source: gsdl/trunk/macros/ 14119

Last change on this file since 14119 was 13937, checked in by nzdl, 17 years ago

added translations, thanks to shubha

  • Property svn:keywords set to Author Date Id Revision
File size: 57.9 KB
1# this file must be UTF-8 encoded
4# English Language text and icon macros
8# This is the main macro file for translation when creating an
9# interface in another language.
11# Under the 'text macros' comments are text macros of the form:
12# _macroname_ {macro value}
13# Everything between the {} is the text to be translated. This text
14# may itself contain macros (i.e. characters other than space between
15# underscore characters, e.g. _about:numdocs_ or _textpage_). These
16# macro names occurring within text shouldn't be translated but should
17# be left as they are. Underscores or curly brackets occurring
18# naturally within the text should be escaped with a leading backslash
19# (i.e. '\_', '\{' or '\}).
21# Comment lines (other than those described above) need not be
22# translated (i.e. any lines beginning with '#', like this line).
24# The simplest way to translate this file is to save it as something
25# else (e.g. and work through translating all the text
26# macro values and icon comments.
32# Global (base) package
33package Global
38# text macros
41_textperiodicals_ [l=mr] {à€šà€¿à€¯à€€à€•à€Ÿà€²à€¿à€•à¥‡} # Updated 13-Aug-2006
43# these three used by the default format statement of the demo and dls collections.
44_textsource_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‹à€§à€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€žà€‚à€°à¥à€Šà€­} # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
45_textdate_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€¶à€šà€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€€à€Ÿà€°à¥€à€–} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
46_textnumpages_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥ƒà€·à€ à€žà€‚à€–à¥à€¯à€Ÿ} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
48_textsignin_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€·à€°à¥€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ } # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
50_textdefaultcontent_ [l=mr] {à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ à€¹à€µà¥‡ à€…
51à€žà€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€ªà€Ÿà€š à€žà€Ÿà€ªà€¡à€²à¥‡ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€. à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à¥à€–à¥à€¯à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€° à€œà€Ÿà€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€•à¥ƒà€ªà€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à¥à€°à€Ÿà€‰à€à€° à€µà€°à¥€à€² à€¬à¥…
52à€• à€µà€Ÿà€£ à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€Ÿ à€…
53à€¥à€µà€Ÿ à€µà€°à¥€à€² à€¹à¥‹à€® à€¬à€Ÿà€£ à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€Ÿ.} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
55_textdefaulttitle_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€šà¥€ à€šà¥‚à€•} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
57_textbadcollection_ [l=mr] {à€¹à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€¡à€¿à€œà¥€à€Ÿà€² à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€¬à¥à€°à€°à¥€ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.} # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
59_textselectpage_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥ƒà€·à¥à€  à€šà€¿à€µà€¡à€Ÿ} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
61_collectionextra_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€—à¥à€°à€‚à€¥ à€žà€Ÿà€ à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡---à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€.à€¯à€Ÿ à€—à¥à€°à€‚à€¥ à€žà€Ÿà€ à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€€à€Ÿà€°à¥€à€–---} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
63# this is only used by the collector (where the above _collectionextra_
64# macro will always be set to another value)
65_collectorextra_ [l=mr] {<p>à€¯à€Ÿ à€—à¥à€°à€‚à€¥ à€žà€Ÿà€ à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡---à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€.("_numdocs_" eq "1",document,documents), <p><a href="_httppagex_(bsummary)"> </a> to view the build summary for this collection.
66} # Updated 13-Aug-2006
68_textdescrcollection_ [l=mr] {}
69_textdescrabout_ [l=mr] {à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€‚à€µà€¿à€·à€¯à¥€ } # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
70_textdescrhome_ [l=mr] {à€®à¥à€–à¥à€¯ à€ªà€Ÿà€š} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
71_textdescrhelp_ [l=mr] {à€®à€Šà€€à¥€à€šà¥‡ à€ªà€Ÿà€š} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
72_textdescrpref_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯ à€ªà€Ÿà€š} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
73_textdescrgreenstone_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€¡à€¿à€œà¥€à€Ÿà€² à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€¬à¥à€°à€°à¥€ à€žà¥…
75à€°} # Updated 12-Sep-2006 by shubha
76_textdescrusab_ [l=mr] {à€•à€ à¥€à€£ à€•à€Ÿà€¯ à€µà€Ÿà€Ÿà€²à¥‡ } # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
79# Metadata names and navigation bar labels
81_textSearch_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
82_labelSearch_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‹à€§} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
84# Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1
85_textTitle_ [l=mr] {à€¶à€¿à¥à€°à€·à€•} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
86_labelTitle_ [l=mr] {à€¿à€¶à€°à¥à€·à€•à¥‡} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
87_textCreator_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€•} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
88_labelCreator_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€•à€²à€•} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
89_textSubject_ [l=mr] {à€µà€¿à€·à€¯} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
90_labelSubject_ [l=mr] {à€¿à€µà€·à€¯} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
91_textDescription_ [l=mr] {à€žà€µà€¿à€žà¥à€€à€°} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
92_labelDescription_ [l=mr] {à€µà¥à€°à€£à€š} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
93_textPublisher_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€¶à€•} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
94_labelPublisher_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€¶à€•} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
95_textContributor_ [l=mr] {à€žà€¹à€Ÿà€¯à¥à€¯à€•} # Updated 12-Sep-2006 by shubha
96_labelContributor_ [l=mr] {à€žà€¹à€Ÿà€¯à¥à€¯à€•} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
97_textDate_ [l=mr] {à€€à€Ÿà€°à¥€à€–} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
98_labelDate_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€¿à€šà€Ÿà€‚à€•} # Updated 12-Sep-2006 by shubha
99_textType_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€°} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
100_labelType_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€°} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
101_textFormat_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€°} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
102_labelFormat_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€°} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
103_textIdentifier_ [l=mr] {à€žà€¿à€§à¥à€Šà€•à€°à€£à€Ÿà€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
104_labelIdentifier_ [l=mr] {à€“à€³à€–à€£à¥‡} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
105_textSource_ [l=mr] {à€«à€Ÿà€¯à€²à€¿à€‚à€šà¥€ à€šà€Ÿà€µà¥‡} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
106_labelSource_ [l=mr] {à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€šà€Ÿà€µ} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
107_textLanguage_ [l=mr] {à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿ} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
108_labelLanguage_ [l=mr] {à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿ} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
109_textRelation_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€¬à€‚à€§à€¿à€€} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
110_labelRelation_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€¬à€‚à€§à€¿à€€} # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
111_textCoverage_ [l=mr] {à€žà€®à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€·à¥à€Ÿ} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
112_labelCoverage_ [l=mr] {à€•à€µà¥à€¹à€°à¥‡à€œ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
113_textRights_ [l=mr] {à€¯à¥‹à€—à¥à€¯} # Updated 21-Sep-2006 by shubha
114_labelRights_ [l=mr] {à€…
115à€§à€¿à€•à€Ÿà€°} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
117# DLS metadata set
118_textOrganization_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€žà¥à€¥à€Ÿ} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
119_labelOrganization_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€žà¥à€¥à€Ÿ} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
120_textKeyword_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š} # Updated 16-Sep-2006 by shubha
121_labelKeyword_ [l=mr] {à€®à¥à€–à¥à€¯à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š} # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
122_textHowto_ [l=mr] {à€•à€žà¥‡} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
123_labelHowto_ [l=mr] {à€•à€žà¥‡} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
125# Miscellaneous Greenstone metadata
126_textPhrase_ [l=mr] {à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€ªà¥à€°à€šà€Ÿà€°} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
127_labelPhrase_ [l=mr] {à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€ªà¥à€°à€šà€Ÿà€°} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
128_textCollage_ [l=mr] {à€®à€¹à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€Šà¥à€¯à€Ÿà€²à€¯} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
129_labelCollage_ [l=mr] {à€®à€¹à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€Šà¥à€¯à€Ÿà€²à€¯} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
