########################################################################### # # WebDownload.pm -- base class for all the import plugins # A component of the Greenstone digital library software # from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the # University of Waikato, New Zealand. # # Copyright (C) 1999 New Zealand Digital Library Project # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ########################################################################### package Z3950Download; eval {require bytes}; # suppress the annoying "subroutine redefined" warning that various # plugins cause under perl 5.6 $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {warn($_[0]) unless ($_[0] =~ /Subroutine\s+\S+\sredefined/)}; use strict; use BasDownload; use IPC::Open2; sub BEGIN { @Z3950Download::ISA = ('BasDownload'); } my $arguments = [ { 'name' => "host", 'disp' => "{Z3950Download.host_disp}", 'desc' => "{Z3950Download.host}", 'type' => "string", 'reqd' => "yes"}, { 'name' => "port", 'disp' => "{Z3950Download.port_disp}", 'desc' => "{Z3950Download.port}", 'type' => "string", 'reqd' => "yes"}, { 'name' => "database", 'disp' => "{Z3950Download.database_disp}", 'desc' => "{Z3950Download.database}", 'type' => "string", 'reqd' => "yes"}, { 'name' => "find", 'disp' => "{Z3950Download.find_disp}", 'desc' => "{Z3950Download.find}", 'type' => "string", 'deft' => "", 'reqd' => "yes"}, { 'name' => "max_records", 'disp' => "{Z3950Download.max_records_disp}", 'desc' => "{Z3950Download.max_records}", 'type' => "int", 'deft' => "500", 'reqd' => "no"}]; my $options = { 'name' => "Z3950Download", 'desc' => "{Z3950Download.desc}", 'abstract' => "no", 'inherits' => "yes", 'args' => $arguments }; sub new { my ($class) = shift (@_); my ($getlist,$inputargs,$hashArgOptLists) = @_; push(@$getlist, $class); if(defined $arguments){ push(@{$hashArgOptLists->{"ArgList"}},@{$arguments});} if(defined $options) { push(@{$hashArgOptLists->{"OptList"}},$options)}; my $self = (defined $hashArgOptLists)? new BasDownload($getlist,$inputargs,$hashArgOptLists): new BasDownload($getlist,$inputargs); if ($self->{'info_only'}) { # don't worry about any options etc return bless $self, $class; } # Must set $self->{'url'}, since GLI use $self->{'url'} to calculate the log file name! $self->{'url'} = $self->{'host'}.":".$self->{'port'}; $self->{'yaz'} = &util::filename_cat($ENV{'GSDLHOME'}, "bin", $ENV{'GSDLOS'}, "yaz-client"); return bless $self, $class; } sub download { my ($self) = shift (@_); my ($hashGeneralOptions) = @_; my ($strOpen,$strBase,$strFind,$strResponse,$intAmount,$intMaxRecords,$strRecords); my $url = $self->{'url'}; print STDERR "<>\n"; print STDERR "Opening connection to $url\n"; my $yaz = $self->{'yaz'}; my $childpid = open2(*YAZOUT, *YAZIN, $yaz) or (print STDERR "<>\n" and die "can't open pipe to yaz-client: $!"); $self->{'YAZOUT'} = *YAZOUT; $self->{'YAZIN'} = *YAZIN; $strOpen = $self->open_connection("open $url"); if (!$strOpen) { print STDERR "Cannot connect to $url\n"; print STDERR "<>\n"; return 0; } print STDERR "Access database: \"$self->{'database'}\"\n"; $self->run_command_without_output("base $self->{'database'}"); print STDERR "Searching for keyword: \"$self->{'find'}\"\n"; $intAmount = $self->findAmount($self->{'find'}); if($intAmount <= 0) { ($intAmount == -1)? print STDERR "Something wrong with the arguments,downloading can not be performed\n": print STDERR "No Record is found\n"; print STDERR "<>\n"; return 0; } $intMaxRecords = ($self->{'max_records'} > $intAmount)? $intAmount : $self->{'max_records'}; print STDERR "<>\n"; $strRecords = "Records: $intMaxRecords\n".$self->getRecords($intMaxRecords); $self->saveRecords($strRecords,$hashGeneralOptions->{'cache_dir'},$intMaxRecords); print STDERR "Closing connection...\n"; print STDERR "<>\n"; close(YAZOUT); close(YAZIN); return 1; } sub open_connection{ my ($self,$strCommand) = (@_); $self->run_command($strCommand); my $out = $self->{'YAZOUT'}; $_ = <$out>; return (/Connecting...OK/i)? 