Introduction The Greenstone Librarian Interface is a tool for collecting and marking up documents, then building digital library collections. It provides access to the Greenstone Digital Library Software's functionality from a graphical point and click interface.
Of Mice and Menus This section provides basic information about interacting with the Librarian Interface. If you are familiar with programs such as Internet Explorer or Microsoft Office and are comfortable with mouse clicks and menus, skip to the next section. Basic concepts Mouse actions Keyboard Exiting the program Quick keys Simple Instructions: The Librarian Interface follows Microsoft Windows conventions and draws upon ordinary knowledge of Windows. Any part of the screen that you interact with, such as a button or text field, is called a "control". At any given time one control, called the "focus", is highlighted and responds to the keyboard. Several controls allow you to select parts that are highlighted in dark blue. Some controls are greyed out to indicate that they are disabled. You can move and left- or right-click the mouse in the usual way. Many components also allow you to "drag" them, by clicking and holding the left mouse button, move them with the mouse, and "drop" them elsewhere by releasing the button. Potential drop targets alter their appearance when a component hovers over them. You can use the keyboard to type into text fields. Keyboard alternatives are available for many controls, indicated by a key name in square brackets -- for example, [Tab] alters the focus. The plus sign shows if other keys must be pressed at the same time. Exit the Librarian Interface program by choosing "Exit" from the "File" menu. Your collection will be saved first. Advanced Instructions: To access a menu, hold down [ALT] and press the corresponding letter (underlined). For example, for the "File" menu press [ALT] + [F]. To choose an item, press the corresponding key. For example, while in the File menu press [S] to "Save" a collection.
How to Avoid Reading This Document Don't read this help text all the way through! Just read enough to learn how to get help when you need it. Context sensitive help Tool tips Other documents Simple Instructions: The "Help" menu item marks what may be the most appropriate help item with a little book icon. For many controls, if you station the mouse over them a "tool tip" appears that says what they do. Before using the Librarian Interface, first read the Greenstone documentation.
Starting Off This section covers how to create, save and load a collection.
Creating a New Collection This section describes how to create a new collection. The new collection prompt The collection title The collection name The creator's email Default metadata sets Collection description Creating the new collection Cancelling the new collection Quick keys Simple Instructions: To create a new collection, open the "File" menu and choose "New". Several fields need to be filled out -- but you can change their values later if you need to, in the design view. "Title" is the text displayed at the top of your collection's home page. It can be any length. "Short Name" is the collection's filename. It must be unique. "Author's Email" should be a valid email address. "Description of content" should describe, in as much detail as possible, what the collection is about. Use the [Enter] key to break it into paragraphs. Finally you must specify whether the new collection will have the same appearance and metadata sets as an existing collection, or whether to start a default "New Collection". Click "OK" to create the collection. If you chose "New Collection" you are prompted for the metadata sets to use in it. You can choose more than one, and you can add others later. Clicking "Cancel" returns you to the main screen immediately. Advanced Instructions: Buttons, like menus, have one character underlined. To "click" the button, press [ALT] and the underlined character at the same time.
Saving the Collection This section describes how to save a collection, and the Save Collection Prompt. How to save Where the files are saved Simple Instructions: Save your work regularly by opening the "File" menu and choosing "Save". Saving a collection is not the same as making it ready for use in Greenstone (see Producing Your Collection). The Librarian Interface protects your work by saving it whenever you exit the program or load another collection. Advanced Instructions: Saved collections are written to a file named for the collection and with file extension ".col", located in a folder of the same name within your Greenstone installation's "collect" folder.
Opening an Existing Collection This section tells you how to open existing collections using the Open Collection prompt. How to open a collection Locked collections Legacy collections Simple Instructions: To open an existing collection, choose "Open" from the "File" menu to get the Open Collection prompt. A list of your Greenstone collections appears. Select one to see its description, and click "Open" to load it. If you seek a collection that resides outside Greenstone's "collect" folder, click "Browse" for a file system browsing dialog. Advanced Instructions: In case more than one Greenstone Librarian Interface program is running concurrently, the relevant directories are "locked" to prevent interference. On opening a collection, a small temporary lock file is created in its folder. Before opening a collection, the Librarian Interface checks to ensure that no lock file already exists. You can tell whether a collection is locked by the colour of its icon: green for a normal collection, red for a locked one. However, when the Librarian Interface is exited prematurely the lock file is sometimes left in place. When you open such a collection, the Librarian asks if you want to "steal" control of it. Never steal a collection that someone else is currently working on. When you open a collection that the Greenstone Librarian Interface did not create, you will be asked to select a metadata set (or sets). If none are selected, any existing metadata will be ignored. Otherwise, metadata will be imported just as it is when you drag in files with existing metadata. The process is described in the Importing Previously Assigned Metadata section.
