########################################################################### # # docsave.pm # A component of the Greenstone digital library software # from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the # University of Waikato, New Zealand. # # Copyright (C) 1999 New Zealand Digital Library Project # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ########################################################################### # This document processor saves a document in the # archives directory of a collection (as xml) use strict; no strict 'refs'; package docsave; eval {require bytes}; use arcinfo; use docproc; use util; sub BEGIN { @docsave::ISA = ('docproc'); } sub calcoutputdir { my ($service,$collectdir,$outhandle) = @_; my $output_dir = undef; if (($service eq "import") || ($service eq "unbuild")) { $output_dir = &util::filename_cat ($collectdir, "archives"); } elsif ($service eq "export") { $output_dir = &util::filename_cat($collectdir, "export"); } else { print $outhandle "docsave::calcoutputdir did not recognise service "; print $outhandle " '$service'. No output directory set.\n"; } return $output_dir; } sub new { my ($class, $collection, $info, $verbosity, $gzip, $groupsize, $outhandle, $service, $saveas) = @_; my $self = new docproc (); my $collectdir = $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}; $outhandle = 'STDERR' unless (defined $outhandle); $service = "import" unless (defined $service); $saveas = "GA" unless (defined $saveas); $groupsize = 1 unless (defined $groupsize); $self->{'collection'} = $collection; $self->{'output_info'} = $info; $self->{'output_dir'} = undef; $self->{'verbosity'} = $verbosity; $self->{'gzip'} = $gzip; $self->{'keepimportstructure'} = 0; $self->{'groupsize'} = $groupsize; $self->{'gs_count'} = 0; $self->{'outhandle'} = $outhandle; $self->{'service'} = $service; $self->{'saveas'} = $saveas; $self->{'sortmeta'} = undef; return bless $self, $class; } sub setoutputdir { my $self = shift @_; my ($output_dir) = @_; &util::mk_all_dir ($output_dir) unless -e $output_dir; $self->{'output_dir'} = $output_dir; } sub getoutputinfo { my $self = shift (@_); return $self->{'output_info'}; } sub getoutputdir { my $self = shift (@_); return $self->{'output_dir'}; } sub set_sortmeta { my $self = shift (@_); my ($sortmeta, $removeprefix, $removesuffix) = @_; $self->{'sortmeta'} = $sortmeta; if (defined ($removeprefix) && $removeprefix ) { $removeprefix =~ s/^\^//; # don't need a leading ^ $self->{'removeprefix'} = $removeprefix; } if (defined ($removesuffix) && $removesuffix) { $removesuffix =~ s/\$$//; # don't need a trailing $ $self->{'removesuffix'} = $removesuffix; } } sub process { my $self = shift (@_); my ($doc_obj) = @_; my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'}; my $service = $self->{'service'}; # Define the SaveAs Type my $save_as = $self->{'saveas'}; my $collection = $self->{'collection'}; # set the lastmodified time before we write it out. $doc_obj->set_lastmodified(); if ($self->{'groupsize'} > 1) { $self->group_process ($doc_obj); return; } my $OID = $doc_obj->get_OID(); $OID = "NULL" unless defined $OID; my $top_section = $doc_obj->get_top_section(); # get document's directory my $doc_dir = $self->get_doc_dir ($OID, $doc_obj->get_source_filename()); # groupsize is 1 (i.e. one document per XML file) so sortmeta # may be used my $output_info = $self->getoutputinfo(); return if (!defined $output_info); my $output_dir = $self->getoutputdir(); my $working_dir = &util::filename_cat ($output_dir, $doc_dir); # copy all the associated files, add this information as metadata # to the document if ($save_as eq "DSpace") { # Genereate handle file # (Note: this section of code would benefit from being restructured) my $doc_handle_file = &util::filename_cat ($working_dir, "handle"); my $env_hp = $ENV{'DSPACE_HANDLE_PREFIX'}; my $handle_prefix = (defined $env_hp) ? $env_hp : "123456789"; if (!open(OUTDOC_HANDLE,">$doc_handle_file")){ print $outhandle "docsave::process could not write collection handle to file $doc_handle_file\n"; return; } my ($handle) = ($doc_dir =~ m/^(.