130_textBrowse_ [l=mr] {à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ} # Updated 28-Oct-2006 by shubha
131_labelBrowse_ [l=mr] {à€šà€Ÿà€³à€£à¥‡} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
132_textTo_ [l=mr] {à€ªà€°à¥à€¯à€‚à€€} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
133_labelTo_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€€à€¿} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
134_textFrom_ [l=mr] {à€ªà€Ÿà€žà¥‚à€š} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
135_labelFrom_ [l=mr] {à€ªà€Ÿà€žà¥‚à€š} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
136_textAcronym_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€ªà¥à€€ à€°à¥‚à€ª} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
137_labelAcronym_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€ªà¥à€€ à€°à¥‚à€ª} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
139# Navigation bar tooltip - to customize this for a specific metadata, add a macro named _textdescrXXX_ where XXX is the metadata name
140_textdescrdefault_ [l=mr] {à€à€• à€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ} # Updated 28-Oct-2006 by shubha
142_textdescrSearch_ [l=mr] {à€µà€¿à€¶à€¿à€·à¥à€Ÿ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
143_textdescrType_ [l=mr] {à€°à€¿à€žà¥‹à€°à¥à€žà€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ} # Updated 28-Oct-2006 by shubha
144_textdescrIdentifier_ [l=mr] {à€°à€¿à€žà¥‹à€°à¥à€ž à€†à€¯à€¡à¥‡à€‚à€Ÿà¥€à€«à€Ÿà€¯à€° à€šà¥à€žà€Ÿà€° à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ} # Updated 28-Oct-2006 by shubha
145_textdescrSource_ [l=mr] {à€®à¥à€³ à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€šà€Ÿà€µà€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€®à€Ÿà€£à¥‡ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ} # Updated 28-Oct-2006 by shubha
146_textdescrTo_ [l=mr] {à€†à€¶à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€…
147à€‚à€•à€Ÿà€ªà¥à€°à€®à€Ÿà€£à¥‡ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ} # Updated 28-Oct-2006 by shubha
148_textdescrFrom_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€—à€Ÿà€€à¥‚à€š à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ.} # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
149_textdescrCollage_ [l=mr] {à€®à€¹à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€Šà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ} # Updated 28-Oct-2006 by shubha
150_textdescrAcronym_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€ªà¥à€€ à€°à¥‚à€ª à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
151_textdescrPhrase_ [l=mr] {à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€ªà¥à€°à€šà€Ÿà€° à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ} # Updated 28-Oct-2006 by shubha
152_textdescrHowto_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€°à€Ÿà€‚à€šà¥à€žà€Ÿà€° à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ} # Updated 28-Oct-2006 by shubha
153_textdescrBrowse_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ} # Updated 28-Oct-2006 by shubha
154_texticontext_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
155_texticonclosedbook_ [l=mr] {à€¹à€Ÿ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€‰à€˜à€¡à€Ÿ à€†à€£à€¿ à€…
156à€šà¥à€•à¥à€°à€®à€£à€¿à€•à€Ÿ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ.} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
157_texticonnext_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€¢à€¿à€² à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€— à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
158_texticonprev_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à¥à€µà¥€à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€—à€Ÿà€€} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
160_texticonworld_ [l=mr] {à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€œà€Ÿà€³à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€µà€°à¥€à€² à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€Ÿ} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
162_texticonmidi_ [l=mr] {à€®à€¿à€¡à¥€ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ.} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
163_texticonmsword_ [l=mr] {à€¹à€Ÿ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€®à€Ÿà€¯à€•à¥à€•à¥‹à€žà¥‰à€«à¥à€Ÿ à€µà€¡à¥à€° à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€Ÿ} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
164_texticonmp3_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€à€® à€ªà¥€ à€¥à¥à€°à¥€ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ} # Updated 12-Sep-2006 by shubha
165_texticonpdf_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥€à€¡à¥€à€« à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ.} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
166_texticonps_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥‹à€žà¥à€Ÿà€žà¥à€°à€¿à€ªà€Ÿ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€Ÿ} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
167_texticonppt_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥‰à€µà€° à€ªà¥‰à€ˆà€‚à€Ÿ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ.} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
168_texticonrtf_ [l=mr] {à€†à€°.à€Ÿà¥€.à€« à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ.} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
169_texticonxls_ [l=mr] {à€®à€Ÿà€¯à€•à¥à€°à¥‹à€žà¥‰à€«à¥à€Ÿ à€à€•à¥à€žà¥‡à€² à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€¬à€˜à€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
171_page_ [l=mr] {à€ªà€Ÿà€š} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
172_pages_ [l=mr] {à€ªà€Ÿà€šà¥‡} # Updated 22-Aug-2006
173_of_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥‡} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
174_vol_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€žà¥à€€à€•} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
175_num_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥à€°à€®à€Ÿà€‚à€•.} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
177_textmonth00_ [l=mr] {}
178_textmonth01_ [l=mr] {à€œà€Ÿà€šà¥‡à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥€} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
179_textmonth02_ [l=mr] {à€«à¥‡à€¬à¥à€°à¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥€} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
180_textmonth03_ [l=mr] {à€®à€Ÿà€°à¥à€š} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
181_textmonth04_ [l=mr] {à€à€ªà¥à€°à€¿à€²} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
182_textmonth05_ [l=mr] {à€®à¥‡} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
183_textmonth06_ [l=mr] {à€œà¥‚à€š} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
184_textmonth07_ [l=mr] {à€œà¥à€²à¥ˆ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
185_textmonth08_ [l=mr] {à€‘à€—à€žà¥à€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
186_textmonth09_ [l=mr] {à€žà€ªà¥à€Ÿà¥‡à€‚à€¬à€°} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
187_textmonth10_ [l=mr] {à€†à€•à¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€¬à€°} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
188_textmonth11_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥‹à€µà¥à€¹à¥‡à€‚à€¬à€°} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
189_textmonth12_ [l=mr] {à€¡à€¿à€žà¥‡à€‚à€¬à€°} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
191_textdocument_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ} # Updated 13-Aug-2006
192_textsection_ [l=mr] {à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€—} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
193_textparagraph_ [l=mr] {à€ªà€°à€¿à€šà¥à€›à¥‡à€Š} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
195_magazines_ [l=mr] {à€®à€Ÿà€žà€¿à€•} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
197_nzdlpagefooter_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥à€¯à¥‚à€¿à€à€²à€‚à€¡ à€…
198à€‚à€•à¥€à€•à¥ƒà€€ à€—à€‚à€¥à€Ÿà€²à€¯ à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€²à¥à€ª à€žà€‚à€—à€£à€• à€¶à€Ÿà€žà¥à€€à¥à€° à€¿à€µà€­à€Ÿà€—} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
200_linktextHOME_ [l=mr] {à€®à¥à€–à¥à€¯ à€ªà€Ÿà€š} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
201_linktextHELP_ [l=mr] {à€®à€Šà€€} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
202_linktextPREFERENCES_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
206# 'home' page
207package home
210_textpagetitle_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€š à€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€¿à€¡à€œà¥€à€Ÿà€² à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€¬à¥à€°à€°à¥€} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
212_textnocollections_ [l=mr] {à€¯à¥‹à€—à¥à€¯ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€ (à€®à¥à€¹à€£à€œà¥‡ à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€µ à€žà€Ÿà€°à¥à€µà€œà€šà€¿à€•) à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€‰à€ªà€²à€¬à¥à€§ à€†à€¹à¥‡} # Updated 29-Nov-2006 by shubha
214_textadmin_ [l=mr] {à€®à¥à€–à¥à€¯ à€ªà€Ÿà€š} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
215_textabgs_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€µà€¿à€·à€¯à¥€} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
216_textgsdocs_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€šà¥‡ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
218_textdescradmin_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€œà€• à€˜à€Ÿà€²à¥‚à€š à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€žà€‚à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€ªà¥à€€ à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ, à€µ à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€‡à€‚à€šà¥à€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‰à€²à¥‡à€¶à€š à€µà€¿à€·à€¯à¥€ à€€à€Ÿà€‚à€€à¥à€°à€¿à€• à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€­à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ} # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
220_textdescrgogreenstone_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€žà¥‰à€«à¥à€Ÿà€µà¥‡à€…
221à€° à€µ à€šà¥à€¯à¥‚à€à¥€à€²à€‚à€¡ à€…
222à€‚à€•à¥€à€•à¥ƒà€€ à€—à¥à€°à€‚à€¥à€Ÿà€²à€¯ à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€²à¥à€ª à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€·à€¯à¥€ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