Hunting For Your Files The Librarian Interface can run in different configurations. This section only applies when the "hunt" and/or "mirror" views are enabled. If these tabs do not appear, advanced users can enable them by editing the "config.xml" file in the Librarian Interface installation folder (or, on a multiuser system, in your home directory's ".gli" folder) to set the values of "workflow.browse" and "workflow.mirror" to "true". When using web resources, the Librarian Interface operates in two stages. This section describes the first, Hunting, where you browse the Internet for files of interest. The next section describes the second stage, Mirroring, where these files can be downloaded.
The Hunt view This section describes how to use the simplified browsing interface to locate resources on the Internet. The address field The controls Simple Instructions: The Hunt view is accessed by clicking on its tab. Most of the screen shows a web page. Hyperlinks work in the usual way. Underneath the page is a status bar that shows you what the browser is doing. You type URL addresses into the address field above the page. To the left and right of the address field are web browser buttons for Back, Reload, Home, Go, Stop and Forward.
Downloading Chosen Files To enable web mirroring see Hunting For Your Files. To download web pages you need to install the mirroring tool wget (version v1.8 recommended) and make it accessible from the Librarian Interface "install" folder. After this, the second stage is to download (or "mirror") the files you need. This section explains the Librarian Interface's mirroring process.
The Mirror view This section describes how to configure a download task and control the downloading process. The workspace tree Download configuration The download list Enabling web proxies Advanced mode Simple Instructions: Access the "Mirror" view by clicking its tab. The top half of the screen shows the downloading controls. The bottom half is initially empty, but will show a list of pending downloading jobs if there are some. Files are downloaded into a folder in the workspace tree called "Public WebCache" (only present when mirroring is enabled), and can be used in all collections built with the Librarian Interface. When a collection is open a second folder, "Private WebCache", appears, which only that collection can access files from. Files in both these areas are named by their full web URL. A new folder is created for each host, followed by others for each part of the path. This ensures that each file is distinct. Use the first of the download configuration controls, "Source URL", to enter the URL of a target resource. If you have come from the "Hunt" view, this field points to the last page visited. Use the "Download Depth" control to determine how many hyperlinks deep to go when downloading: 0 means follow no hyperlinks and grabs just the target resource. The depth limit is ignored when downloading media other than html pages. Use the "Destination Folder" radio button control to choose whether the files are cached into the shared public folder or the private collection-specific folder (if available). Next, there are four checkbox controls which can be set to turn on the specified feature for a specific download. A fifth checkbox control "Automatically remove failed downloads..." does not pertain to a specific download, but instead clears the list of any failed download information, and prevents any future failures from appearing in the list. The final control is a "Download" button, which adds to the download list a new job corresponding to the configuration settings. The download list has an entry for each unfinished download. For each entry, a central region with several lines of text and a progress bar is flanked by two buttons. The text gives details of the task, and updates as the task progresses, while the bar measures progress. The "play" triangle on the left button starts the current task and then changes to a double vertical bar, which pauses the current download. The "stop" square on the right button removes the current download task from the list. Download tasks are removed from the list when they finish successfully (ones that fail are controlled by the "Automatically remove failed downloads..." checkbox). Advanced Instructions: The Preferences section describes how to establish an Internet connection via a proxy. If authentication is needed, the proxy server prompts for identification and password. The Librarian Interface does not store passwords between sessions.
Collecting Files for Your Collection Once you have a new collection you need to get some files into it. These may come from your ordinary file space, or from other Greenstone collections. Some may already have attached metadata. This section describes how to import files.