*)\.dir$/); print OUTDOC_HANDLE "$handle_prefix/$handle\n"; close OUTDOC_HANDLE; # Generate contents file my $doc_contents_file = &util::filename_cat ($working_dir, "contents"); if (!open(OUTDOC_CONTENTS,">$doc_contents_file")){ print $outhandle "docsave::process could not write collection contents to file $doc_contents_file\n"; return; } $self->process_assoc_files ($doc_obj, $doc_dir, 'docsave::OUTDOC_CONTENTS'); close OUTDOC_CONTENTS; } else { $self->process_assoc_files ($doc_obj, $doc_dir, ''); } # Save the document in the requested 'save_as' format if ($save_as eq "GA") { my $doc_file = &util::filename_cat ($working_dir, "doc.xml"); if (!open (OUTDOC, ">$doc_file")) { print $outhandle "docsave::process could not write to file $doc_file\n"; return; } # save this document $self->output_xml_header('docsave::OUTDOC'); $doc_obj->output_section('docsave::OUTDOC',$top_section); $self->output_xml_footer('docsave::OUTDOC'); close OUTDOC; } elsif ($save_as eq "METS") { my $doc_txt_file = &util::filename_cat ($working_dir,"doctxt.xml"); if (!open(OUTDOC_TXT, ">$doc_txt_file")){ print $outhandle "docsave::process could not write to file $doc_txt_file\n"; return; } $self->output_txt_xml_header('docsave::OUTDOC_TXT'); $doc_obj->output_txt_section('docsave::OUTDOC_TXT', $top_section); $self->output_txt_xml_footer('docsave::OUTDOC_TXT'); close OUTDOC_TXT; # Now save the document with metadata and text structure to docmets.xml my $doc_mets_file = &util::filename_cat ($working_dir, "docmets.xml"); my $doc_title = $doc_obj->get_metadata_element($top_section,"dc.Title"); if (!defined $doc_title) { $doc_title = $doc_obj->get_metadata_element($top_section,"Title"); } if (!open(OUTDOC_METS,">$doc_mets_file")){ print $outhandle "docsave::process could not write to file $doc_mets_file\n"; return; } my $saveas_version = $self->{'saveas_version'}; $self->output_mets_xml_header('docsave::OUTDOC_METS', $OID, $doc_title); $doc_obj->output_mets_section('docsave::OUTDOC_METS',$top_section,$saveas_version,$working_dir); $self->output_mets_xml_footer('docsave::OUTDOC_METS'); close OUTDOC_METS; } elsif ($save_as eq "DSpace") { # Generate dublin_core.xml file my $doc_dc_file = &util::filename_cat ($working_dir, "dublin_core.xml"); if (!open(OUTDOC_DC,">$doc_dc_file")){ print $outhandle "docsave::process could not write dublin core to file $doc_dc_file\n"; return; } my $saveas_version = $self->{'saveas_version'}; $self->output_dc_xml_header('docsave::OUTDOC_DC', $OID); $doc_obj->output_dc_section('docsave::OUTDOC_DC',$top_section); $self->output_dc_xml_footer('docsave::OUTDOC_DC'); close OUTDOC_DC; } else { # save_as isn't one of the recognised types print $outhandle "docsave::process unrecognised saveas type, $save_as\n"; return; } my $short_doc_file; if ($save_as eq "GA") { $short_doc_file = util::filename_cat ($doc_dir, "doc.xml"); } elsif ($save_as eq "METS") { $short_doc_file = &util::filename_cat ($doc_dir, "docmets.xml"); } elsif ($save_as eq "DSpace") { $short_doc_file=&util::filename_cat ($doc_dir, "dublin_core.xml"); } else { return; } #save for later (for close_file_output()) $self->{'short_doc_file'} = $short_doc_file; if ($self->{'gzip'}) { my $doc_file = $self->{'gs_filename'}; `gzip $doc_file`; $doc_file .= ".gz"; $short_doc_file .= ".gz"; if (!