224_textdescrgodocs_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€šà¥€ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€ªà¥à€žà¥à€€à€¿à€•à€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
227# some macros used on the home page from other packages
229package gli
231_textgli_ [l=mr] {à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€¬à¥à€°à¥€à€¯à€š à€‡à€‚à€Ÿà€°à€«à¥‡à€ž} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
232_textdescrgli_ [l=mr] {à€®à€Šà€€à¥€à€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€Žà€µà€œ à€®à€¿à€³à€µà¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ,à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€¬à€Šà€² à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ,à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€•à€®à¥€ à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ.} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
234package collector
236_textcollector_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€•} # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
237_textdescrcollector_ [l=mr] {à€¹à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€Šà€°à¥à€¶à€šà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€° ....} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
239package depositor
241_textdepositor_ [l=mr] {à€ à¥‡à€µà¥€à€Šà€Ÿà€°} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
242_textdescrdepositor_ [l=mr] {à€‰à€ªà€²à€¬à¥à€§ à€žà€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€Žà€µà€œ à€šà€µà¥€à€š à€˜à€Ÿà€²à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à€Ÿà€€.} # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
244package gti
246_textgti_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€Ÿà€Ÿà¥à€°à€šà€žà€²à¥‡à€Ÿà€° à€‡à€‚à€Ÿà€°à€«à¥‡à€ž} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
247_textdescrtranslator_ [l=mr] {à€®à€Šà€€à¥€à€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€€à¥à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€‡à€‚à€Ÿà€°à€«à¥‡à€žà€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€…
248à€Šà¥à€¯à€¯à€Ÿà€µà€€ à€†à€µà¥ƒà€€à¥à€€à¥€ à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ.} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
252# 'about' page
253package about
258# text macros
261_textabcol_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€•à€²à€šà€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€°à¥à€Šà€­à€Ÿà€€} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
263_textsubcols1_ [l=mr] {à€žà€§à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€²à€¬à¥à€§ à€†à€¹à¥‡} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
265_textsubcols2_ [l=mr] {à€šà€¿à€µà€¡à€²à¥‡à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€žà€§à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€°à€€ à€…
266à€žà€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€‰à€ªà€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€€à€ªà€Ÿà€žà¥‚ (à€†à€£à€¿ à€¬à€Šà€²à¥‚) à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
268_titleabout_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥à€®à€Ÿà€°à¥‡} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
272# document package
273package document
278# text macros
281_texticonopenbookshelf_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à€‚à€¥à€Ÿà€²à€¯à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€¹à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€— à€¬à€‚à€Š à€•à€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
282_texticonclosedbookshelf_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à€‚à€¥à€Ÿà€²à€¯à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€¹à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€— à€‰à€˜à€¡à¥‚à€š à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€…
283à€šà¥à€•à¥à€°à€®à€£à€¿à€•à€Ÿ à€¬à€˜à€Ÿ} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
284_texticonopenbook_ [l=mr] {à€¹à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€žà¥à€€à€• à€¬à€‚à€Š à€•à€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
285_texticonclosedfolder_ [l=mr] {à€¹à¥‡ à€«à¥‹à€²à¥à€¡à€° à€‰à€˜à€¡à€Ÿ à€†à€£à€¿ à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€®à€Ÿà€¹à¥€à€€à¥€ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ} # Updated 13-Aug-2006
286_texticonclosedfolder2_ [l=mr] {à€‰à€ªà€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€— à€‰à€˜à€¡à€Ÿ} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
287_texticonopenfolder_ [l=mr] {à€«à¥‹à€²à¥à€¡à€° à€¬à€‚à€Š à€•à€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
288_texticonopenfolder2_ [l=mr] {à€‰à€ªà€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€— à€¬à€‚à€Š à€•à€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
289_texticonsmalltext_ [l=mr] {à€®à€œà€•à¥‚à€°à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€¹à€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€— à€¬à€˜à€Ÿ} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
290_texticonsmalltext2_ [l=mr] {à€²à¥‡à€– à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€Ÿ.} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
291_texticonpointer_ [l=mr] {à€šà€Ÿà€²à¥‚ à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€—} # Updated 16-Sep-2006 by shubha
292_texticondetach_ [l=mr] {à€¹à¥‡ à€ªà€Ÿà€š à€šà€µà¥€à€š à€–à€¿à€¡à€•à¥€à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€‰à€˜à€¡à€Ÿ} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
293_texticonhighlight_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿà€µà€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€ à€³à€• à€•à€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
294_texticonnohighlight_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€ à€³à€• à€•à€°à¥‚ à€šà€•à€Ÿ} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
295_texticoncontracttoc_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥à€°à€®à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥€à€€ à€¯à¥‡à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
296_texticonexpandtoc_ [l=mr] {à€…
297à€šà¥à€•à¥à€°à€®à€£à€¿à€•à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€žà¥à€€à€Ÿà€°à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€¬à€˜à€Ÿ} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
298_texticonexpandtext_ [l=mr] {à€žà€°à¥à€µ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€¬à€˜à€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
299_texticoncontracttext_ [l=mr] {à€žà€§à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€šà€¿à€µà€¡ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥‡à€²à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€—à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€¬à€˜à€Ÿ
300} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
301_texticonwarning_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥à€šà€šà€Ÿ} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
302_texticoncont_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€¢à¥‡ à€œà€Ÿà€¯à€šà€¯?} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
304_textltwarning_ [l=mr] {<div class="buttons">_imagecont_</div>
305_iconwarning_Expanding the text here will generate a large
306amount of data for your browser to display
307} # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
309_textgoto_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€° à€œà€Ÿ} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
310_textintro_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€¥à€®à€¿à€• à€®à€œà€•à¥‚à€°} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
312_textCONTINUE_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€¢à¥‡ à€œà€Ÿà€¯à€šà€¯?} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
314_textEXPANDTEXT_ [l=mr] {à€®à€œà€•à¥‚à€° à€µà€¿à€žà€°} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
316_textCONTRACTCONTENTS_ [l=mr] {à€…
317à€šà¥à€•à¥à€°à€®à€£à€¿à€•à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
319_textDETACH_ [l=mr] {à€µà€¿à€¯à¥à€•à¥à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
321_textEXPANDCONTENTS_ [l=mr] {à€…
322à€šà¥à€•à¥à€°à€®à€£à€¿à€•à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€žà¥à€€à€Ÿà€°à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€¬à€˜à€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
324_textCONTRACT_ [l=mr] {à€®à€œà€•à¥‚à€° à€žà€‚à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€ªà¥à€€ à€•à€Ÿ} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
326_textHIGHLIGHT_ [l=mr] {à€ à€³à€• à€•à€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
328_textNOHIGHLIGHT_ [l=mr] {à€ à€³à€• à€šà€•à¥‹} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
330_textPRINT_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€€ } # Updated 16-Dec-2006 by shubha
332_textnextsearchresult_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€¢à¥€à€² à€¶à¥‹à€§} # Updated 29-Nov-2006 by shubha
333_textprevsearchresult_ [l=mr] {à€†à€§à¥€à€šà¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§} # Updated 29-Nov-2006 by shubha
335# macros for printing page
336_textreturnoriginal_ [l=mr] {à€®à¥à€³ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€° à€œà€Ÿ
337} # Updated 16-Dec-2006 by shubha
338_textprintpage_ [l=mr] {à€¹à¥‡ à€ªà€Ÿà€š à€ªà¥à€°à€¿à€‚à€Ÿ à€•à€°à€Ÿ
340} # Updated 16-Dec-2006 by shubha
341_textshowcontents_ [l=mr] {à€®à€œà€•à¥à€° à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€Ÿ} # Updated 16-Dec-2006 by shubha
342_texthidecontents_ [l=mr] {à€…
343à€šà¥à€•à¥à€°à€®à€£à€¿à€•à€Ÿ à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà¥‚ à€šà€•à€Ÿ
344} # Updated 16-Dec-2006 by shubha
347# 'search' page
348package query
353# text macros
356# this if statement produces the text 'results n1 - nn for query: querystring' or
357# 'No matches for query: querystring', depending on whether or not there were
358# any matches
359_textquerytitle_ [l=mr] {If_(_thislast_,results _thisfirst_ - _thislast_ for query: _cgiargq_,No matches for query: _cgiargq_)
360} # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
361_textnoquerytitle_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€ªà€Ÿà€š } # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
363_textsome_ [l=mr] {à€•à€Ÿà€¹à¥€} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
