########################################################################### # # WebDownload.pm -- base class for all the import plugins # A component of the Greenstone digital library software # from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the # University of Waikato, New Zealand. # # Copyright (C) 1999 New Zealand Digital Library Project # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ########################################################################### package OAIDownload; eval {require bytes}; # suppress the annoying "subroutine redefined" warning that various # plugins cause under perl 5.6 $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {warn($_[0]) unless ($_[0] =~ /Subroutine\s+\S+\sredefined/)}; use strict; use WgetDownload; use XMLParser; use POSIX qw(tmpnam); use util; sub BEGIN { @OAIDownload::ISA = ('WgetDownload'); } my $arguments = [ { 'name' => "url", 'disp' => "{OAIDownload.url_disp}", 'desc' => "{OAIDownload.url}", 'type' => "string", 'reqd' => "yes"}, { 'name' => "metadata_prefix", 'disp' => "{OAIDownload.metadata_prefix_disp}", 'desc' => "{OAIDownload.metadata_prefix}", 'type' => "string", 'deft' => "oai_dc", 'reqd' => "no"}, { 'name' => "set", 'disp' => "{OAIDownload.set_disp}", 'desc' => "{OAIDownload.set}", 'type' => "string", 'reqd' => "no"}, { 'name' => "get_doc", 'disp' => "{OAIDownload.get_doc_disp}", 'desc' => "{OAIDownload.get_doc}", 'type' => "flag", 'reqd' => "no"}, { 'name' => "get_doc_exts", 'disp' => "{OAIDownload.get_doc_exts_disp}", 'desc' => "{OAIDownload.get_doc_exts}", 'type' => "string", 'deft' => "doc,pdf,ppt", 'reqd' => "no"}, { 'name' => "max_records", 'disp' => "{OAIDownload.max_records_disp}", 'desc' => "{OAIDownload.max_records}", 'type' => "int", 'deft' => "500", 'range' => "1,", 'reqd' => "no"} ]; my $options = { 'name' => "OAIDownload", 'desc' => "{OAIDownload.desc}", 'abstract' => "no", 'inherits' => "yes", 'args' => $arguments }; ##my $self; #### my $strWgetOptions=""; sub new { my ($class) = shift (@_); my ($getlist,$inputargs,$hashArgOptLists) = @_; push(@$getlist, $class); if(defined $arguments){ push(@{$hashArgOptLists->{"ArgList"}},@{$arguments});} if(defined $options) { push(@{$hashArgOptLists->{"OptList"}},$options)}; my $self = (defined $hashArgOptLists)? new WgetDownload($getlist,$inputargs,$hashArgOptLists): new WgetDownload($getlist,$inputargs); if ($self->{'info_only'}) { # don't worry about any options etc return bless $self, $class; } my $parser = new XML::Parser('Style' => 'Stream', 'PluginObj' => $self, 'Handlers' => {'Char' => \&Char, 'Start' => \&OAI_StartTag, 'End' => \&OAI_EndTag }); $self->{'parser'} = $parser; # make sure the tmp directory that we will use later exists my $tmp_dir = "$ENV{GSDLHOME}/tmp"; if (! -e $tmp_dir) { &util::mk_dir($tmp_dir); } # set up hashmap for individual items in get_doc_exts # to make testing for matches easier $self->{'lookup_exts'} = {}; my $get_doc_exts = $self->{'get_doc_exts'}; if ((defined $get_doc_exts) && ($get_doc_exts ne "")) { my @exts = split(/,\s*/,$get_doc_exts); foreach my $e (@exts) { $self->{'lookup_exts'}->{lc($e)} = 1; } } return bless $self, $class; } sub download { my ($self) = shift (@_); my ($hashGeneralOptions) = @_; ## my $cmdWget = $strWgetOptions; my $strOutputDir =""; $strOutputDir = $hashGeneralOptions->{"cache_dir"}; my $strBasURL = $self->{'url'}; my $intMaxRecords = $self->{'max_records'}; my $blnDownloadDoc = $self->{'get_doc'}; print STDERR "<>\n"; my $strIDs = $self->getOAIIDs($strBasURL); if($strIDs