-e $doc_file) { print $outhandle "error while gzipping: $doc_file doesn't exist\n"; return 0; } } # do the sortmeta thing my ($metadata); if (defined ($self->{'sortmeta'})) { $metadata = $doc_obj->get_metadata_element($top_section,$self->{'sortmeta'}); } if (defined ($metadata) && $metadata) { # do remove prefix/suffix if (defined($self->{'removeprefix'})) { $metadata =~ s/^$self->{'removeprefix'}//; } if (defined($self->{'removesuffix'})) { $metadata =~ s/$self->{'removesuffix'}$//; } $metadata = &sorttools::format_metadata_for_sorting($self->{'sortmeta'}, $metadata, $doc_obj); } # store reference in the output_info $output_info->add_info($OID, $short_doc_file, undef, $metadata); } sub group_process { my $self = shift (@_); my ($doc_obj) = @_; my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'}; my $OID = $doc_obj->get_OID(); $OID = "NULL" unless defined $OID; my $groupsize = $self->{'groupsize'}; my $gs_count = $self->{'gs_count'}; my $open_new_file = (($gs_count % $groupsize)==0); # opening a new file, or document has assoicated files => directory needed if (($open_new_file) || (scalar(@{$doc_obj->get_assoc_files()})>0)) { # get document's directory my $doc_dir = $self->get_doc_dir ($OID, $doc_obj->get_source_filename()); # copy all the associated files, add this information as metadata # to the document $self->process_assoc_files ($doc_obj, $doc_dir); if ($open_new_file) { # only if opening new file my $output_dir = $self->getoutputdir(); my $doc_file = &util::filename_cat ($output_dir, $doc_dir, "doc.xml"); my $short_doc_file = &util::filename_cat ($doc_dir, "doc.xml"); if ($gs_count>0) { return if (!$self->close_file_output()); } if (!open (OUTDOC, ">$doc_file")) { print $outhandle "docsave::group_process could not write to file $doc_file\n"; return; } $self->{'gs_filename'} = $doc_file; $self->{'gs_short_filename'} = $short_doc_file; $self->{'gs_OID'} = $OID; $self->output_xml_header('docsave::OUTDOC'); } } # save this document $doc_obj->output_section('docsave::OUTDOC', $doc_obj->get_top_section()); $self->{'gs_count'}++; } sub get_doc_dir { my $self = shift (@_); my ($OID, $source_filename) = @_; my $service = $self-> {'service'}; my $working_dir = $self->getoutputdir(); my $working_info = $self->getoutputinfo(); return if (!defined $working_info); my $doc_info = $working_info->get_info($OID); my $doc_dir = ''; if (defined $doc_info && scalar(@$doc_info) >= 1) { # this OID already has an assigned directory, use the # same one. $doc_dir = $doc_info->[0]; $doc_dir =~ s/\/?((doc(mets)?)|(dublin_core))\.xml(\.gz)?$//; } elsif ($self->{'keepimportstructure'}) { $source_filename = &File::Basename::dirname($source_filename); $source_filename =~ s/[\\\/]+/\//g; $source_filename =~ s/\/$//; #print STDERR "Source filename: $source_filename; \nImport dir:",$ENV{'GSDLIMPORTDIR'}, "\n"; $doc_dir = substr($source_filename, length($ENV{'GSDLIMPORTDIR'}) + 1); } if ($doc_dir eq "") { # have to get a new document directory if (($service eq "import") || ($service eq "unbuild")) { my $doc_dir_rest = $OID; my $doc_dir_num = 0; do { $doc_dir .= "/" if $doc_dir_num > 0; if ($doc_dir_rest =~ s/^(.{1,8})//) { $doc_dir .= $1; $doc_dir_num++; } } while ($doc_dir_rest ne "" && ((-d &util::filename_cat ($working_dir, "$doc_dir.dir")) || ($working_info->size() >= 1024 && $doc_dir_num < 2))); } else { # Export formats such as DSpace need the directory structure to # be flat. This is simple to arrange (set 'doc_dir' to be the # documents OID) but breaks Windows 3.1 file system compliance. # Such a loss is not a big thing in this situation as such # systems don't run on Windows 3.1 anyway. $doc_dir = $OID; } $doc_dir .= ".dir"; &util::mk_all_dir (&util::filename_cat ($working_dir, $doc_dir)); } return $doc_dir; } sub process_assoc_files { my $self = shift (@_); my ($doc_obj, $doc_dir, $handle) = @_; my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'}; my $service = $self->{'service'}; my $save_as = $self->{'saveas'}; my $output_dir = $self->getoutputdir(); return if (!defined $output_dir); my $working_dir = &util::filename_cat($output_dir, $doc_dir); my @assoc_files = (); my $filename;; my $source_filename = $doc_obj->get_source_filename(); my $collect_dir = $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}; if (defined $collect_dir) { my $dirsep_regexp = &util::get_os_dirsep(); if ($collect_dir !~ /$dirsep_regexp$/) { $collect_dir .= &util::get_dirsep(); # ensure there is a slash at the end } # This test is never going to fail on Windows -- is this a problem? if ($source_filename !