########################################################################### # # dbutil.pm -- utility functions for writing to different databases # Copyright (C) 2008 DL Consulting Ltd # # A component of the Greenstone digital library software # from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the # University of Waikato, New Zealand. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ########################################################################### package dbutil; use Encode; use strict; sub open_infodb_write_handle { my $infodb_type = shift(@_); my $infodb_file_path = shift(@_); if ($infodb_type eq "sqlite") { return &open_infodb_write_handle_sqlite($infodb_file_path); } elsif ($infodb_type eq "gdbm-txtgz") { return &open_infodb_write_handle_gdbm_txtgz($infodb_file_path); } elsif ($infodb_type eq "mssql") { return &open_infodb_write_handle_mssql($infodb_file_path); } # Use GDBM if the infodb type is empty or not one of the values above return &open_infodb_write_handle_gdbm($infodb_file_path); } sub close_infodb_write_handle { my $infodb_type = shift(@_); my $infodb_handle = shift(@_); if ($infodb_type eq "sqlite") { return &close_infodb_write_handle_sqlite($infodb_handle); } elsif ($infodb_type eq "gdbm-txtgz") { return &close_infodb_write_handle_gdbm_txtgz($infodb_handle); } elsif ($infodb_type eq "mssql") { return &close_infodb_write_handle_mssql($infodb_handle); } # Use GDBM if the infodb type is empty or not one of the values above return &close_infodb_write_handle_gdbm($infodb_handle); } sub get_default_infodb_type { # The default is GDBM so everything works the same for existing collections # To use something else, specify the "infodbtype" in the collection's collect.cfg file return "gdbm"; } sub get_infodb_file_path { my $infodb_type = shift(@_); my $collection_name = shift(@_); my $infodb_directory_path = shift(@_); if ($infodb_type eq "sqlite") { return &get_infodb_file_path_sqlite($collection_name, $infodb_directory_path); } elsif ($infodb_type eq "gdbm-txtgz") { return &get_infodb_file_path_gdbm_txtgz($collection_name, $infodb_directory_path); } elsif ($infodb_type eq "mssql") { #==================================================================================================# # Updated by Jeffrey (2008/08/25 Monday) # After look into the run-time code, it seems we should still create a database file. # Since the run-time code is always try to read a database file, the easiest way here is not # to change the whole structure, but to give whatever the system is looking for. #==================================================================================================# # Added by Jeffrey (2008/08/15 Friday) # No file path required for MS SQL, it is a server-client connection. # At the moment the information is hard coded in open_infodb_write_handle_mssql # the this might need some tidy up sometime. #==================================================================================================# return &get_infodb_file_path_mssql($collection_name, $infodb_directory_path); } # Use GDBM if the infodb type is empty or not one of the values above return &get_infodb_file_path_gdbm($collection_name, $infodb_directory_path); } sub read_infodb_file { my $infodb_type = shift(@_); my $infodb_file_path = shift(@_); my $infodb_map = shift(@_); if ($infodb_type eq "sqlite") { return &read_infodb_file_sqlite($infodb_file_path, $infodb_map); } elsif ($infodb_type eq "gdbm-txtgz") { return &read_infodb_file_gdbm_txtgz($infodb_file_path, $infodb_map); } elsif ($infodb_type eq "mssql") { return &read_infodb_file_mssql($infodb_file_path, $infodb_map); } # Use GDBM if the infodb type is empty or not one of the values above return &read_infodb_file_gdbm($infodb_file_path, $infodb_map); } sub write_infodb_entry { my $infodb_type = shift(@_); my $infodb_handle = shift(@_); my $infodb_key = shift(@_); my $infodb_map = shift(@_); if ($infodb_type eq "sqlite") { return &write_infodb_entry_sqlite($infodb_handle, $infodb_key, $infodb_map); } elsif ($infodb_type eq "gdbm-txtgz") { return &write_infodb_entry_gdbm_txtgz($infodb_handle, $infodb_key, $infodb_map); } elsif ($infodb_type eq "mssql") { return &write_infodb_entry_mssql($infodb_handle, $infodb_key, $infodb_map); } # Use GDBM if the infodb type is empty or not one of the values above return &write_infodb_entry_gdbm($infodb_handle, $infodb_key, $infodb_map); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GDBM TXT-GZ IMPLEMENTATION # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub open_infodb_write_handle_gdbm_txtgz { # Keep infodb in GDBM neutral form => save data as compressed text file, # read for txt2db to be run on it later (i.e. by the runtime system, # first time the collection is ever accessed). This makes it easier # distribute pre-built collections to various architectures. # # NB: even if two architectures are little endian (e.g. Intel and # ARM procesors) GDBM does *not* guarantee that the database generated on # one will work on the other my $infodb_file_path = shift(@_); # Greenstone ships with gzip for windows, on $PATH my $infodb_file_handle = undef; if (!open($infodb_file_handle, "| gzip - > \"$infodb_file_path\"")) { return undef; } return $infodb_file_handle; } sub close_infodb_write_handle_gdbm_txtgz { my $infodb_handle = shift(@_); close($infodb_handle); } sub get_infodb_file_path_gdbm_txtgz { my $collection_name = shift(@_); my $infodb_directory_path = shift(@_); my $infodb_file_name = &util::get_dirsep_tail($collection_name).".txt.gz"; return &util::filename_cat($infodb_directory_path, $infodb_file_name); } sub read_infodb_file_gdbm_txtgz { my $infodb_file_path = shift(@_); my $infodb_map = shift(@_); my $cmd = "gzip --decompress \"$infodb_file_path\""; open (PIPEIN, "$cmd |") || die "Error: Couldn't open pipe from gzip: $!\n $cmd\n"; my $infodb_line = ""; my $infodb_key = ""; my $infodb_value = ""; while (defined ($infodb_line = )) { if ($infodb_line =~ /^\[([^\]]+)\]$/) { $infodb_key = $1; } elsif ($infodb_line =~ /^-{70}$/) { $infodb_map->{$infodb_key} = $infodb_value; $infodb_key = ""; $infodb_value = ""; } else { $infodb_value .= $infodb_line; } } close (PIPEIN); } sub write_infodb_entry_gdbm_txtgz { my $infodb_handle = shift(@_); my $infodb_key = shift(@_); my $infodb_map = shift(@_); print $infodb_handle "[$infodb_key]\n"; foreach my $infodb_value_key (keys(%$infodb_map)) { foreach my $infodb_value (@{$infodb_map->{$infodb_value_key}}) { if ($infodb_value =~ /-{70,}/) { # if value contains 70 or more hyphens in a row we need to escape them # to prevent txt2db from treating them as a separator $infodb_value =~ s/-/&\#045;/gi; } print $infodb_handle "<$infodb_value_key>" . $infodb_value . "\n"; } } print $infodb_handle '-' x 70, "\n"; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GDBM IMPLEMENTATION # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub open_infodb_write_handle_gdbm { my $infodb_file_path = shift(@_); my $txt2db_exe = &util::filename_cat($ENV{'GSDLHOME'},"bin",$ENV{'GSDLOS'}, "txt2db" . &util::get_os_exe()); my $infodb_file_handle = undef; if (!-e "$txt2db_exe" || !open($infodb_file_handle, "| \"$txt2db_exe\" \"$infodb_file_path\"")) { return undef; } return $infodb_file_handle; } sub close_infodb_write_handle_gdbm { my $infodb_handle = shift(@_); close($infodb_handle); } sub get_infodb_file_path_gdbm { my $collection_name = shift(@_); my $infodb_directory_path = shift(@_); my $infodb_file_extension = (&util::is_little_endian() ? ".ldb" : ".bdb"); my $infodb_file_name = &util::get_dirsep_tail($collection_name) . $infodb_file_extension; return &util::filename_cat($infodb_directory_path, $infodb_file_name); } sub read_infodb_file_gdbm { my $infodb_file_path = shift(@_); my $infodb_map = shift(@_); open (PIPEIN, "db2txt \"$infodb_file_path\" |") || die "couldn't open pipe from db2txt\n"; my $infodb_line = ""; my $infodb_key = ""; my $infodb_value = ""; while (defined ($infodb_line = )) { if ($infodb_line =~ /^\[([^\]]+)\]$/) { $infodb_key = $1; } elsif ($infodb_line =~ /^-{70}$/) { $infodb_map->{$infodb_key} = $infodb_value; $infodb_key = ""; $infodb_value = ""; } else { $infodb_value .