1: 0; } sub findAmount { my ($self) = shift (@_); my($strFindTarget) = @_; my $strResponse = $self->run_command_with_output("find $strFindTarget","^Number of hits:"); return ($strResponse =~ m/^Number of hits: (\d+)/m)? $1:-1; } sub getRecords { my ($self) = shift (@_); my ($intMaxRecords) = @_; my ($strShow,$intStartNumber,$numRecords,$strResponse,$strRecords,$intRecordsLeft); $intStartNumber = 1; $intRecordsLeft = $intMaxRecords; $numRecords = 0; $strResponse =""; while ($intRecordsLeft > 0) { if($intRecordsLeft > 50) { print STDERR "Yaz is Gathering records: $intStartNumber - ".($intStartNumber+49)."\n"; $numRecords = 50; $strShow = "show $intStartNumber+50"; $intStartNumber = $intStartNumber + 50; $intRecordsLeft = $intRecordsLeft - 50; } else { $numRecords = $intRecordsLeft; print STDERR "Yaz is Gathering records: $intStartNumber - ".($intStartNumber+$intRecordsLeft-1)."\n"; $strShow = "show $intStartNumber+$intRecordsLeft"; $intRecordsLeft = 0; } $strResponse .= $self->get($strShow,$numRecords); if ($strResponse eq ""){ print STDERR "<>\n"; } else{ print STDERR "<>\n"; } } return "$strResponse\n"; } sub saveRecords { my ($self,$strRecords,$strOutputDir,$intMaxRecords) = @_; # setup directories # Currently only gather the MARC format my $strFileName = $self->generateFileName($intMaxRecords); $strOutputDir =~ s/"//g; #" my $strOutputFile = &util::filename_cat($strOutputDir,$self->{'host'},"$strFileName.marc"); # prepare subdirectory for record (if needed) my ($strSubDirPath,$unused) = $self->dirFileSplit($strOutputFile); &util::mk_all_dir($strSubDirPath); print STDERR "Saving records to \"$strOutputFile\"\n"; # save record open (ZOUT,">$strOutputFile") || die "Unable to save Z3950 record: $!\n"; print ZOUT $strRecords; close(ZOUT); } sub run_command_with_output { my ($self,$strCMD,$strStopRE) =@_; $self->run_command($strCMD); return $self->get_output($strStopRE); } sub get{ my ($self,$strShow,$numRecord) = @_; $self->run_command($strShow); my $strFullOutput=""; my $count=0; my $readRecord = 0; while (my $strLine = ) { if ($strLine =~ m/Records: ([\d]*)/i ){ $readRecord = 1; next; } return $strFullOutput if ($strLine =~ m/nextResultSetPosition|Not connected/i); next if(!$readRecord); $strFullOutput .= $strLine; } } sub run_command_without_output { my ($self) = shift (@_); my ($strCMD) = @_; $self->run_command($strCMD); } sub run_command { my ($self,$strCMD) = @_; my $input = $self->{'YAZIN'}; print $input "$strCMD\n"; } sub get_output{ my ($self,$strStopRE) = @_; if (!defined $strStopRE){return "";} else { my $strFullOutput; my $output = $self->{'YAZOUT'}; while (my $strLine = <$output>) { $strFullOutput .= $strLine; if($strLine =~ m/^$strStopRE|Not connected/i){return $strFullOutput;} } } } sub generateFileName { my ($self,$intMaxRecords) = @_; my $strFileName = ($self->{'database'})."_".($self->{'find'})."_".($intMaxRecords); } sub dirFileSplit { my ($self,$strFile) = @_; my @aryDirs = split(/[\/\\]/,$strFile); my $strLocalFile = pop(@aryDirs); my $strSubDirs = join("/",@aryDirs); return ($strSubDirs,$strLocalFile); } sub url_information { my ($self,$url) = @_; $url = $self->{'url'} unless defined $url; my $yaz = $self->{'yaz'}; my $childpid = open2(*YAZOUT, *YAZIN, $yaz) or die "can't open pipe to yaz-client: $!"; $self->{'YAZOUT'} = *YAZOUT; $self->{'YAZIN'} = *YAZIN; my $strOpen = $self->open_connection("open $url"); if (!$strOpen) { print STDERR "Cannot connect to $url\n"; print STDERR "<>\n"; return 0; } $strOpen = $self->run_command_with_output("open $url","^Options"); $strOpen =~ s/Z> //g; $strOpen =~ s/Elapsed:.*//g; print STDERR $strOpen; print STDERR "<>\n"; close(YAZOUT); close(YAZIN); return 0; } sub error { my ($self,$strFunctionName,$strError) = @_; { print STDERR "Error occoured in Z3950Download.pm\n". "In Function:".$strFunctionName."\n". "Error Message:".$strError."\n"; exit(-1); } } 1;