The Gather View This section introduces the Gather area that you use to select what files to include in the collection you are building. How to view the gather screen The file trees The status area Control buttons Selection methods Special folder mapping Simple Instructions: The Librarian Interface starts with the Gather view. To return to this view later, click the "Gather" tab directly below the menu bar. The two large areas titled "Workspace" and "Collection" are used to move files into your collection. They contain "file trees", graphical structures that represent files and folders. Select an item in the tree by clicking it. (There are other ways; see below.) Double-click a folder, or single-click the switch symbol beside it, to expand (or collapse) its contents. Double-click a file to open it using its associated application program (see File Associations). The Workspace file tree shows the sources of data available to the Librarian Interface -- the local file system (including disk and CD-ROM drives), the contents of existing Greenstone collections, and the public and private download caches if Web mirroring is enabled. You can copy and view these files but you cannot move, delete, or edit them. Navigate this space to find the files you want to include in the collection. The Collection file tree represents the contents of the collection so far. Initially, it is empty. You can resize the spaces by mousing over the grey bar that separates the trees (the shape of the pointer changes) and dragging. Beneath is the Status Area, which describes the state of the Librarian Interface: how many items are selected and what action is requested. It reports on the progress of actions that involve files, which can take some time to complete. The "Stop" button stops any action that is currently in progress. Two large buttons occupy the lower right corner of the screen. "New Folder", with a picture of a folder, creates new folders (see Creating folders). "Delete", with a garbage can, removes files. Clicking the Delete button will remove any selected files from the Collection file tree. Alternatively, files can be deleted by dragging them onto the Delete button. Advanced Instructions: To select several sequential items, select the first and then hold down [Shift] and click on the last -- the selection will encompass all intervening items. Select non-sequential files by holding down [Ctrl] while clicking. Use these two methods together to select groups of non-adjacent items. Certain folders -- such as the one containing your own web pages -- sometimes have special significance. The Librarian Interface can map such folders to the first level of the file tree. To do this, right-click the desired folder. Select "Map", and enter a name for the folder. To remove an item, right-click the mapped folder and select "Unmap Folder".
Creating Folders This section shows how to create new folders. The new folder button The right-button menu Simple Instructions: Use folders in the Collection file tree to group files together and make them easier to find. Folders can be placed inside folders. There is virtually no limit to how many folders you can have or how deeply they can be nested. To create a new folder, optionally select an existing folder in the Collection Tree and click the New Folder button. The new folder appears within the selected one, or at the top level if none is selected. You are prompted for the folder's name (default "New Folder"). Folders can also be created by right-clicking over a folder, choosing "New Folder" and proceeding as above.
Adding Files This section shows how to get files into your collection. Dragging a file Multiple files Existing metadata Simple Instructions: Files can be copied into the collection by dragging and dropping. The mouse pointer becomes a ghost of the selected item (or, if more than one is selected, the number of them). Drop the selection into the Collection Tree to copy the files there (if the source was the Workspace Tree) or move them around within the collection (if the source was the Collection Tree). When copying multiple files, they are all placed in the target folder at the same level, irrespective of the folder structure they occupied originally. When you copy a second file with the same name into the same folder, you are asked whether to overwrite the first one. Respond "No" and the file will not be copied, but the others will be. To cancel all remaining copy actions, click the "stop" button. Only the "highest" items in a selection are moved. A folder is higher than its children. You cannot select files within a folder and also the folder itself. Advanced Instructions: When you add a file, the Librarian Interface searches through the source folders for auxiliary files containing metadata previously assigned to the added file and, if it finds one, begins to import this metadata. As the operation proceeds, you may be prompted (perhaps several times) for extra information to match the imported metadata to the metadata sets in your collection. This process involves many different prompts, described in the Importing Previously Assigned Metadata section. For a more detailed explanation of associating metadata with files read Chapter 2 of the Greenstone Developer's Guide -- Getting the most out of your documents.
Removing Files This section describes how to remove files and folders from your collection. The delete button The delete key Delete by drag and drop Simple Instructions: There are several methods for removing files and folders. You must first indicate what items to remove by selecting one or more files and folders as described in The Gather View. Once files have been selected, click the "delete" button to remove them, or press the [Delete] key on your keyboard, or drag them from the collection to the delete button and drop them there.
Filtering the Tree "Filtering" the collection tree allows you to narrow down the search for particular files. The filter control Custom filtering Simple Instructions: The "Show Files" pull-down menu underneath each tree shows a list of predefined filters, such as "Images". Choosing this temporarily hides all other files in the tree. To restore the tree, change the filter back to "All Files". These operations do not alter the collection, nor do they affect the folders in the tree. Advanced Instructions: You can specify a custom filter by typing in a pattern to match files against. Use standard file system abbreviations such as "*.*" or "*.doc" ("*" matches any characters).
Enriching the Collection with Metadata Having gathered several files into the collection, now enrich them with additional information called "metadata". This section explains how metadata is created, edited, assigned and retrieved, and how to use external metadata sources (also see Chapter 2 of the Greenstone Developer's Guide -- Getting the most out of your documents).