~ /^$dirsep_regexp/) { $source_filename = &util::filename_cat($collect_dir, $source_filename); } } if ($save_as eq "DSpace") { my ($tail_filename) = ($source_filename =~ m/\/([^\/\\]*)$/); print $handle "$tail_filename\n"; $filename = &util::filename_cat($working_dir, $tail_filename); &util::hard_link ($source_filename, $filename); } # set the assocfile path (even if we have no assoc files - need this for lucene) $doc_obj->set_utf8_metadata_element ($doc_obj->get_top_section(), "assocfilepath", "$doc_dir"); foreach my $assoc_file_rec (@{$doc_obj->get_assoc_files()}) { my ($dir, $afile) = $assoc_file_rec->[1] =~ /^(.*?)([^\/\\]+)$/; $dir = "" unless defined $dir; my $real_filename = $assoc_file_rec->[0]; # for some reasons the image associate file has / before the full path $real_filename =~ s/^\\(.*)/$1/i; if (-e $real_filename) { if ($save_as eq "DSpace") { if ($real_filename =~ m/$source_filename$/) { next; } else { my $bundle = "bundle:ORIGINAL"; if ($afile =~ m/^thumbnail\./) { $bundle = "bundle:THUMBNAIL"; } # Store the associated file to the "contents" file print $handle "$assoc_file_rec->[1]\t$bundle\n"; } } $filename = &util::filename_cat($working_dir, $afile); &util::hard_link ($real_filename, $filename); $doc_obj->add_utf8_metadata ($doc_obj->get_top_section(), "gsdlassocfile", "$afile:$assoc_file_rec->[2]:$dir"); } elsif ($self->{'verbosity'} > 2) { print $outhandle "docsave::process couldn't copy the associated file " . "$real_filename to $afile\n"; } } } sub close_file_output { my ($self) = @_; my $service =$self->{'service'}; # make sure that the handle has been opened - it won't be if we failed # to import any documents... if (defined(fileno(docsave::OUTDOC))) { $self->output_xml_footer('docsave::OUTDOC'); close OUTDOC; } my $OID = $self->{'gs_OID'}; my $short_doc_file; # can we use 'short_doc_file' for GA too? if (exists($self->{'saveas'}) && $self->{'saveas'} eq "METS") { $short_doc_file=$self->{'short_doc_file'}; } elsif ($self->{'saveas'} eq "GA") { # "GA" $short_doc_file=$self->{'gs_short_filename'}; } else { # "DSpace" } if ($self->{'gzip'}) { my $doc_file = $self->{'gs_filename'}; `gzip $doc_file`; $doc_file .= ".gz"; $short_doc_file .= ".gz"; if (!-e $doc_file) { my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'}; print $outhandle "error while gzipping: $doc_file doesn't exist\n"; return 0; } } # store reference in output_info my $output_info = $self->getoutputinfo(); return 0 if (!defined $output_info); $output_info->add_info($OID, $short_doc_file, undef, undef); return 1; } sub output_xml_header { my $self = shift (@_); my ($handle) = @_; print $handle '' . "\n"; print $handle '' . "\n"; print $handle "\n"; } sub output_xml_footer { my $self = shift (@_); my ($handle) = @_; print $handle "\n"; } sub output_txt_xml_header{ my $self = shift (@_); my ($handle) = @_; print $handle '' . "\n"; print $handle '' . "\n"; } sub output_txt_xml_footer{ my $self = shift(@_); my ($handle) = @_; # Nothing needs to be output at present } sub output_mets_xml_header(){ my $self = shift(@_); my ($handle, $OID, $doc_title) = @_; my $version = $self->{'saveas_version'}; my $extra_attr = ""; if ($version eq "fedora") { my $fnamespace = $ENV{'FEDORA_PID_NAMESPACE'}; my $oid_namespace = (defined $fnamespace) ? $fnamespace : "test"; $extra_attr = "OBJID=\"$oid_namespace:$OID\" TYPE=\"FedoraObject\" LABEL=\"$doc_title\""; } else { # Greenstone METS profile $extra_attr = "OBJID=\"$OID:2\""; } print $handle '' . "\n"; print $handle '\n"; if ($version eq "fedora") { print $handle ''. "\n"; # A = active } } sub output_mets_xml_footer() { my $self = shift(@_); my ($handle) = @_; print $handle '' . "\n"; } sub output_dc_xml_header(){ my $self = shift(@_); my ($handle, $OID) = @_; print $handle '' . "\n"; # print $handle ''."\n"; print $handle '' . "\n"; } sub output_dc_xml_footer() { my $self = shift(@_); my ($handle) = @_; print $handle '' . "\n"; } 1;