eq "") { print STDERR "Error: No IDs found\n"; return 0; } my $aryIDs = $self->parseOAIIDs($strIDs); my $intIDs = 0; if($self->{'max_records'} < scalar(@$aryIDs)) { $intIDs = $self->{'max_records'}; } else { $intIDs = scalar(@$aryIDs); } print STDERR "<>\n"; $self->getOAIRecords($aryIDs, $strOutputDir, $strBasURL, $intMaxRecords, $blnDownloadDoc); # my $tmp_file = &util::filename_cat($ENV{'GSDLHOME'},"tmp","oai.tmp"); # &util::rm($tmp_file); return 1; } sub getOAIIDs { my ($self,$strBasURL) = @_; ## my ($cmdWget); my $wgetOptions = $self->getWgetOptions(); my $cmdWget = $wgetOptions; print STDERR "Gathering OAI identifiers.....\n"; my $metadata_prefix = $self->{'metadata_prefix'}; $cmdWget .= " -q -O - \"$strBasURL?verb=ListIdentifiers&metadataPrefix=$metadata_prefix"; # if $set specified, add it in to URL my $set = $self->{'set'}; $cmdWget .= "&set=$set" if ($set ne ""); $cmdWget .= "\" "; my $accumulated_strIDs = ""; my $strIDs = $self->useWget($cmdWget); if (!defined $strIDs or $strIDs eq "" ){ print STDERR "Server information is unavailable.\n"; print STDERR "<>\n"; return; } print STDERR "<>\n"; $self->parse_xml($strIDs); $accumulated_strIDs = $strIDs; while ($strIDs =~ m/\s*(.*?)\s*<\/resumptionToken>/) { # top up list with further requests for IDs my $resumption_token = $1; $cmdWget = $wgetOptions; $cmdWget .= " -q -O - \"$strBasURL?verb=ListIdentifiers&resumptionToken=$resumption_token\""; $strIDs = $self->useWget($cmdWget); $self->parse_xml($strIDs); $accumulated_strIDs .= $strIDs; my @accumulated_identifiers = ($accumulated_strIDs =~ m/(.*?)<\/identifier>/sg); my $num_acc_identifiers = scalar(@accumulated_identifiers); if ($num_acc_identifiers > $self->{'max_records'}) { last; } } return $accumulated_strIDs; } sub parseOAIIDs { my ($self,$strIDs) = @_; print STDERR "Parsing OAI identifiers.....\n"; $strIDs =~ s/^.*?//s; $strIDs =~ s/^(.*<\/identifier>).*$/$1/s; my @aryIDs = (); while ($strIDs =~ m/(.*?)<\/identifier>(.*)$/s) { $strIDs = $2; push(@aryIDs,$1); } return \@aryIDs; } sub dirFileSplit { my ($self,$strFile) = @_; my @aryDirs = split("[/\]",$strFile); my $strLocalFile = pop(@aryDirs); my $strSubDirs = join("/",@aryDirs); return ($strSubDirs,$strLocalFile); } sub getOAIDoc { my ($self,$strRecord, $oai_rec_filename) = @_; print STDERR "Gathering source documents.....\n"; # look out for identifier tag in metadata section if ($strRecord =~ m/(.*)<\/metadata>/s) { my $strMetaTag = $1; my $had_valid_url = 0; while ($strMetaTag =~ s/<(dc:)?identifier>(.*?)<\/(dc:)?identifier>//is) { my $doc_id_url = $2; next if ($doc_id_url !~ m/^(https?|ftp):\/\//); my $orig_doc_id_url = $doc_id_url; $had_valid_url = 1; my ($doc_dir_url_prefix,$doc_id_tail) = ($doc_id_url =~ m/^(.*)\/(.*?)$/); my $faked_ext = 0; my $primary_doc_match = 0; my ($id_file_ext) = ($doc_id_tail =~ m/\.([^\.]+)$/); if (defined $id_file_ext) { # cross-check this filename extension with get_doc_exts option # if provided my $lookup_exts = $self->{'lookup_exts'}; if (defined $lookup_exts->{lc($id_file_ext)}) { # this initial URL matches requirement $primary_doc_match = 1; } } else { $faked_ext = 1; $id_file_ext = "html"; } if ((!$primary_doc_match) && ($id_file_ext =~ m/^html?