The Enrich View This section describes how to input and edit metadata using the Enrich view. The collection tree The MetaEdit Controls The value tree The metadata table Simple Instructions: Use the Enrich view to assign metadata to the documents in the collection. Metadata is data about data -- typically title, author, creation date, and so on. Each metadata item has two parts: "element" tells what kind of item it is (such as author), and "value" gives the value of that metadata element (such as the author's name). On the left of the "Enrich" view is the Collection Tree. To the right is the Metadata Table, which shows metadata for any selected files or folders in the Collection Tree. Columns are named in grey at the top, and can be resized by dragging the separating line. Clicking any row transfers its details to the MetaEdit Controls below. If several files are selected, black text indicates that the value is common to all of the selected files, while grey text indicates that it is not. Black values may be updated or removed, while grey ones can be removed from those that have it, or appended to the others. A folder icon may appear beside some metadata entries. This indicates that the values are inherited from a parent (or ancestor) folder. Inherited metadata cannot be edited or removed, only appended to or overwritten. Click on the folder icon to go immediately to the folder where the metadata is assigned. The MetaEdit Controls at the lower right appear only when a file is selected from the tree and a row is selected from the table. Use them to update, append, and remove the metadata value. The value field is for entering or editing the metadata value. Beside it is a button labelled "..." which, when clicked, opens a larger editing box. In the buttons below, "Append" assigns the value as new metadata and adds it to any existing values for the selected element, "Replace" overwrites the selected existing value with the new one, and "Remove" clears the selected value. Underneath, labelled "All Previous Values", is the "Value Tree". The Value Tree expands and collapses. Usually it is a list that shows all values entered previously for the selected element. Clicking an entry automatically places it into the value field. Conversely, typing in the text field selects the Value Tree entry that starts with the characters you have typed. Pressing [Enter] auto-completes the typing with the selected value. Metadata values can be organised into a hierarchy. This is shown in the Value Tree using folders for internal levels. Hierarchical values can be entered using the character "\" to separate the levels. For example, "Cards\Red\Diamonds\Seven" might be used in a hierarchy that represents a pack of playing cards. This enables values to be grouped together. Groups can also be assigned as metadata to files. Greenstone extracts metadata automatically from documents into a metadata set whose elements are prefixed by "ex.". This has no value tree and cannot be edited, so the edit controls are hidden if such an entry is selected. The "..." button still serves to expand the value, but the text cannot be edited.
Selecting Metadata Sets This section explains how to specify metadata elements and how to add metadata sets to your collection. Adding a metadata set Updating a set Creating new sets Exporting a set Simple Instructions: Sets of predefined metadata elements are known as "metadata sets". An example is the Dublin Core metadata set. When you add a metadata set to your collection, its elements become available for selection. You can have more than one set; to prevent name clashes a short identifier that identifies the metadata set is pre-pended to the element name. For instance the Dublin Core element Creator becomes "dc.Creator". Metadata sets are stored in the Librarian Interface's metadata folder and have the suffix ".mds". To add a metadata set, choose "Metadata Sets" from the menu bar and select the "Import Set" action. A list appears that shows the sets stored in the Librarian Interface's metadata folder. Choose one and open it, or click "Browse" to locate metadata set files stored elsewhere. If the metadata elements have associated value trees, you will be asked whether to import all values associated with the elements in the set, just those values that make up the structure of hierarchy-based metadata, or no values at all. Advanced Instructions: To install a newer version of a metadata set, simply add it as above. The Librarian Interface merges the sets, but does not alter values you have entered. You may be asked how to merge certain elements. For example if the current set and the one you are importing share a common element (which is likely if you are installing a new version of a set), you are shown as much information about the existing and new elements as possible, and asked how to proceed. Options include merging the elements, renaming the new one, replacing the old element entirely, or skipping this element. When merging two elements you are confronted with the same options, but this time at the "attributes" (rather than "elements") level. You can cancel the import operation at any time. The ".mds" files are expressed in XML format. You can edit an existing metadata set or create a new one with an ordinary text editor. If you are starting a new file, copy the Document Type Definition and be sure to follow it, otherwise the Librarian Interface will be unable to load the metadata set. Use of an XML validator or validating editor is recommended. To export a metadata set, or part of one (e.g. its assigned value hierarchy, or all its values), return to the Librarian Interface and choose "Export Set" from the "Metadata Set" menu. You will be asked to select appropriate export options, and a file to export into.