364_textall_ [l=mr] {à€žà€°à¥à€µ} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
365_textboolean_ [l=mr] {à€¬à¥à€²à€¿à€¯à€š} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
366_textranked_ [l=mr] {à€“à€³à¥€à€€} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
367_textnatural_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥ˆà€žà€°à¥à€—à€¿à€•} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
368_textsortbyrank_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€¬à€‚à€§à€¿à€€ à€•à¥à€°à€®à€Ÿà€‚à€•} # Updated 21-Sep-2006 by shubha
369_texticonsearchhistorybar_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à¥à€µà¥€à€šà¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
371_textifeellucky_ [l=mr] {à€®à¥€ à€­à€Ÿà€—à¥à€¯à€µà€Ÿà€š à€†à€¹à¥‡.} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
373#alt text for query buttons
374_textusequery_ [l=mr] {à€¹à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€š à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€°à€Ÿ.} # Updated 25-Sep-2006 by shubha
375_textfreqmsg1_ [l=mr] {à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€žà€‚à€–à¥à€¯à€Ÿ:} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
376_textpostprocess_ [l=mr] {_If_(_quotedquery_,<br><i>post-processed to find _quotedquery_</i>
377)} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
378_textinvalidquery_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€°à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€¯à€°à€šà€šà€Ÿ à€šà€¿à€°à¥à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€—à¥€ à€†à€¹à¥‡} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
379_textstopwordsmsg_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€žà€Ÿà€®à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
380_textlucenetoomanyclauses_ [l=mr] {à€ à€°à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€• à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà¥‡à€šà€Ÿ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€° à€•à€°à¥‚à€š à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€˜à¥à€¯à€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
382_textmorethan_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿà€ªà¥‡à€•à¥à€·à€Ÿ à€œà€Ÿà€žà¥à€€} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
383_textapprox_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€·à€¯à¥€} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
384_textnodocs_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥‹à€£à€€à¥‡à€¹à¥€ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€šà€Ÿà€¶à¥€ à€œà¥à€³à€²à¥‡ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€à€€} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
385_text1doc_ [l=mr] {१ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€°à€Ÿà€¶à¥€ à€œà¥à€³à€²à€Ÿ} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
386_textlotsdocs_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€°à€Ÿà€¶à¥€ à€œà¥à€³à€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
387_textmatches_ [l=mr] {à€œà¥à€³à€£à€Ÿà€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
388_textbeginsearch_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‹à€§à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€žà¥à€°à€µà€Ÿà€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ.} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
389_textrunquery_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€šà€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€‰à€€à¥à€€à€° à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
390_textclearform_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€šà€°à¥à€²à¥‡à€–à€š} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
392#these go together in form search:
393#"Words (fold, stem) ... in field"
394_textwordphrase_ [l=mr] {à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€ªà¥à€°à€šà€Ÿà€° / à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€‚à€¶
395} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
396_textinfield_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥à€·à¥‡à€€à¥à€°à¥‡} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
397_textfoldstem_ [l=mr] {à€¥à€Ÿà€‚à€¬à€µà€Ÿ} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
399_textadvquery_ [l=mr] {à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€žà€°à€³ à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€š à€²à€¿à€¹à€Ÿ} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
400_textallfields_ [l=mr] {à€žà€°à¥à€µ à€•à¥à€·à¥‡à€€à¥à€°à¥‡} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
401_texttextonly_ [l=mr] {à€«à€•à¥à€€ à€®à€œà€•à¥‚à€°} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
402_textand_ [l=mr] {à€†à€£à€¿} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
403_textor_ [l=mr] {à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
404_textandnot_ [l=mr] {à€†à€£à€¿ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
406# _indexselection_, _jselection_, _nselection_ and _gselection_ are set from
407# within the server - _indexselection_ is always set, but the others may be
408# unset
410_textsimplesearch_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€šà¥Œà€•à€Ÿà¥€à€€ à€†à€ªà€²à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€š à€²à€¿à€¹à€Ÿ} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
412_textadvancedsearch_ [l=mr] {Search _indexselection_ _If_(_jselection_,of _jselection_ )_If_(_gselection_,at _gselection_ level )_If_(_nselection_,in _nselection_ language )using _querytypeselection_ query} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
414_textadvancedmgppsearch_ [l=mr] {Search _indexselection_ _If_(_jselection_,of _jselection_ )_If_(_gselection_,at _gselection_ level )_If_(_nselection_,in _nselection_ language ) and display results in _formquerytypeadvancedselection_ order} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
416_textadvancedlucenesearch_ [l=mr] {Search _indexselection__If_(_jselection_, of _jselection_)_If_(_gselection_, at _gselection_ level)_If_(_nselection_, in _nselection_ language)_If_(_sfselection_,\,_allowformbreak_ sorting results by _sfselection_\,) for } # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
418_textformsimplesearch_ [l=mr] {Search _If_(_jselection_, _jselection_)_If_(_gformselection_, at _gformselection_ level)_If_(_nselection_, in _nselection_ language)_If_(_sfselection_,\, sorting results by _sfselection_\,) for _formquerytypesimpleselection_ of } # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
420_textformadvancedsearchmgpp_ [l=mr] {Search _If_(_jselection_,_jselection_ )_If_(_gformselection_,at _gformselection_ level )_If_(_nselection_,in _nselection_ language )and display results in _formquerytypeadvancedselection_ order } # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
422_textformadvancedsearchlucene_ [l=mr] {Search _If_(_jselection_, _jselection_)_If_(_gformselection_, at _gformselection_ level)_If_(_nselection_, in _nselection_ language)_If_(_sfselection_,\, sorting results by _sfselection_\,) for } # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
424_textnojsformwarning_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥à€šà€šà€Ÿà€ƒà€œà€Ÿà€µà€Ÿà€žà¥à€•à¥à€°à€¿à€ªà¥à€Ÿ à€€à¥à€®à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à¥à€°à€Ÿà€‰à€à€° à€µà€° à€¬à€‚à€Š à€†à€¹à¥‡. à€¶à¥‹à€§à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€«à¥‰à€°à¥à€® à€¹à€µà€Ÿ à€…
425à€žà€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€œà€Ÿà€µà€Ÿà€žà¥à€•à¥à€°à€¿à€ªà¥à€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€²à¥ à€•à€°à€Ÿ.} # Updated 16-Sep-2006 by shubha
426_textdatesearch_ [l=mr] {à€¹à€Ÿ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€žà€Ÿà€ à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€¶à€¿à€·à¥à€  à€€à€Ÿà€°à€–à¥‡ à€ªà€Ÿà€žà¥‚à€š à€µà€¿à€¶à€¿à€·à¥à€  à€€à€Ÿà€°à€–à¥‡ à€ªà€°à¥à€¯à€‚à€€ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‹. à€¹à€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€à€šà¥à€›à€¿à€• à€†à€¹à¥‡.} # Updated 13-Aug-2006
427_textstartdate_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥à€°à¥‚à€µà€Ÿà€€ (à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€«à€•à¥à€€) à€€à€Ÿà€°à¥€à€–} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
428_textenddate_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‡à€µà€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€€à€Ÿà€°à¥€à€– / à€€à€Ÿà€°à€–à¥‡ à€ªà€°à¥à€¯à€‚à€€ } # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
429_textbc_ [l=mr] {à€¬à¥€.à€žà¥€.à€ˆ.} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
430_textad_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥‰à€®à€š à€à€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
431_textexplaineras_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥€.à€ˆ à€µ à€¬à¥€.à€žà¥€.à€ˆ à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€.à€¡à¥€. à€µ à€¬à¥€.à€žà¥€. à€•à€°à¥€à€€à€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€œà€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€.à€¯à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€…
432à€°à¥à€¥ "à€•à¥‰à€®à€š à€à€°à€Ÿ" à€µ "à€•à¥‰à€®à€š à€à€°à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€†à€§à¥€"} # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
434_textstemon_ [l=mr] {à€¶à€¬à¥à€Šà€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‡à€µà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€— à€Šà¥à€°à¥à€²à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€€ à€•à€°à¥‚à€š} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
436_textsearchhistory_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à¥à€µà¥€à€šà¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
438#text macros for search history
439_textnohistory_ [l=mr] {à€®à€Ÿà€—à€šà¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿà€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€à€€} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
440_texthresult_ [l=mr] {à€šà€¿à€•à€Ÿà€²} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
441_texthresults_ [l=mr] {à€šà€¿à€•à€Ÿà€²} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
442_texthallwords_ [l=mr] {à€žà€°à¥à€µ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
443_texthsomewords_ [l=mr] {à€•à€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
444_texthboolean_ [l=mr] {à€¬à¥à€²à€¿à€¯à€š} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