= $infodb_line; } } close (PIPEIN); } sub write_infodb_entry_gdbm { # With infodb_handle already set up, works the same as _gdbm_txtgz version write_infodb_entry_gdbm_txtgz(@_); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SQLITE IMPLEMENTATION # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub open_infodb_write_handle_sqlite { my $infodb_file_path = shift(@_); my $sqlite3_exe = &util::filename_cat($ENV{'GSDLHOME'},"bin",$ENV{'GSDLOS'}, "sqlite3" . &util::get_os_exe()); my $infodb_handle = undef; if (!-e "$sqlite3_exe" || !open($infodb_handle, "| \"$sqlite3_exe\" \"$infodb_file_path\"")) { return undef; } print $infodb_handle "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data (key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT);\n"; print $infodb_handle "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS document_metadata (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, docOID TEXT, element TEXT, value TEXT);\n"; # This is crucial for efficiency when importing large amounts of data print $infodb_handle "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS dmd ON document_metadata(docOID);\n"; # This is very important for efficiency, otherwise each command will be actioned one at a time print $infodb_handle "BEGIN TRANSACTION;\n"; return $infodb_handle; } sub close_infodb_write_handle_sqlite { my $infodb_handle = shift(@_); # Close the transaction we began after opening the file print $infodb_handle "END TRANSACTION;\n"; # This is crucial for efficient queries on the database! print $infodb_handle "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS dme ON document_metadata(element);\n"; close($infodb_handle); } sub get_infodb_file_path_sqlite { my $collection_name = shift(@_); my $infodb_directory_path = shift(@_); my $infodb_file_extension = ".db"; my $infodb_file_name = &util::get_dirsep_tail($collection_name) . $infodb_file_extension; return &util::filename_cat($infodb_directory_path, $infodb_file_name); } sub read_infodb_file_sqlite { my $infodb_file_path = shift(@_); my $infodb_map = shift(@_); # !! TO IMPLEMENT } sub write_infodb_entry_sqlite { my $infodb_handle = shift(@_); my $infodb_key = shift(@_); my $infodb_map = shift(@_); # Add the key -> value mapping into the "data" table my $infodb_entry_value = ""; foreach my $infodb_value_key (keys(%$infodb_map)) { foreach my $infodb_value (@{$infodb_map->{$infodb_value_key}}) { $infodb_entry_value .= "<$infodb_value_key>" . $infodb_value . "\n"; } } my $safe_infodb_key = &sqlite_safe($infodb_key); print $infodb_handle "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO data (key, value) VALUES ('" . $safe_infodb_key . "', '" . &sqlite_safe($infodb_entry_value) . "');\n"; # If this infodb entry is for a document, add all the interesting document metadata to the # "document_metadata" table (for use by the dynamic classifiers) if ($infodb_key !~ /\./ && $infodb_entry_value =~ /\doc\n/) { print $infodb_handle "DELETE FROM document_metadata WHERE docOID='" . $safe_infodb_key . "';\n"; foreach my $infodb_value_key (keys(%$infodb_map)) { # We're not interested in most of the automatically added document metadata next if ($infodb_value_key eq "archivedir" || $infodb_value_key eq "assocfilepath" || $infodb_value_key eq "childtype" || $infodb_value_key eq "contains" || $infodb_value_key eq "docnum" || $infodb_value_key eq "doctype" || $infodb_value_key eq "Encoding" || $infodb_value_key eq "FileSize" || $infodb_value_key eq "hascover" || $infodb_value_key eq "hastxt" || $infodb_value_key eq "lastmodified" || $infodb_value_key eq "metadataset" || $infodb_value_key eq "thistype" || $infodb_value_key =~ /^metadatafreq\-/ || $infodb_value_key =~ /^metadatalist\-/); foreach my $infodb_value (@{$infodb_map->{$infodb_value_key}}) { print $infodb_handle "INSERT INTO document_metadata (docOID, element, value) VALUES ('" . $safe_infodb_key . "', '" . &sqlite_safe($infodb_value_key) . "', '" . &sqlite_safe($infodb_value) . "');\n"; } } } } sub sqlite_safe { my $value = shift(@_); # Escape any single quotes in the value $value =~ s/\'/\'\'/g; return $value; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MSSQL IMPLEMENTATION # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $mssql_collection_name = ""; my $mssql_data_table_name = ""; my $mssql_document_metadata_table_name = ""; sub open_infodb_write_handle_mssql { my $infodb_file_path = shift(@_); # You might have to install the DBD::ADO module from CPAN #================================================================# # Uncomment this if you want to use MSSQL!!! # By the way, MSSQL only works on a Windows machine... #================================================================# #use DBI; #use DBD::ADO; #Win32::OLE->Option(CP => Win32::OLE::CP_UTF8); # The hard coded server connection thingy which should be placed # in some configuration file. # If you have problem connecting to your MS SQL server: # 1. Check if your MSSQL server has been started. # 2. Check if the TCP/IP connection has been enabled. # 3. Use telnet to the server # (don't forget to specify the port, which can be found in the configuration manager) # If none of the above helped, the you need to start googling then. my $host = "localhost,1660"; # Need to look up your SQL server and see what port is it using. my $user = "sa"; my $pwd = "[When installing the MSSQL, you will be asked to input a password for the sa user, use that password]"; my $database = "[Create a database in MSSQL and use it here]"; # Create the unique name for the table # We do not want to change the database for the current running index # Therefore we use timestamp and collection short name to create an unqiue name my $cur_time = time(); my $unique_key = $mssql_collection_name . "_" . $cur_time; $mssql_data_table_name = "data_" . $unique_key; $mssql_document_metadata_table_name = "document_metadata_" . $unique_key; print STDERR "MSSQL: Creating unique table name. Unique ID:[" . $unique_key . "]\n"; # Store these information into the infodbfile open(FH, ">" . $infodb_file_path); print FH "mss-host\t" . $host . "\n"; print FH "username\t" . $user . "\n"; print FH "password\t" . $pwd . "\n"; print FH "database\t" . $database . "\n"; print FH "tableid\t" . $unique_key . "\n"; close(FH); print STDERR "MSSQL: Saving db info into :[" . $infodb_file_path . "]\n"; # Make the connection my $dsn = "Provider=SQLNCLI;Server=$host;Database=$database"; my $infodb_handle = DBI->connect("dbi:ADO:$dsn", $user, $pwd, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1}) || return undef; print STDERR "MSSQL: Connect to MS SQL database. DSN:[" . $dsn . "]\n"; # Make sure the data table has been created. my $data_table_checker_array = dbgetarray($infodb_handle, "SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = '" . $mssql_data_table_name . "' AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id,'IsUserTable') = 1"); if (scalar(@{$data_table_checker_array}) == 0) { dbquery($infodb_handle, "CREATE TABLE " . $mssql_data_table_name . " (one_key NVARCHAR(50) UNIQUE, one_value NVARCHAR(MAX))"); } print STDERR "MSSQL: Making sure the data table(" . $mssql_data_table_name . ") exists\n"; # Make sure the document_metadata table has been created. my $document_metadata_table_checker_array = dbgetarray($infodb_handle, "SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = '" . $mssql_document_metadata_table_name . "' AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id,'IsUserTable') = 1"); if (scalar(@{$document_metadata_table_checker_array}) == 0) { dbquery($infodb_handle, "CREATE TABLE " . $mssql_document_metadata_table_name . " (id INTEGER IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, docOID NVARCHAR(50), element NVARCHAR(MAX), value NVARCHAR(MAX))"); dbquery($infodb_handle, "CREATE INDEX dmd ON " . $mssql_document_metadata_table_name . "(docOID)"); } print STDERR "MSSQL: Making sure the document_metadata table(" . $mssql_data_table_name . ") exists.