Appending New Metadata This section explains how to add metadata and values to files, and how to add new values for metadata elements. Adding to files Adding to folders or multiple files Adding to the metadata table Subject hierarchies Introduction to subjects Metadata set editor Text field entry Value hierarchies and editing values Simple Instructions: We now add a metadata item -- both element and value -- to a file. First select the file from the Collection file tree on the left. The action causes any metadata previously assigned to this file to appear in the table at the right. Next select the metadata element you want to add by clicking its row in the table. Type the value into the value field. Do not use the character "\", as it is used for constructing hierarchies. When finished, click "Append" to add the new value as metadata for the chosen file. The value immediately appears in the Metadata table. You can also add metadata to a folder, or to several multiply selected files at once. It is added to all files within the folder or selection, and to child folders. Keep in mind that if you assign metadata to a folder, any new files in it automatically inherit the folder's values. When you add metadata to multiple files at once, you will be prompted for confirmation for any files that already have a value for that metadata. You are shown the name of the file in question, the element's title, previously-assigned values for this element, and the new value. The buttons offer different options: "Append" appends the metadata to the file without altering any existing values; "Append All" adds the new value to all other files too, without requiring individual confirmation; "Skip File" proceeds to the next file; "Cancel" undoes any changes and cancels the action. If you choose metadata that occurs in some of the selected files and click "Append", it is added to the other files in the selection too. Advanced Instructions: You can add structure to metadata values by using paths as described in The Enrich View. Correct any mistakes in creating hierarchies by using the metadata set editor explained in Editing Metadata Sets.
Adding Previously Defined Metadata This section explains how to add metadata that uses values already present in the value tree. Adding to files Adding to folders or multiple files Simple Instructions: To add metadata that has an existing value, first select the file, then select the required value from the value tree, expanding hierarchy folders as necessary. The value of the selected entry automatically appears in the Value text field (alternatively, use the value tree's auto-select and auto-complete features). Click "Append" to add the metadata to the selected file. The process of adding metadata with already-existing values to folders or multiple files is just the same.
Updating Metadata This section explains how to update the metadata assigned to a file. Updating files Updating folders or multiple files Simple Instructions: To update the value of a piece of metadata, first choose the file to which that value applies, and then the metadata element whose value you want to change. Your selection appears in the metadata edit controls. Edit the value field and click "Replace" to alter the metadata. The process is the same when updating a folder with child folders or multiple files, except that when you click "Replace" you are asked what to do with the other files. The buttons offer different options: "Replace" replaces any previous value with the new one; "Replace All" adds the new value in the same way to all other files; "Skip File" skips the current file and proceeds to the next; "Cancel" undoes any changes and cancels the action. You can only update metadata that is common to all files selected. For a folder, this means that all its contents must share the same metadata. The value tree shows all previous values, not just those currently assigned. Thus the value you have replaced will remain in the value tree.
Removing Metadata This section explains how to remove metadata from a file. Removing from files Removing from folders or multiple files Removing from the table Simple Instructions: You remove metadata the same way as you update it. First select a file from the file tree, then use the metadata table to select the metadata. If the metadata has a value assigned, the "Remove" button in the MetaEdit Controls becomes active. Click it to remove the metadata from the specified file. Other files remain unchanged, and the value remains in the Value Tree. When you remove metadata from a folder, or from several files, you are presented with various options: removing the metadata from this file, removing it from this and all other files, and skipping this file. You can cancel the operation at any time. If you choose metadata that is not common to all the selected files and click "Remove", the metadata is removed from those files that have it; all others are unaffected.
