var AMC_SONG_DURATION = 30; var currentPosIsZero = true; var currentPosRunup = 0; function AVEnsurePaused() { if (!wavesurfer.backend.isPaused()) { $('#ws-pause-icon').hide(); $('#ws-play-icon' ).show(); $('#ws-playpause-label').html("Play"); } wavesurfer.pause(); } function AVPlay() { // Restore play/pause toggle button back to 'ready to play' i.e., showing pause button $('#ws-play-icon' ).hide(); $('#ws-pause-icon').show(); $('#ws-playpause-label').html("Pause"); if (currentPosRunup>0) { var skip_amount = -1 * currentPosRunup; wavesurfer.skip(skip_amount); currentPosRunup = 0; }; } function AVPlayPause() { if (wavesurfer.backend.isPaused()) { AVPlay(); } else { AVEnsurePaused(); } //return wavesurfer.backend.isPaused() ? : wavesurfer.pause(); } function AVSeekTo(progressPos) { wavesurfer.seekTo(progressPos); if (progressPos == 0) { recommendFromStart(); } } /* function playFromOffset(id,frameOffset) { var msecOffset = 250 * frameOffset; idElem = document.getElementById(id); pagePlayer.handleClick({target:idElem}); // fake a click soundManager.stopAll(); // soundManager.setPosition(id,5000);,{position: msecOffset}); } */ function displayClampedCurrentTimeAndAV() { // Note, the Arousal and Valence feature window values used is: // 6 secs + 50% overlap // So the Weka computed AV values are spaced out: // 6s, 9s, 12s, ... // clamp to ensure >= 6.0 secs var current_time = Math.max(6.0,wavesurfer.getCurrentTime()); var current_time_1dp = current_time.toFixed(1); var arousal_val = parseFloat($('#arousal-val').text()); var valence_val = parseFloat($('#valence-val').text()); var arousal_val_str = (arousal_val>0) ? "+"+arousal_val : ""+arousal_val; var valence_val_str = (valence_val>0) ? "+"+valence_val : ""+valence_val; $('#makeRecommendationFrom-AV').html(`(@${current_time_1dp} secs: arousal = ${arousal_val_str}, valence = ${valence_val_str})`); return current_time; } function preSubmit(form) { // Note, the Arousal and Valence feature window values used is: // 6 secs + 50% overlap // So the Weka computed AV values are spaced out: // 6s, 9s, 12s, ... // clamp to ensure >= 6.0 secs //var current_time = Math.max(6.0,wavesurfer.getCurrentTime()); //var current_time_1dp = current_time.toFixed(1); var clamped_current_time = displayClampedCurrentTimeAndAV(); AVEnsurePaused(); weka_segment = Math.round(clamped_current_time/3) * 3; form.elements["s1.offset"].value = weka_segment; var arousal_val = parseFloat($('#arousal-val').text()); var valence_val = parseFloat($('#valence-val').text()); //$('#makeRecommendationFrom-AV').html(`(@${current_time_1dp} secs: arousal=${arousal_val}, valence=${valence_val})`); return submitAVRecommendation(form, arousal_val,valence_val, clamped_current_time); } function AVPlotRecommendations() { var $av_recommendations = $('.AVRecommendation'); var min_arousal_val = +1.0; var max_arousal_val = -1.0; var min_valence_val = +1.0; var max_valence_val = -1.0; $av_recommendations.each(function(index_unused) { var arousal_val = $(this).data("arousalval"); var valence_val = $(this).data("valenceval"); if (arousal_val < min_arousal_val) { min_arousal_val = arousal_val; } if (arousal_val > max_arousal_val) { max_arousal_val = arousal_val; } if (valence_val < min_valence_val) { min_valence_val = valence_val; } if (valence_val > max_valence_val) { max_valence_val = valence_val; } }); console.log(`AVRecommendations Arousal limits: ${min_arousal_val} <-> ${max_arousal_val}`); console.log(`AVRecommendations Valence limits: ${min_valence_val} <-> ${max_valence_val}`); var av_cluster_x_org = (min_arousal_val + max_arousal_val)/2.0; var