$/i)) { # Download this doc if HTML, scan through it looking for a link # that does match get_doc_exts # 1. Generate a tmp name my $tmp_filename = &util::get_tmp_filename(); # 2. Download it my $wget_opts2 = $self->getWgetOptions(); my $wget_cmd2 = "$wget_opts2 --convert-links -O \"$tmp_filename\" \"$doc_id_url\""; my ($stdout_and_err2,$error2,$follow2) = $self->useWgetMonitored($wget_cmd2); if($error2 ne "") { print STDERR "Error occured while retrieving OAI source documents: $error2\n"; exit(-1); } if (defined $follow2) { # src url was "redirected" to another place # => pick up on this and make it the new doc_id_url $doc_id_url = $follow2; } my $primary_doc_html = ""; if (open(HIN,"<$tmp_filename")) { my $line; while (defined ($line = )) { $primary_doc_html .= $line; } close(HIN); # 3. Scan through it looking for match # # if got match, change $doc_id_url to this new URL and # $id_file_ext to 'match' my @href_links = ($primary_doc_html =~ m/href="(.*?)"/gsi); my $lookup_exts = $self->{'lookup_exts'}; foreach my $href (@href_links) { my ($ext) = ($href =~ m/\.([^\.]+)$/); if ((defined $ext) && (defined $lookup_exts->{$ext})) { if ($href !~ m/^(https?|ftp):\/\//) { # link is within current site my ($site_domain) = ($doc_id_url =~ m/^((?:https?|ftp):\/\/.*?)\//); $href = "$site_domain$href"; } $doc_id_url = $href; $id_file_ext = $ext; last; } } } else { print STDERR "Error occurred while retrieving OAI source documents:\n"; print STDERR "$!\n"; } if (-e $tmp_filename) { &util::rm($tmp_filename); } } my $download_doc_filename = $oai_rec_filename; $download_doc_filename =~ s/\.oai$/\.$id_file_ext/; my ($unused,$download_doc_file) = $self->dirFileSplit($download_doc_filename); my $wget_opts = $self->getWgetOptions(); my $wget_cmd = "$wget_opts --convert-links -O \"$download_doc_filename\" \"$doc_id_url\""; my ($stdout_and_err,$errors,$follow) = $self->useWgetMonitored($wget_cmd); if($errors ne "") { print STDERR "Error occured while retriving OAI souce documents:\n"; print STDERR "$errors\n"; exit(-1); } $strRecord =~ s/(.*?)<(dc:)?identifier>$orig_doc_id_url<\/(dc:)?identifier>(.*?)<\/metadata>/$1<${2}identifier>$orig_doc_id_url<\/${2}identifier>\n $download_doc_file<\/gi.Sourcedoc>$4<\/metadata>/s; } if (!$had_valid_url) { print STDERR "\tNo souce document URL is specified in the OAI record (No (dc:)?identifier is provided)\n"; } } else { print STDERR "\tNo souce document URL is specified in the OAI record (No metadata field is provided)\n"; } return $strRecord; } sub getOAIRecords { my ($self,$aryIDs, $strOutputDir, $strBasURL, $intMaxRecords, $blnDownloadDoc) = @_; my $intDocCounter = 0; my $metadata_prefix = $self->{'metadata_prefix'}; foreach my $strID ( @$aryIDs) { print STDERR "Gathering OAI record with ID $strID.....\n"; my $wget_opts = $self->getWgetOptions(); my $cmdWget= "$wget_opts -q -O - \"$strBasURL?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=$metadata_prefix&identifier=$strID\""; my $strRecord = $self->useWget($cmdWget); my @fileDirs = split(":",$strID); my $local_id = pop @fileDirs; # setup directories $strOutputDir =~ s/"//g; #" my $host =$self->{'url'}; $host =~ s/https?:\/\///g; $host =~ s/:.*//g; my $strFileURL = "$strOutputDir/$host/$local_id.oai"; # prepare subdirectory for record (if needed) my ($strSubDirPath,$unused) = ("", ""); ($strSubDirPath,$unused) = $self->dirFileSplit($strFileURL); &util::mk_all_dir($strSubDirPath); my $ds = &util::get_dirsep(); if($blnDownloadDoc) { $strRecord = $self->getOAIDoc($strRecord,$strFileURL); } # save record open (OAIOUT,">$strFileURL") || die "Unable to save oai metadata record: $!\n"; print OAIOUT $strRecord; close(OAIOUT); print STDERR "Saving records to $strFileURL\n"; print STDERR "<>\n"; $intDocCounter ++; last if ($intDocCounter >= $intMaxRecords); } ($intDocCounter >= $intMaxRecords) ? print STDERR "Reached maximum download records, use -max_records to set the maximum.