445_texthranked_ [l=mr] {à€“à€³à¥€à€€} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
446_texthcaseon_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€œà¥à€³à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€œà¥‡à€€.} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
447_texthcaseoff_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥‡à€žà€«à¥‹à€²à¥à€¡} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
448_texthstemon_ [l=mr] {à€¥à€Ÿà€‚à€¬à€µà€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
449_texthstemoff_ [l=mr] {à€¥à€Ÿà€‚à€¬à€µà¥‚ à€šà€•à€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
453# 'preferences' page
454package preferences
459# text macros
462_textprefschanged_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯à€•à¥à€°à€® à€šà€¿à€¶à¥à€šà€¿à€€ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ à€†à€¹à¥‡.à€®à¥à€¹à€£à¥‚à€š à€¬à¥à€°à€Ÿà€Šà€à€° à€µà€°à¥€à€² à€¬à¥…
463à€• à€¹à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à€Ÿà€£à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€° à€•à€°à¥‚ à€à€•à¥à€žà¥‡à€ž à€¬à€Ÿà€° à€µà€°à¥€à€² à€¬à€Ÿà€š à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
464_textsetprefs_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯ à€šà€¿à€¶à¥à€šà€¿à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
465_textsearchprefs_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯ à€šà€¿à€¶à¥à€šà€¿à€€à¥€} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
466_textcollectionprefs_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€ªà¥à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
467_textpresentationprefs_ [l=mr] {à€žà€Ÿà€Šà€°à¥€à€•à€°à€£à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯à€•à¥à€°à€®} # Updated 12-Sep-2006 by shubha
468_textpreferences_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
469_textcasediffs_ [l=mr] {(not applicable in marathi)} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
470_textignorecase_ [l=mr] {(not applicable in marathi)} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
471_textmatchcase_ [l=mr] {à€®à€°à€Ÿà€ à¥€à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€¯à¥‡à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
472_textwordends_ [l=mr] {à€…
473à€‚à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€•à¥à€·à€°} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
474_textstem_ [l=mr] {à€¶à€¬à¥à€Šà€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‡à€µà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€— à€Šà¥à€°à¥à€²à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
475_textnostem_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€ªà¥à€°à¥à€£ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€œà¥à€³à€²à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€œà¥‡} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
476_textaccentdiffs_ [l=mr] {à€‰à€šà¥à€šà€Ÿà€° à€µà¥‡à€—à€³à¥‡} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
477_textignoreaccents_ [l=mr] {à€‰à€šà¥à€šà€Ÿà€° à€Šà¥à€°à¥à€²à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ.} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
478_textmatchaccents_ [l=mr] {à€‰à€šà¥à€šà€Ÿà€° à€œà¥à€³à€²à¥‡à€š à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€œà¥‡à€€.} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
480_textprefop_ [l=mr] {Return up to _maxdocoption_ hits with _hitsperpageoption_ hits per page.} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
481_textextlink_ [l=mr] {à€¬à€Ÿà€¹à¥‡à€°à¥€à€² à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€œà€Ÿà€³à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€•à€¡à¥€à€² à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€‚à€µà€° à€œà€Ÿà€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€®à€Ÿà€°à¥à€—} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
482_textintlink_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‹à€§à€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
483_textlanguage_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€°à¥à€¶à€šà¥€ à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿ:} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
484_textencoding_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€ªà¥à€€ à€°à¥‚à€ªà¥€à€•à€°à€£} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
485_textformat_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€Šà€°à¥à€¶à€šà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€° à€šà€¿à€µà€¡} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
486_textall_ [l=mr] {à€žà€°à¥à€µ } # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
487_textquerymode_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥Œà€•à€¶à¥€} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
488_textsimplemode_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥‹à€ªà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€·à¥‡à€€ à€¶à¥‹à€§} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
489_textadvancedmode_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥à€§à€Ÿà€°à¥€à€€ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€¬à¥à€²à€¿à€¯à€šà€šà€Ÿ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€° à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‹.} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
490_textlinkinterm_ [l=mr] {à€®à€§à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€°à¥‚à€š } # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
491_textlinkdirect_ [l=mr] {à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€µà€° à€œà€Ÿ.} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
492_textdigitlib_ [l=mr] {à€¡à€¿à€œà¥€à€Ÿà€² à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€¬à¥à€°à€°à¥€ } # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
493_textweb_ [l=mr] {à€œà€Ÿà€³à¥‡} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
494_textgraphical_ [l=mr] {à€†à€²à¥‡à€–à¥€à€¯} # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
495_texttextual_ [l=mr] {à€†à€¶à€¯ à€¶à¥‹à€§} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
496_textcollectionoption_ [l=mr] {<p>
498<br>} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
500_textsearchtype_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥Œà€•à€¶à¥€} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
501_textformsearchtype_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥à€·à¥‡à€€} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
502_textplainsearchtype_ [l=mr] {à€žà€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€°à€£à€ªà€£à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€° à€µà€¿à€šà€Ÿà€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà¥‡à€Ÿà¥€à€šà€Ÿ à€†à€•à€Ÿà€°} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
503_textregularbox_ [l=mr] {à€à€•à€š à€°à¥‡à€·à€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
504_textlargebox_ [l=mr] {à€®à¥‹à€ à€Ÿ} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
506_textrelateddocdisplay_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€¬à€‚à€§à€¿à€€ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œà€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€Šà€°à¥à€¶à€š} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
507_textsearchhistory_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à¥à€µà¥€à€šà¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
508_textnohistory_ [l=mr] {à€®à€Ÿà€—à€šà¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€£à€Ÿà€° à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€à€€} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
509_texthistorydisplay_ [l=mr] {à€®à€Ÿà€—à¥€à€² à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿà€‚à€šà¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€Šà€°à¥à€¶à€š-à€®à€Ÿà€—à¥€à€² à€¶à¥‹à€§} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
510_textnohistorydisplay_ [l=mr] {à€®à€Ÿà€—à€šà¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€ªà¥à€°à€Šà€°à¥à€¶à€¿à€€ à€•à€°à¥‚ à€šà€•à€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
514# 'browse' package for the dynamic browsing interface
515package browse
518_textsortby_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œà€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€—à€£à¥€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
519_textalsoshowing_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€°à¥à€¶à€šà€Ÿà€¥} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
520_textwith_ [l=mr] {à€žà€°à¥à€µ } # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
521_textdocsperpage_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€€à¥à€¯à¥‡à€• à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€°à¥€à€² à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ } # Updated 12-Sep-2006 by shubha
523_textfilterby_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€žà€®à€Ÿà€µà¥‡à€¶} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
524_textall_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥à€°à€µ} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
525_textany_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥‹à€£à€€à¥‡à€¹à¥€} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
526_textwords_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥‡ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
527_textleaveblank_ [l=mr] {à€žà€°à¥à€µ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€¬à€˜à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€¹à€Ÿ à€šà¥Œà€•à¥‹à€š à€°à€¿à€•à€Ÿà€®à€Ÿ à€žà¥‹à€¡à€Ÿ} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
529_browsebuttontext_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œà€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€—à€£à¥€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
531_nodata_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
532_docs_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
534# 'help' page -- this is lower priority for translating than the
535# rest of this file
536package help
541# text macros
544_textHelp_ [l=mr] {à€®à€Šà€€} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
546# Macros giving a brief help message for navigation bar access buttons
547# The arguments to this will be _textXXX_ and _labelXXX_, where XXX is the metadata name. For example, to print out the help message for a titles classifier, the library will use _textdefaulthelp_(_textTitle_,_labelTitle_)