av_cluster_y_org = (min_valence_val + max_valence_val)/2.0; var av_cluster_x_delta = Math.abs(min_arousal_val - max_arousal_val)/2.0; var av_cluster_y_delta = Math.abs(min_valence_val - max_valence_val)/2.0; //var av_cluster_rad = Math.max(Math.max(av_cluster_x_delta,av_cluster_y_delta),3.0); var av_cluster_rad = Math.max(av_cluster_x_delta,av_cluster_y_delta); var disp_cluster_coord = av_to_display_coord(av_cluster_rad,av_cluster_rad); var disp_cluster_rad = disp_cluster_coord.x - av_chart_disp_x_mid; // **** **** ???? var disp_cluster_rad_maxed = Math.max(disp_cluster_rad,3.0); var disp_coord = av_to_display_coord(av_cluster_x_org,av_cluster_y_org); var disp_x = disp_coord.x; var disp_y = disp_coord.y; var av_chart_canvas = document.getElementById('av-chart-canvas'); var ctx = av_chart_canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, av_chart_canvas.width, av_chart_canvas.height); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(disp_x/2, disp_y/2, disp_cluster_rad_maxed/2, 0, 2*Math.PI, false); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(50,50,128,0.5)'; ctx.fill(); ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,160,0.5)'; ctx.stroke(); } function ajaxUpdateDocumentDisplayed() { var $resultsTable = $('#resultsTable'); var $resultsTable_trs = $resultsTable.find('tr'); if ($resultsTable_trs.length>0) { var $resultsTable_tr1 = $resultsTable_trs.first(); var div_doc_id = $resultsTable_tr1.attr('id') var doc_id = div_doc_id.substring(3); console.log("first AV recommendation doc id = " + doc_id); var $av_recommendation = $resultsTable_tr1.find('.AVRecommendation').first(); var new_doc_url = $av_recommendation.attr('href'); var new_doc_url_parts = new_doc_url.split("#"); var new_doc_metadata_url = new_doc_url_parts[0] + "&excerptid=metadata-documenttext#" + new_doc_url_parts[1]; var new_doc_playervisual_url = new_doc_url_parts[0] + "&excerptid=playervisual-documenttext#" + new_doc_url_parts[1]; //console.log("new doc metadata url = " + new_doc_metadata_url); //console.log("new doc playervisual url = " + new_doc_playervisual_url); // current URL ends with collect/amc-essentia/document/ds_51017_15513?p.frameOffset=... // Need to remove old '/document/ds_...' and replace with new doc const current_doc_url_str = window.location.href; console.log(current_doc_url_str); var push_doc_url_str = current_doc_url_str.replace(/document\/\w+\?/,"document/"+doc_id+"?"); console.log("new doc url str = " + push_doc_url_str); const push_doc_url = new URL(push_doc_url_str); var frameOffset = $"frameoffset"); push_doc_url.searchParams.set('p.frameOffset', frameOffset); push_doc_url.searchParams.set('d', doc_id); window.history.pushState({}, '', push_doc_url); //window.history.replaceState({}, '', push_doc_url); $('#metadata-documenttext').css("cursor","wait"); $('#playervisual-documenttext').css("cursor","wait"); $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: new_doc_metadata_url, }) .always(function() { $('#metadata-documenttext').css("cursor","revert"); }) .fail(function(jqXHR,textStatus) { console.error( "metadata-documenttext ajax request failed: " + textStatus); }) .done(function(html_result) { $('#metadata-documenttext').replaceWith(html_result); }); $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: new_doc_playervisual_url, }) .always(function() { $('#playervisual-documenttext').css("cursor","revert"); }) .fail(function(jqXHR,textStatus) { console.error( "playervisual-documenttext equest failed: " + textStatus); }) .done(function(html_result) { $('#playervisual-documenttext').replaceWith(html_result); gs.cgiParams['p_frameOffset'] = frameOffset; gs.documentMetadata["assocfilepath"] = $('#ajax-loaded-assocfilepath').text(); initPlayerVisual(); initWavesurferPlayer(); wavesurfer.seekTo(frameOffset/AMC_SONG_DURATION); postInitWavesurfer(wavesurfer); }); $resultsTable_tr1.slideUp(); //var arousal_val = $"arousalval"); //var valence_val = $"valenceval"); } } function submitAVRecommendation(form, arousal_val,valence_val, current_time) { form.elements["s1.arousal"].value = arousal_val; form.elements["s1.valence"].value = valence_val; var args = { "a": "q", "rt": "rd", "s": "AudioQuery", "sa": "", "c": gs.cgiParams["c"], "q": gs.cgiParams["d"], "s1.query": gs.cgiParams["d"], "s1.maxDocs": form.elements["s1.maxDocs"].value, "s1.hitsPerPage": form.elements["s1.hitsPerPage"].value, "s1.offset": form.elements["s1.offset"].value, "s1.length": form.elements["s1.length"].value, "s1.arousal": arousal_val, "s1.valence": valence_val, "startPage": 1, "excerptid": "resultsArea" }; var url = ""; $('#recommendationArea').css("cursor","wait"); $('#resultsAreaDiv').slideDown(); $('#resultsAreaDiv').html("Retrieving recommendation ..."); $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: url, data: args }) .always(function() { $('#recommendationArea').css("cursor","revert"); }) .fail(function(jqXHR,textStatus) { console.error( "Request failed: " + textStatus); }) .done(function(html_result) { $('#resultsAreaDiv').html("
"+html_result); $('#av-chart-div').show(); AVPlotRecommendations(); if (current_time) { const updated_url = new URL(window.location); updated_url.searchParams.set('p.frameOffset', current_time); //window.history.pushState({}, '', url + "?p.frameOffset=" + current_time); //window.history.pushState({}, '', updated_url); window.history.replaceState({}, '', updated_url); } else { // The result of a click on the AV-chart ajaxUpdateDocumentDisplayed(); } }); // stop submit return false; // force GET method request to go ahead //return true; } function recommendFromStart() { currentPosIsZero = true; $('#makeRecommendationFrom').html("Based on the start of this musical/sound art work: "); } function recommendFromPos() { currentPosIsZero = false; $('#makeRecommendationFrom').html("Based on the current timeline position of this musical/sound art work: "); } function postInitWavesurfer(wavesurfer) { console.log("postInitWavesurfer called with wavesufer = " + wavesurfer); wavesurfer.load(gs.variables.mp3url); wavesurfer.on('audioprocess', function () { var current_time = wavesurfer.getCurrentTime(); var current_time_rounded = Math.round(current_time * 10) / 10 var current_time_rounded = current_time.toFixed(1); $('#audioCurrentPos').html(current_time_rounded + " secs"); if (current_time == 0) { recommendFromStart(); } else if ((currentPosIsZero) && (current_time > 0)) { recommendFromPos(); } displayClampedCurrentTimeAndAV(); if (isRecordingUserAV) { appendRecordedUserAVVals(); } }); wavesurfer.on('finish', function () { // auto stop RecordingUserAV av_chart_record_finish(); }); wavesurfer.on('ready', function () { console.log("**** wavesurfer ready()"); if ('p_frameOffset' in gs.cgiParams) { var frameOffset = gs.cgiParams['p_frameOffset']; //console.log("**** starting play @ " + frameOffset); //; //console.log("**** setting play seek @ " + frameOffset); wavesurfer.seekTo(frameOffset/AMC_SONG_DURATION); recommendFromPos(); displayClampedCurrentTimeAndAV(); console.log("av_document.js: **** Keeping 'currentPosRunup' at 0 for now!"); /*if (frameOffset>1.0) { currentPosRunup = 1.0; // 1 second }*/ } else { recommendFromStart(); displayClampedCurrentTimeAndAV(); } }); } /* y-top: 146 Centre: 412,443 y-bot:735 x-left: 120 x-right 710 Full image: 911 x 825 pxs AV centre: 412,443 delta x/y: from centre: 292 <-> 298 -1 <-> 0 <-> +1 295 295 SVG: 241 x 248 scaled 0.26458 */ var av_chart_orig_r = 295; var av_chart_orig_x_org = 412; var av_chart_orig_y_org = 443; var av_chart_orig_x_dim = 911; var av_chart_orig_y_dim = 825; var av_chart_disp_x_dim = 300; // **** av-chart-width var av_chart_disp_x_mid = av_chart_disp_x_dim/2.0; var av_chart_scale = av_chart_orig_x_dim / av_chart_disp_x_dim; function display_to_av_coord(disp_x,disp_y) { var scaled_disp_x = disp_x * av_chart_scale; var scaled_disp_y = disp_y * av_chart_scale; var orig_av_x = scaled_disp_x - av_chart_orig_x_org; var orig_av_y = -1 * (scaled_disp_y - av_chart_orig_y_org); // flip y axis var av_x = orig_av_x / av_chart_orig_r; var av_y = orig_av_y / av_chart_orig_r; var capped_av_x = Math.max(Math.min(av_x,1.0),-1.0); var capped_av_y = Math.max(Math.min(av_y,1.0),-1.0); return { "x": capped_av_x, "y": capped_av_y }; } function av_to_display_coord(av_x,av_y) { //var capped_av_x = Math.max(Math.min(av_x,1.0),-1.0); //var capped_av_y = Math.max(Math.min(av_y,1.0),-1.0); // transform the coord system from av [-1,1] to be the original SVG AV chart size var orig_av_x = av_x * av_chart_orig_r; var orig_av_y = av_y * av_chart_orig_r; // tranform the coord system to be expressed from the top-left as the origin var scaled_disp_x = orig_av_x + av_chart_orig_x_org; var scaled_disp_y = (-1 * orig_av_y) + av_chart_orig_y_org; var disp_x = scaled_disp_x / av_chart_scale; var disp_y = scaled_disp_y / av_chart_scale; return { "x": disp_x, "y": disp_y }; } function av_chart_click(elem,e) { var offset = $(elem).offset(); var elem_x_org = offset.left; var elem_y_org =; var disp_x = e.pageX - elem_x_org; var disp_y = e.pageY - elem_y_org; console.log(`(disp_x,disp_y) = (${disp_x},${disp_y})`); var av_coord = display_to_av_coord(disp_x,disp_y); var capped_av_x = av_coord.x; var capped_av_y = av_coord.y; console.log(`av x,y: (${capped_av_x},${capped_av_y})`); //var disp_coord = av_to_display_coord(capped_av_x,capped_av_y); //var reconverted_disp_x = disp_coord.x; //var reconverted_disp_y = disp_coord.y; //console.log(`reconverted (disp_x,disp_y) = (${reconverted_disp_x},${reconverted_disp_y})`); var form = $('#av-query-form')[0]; var clamped_current_time = 6; AVEnsurePaused(); weka_segment = Math.round(clamped_current_time/3) * 3; console.log("**** av_chart_click(): dynamically setting form[s1.offset] = " + weka_segment); form.elements["s1.offset"].value = weka_segment; submitAVRecommendation(form, capped_av_x, capped_av_y, null); } var hasExistingUserRecording = false; var isRecordingUserAV = false; var recordedUserArousalVal = 0; var recordedUserValenceVal = 0; var recordedUserCanvasX = 0; var recordedUserCanvasY = 0; var recordedAVs = { predArousal: [], predValence: [], userArousal: [], userValence: [], diffArousal: [], diffValence: [], canvasX: [], canvasY: [] }; function resetRecordedAVs() { recordedAVs.predArousal = []; recordedAVs.predValence = []; recordedAVs.userArousal = []; recordedAVs.userValence = []; recordedAVs.diffArousal = []; recordedAVs.diffValence = []; recordedAVs.canvasX = []; recordedAVs.canvasY = []; } function appendRecordedUserAVVals() { var current_time = wavesurfer.getCurrentTime(); // Predicted AV vals var pred_arousal_val = parseFloat($('#arousal-val').text()); var pred_valence_val = parseFloat($('#valence-val').text()); var user_arousal_val = recordedUserArousalVal; var user_valence_val = recordedUserValenceVal; var diff_arousal_val = pred_arousal_val - user_arousal_val; var diff_valence_val = pred_valence_val - user_valence_val; recordedAVs.predArousal.push(pred_arousal_val); recordedAVs.predValence.push(pred_valence_val); recordedAVs.userArousal.push(user_arousal_val); recordedAVs.userValence.push(user_valence_val); recordedAVs.diffArousal.push(diff_arousal_val); recordedAVs.diffValence.push(diff_valence_val); recordedAVs.canvasX.push(recordedUserCanvasX); recordedAVs.canvasY.push(recordedUserCanvasY); var av_canvas = document.getElementById("av-chart-canvas-unlabeled"); var av_context = av_canvas.getContext("2d"); av_context.fillStyle = "rgba(190,0,0,0.05)"; //av_context.fillStyle = "rgba(130,0,0,0.1)"; //av_context.fillStyle = "rgba(78,196,108,0.1)"; av_context.beginPath(); av_context.arc(recordedUserCanvasX, recordedUserCanvasY, 5, 0, 2 * Math.PI); av_context.fill(); } function displayPersonalBias(overall_personal_bias_rec) { var bias_arousal_2dp = overall_personal_bias_rec['bias-arousal'].toFixed(2); var bias_valence_2dp = overall_personal_bias_rec['bias-valence'].toFixed(2); $('#overall-personal-bias') .html("Personal Bias (Arousal,Valence):" + " (" + bias_arousal_2dp + "," + bias_valence_2dp + ")"); } function clearRecordedUserAVChart() { var doc_storage_key = gs.cgiParams.c + "." + gs.cgiParams.d; var doc_personal_bias_arousal = 0.0; var doc_personal_bias_valence = 0.0; var recordedAVs_str = window.localStorage.getItem(doc_storage_key); if (recordedAVs_str) { recordedAVs = JSON.parse(recordedAVs_str); doc_personal_bias_arousal = recordedAVs.personalBiasArousal; doc_personal_bias_valence = recordedAVs.personalBiasValence; } window.localStorage.removeItem(doc_storage_key); var overall_personal_bias_key = "mars.overall-personal-bias"; var overall_personal_bias_rec_str = window.localStorage.getItem(overall_personal_bias_key); var overall_personal_bias_rec; if (overall_personal_bias_rec_str) { overall_personal_bias_rec = JSON.parse(overall_personal_bias_rec_str); overall_personal_bias_rec['bias-arousal'] -= doc_personal_bias_arousal; overall_personal_bias_rec['bias-valence'] -= doc_personal_bias_valence; } window.localStorage.setItem(overall_personal_bias_key, JSON.stringify(overall_personal_bias_rec)); displayPersonalBias(overall_personal_bias_rec); // Now proceed to visually clear the av-chart-canvas var av_canvas = document.getElementById("av-chart-canvas-unlabeled"); var av_context = av_canvas.getContext("2d"); av_context.clearRect(0, 0, av_canvas.width, av_canvas.height); resetRecordedAVs(); hasExistingUserRecording = false; } function renderRecordedUserAVVals() { var doc_storage_key = gs.cgiParams.c + "." + gs.cgiParams.d; var recordedAVs_str = window.localStorage.getItem(doc_storage_key); if (recordedAVs_str) { recordedAVs = JSON.parse(recordedAVs_str); var av_canvas = document.getElementById("av-chart-canvas-unlabeled"); var av_context = av_canvas.getContext("2d"); var num_canvas_coords = recordedAVs.canvasX.length; for (var i=0; i Store recorded values into LocalStorage isRecordingUserAV = false; CancelResumeSaveConfirm('Customised AV Recording', 'Would you like to save this AV Recording?', 'Cancel and Start Over', 'Resume Recording', "Save", crsc_popup_cancel_callback, crsc_popup_resume_callback, crsc_popup_save_callback ); } } } function av_chart_record_finish(elem,event) { // Restore play/pause toggle button back to 'ready to play' AVSeekTo(0); $('#ws-play-icon' ).show(); $('#ws-pause-icon').hide(); $('#ws-playpause-label').html("Play"); if (isRecordingUserAV == true) { isRecordingUserAV = false; CancelResumeSaveConfirm('Customised AV Recording', 'Would you like to save this AV Recording?', 'Cancel and Start Over', null, "Save", crsc_popup_cancel_callback, null, crsc_popup_save_callback ); } } function initPlayerVisual() { const doc_url = new URL(window.location); var renderWave = doc_url.searchParams.get('renderWave'); if (renderWave && (renderWave == 1)) { // showing the waveform => offer link to spectrogram const sts_url = new URL(window.location); sts_url.searchParams.set('renderWave', 0); $('#switch-to-spectrogram').attr("href",sts_url); $('#switch-to-waveform').hide(); $('#av-timelinebar-help').hide(); } else { // show the spectrogram => offer link to waveform const stw_url = new URL(window.location); stw_url.searchParams.set('renderWave', 1); $('#switch-to-waveform').attr("href",stw_url); $('#switch-to-spectrogram').hide(); $('#av-timelinebar-help').show(); } } function showAVChart() { if ($('#av-chart-outerdiv').is(":hidden")) { var wave_form_height = $('#waveform').height(); $('#waveform') .css("transform-origin","top") .css("transform","scale(1.0,0.5)") .height(wave_form_height/2.0); $('#av-chart-img-unlabeled').hide(); $('#av-chart-canvas-unlabeled').hide(); $('#clear-user-av-chart-rtab').hide(); $('#av-chart-img').show(); $('#av-chart-canvas').show(); $('#start-av-recommendation').show(); $('#start-av-recording').hide(); $('#av-chart-outerdiv').slideDown(); $('#show-av-chart').hide(); $('#hide-av-chart').show(); } return false; } function hideAVChart() { if ($('#av-chart-outerdiv').is(':visible')) { // Slide up the chart display area $('#av-chart-outerdiv').slideUp(function() { // Reset what is being display to the default (the av-chart, not the record one) $('#av-chart-img-unlabeled').hide(); $('#av-chart-chart-unlabeled').hide(); $('#av-chart-img').show(); $('#av-chart-canvas').show(); $('#start-av-recommendation').show(); $('#start-av-recording').hide(); }); // Fix up the labels $('#hide-av-chart').hide(); $('#clear-user-av-chart-rtab').hide(); $('#show-av-chart').show(); // Restore the renderWave/Frequency height const doc_url = new URL(window.location); var renderWave = doc_url.searchParams.get('renderWave'); if (renderWave && renderWave == 1) { $('#waveform').find('wave canvas').css("display","block"); } var wave_form_height = $('#waveform').height(); $('#waveform') .height(wave_form_height*2.0) .css("transform","scale(1.0,1.0)") } return false; } function loginToRecord() { if (gs.variables.loggedInUsername == "") { // Example login redirect // var this_url = new URL(window.location) this_url.searchParams.set('showRecordAV', '1'); var encoded_this_url = encodeURIComponent(this_url.href); var base_url = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname; window.location.href = base_url + "?a=p&sa=login&redirectURL=" + encoded_this_url; } else { /* var av_chart_svg = document.getElementById("av-chart-svg"); //get the inner DOM of alpha.svg var svgDoc = av_chart_svg.contentDocument; //get the inner element by id var av_labels = svgDoc.getElementClass("av-label"); var $av_labels = $(av_labels); $av_labels.css("display","none"); */ //console.log("Away to hide standard av-chart-img and show av-chart-img-unlabeled"); if ($('#av-chart-outerdiv').is(":hidden")) { const doc_url = new URL(window.location); var renderWave = doc_url.searchParams.get('renderWave'); if (renderWave && renderWave == 1) { $('#waveform').find('wave canvas').css("display","none"); } var wave_form_height = $('#waveform').height(); $('#waveform') .css("transform-origin","top") .css("transform","scale(1.0,0.5)") .height(wave_form_height/2.0); } // Ensure