\n": print STDERR "Complete download meta record from $strBasURL\n"; print STDERR "<>\n"; } sub url_information { my ($self) = shift (@_); if(!defined $self){ die "System Error: No \$self defined for url_information in OAIDownload\n";} my $wgetOptions = $self->getWgetOptions(); my $strBaseCMD = $wgetOptions." -q -O - \"$self->{'url'}?_OPTS_\""; my $strIdentify = "verb=Identify"; my $strListSets = "verb=ListSets"; my $strListMdFormats = "verb=ListMetadataFormats"; my $strIdentifyCMD = $strBaseCMD; $strIdentifyCMD =~ s/_OPTS_/$strIdentify/; my $strIdentifyText = $self->useWget($strIdentifyCMD); if (!defined $strIdentifyText or $strIdentifyText eq "" ){ print STDERR "Server information is unavailable.\n"; print STDERR "<>\n"; return; } print STDERR "General information:\n"; $self->parse_xml($strIdentifyText); print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR "=" x 10, "\n"; print STDERR "Metadata Format Information (metadataPrefix):\n"; print STDERR "=" x 10, "\n"; my $strListMdFormatsCMD = $strBaseCMD; $strListMdFormatsCMD =~ s/_OPTS_/$strListMdFormats/; my $strListMdFormatsText = $self->useWget($strListMdFormatsCMD); $self->parse_xml($strListMdFormatsText); print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR "=" x 10, "\n"; print STDERR "List Information:\n"; print STDERR "=" x 10, "\n"; my $strListSetCMD = $strBaseCMD; $strListSetCMD =~ s/_OPTS_/$strListSets/; my $strListSetsText = $self->useWget($strListSetCMD); $self->parse_xml($strListSetsText); } sub parse_xml { my ($self) = shift (@_); my ($xml_text) = @_; #### change this to work directly from $xml_text #Open a temporary file to store OAI information, and store the information to the temp file my $name = &util::filename_cat($ENV{GSDLHOME},"tmp","oai.tmp"); open(*OAIOUT,"> $name"); print OAIOUT $xml_text; close(OAIOUT); $self->{'temp_file_name'} = $name; ## print STDERR "**** xml text = $xml_text\n"; eval { $self->{'parser'}->parsefile("$name"); ## $self->{'parser'}->parse($xml_text); }; if ($@) { die "OAI: Parsed file $name is not a well formed XML file ($@)\n"; ## die "OAI: Parsed text is not a well formed XML file ($@)\n"; } unlink($self->{'temp_file_name'}) or die "Could not unlink $self->{'temp_file_name'}: $!"; } ####END #{ # if($self->{'info'}) # { # unlink($self->{'temp_file_name'}) or die "Could not unlink $self->{'temp_file_name'}: $!"; # } #} # This Char function overrides the one in XML::Parser::Stream to overcome a # problem where $expat->{Text} is treated as the return value, slowing # things down significantly in some cases. sub Char { use bytes; # Necessary to prevent encoding issues with XML::Parser 2.31+ $_[0]->{'Text'} .= $_[1]; my $self = $_[0]->{'PluginObj'}; if ((defined $self->{'subfield'} && ($self->{'subfield'} ne ""))) { $self->{'text'} .= $_[1]; $self->{'text'} =~ s/[\n]|([ ]{2,})//g; if($self->{'text'} ne "") { print STDERR " $self->{'subfield'}:($self->{'text'})\n"; } } return undef; } sub OAI_StartTag { my ($expat, $element, %attr) = @_; my $self = $expat->{'PluginObj'}; $self->{'subfield'} = $element; } sub OAI_EndTag { my ($expat, $element) = @_; my $self = $expat->{'PluginObj'}; $self->{'text'} = ""; $self->{'subfield'} = ""; } sub error { my ($self,$strFunctionName,$strError) = @_; { print "Error occoured in OAIDownload.pm\n". "In Function:".$strFunctionName."\n". "Error Message:".$strError."\n"; exit(-1); } } 1;