( set GSDL3EXTS=!extdir! ) else ( set GSDL3EXTS=!GSDL3EXTS!:!extdir! ) endlocal & set GSDL3EXTS=%GSDL3EXTS% :: Back to delayed expansion to avoid problems with environment :: variables with brackets in them, such as "Program Files (x86)" echo +Your environment is now setup for %extdesc% :End popd