\n"; return $infodb_handle; } sub close_infodb_write_handle_mssql { my $infodb_handle = shift(@_); $infodb_handle->disconnect(); } sub get_infodb_file_path_mssql { my $collection_name = shift(@_); my $infodb_directory_path = shift(@_); my $infodb_file_extension = ".mssqldbinfo"; my $infodb_file_name = &util::get_dirsep_tail($collection_name) . $infodb_file_extension; # This will be used in the open_infodb_write_handle_mssql function $mssql_collection_name = $collection_name; return &util::filename_cat($infodb_directory_path, $infodb_file_name); } sub read_infodb_file_mssql { my $infodb_file_path = shift(@_); my $infodb_map = shift(@_); # !! TO IMPLEMENT } sub write_infodb_entry_mssql { my $infodb_handle = shift(@_); my $infodb_key = shift(@_); my $infodb_map = shift(@_); # Add the key -> value mapping into the "data" table my $infodb_entry_value = ""; foreach my $infodb_value_key (keys(%$infodb_map)) { foreach my $infodb_value (@{$infodb_map->{$infodb_value_key}}) { $infodb_entry_value .= "<$infodb_value_key>" . &Encode::decode_utf8($infodb_value) . "\n"; } } # Prepare the query my $safe_infodb_key = &mssql_safe($infodb_key); my $query = "INSERT INTO " . $mssql_data_table_name . " (one_key, one_value) VALUES (N'" . $safe_infodb_key . "', N'" . &mssql_safe($infodb_entry_value) . "')"; dbquery($infodb_handle, $query); # If this infodb entry is for a document, add all the interesting document metadata to the # "document_metadata" table (for use by the dynamic classifiers) if ($infodb_key !~ /\./ && $infodb_entry_value =~ /\doc\n/) { dbquery($infodb_handle, "DELETE FROM " . $mssql_document_metadata_table_name . " WHERE docOID=N'" . $safe_infodb_key . "'"); foreach my $infodb_value_key (keys(%$infodb_map)) { # We're not interested in most of the automatically added document metadata next if ($infodb_value_key eq "archivedir" || $infodb_value_key eq "assocfilepath" || $infodb_value_key eq "childtype" || $infodb_value_key eq "contains" || $infodb_value_key eq "docnum" || $infodb_value_key eq "doctype" || $infodb_value_key eq "Encoding" || $infodb_value_key eq "FileSize" || $infodb_value_key eq "hascover" || $infodb_value_key eq "hastxt" || $infodb_value_key eq "lastmodified" || $infodb_value_key eq "metadataset" || $infodb_value_key eq "thistype" || $infodb_value_key =~ /^metadatafreq\-/ || $infodb_value_key =~ /^metadatalist\-/); foreach my $infodb_value (@{$infodb_map->{$infodb_value_key}}) { $infodb_handle->{LongReadLen} = 65535; # Added for the encoding issue my $query = "INSERT INTO " . $mssql_document_metadata_table_name . " (docOID, element, value) VALUES (N'" . $safe_infodb_key . "', N'" . &mssql_safe(&Encode::decode_utf8($infodb_value_key)) . "', N'" . &mssql_safe(&Encode::decode_utf8($infodb_value)) . "')"; dbquery($infodb_handle, $query); } } } } sub mssql_safe { my $value = shift(@_); # Escape any single quotes in the value $value =~ s/\'/\'\'/g; return $value; } sub dbquery { my $infodb_handle = shift(@_); my $sql_query = shift(@_); # Execute the SQL statement my $statement_handle = $infodb_handle->prepare($sql_query); $statement_handle->execute(); if ($statement_handle->err) { print STDERR "Error:" . $statement_handle->errstr . "\n"; return undef; } return $statement_handle; } sub dbgetarray { my $infodb_handle = shift(@_); my $sql_query = shift(@_); my $statement_handle = dbquery($infodb_handle, $sql_query); my $return_array = []; # Iterate through the results and push them into an array if (!defined($statement_handle)) { return []; } while ((my $temp_hash = $statement_handle->fetchrow_hashref())) { push(@$return_array, $temp_hash); } return $return_array; } 1;