548# To customize this for a specific metadata, add a macro named _textXXXhelp_ where XXX is the metadata name
549_textdefaulthelp_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€Žà€µà€œ à€à€• à€à€• à€•à€°à¥‚à€š à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ} # Updated 28-Oct-2006 by shubha
551_textSearchhelp_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€ªà¥à€°à¥à€£ à€†à€¶à€¯à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿà€¯à€šà¥‡ à€…
552à€žà€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€†à€ªà€£ à€¶à¥‹à€§à¥ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ. à€¹à¥‡ à€žà¥à€°à€µà€Ÿà€€à¥€à€šà¥‡ à€ªà€Ÿà€š à€†à€¹à¥‡. à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€° à€†à€ªà€£ à€ªà€°à€€ à€¯à¥‡à€Š à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ. à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ ''à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ'' à€¹à¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€£ à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€Ÿ.} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
553_textTohelp_ [l=mr] {à€²à¥‡à€¬à€² à€Ÿà¥‚ à€¹à¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€š à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à¥‚à€š à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€•à¥à€·à¥‡à€€à¥à€°à€Ÿà€‚à€ªà¥à€°à€®à€Ÿà€£à¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
554_textFromhelp_ [l=mr] {_labelFrom_ button à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€¶à€šà€‚ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
555_textBrowsehelp_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ} # Updated 28-Oct-2006 by shubha
556_textAcronymhelp_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€ªà¥à€€ à€°à¥‚à€ª à€¹à¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€š à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€ªà¥à€€à€¹à¥‹à€£à€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€Ÿ} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
557_textPhrasehelp_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€¶à€šà€Ÿà€€ à€…
558à€žà€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€ªà¥à€°à€šà€Ÿà€° à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ} # Updated 28-Oct-2006 by shubha
560_texthelptopicstitle_ [l=mr] {à€†à€¶à€¯} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
562_textreadingdocs_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€•à€žà¥‡ à€µà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€¯à€šà¥‡} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
564_texthelpreadingdocs_ [l=mr] {<p>You can tell when you have arrived at an individual book or document
565because its title, or a photograph of the front cover, appears at the top
566left of the page. In some collections this is accompanied by a table of
567contents, while others contain just the number of the current page along
568with a box that allows you to select a new page and go forward and
569backward. In the table of contents, the current section heading is in bold
570face, and the table is expandable -- click on the folders to open or close
571them; click on the open book at the top to close it.</p>
573<p>Underneath is the text of the current section. When you have read
574through it, there are arrows at the bottom to take you on to the next
575section or back to the previous one.</p>
577<p>Below the title or front-cover photograph are some buttons. Click on
578<i>_document:textEXPANDTEXT_</i> to expand out the whole text of the current section, or
579book. If the document is large, this could take a long time and use a lot
580of memory! Click on <i>_document:textEXPANDCONTENTS_</i> to expand out the whole table of
581contents so that you can see the titles of all chapters and
582subsections. Click on <i>_document:textDETACH_</i> to make a new browser window for this
583document. (This is useful if you want to compare documents, or read two at
584once.) Finally, when you do a search the words you search for are
585highlighted. Click on <i>_document:textNOHIGHLIGHT_</i> to remove highlighting.</p>
586} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
588# help about the icons
589_texthelpopenbookshelf_ [l=mr] {à€¹à€Ÿ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€‰à€˜à€¡à€Ÿ à€†à€£à€¿ à€…
590à€šà¥à€•à¥à€°à€®à€£à€¿à€•à€Ÿ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ.} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
591_texthelpopenbook_ [l=mr] {à€¹à€Ÿ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€‰à€˜à€¡à€Ÿ/à€ªà¥à€žà¥à€€à€• à€¬à€‚à€Š à€•à€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
592_texthelpviewtextsection_ [l=mr] {à€®à€œà€•à¥‚à€°à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€¹à€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€— à€¬à€˜à€Ÿ} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
593_texthelpexpandtext_ [l=mr] {à€žà€°à¥à€µ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€¬à€˜à€Ÿ à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
594_texthelpexpandcontents_ [l=mr] {à€…
595à€šà¥à€•à¥à€°à€®à€£à€¿à€•à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€žà¥à€€à€Ÿà€°à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€¬à€˜à€Ÿ,à€†à€£à€¿ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
596_texthelpdetachpage_ [l=mr] {à€¹à¥‡ à€ªà€Ÿà€š à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€šà¥Œà€•à€Ÿà¥€à€€ à€‰à€˜à€¡à€Ÿ} # Updated 12-Sep-2006 by shubha
597_texthelphighlight_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿà€µà€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€ à€³à€• à€•à€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
598_texthelpsectionarrows_ [l=mr] {à€†à€§à€¿à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€¢à¥€à€² à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€° à€œà€Ÿ} # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
601_texthelpsearchingtitle_ [l=mr] {à€†à€µà€¶à¥à€¯à€• à€žà€‚à€žà€Ÿ à€•à€¶à€Ÿ à€¬à€˜à€Ÿà€µà¥à€¯à€Ÿà€€} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
603_texthelpsearching_ [l=mr] {<p>
604 From the search page, you make a query in these simple steps:<p>
606 <ol><li>Specify what items you want to search
607 <li>Say whether you want to search for all or just some of the words
608 <li>Type in the words you want to search for
609 <li>Click the <i>Begin Search</i> button
610 </ol>
612<p>When you make a query, the titles of twenty matching documents will be shown.
613There is a button at the end to take you on to the next twenty documents. From
614there you will find buttons to take you on to the third twenty or back to the
615first twenty, and so on. Click the title of any document, or the little button
616beside it, to see it.
618<p>A maximum of 100 is imposed on the number of
619 documents returned. You can change this number by clicking the
620 <i>_Global:linktextPREFERENCES_</i> button at the top of the page.<p>
621} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
623_texthelpquerytermstitle_ [l=mr] {à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ} # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
624_texthelpqueryterms_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€œà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€° à€•à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ à€œà€Ÿà€€à¥‹ à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€®à¥à€¹à€£à€€à€Ÿà€€.à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€®à¥à€¹à€£à€œà¥‡ à€µà€°à¥à€£à€Ÿà€šà¥à€•à¥à€°à€® à€®à¥à€³à€Ÿà€•à¥à€·à€°à¥‡ à€…
625à€žà€€à€Ÿà€€.à€µà€¿à€°à€Ÿà€®à€šà€¿à€šà¥à€¹à€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€— à€•à¥‡à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€˜à¥‡à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.} # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
627_texthelpmgppsearching_ [l=mr] {For collections built with MGPP a few other options are available.
630<li>A <b>*</b> at the end of a query term matches all words <b>starting with</b> that word, e.g. <b>comput*</b> matches all words starting with <b>comput</b>.
631<li><b>/x</b> can be used to give higher weight to one or more of the query terms, eg <b>computer/10 science</b> gives computer 10 times more weight than science when ranking documents.
633} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
635_texthelplucenesearching_ [l=mr] {Lucene à€¯à€Ÿà€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€•à€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€‘à€ªà¥à€¶à€šà€žà¥ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€.
637<li><b>?</b> à€à€•à€Ÿ à€…
638à€•à¥à€·à€°à€Ÿà€à€µà€œà¥€ à€µà€Ÿà€ˆà€²à¥à€¡à€•à€Ÿà€°à¥à€¡ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€°à€Ÿ. à€‰à€Šà€Ÿà€¹à€°à€£à€Ÿà€°à¥à€¥, <b>b?t</b> à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€œà¥à€³à¥‡à€² <b>bet</b>, <b>bit</b> and <b>bat</b> etc.
639<li><b>*</b> à€…
640à€šà¥‡à€• à€…
641à€•à¥à€·à€°à€Ÿà€à€µà€œà¥€ à€µà€Ÿà€ˆà€²à¥à€¡à€•à€Ÿà€°à¥à€¡ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€°à€Ÿ. à€‰à€Šà€Ÿà€¹à€°à€£à€Ÿà€°à¥à€¥ <b>comput*</b> <b>comput</b>.à€žà¥à€°à¥‚à€µà€Ÿà€€ à€…
642à€žà€²à¥‡à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€°à¥à€µ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Šà€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€œà¥à€³à¥‡à€².
644à€¹à¥€ à€Šà¥‹à€šà¥à€¹à¥€ à€µà€Ÿà€ˆà€²à¥à€¡à€•à€Ÿà€°à¥à€¡ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà¥‡à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à€­à€Ÿà€—à¥€ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€°à€Ÿ, à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‡à€µà€Ÿà¥€. à€ªà€£ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà¥‡à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà¥à€°à¥‚à€µà€Ÿà€€à¥€à€²à€Ÿ à€¹à¥€ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€°à¥‚ à€šà€¯à¥‡à€€.} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
646_texthelpquerytypetitle_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥Œà€•à€¶à¥€} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
647_texthelpquerytype_ [l=mr] {<p>à€¯à¥‡à€¥à¥‡ à€Šà¥‹à€š à€­à€¿à€šà¥à€š à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€°à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¶à€‚à€•à€Ÿ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€.