the RecordAV Chart if showing if ($('#av-chart-img-unlabeled').is(":hidden")) { // Ensure it is the RecordAV chart that is shown $('#av-chart-img').hide(); $('#av-chart-canvas').hide(); $('#av-chart-img-unlabeled').show(); $('#av-chart-canvas-unlabeled').show(); $('#clear-user-av-chart-rtab').show(); $('#start-av-recommendation').hide(); $('#start-av-recording').show(); // Which is then slid-down $('#av-chart-outerdiv').slideDown(); // Fix up the control label $('#show-av-chart').hide(); $('#hide-av-chart').show(); } } } // circ_.* parameters express position of the circle, relative to the top-left position of the elem function mouse_xy_to_av(elem,event,circ_x_org,circ_y_org,circ_radius) { var relX = event.pageX - $(elem).offset().left; var relY = event.pageY - $(elem).offset().top; var valenceVal = -1 * (circ_x_org - relX) / circ_radius; var arousalVal = +1 * (circ_y_org - relY) / circ_radius; var avRadius = Math.sqrt(valenceVal*valenceVal + arousalVal*arousalVal); return { 'valence': valenceVal, 'arousal': arousalVal, 'avRadius': avRadius }; } // Need to be very careful with order of valenceVal and arousalVal // Here they are ordered to match x,y function av_to_canvas_xy__UNTESTED(valenceVal, arousalVal, circ_x_org,circ_y_org,circ_radius) { //var canvasX = (valenceVal * circ_radius) - circ_x_org; // effectively "times -1" var canvasX = circ_x_org - (valenceVal * circ_radius); var canvasY = circ_y_org - (arousalVal * circ_radius); return { 'canvasX': canvasX, 'canvasY': canvasY }; } function get_av_chart_unlabeled_position_info(elem,event) { var circ_x_org = 183; var circ_y_org = 194; var circ_radius = 130; var av_rec = mouse_xy_to_av(elem,event,circ_x_org,circ_y_org,circ_radius); var valence_val = av_rec.valence; var arousal_val = av_rec.arousal; var av_radius = av_rec.avRadius; var av_inside = (av_radius <= 1.0); var return_rec = { 'av_inside': av_inside }; if (av_inside) { return_rec.arousal_val = arousal_val; return_rec.valence_val = valence_val; var canvas_x = event.pageX - $(elem).offset().left; var canvas_y = event.pageY - $(elem).offset().top; return_rec.canvas_x = canvas_x; return_rec.canvas_y = canvas_y; } return return_rec; } $(document).ready(function() { console.log("AV Recording now always possible, without logging in (pseudo username: mars)"); gs.variables.loggedInUsername = "mars"; //console.log(`loggedInUsername = '${gs.variables.loggedInUsername}'`); if (gs.variables.loggedInUsername != "") { // Logged in $('#login-to-record-av').hide(); $('#record-av').show(); var this_url = new URL(window.location); var show_record_av = this_url.searchParams.get("showRecordAV"); if (show_record_av && show_record_av == 1) { loginToRecord(); } renderRecordedUserAVVals(); } //var arg_add = ( != "") ? "&" : "?"; //$('#record-av-logout').attr("href",window.location.href + arg_add + "logout="); var $record_av_logout = $('#record-av-logout'); //record_av_logout_url = new URL($record_av_logout.attr("href")); record_av_logout_url = new URL(window.location); record_av_logout_url.searchParams.set('logout', ''); record_av_logout_url.searchParams.set('showRecordAV', '0'); $record_av_logout.attr("href",record_av_logout_url.href); initPlayerVisual(); var overall_personal_bias_key = "mars.overall-personal-bias"; var overall_personal_bias_rec_str = window.localStorage.getItem(overall_personal_bias_key); var overall_personal_bias_rec; if (overall_personal_bias_rec_str) { overall_personal_bias_rec = JSON.parse(overall_personal_bias_rec_str); displayPersonalBias(overall_personal_bias_rec); } $('#av-chart-img').on("click",function(event) { av_chart_click(this,event) }); $('#av-chart-img').on("mousemove",function(event) { var