650 <li>à€¶à€‚à€•à€Ÿ <b>à€žà€°à¥à€µ</b> à€šà¥‡ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Šà€Ÿà€‚à€•à€°à¥€à€€à€Ÿ. à€¹à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€²à¥‡à€–à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€šà€Ÿà€µ,à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€šà¥…
651à€ªà¥à€Ÿà€°à€šà¥‡ à€šà€Ÿà€µ à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€šà€¿à€¶à¥à€šà€¿à€€ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€žà€°à¥à€µ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€²à¥‡à€–à€Ÿà€µà€°à¥€à€² à€¶à€‚à€•à€Ÿ à€Šà€¿à€žà€€à¥‡.
654 <li>à€¶à€‚à€•à€Ÿ <b>à€•à€Ÿà€¹à¥€</b> à€šà¥‡ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Šà€Ÿà€‚à€•à€°à¥€à€€à€Ÿ. à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿà€€ à€…
655à€žà€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€•à€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€œà¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€²à¥‡à€–à€Ÿà€€ à€žà€®à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€·à¥à€Ÿ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€. à€ªà¥à€°à€²à¥‡à€–
656 à€žà€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€œà€¶à€Ÿ à€œà¥à€³à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ªà¥à€°à€®à€Ÿà€£à¥‡ à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€€ à€†à€¹à¥‡.
657 <p><ul>
658 <li> the more search term occurrences a document contains, the closer it matches;
659 <li> terms which are rare in the collection as a whole are more important than common ones;
660 <li> short documents match better than long ones.
661 </ul>
664<p>Use as many search terms as you like--a whole sentence, or even a
665whole paragraph. If you specify only
666one term, documents will be ordered by its frequency of occurrence.<p>
667} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
669_texthelpadvancedsearchtitle_ [l=mr] {_१_ à€¯à€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€‡à€‚à€œà€¿à€šà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€— à€•à€°à¥‚à€š à€žà¥à€§à€Ÿà€°à¥€à€€ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€˜à¥à€¯à€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
671_texthelpadvancedsearch_ [l=mr] {à€œà€° à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€žà¥à€§à€Ÿà€°à¥€à€€ à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€šà¥€ à€šà€¿à€µà€¡ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥€ à€€à€° à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€€ à€¥à¥‹à€¡à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿ à€¬à€Šà€² à€Šà€¿à€žà¥‚à€š à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‹.} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
673_texthelpadvsearchmg_ [l=mr] {à€à€® à€œà¥€ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œà€Ÿà€‚à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€šà€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€žà¥à€§à€Ÿà€°à¥€à€€ à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€ à€Šà¥‹à€š à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€—à€Ÿà€€ à€†à€£à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‡.à€°à¥…
674à€‚à€• à€µ à€¬à¥à€²à€¿à€¯à€š ....} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
676_texthelpbooleansearch_ [l=mr] {A <b>boolean</b> search allows you to combine terms
677using & (for "and"), | (for "or"), and ! (for "not"), using parentheses for grouping if desired. The default operator is | (for "or").
679For example, <b>snail & farming</b> will match documents which contain both <b>snail</b> AND <b>farming</b>, whereas <b>snail | farming</b> will match documents that contain either <b>snail</b> OR <b>farming</b>.
680<b>snail !farming</b> will match documents that contain <b>snail</b> AND DO NOT contain <b>farming</b>.
682More precise queries can be specified using combinations of operators and parentheses. For example, <b>(sheep | cattle) & (farm | station)</b>, or <b>sheep | cattle | goat !pig</b>.
683} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
685_texthelpadvsearchmgpp_ [l=mr] {Advanced searches in MGPP collections use boolean operators. _texthelpbooleansearch_
686<p>The results can be displayed in <b>ranked</b> order, as described for the <b>some</b> search in <a href="\#query-type">_texthelpquerytypetitle_</a>, or in "natural" (or "build") order. This is the order that documents were processed during the creation of the collection.
688Further operators include <b>NEARx</b> and <b>WITHINx</b>.
689NEARx is used to specify the maximum distance apart (x words) two query
690terms must be for a document to match.
691WITHINx specifies that the second term must occur within x words <i>after</i> the first term. This is similar to NEAR but the order is important. The default distance is 20.
692} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
694_texthelpadvancedsearchextra_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥‚à€šà€šà€Ÿ à€žà¥‹à€ªà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€·à¥‡à€€ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€˜à¥‡à€€à€²à€Ÿ à€€à€° à€¶à€¬à¥à€Šà€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‡à€µà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€— à€Šà¥à€°à¥à€²à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
696_texthelpadvsearchlucene_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥à€§à€Ÿà€°à¥€à€€ à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€š à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€€ à€¬à¥à€²à€¿à€¯à€šà€šà€Ÿ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€° à€•à€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
698_texthelpformsearchtitle_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‹à€§à€²à¥‡à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€žà¥‚à€š} # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
700_texthelpformsearch_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿà€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€µà€¿à€§ à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‹,à€‰à€Šà€Ÿà€¹à€°à€£à€Ÿà€°à¥à€¥ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œà€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€µà€Ÿà€€ à€žà¥à€®à€¿à€¥ à€†à€£à€¿ à€žà¥à€šà¥‡à€² à€«à€Ÿà€°à¥à€®à€¿à€‚à€— à€¹ à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€·à€¯à€Ÿà€€ à€†à€¹à¥‡.à€žà€Ÿà€§à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€€à¥à€¯à¥‡à€• à€“à€³à¥€ à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà¥à€µà€€à€‚à€€à¥à€° à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€®à¥à€¹à€£à¥‚à€š à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€•à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ à€œà€Ÿà€ˆà€²,à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€†à€£à€¿ à€¹à¥€ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥à€•à¥à€€ à€ à€°à¥‡à€².à€ªà€£ à€µà€¿à€·à¥‡à€¶ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€‚à€²à€Ÿ à€ à€°à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€• à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€€à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€†à€£à€¿ à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€¶à€¿à€·à¥à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿà€µà€Ÿà€ªà€° à€•à€°à€Ÿà€µà€Ÿ à€²à€Ÿà€—à¥‡à€².à€µà€¬à¥à€²à€¿à€¯à€šà€šà€Ÿ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€° à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€ˆà€².} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
702_texthelpformstemming_ [l=mr] {The "fold" and "stem" boxes allow you to specify whether the terms inside that field are casefolded or stemmed. These are both switched off by default for advanced form searching} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
704_textdatesearch_ [l=mr] {à€€à€Ÿà€°à€–à€Ÿà€‚à€ªà¥à€°à€®à€Ÿà€£à¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
706_texthelpdatesearch_ [l=mr] {Date search lets you find documents that, as well as matching your search
707terms, are about events within a certain timeframe. You can search for
708documents from a certain year or from a range of years. Note that you do not
709have to have any search terms -- you can search by date alone; and also that
710you do not have to use dates in your search, if you do not type any dates in it
711 is just the same as if the date search didn't exist.<p>
712} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
714_texthelpdatehowtotitle_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€— à€•à€žà€Ÿ à€•à€°à€Ÿà€µà€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
715_texthelpdatehowto_ [l=mr] {<ul>
716 <li>To search for documents about a single year:<p>
717 <ul>
718 <li>Type in any ordinary search terms as you normally would.
719 <li>Type the year you want into the "Start (or only) date" box.
720 <li>If your date is from before the common era (also known as before
721 Christ), choose the "B.C.E" option from the pulldown menu next to that
722 box.
723 <li>Begin your search as you ordinarily would.
724 </ul>
725<p><li>To search for documents about a time period or range of years:<p>
726 <ul>
727 <li>Type in any ordinary search terms as you normally would.
728 <li>Type the earlier date into the "Start (or only) date" box.
729 <li>Type the later date into the "End date" box.
730 <li>Select "B.C.E" option from the pulldown menu next to any date from before
731 the common era (also known as before Christ).
732 <li>Begin your search as you ordinarily would.
733 </ul>
735} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
737_texthelpdateresultstitle_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€—à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€®à€Ÿà€°à¥à€—} # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
738_texthelpdateresults_ [l=mr] {Generally speaking a search for documents about the year 1903 will not return documents that, say, reference books written in 1903, just documents about 1903. However, the way that the documents' dates are found, it will return documents that have a date range (for example 1899-1911) that includes 1903, and also those documents which, as part of their text name the century that 1903 is a part of (for example 20th century or twentieth century). This means that for some documents, the dates in your search will not actually appear in the document text. For a range search, all of this applies to every date in the range.<p>
739} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
741_textchangeprefs_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯ à€¬à€Šà€²à€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
743_texthelppreferences_ [l=mr] {à€œà¥‡à€µà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€€à¥à€®à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€°à¥€à€² à€žà€°à¥à€µà€Ÿà€€ à€µà€°à€šà¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€¹à¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€š <i>_Global:linktextPREFERENCES_</i> à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€Ÿà€²,à€€à¥‡à€µà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€€à¥à€®à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€†à€µà€¶à¥à€¯à€•à¥à€€à¥‡à€šà¥à€žà€Ÿà€° à€‡à€‚à€Ÿà€°à€«à¥‡à€ž à€®à€§à¥€à€² à€˜à€Ÿà€•à€Ÿà€‚à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€¬à€Šà€² à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€Ÿà€².} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
745_texthelpcollectionprefstitle_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
746_texthelpcollectionprefs_ [l=mr] {à€à€•à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€…
747à€šà¥‡à€• à€‰à€ªà€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€,à€œà¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€žà¥à€µà€€à€‚à€€à¥à€°à€ªà€£à¥‡ à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€à€•à€€à¥à€° à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ.à€œà€° à€€à€žà¥‡ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿà€µà€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€…
748à€žà€€à¥€à€² à€€à€° à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€° à€‰à€ªà€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€šà€¿à€µà€¡ à€•à€°à€Ÿ} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
750_texthelplanguageprefstitle_ [l=mr] {à€­à€Ÿà€·à¥‡à€šà€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯à€•à¥à€°à€®} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
751_texthelplanguageprefs_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€€à¥à€¯à¥‡à€• à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œà€Ÿà€ž à€ à€°à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€• à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿ à€†à€¹à¥‡,à€ªà€£ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€‚à€ž à€¹à€µà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€…
752à€žà€²à¥‡à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€·à¥‡à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€€à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ,à€¯à€Ÿà€¬à€°à¥‹à€¬à€° à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€€à¥‡ à€à€šà€•à¥‹à€¡à¥€à€‚à€— à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ.....} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
754_texthelppresentationprefstitle_ [l=mr] {à€žà€Ÿà€Šà€°à¥€à€•à€°à€£à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
755_texthelppresentationprefs_ [l=mr] {à€ à€°à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€• à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œà€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€žà€Ÿà€ à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€µà€° à€…
756à€šà¥‡à€• à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€žà€Ÿà€Šà€°à¥€à€•à€°à€£à€Ÿà€µà€° à€šà€¿à€¯à€‚à€€à¥à€°à€£ à€®à€¿à€³à€µà€¿à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‡, } # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
758_texthelpsearchprefstitle_ [l=mr] {à€ªà€Ÿà¥à€°à€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ} # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
759_texthelpsearchprefs_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€žà€–à¥‹à€² à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€®à¥à€³à¥‡ à€†à€£à€¿ à€µ à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿà€‚à€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€žà€–à¥‹à€² à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€˜à¥‡à€Š à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ.à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à¥à€³à¥‡ à€¯à¥‹à€—à¥à€¯ à€ à€°à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€• à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‹.} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
761_textcasefoldprefs_ [l=mr] {"_preferences:textignorecase_" à€¹à¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€š à€¶à¥‹à€§à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€à€•à€®à¥‡à€•à€Ÿà€‚à€ž à€œà¥à€³à€€à€Ÿà€€ à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€à€¹à¥‡ à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à€€à¥‡.
762<i>snail farming</i> à€µ <i>SNAIL FARMING</i> à€…
763à€¶à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€­à€¿à€šà¥à€š à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€²à€¿à€¹à¥€à€²à¥‡à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€Šà¥‹à€šà¥à€¹à¥€ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€˜à¥‡à€€à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€šà€Ÿà€°à€Ÿà€€ à€˜à¥‡à€€à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€œà€Ÿà€€à€Ÿà€€.} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
764_textstemprefs_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€Šà¥‹à€š à€¬à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€‚à€Šà¥à€µà€°à¥‡à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿà€µà€° à€šà€¿à€¯à€‚à€€à¥à€°à€£ à€®à€¿à€³à€µà€¿à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‡.} # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
765_textaccentfoldprefs_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€‚à€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€˜à¥‡à€€à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ accented and unaccented à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€œà¥à€³à€²à¥‡ à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€€à¥‡ à€žà€®à€œà¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à¥‡.à€‰à€Šà€Ÿà€ƒ if "_preferences:textignoreaccents_" is selected, <i>fédération</i> will be treated the same as <i>fedération</i> and <i>federation</i>.} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
767_textstemoptionsprefs_ [l=mr] {"_texthelpquerytermstitle_".à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€žà€Ÿà€‚à€—à€¿à€€à€²à¥‡à€²à¥€ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€ à€¹à¥€ à€¯à¥‹à€—à¥à€¯ à€µ à€žà¥‹à€¯à¥€à€žà¥à€•à€° à€†à€¹à¥‡.} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
769_textsearchtypeprefsplain_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€° à€µà€¿à€šà€Ÿà€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€®à¥‹à€ à€Ÿ à€šà¥Œà€•à¥‹à€š à€®à€¿à€³à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à¥‹ à€•à€Ÿ,à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€®à¥à€³à¥‡ à€œà€Ÿà€žà¥à€€ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€šà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€²à€µà€•à€° à€˜à¥‡à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€ˆà€².à€¯à€Ÿà€®à¥à€³à¥‡ à€œà€Ÿà€žà¥à€€ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€žà€Ÿà€ à€Ÿ à€²à€µà€•à€° à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€ªà¥à€€ à€¹à¥‹à€Š à€¶à€•à¥‡à€².} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
771_textsearchtypeprefsform_ [l=mr] {à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€¹à¥‡ à€•à¥à€°à€®à€Ÿà€‚à€• à€¬à€Šà€²à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ.} # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
773_textsearchtypeprefsboth_ [l=mr] {You can switch the search type of the collection between "normal" search, and "fielded" search.
775<li>Normal search provides a single query box. _textsearchtypeprefsplain_</li>
776<li>Fielded search provides a number of query boxes, each querying a different field of the index. This enables searching over different fields at once. _textsearchtypeprefsform_ </li>
778} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
782_texttanumbrowseoptions_ [l=mr] {à€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà¥€à€² à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€µà€¿à€µà€¿à€§ à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€šà¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‡} # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
784_textsimplehelpheading_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€šà€Ÿà€µ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€•à€žà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿà€µà€Ÿ} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
786_texthelpscopetitle_ [l=mr] {à€¶à€‚à€•à¥‡à€šà€Ÿ à€–à¥à€²à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿ} # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
787_texthelpscope_ [l=mr] {à€žà€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€°à€£à€ªà€£à¥‡ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€˜à¥‡à€€à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€µà€¿à€§ à€šà€¿à€°à¥à€Šà¥‡à€¶à€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€— à€•à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ à€œà€Ÿà€€à¥‹ à€œà€žà¥‡ à€—à¥à€°à€‚à€¥à€šà€Ÿà€®,à€—à¥à€°à€‚à€¥à€•à€Ÿà€° ,à€‡à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€Šà€¿.
788à€•à¥‹à€£à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€šà€¿à€°à¥à€Šà¥‡à€¶à€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€— à€•à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ,à€¯à€Ÿà€µà€° à€œà¥à€³à€£à€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€®à€¿à€³à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿà€€.
789à€œà€° à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€¹à€Ÿ à€à€–à€Ÿà€Šà€Ÿ à€—à¥à€°à€‚à€¥ à€…
790à€žà¥‡à€² à€€à€°,à€€à¥‹ à€¯à¥‹à€—à¥à€¯ à€œà€Ÿà€—à¥€ à€®à€¿à€³à€€à¥‹.} # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
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