circ_x_org = 137; var circ_y_org = 145; var circ_radius = 97; var av_rec = mouse_xy_to_av(this,event,circ_x_org,circ_y_org,circ_radius); var recValenceVal = av_rec.valence; var recArousalVal = av_rec.arousal; var avRadius = av_rec.avRadius; var recAVInside = (avRadius <= 1.0); if (recAVInside) { var roundedA = Math.round(recArousalVal * 100) / 100 var roundedV = Math.round(recValenceVal * 100) / 100 var relBoxCoords = "AV coord: (" + roundedV + "," + roundedA + ")"; $("#av-recording-coords").text(relBoxCoords); } if (recAVInside != prevRecAVInside) { if (recAVInside) { // crosshairs on $('#av-chart-img').css("cursor","crosshair"); } else { // revert $('#av-chart-img').css("cursor","default"); } } prevRecAVInside = recAVInside; }); $('#av-chart-img-unlabeled').on("click",function(event) { av_chart_record_click(this,event); }); var prevRecAVInside = true; $('#av-chart-img-unlabeled').on("mouseover",function(event) { //console.log("**** mouseenter") var av_chart_position_info = get_av_chart_unlabeled_position_info(this,event); var av_inside = av_chart_position_info.av_inside; if (av_inside) { //console.log("**** inside") // crosshairs on var crosshair_record_url = gs.variables.collImagesURL + "/crosshair-cursor-red32.png"; $('#av-chart-img-unlabeled').css("cursor","url('"+crosshair_record_url+"') 16 16, crosshair"); } else { // revert $('#av-chart-img-unlabeled').css("cursor","default"); } }); $('#av-chart-img-unlabeled').on("mousemove",function(event) { /* var circ_x_org = 183; var circ_y_org = 194; var circ_radius = 130; var av_rec = mouse_xy_to_av(this,event,circ_x_org,circ_y_org,circ_radius); var recValenceVal = av_rec.valence; var recArousalVal = av_rec.arousal; var avRadius = av_rec.avRadius; var recAVInside = (avRadius <= 1.0); */ var av_chart_position_info = get_av_chart_unlabeled_position_info(this,event); var recValenceVal = av_chart_position_info.valence_val; var recArousalVal = av_chart_position_info.arousal_val; var recAVInside = av_chart_position_info.av_inside; if (recAVInside) { var roundedA = Math.round(recArousalVal * 100) / 100 var roundedV = Math.round(recValenceVal * 100) / 100 var relBoxCoords = "AV coord: (" + roundedV + "," + roundedA + ")"; $("#av-recording-coords").text(relBoxCoords); } if ((recAVInside) && (isRecordingUserAV)) { //var xy_rec = av_to_canvas_xy(recValenceVal,recArousalVal, circ_x_org,circ_y_org, circ_radius); //var canvas_x = xy_rec.canvasX; //var canvas_y = xy_rec.canvasY; //var canvas_x = event.pageX - $(this).offset().left; //var canvas_y = event.pageY - $(this).offset().top; var canvas_x = av_chart_position_info.canvas_x; var canvas_y = av_chart_position_info.canvas_y; //console.log("**** canvas x,y = " + canvas_x + " , " + canvas_y); recordedUserArousalVal = recArousalVal; recordedUserValenceVal = recValenceVal; recordedUserCanvasX = canvas_x; recordedUserCanvasY = canvas_y; } if (hasExistingUserRecording) { $('#av-chart-img-unlabeled').css("cursor","default"); } else { if (recAVInside != prevRecAVInside) { if (recAVInside) { // crosshairs on var crosshair_record_url = gs.variables.collImagesURL + "/crosshair-cursor-red32.png"; $('#av-chart-img-unlabeled').css("cursor","url('"+crosshair_record_url+"') 16 16, crosshair"); } else { // revert $('#av-chart-img-unlabeled').css("cursor","default"); } } } prevRecAVInside = recAVInside; }); }); // A circumplex model of affect. // // Russell, J. A. (1980). A circumplex model of affect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39(6), 1161–1178. //