Reviewing Assigned Metadata This section describes how to view all metadata assigned to an entire collection. The audit table Right button menu Autofilter Simple Instructions: Sometimes you need to see the metadata assigned to many or all files at once -- for instance, to determine how many files are left to work on, or to get some idea of the spread of dates. Select the files you wish to examine, and from the "Metadata Set" menu choose "Assigned Metadata...". A window called "All Metadata", dominated by a large table with many columns, appears. The first column shows file names; the rows show all metadata values assigned to those files. Drawing the table can take some time if many files are selected. You can continue to use the Librarian Interface while the "All Metadata" window is open. Click "Close" to hide the window. Advanced Instructions: You can also view the "All Metadata" table by selecting the files you wish to examine, right-clicking, and choosing "Assigned Metadata...". If a folder has been selected, all its child files are included in the table. When it gets too large, you can filter the "All Metadata" table by applying filters to the columns. As new filters are added, only those rows that match them remain visible. To set, modify or clear a filter, click on the "funnel" icon at the top of a column. You are prompted for information about the filter. Once a filter is set, the column header changes colour. The prompt has a "Simple" and an "Advanced" tab. The Simple version filters columns so that they only show rows that contain a certain metadata value ("*" matches all values). You can select metadata values from the pull-down list. The Advanced version allows different matching operations: must start with, does not contain, alphabetically less than and is equal to. The value to be matched can be edited to be any string (including "*"), and you can choose whether the matching should be case insensitive. Finally, you can specify a second matching condition that you can use to specify a range of values (by selecting AND) or alternative values (by selecting OR). Below this area is a box that allows you to change the sort order (ascending or descending). Once you have finished, click "Set Filter" to apply the new filter to the column. Click "Clear Filter" to remove a current filter. Note that the filter details are retained even when the filter is cleared. For example, to sort the "All Metadata" table, choose a column, select the default filter setting (a Simple filter on "*"), and choose ascending or descending ordering.
Importing Previously Assigned Metadata This section describes how to import previously assigned metadata, and install parsers to handle various metadata types. While adding files Simple Instructions: If metadata in a form recognized by the Librarian Interface has been previously assigned to a file -- for example, when you choose documents from an existing Greenstone collection -- it is imported automatically when you add the file. To do this, the metadata must be mapped to the metadata sets available in the collection. The Librarian Interface prompts for the necessary information. The prompt gives brief instructions and then shows the name of the metadata element that is being imported, just as it appears in the source file. This field cannot be edited or changed. Next you choose what metadata set the new element should map to, and then the appropriate metadata element in that set. The system automatically selects the closest match, in terms of set and element, for the new metadata. Having checked the mapping, you can choose "Add" to add the new metadata element to the chosen metadata set. (This is only enabled if there is no element of the same name within the chosen set.) "Merge" maps the new element to the one chosen by the user. Finally, "Ignore" does not import any metadata with this element name. Once you have specified how to import a certain piece of metadata, the mapping information is retained for the collection's lifetime. To correct any mistakes during importing, use the metadata set editor described in Editing Metadata Sets. For details on the metadata.xml files which Greenstone uses to store the metadata, see Chapter 2 of the Greenstone Developer's Guide -- Getting the most out of your documents.
Designing Your Collection's Appearance Once your files are marked up with metadata, you next decide how it should appear to users as a Greenstone collection. What kind of information is searchable? What ways are provided to browse through the documents? What languages are supported? Where do the buttons appear on the page? These things can be customized; this section describes how to do it.
The Design View This section introduces you to the design view and explains how to navigate between the various views within this pane. Choosing a design section Simple Instructions: With the Librarian Interface, you can configure how the collection appears to the user. The configuration options are divided into different sections, each associated with a particular stage of navigating or presenting information. On the left is a list of different views, and on the right are the controls associated with the current one. To change to a different view, click its name in the list. To understand the stages and terms involved in designing a collection, first read Chapters 1 and 2 of the Greenstone Developer's Guide.
General Settings This section explains how to review and alter the general settings associated with your collection. First, under "Design Sections", click "General". General settings Simple Instructions: Here the values provided during collection creation can be modified. At the top of the page is an instruction box, which appears for each of the different sections. It contains a brief list of instructions to remind you what functionality is available. First are the contact emails of the collection's creator and maintainer. Then come two checkboxes for whether the collection should be publicly accessible, and whether it is still under construction. The following field allows you to change the collection title. The next one specifies (in the form of a URL) the icon to show at the top left of the collection's "About" page, and the next is the icon used in the Greenstone library page to link to the collection. Finally comes the "Collection Description" text area as described in Creating A New Collection.
Document Plugins This section describes how to configure the document plugins the collection uses. It explains how you specify what plugins to use, what parameters to pass to them, and in what order they occur. Under "Design Sections", click "Document Plugins". Add a plugin Remove a plugin Configure a plugin Change plugin order Custom configuration Rebuilding the plugin database Simple Instructions: To add a plugin, select it using the "Select plugin to add" pull-down list near the bottom and then click "Add Plugin". A window appears entitled "Configuring Arguments"; it is described later. Once you have configured the new plugin, it is added to the end of the "Currently Assigned Plugins" list. Note that a plugin may only occur once in the list. To remove a plugin, select it in the list and click "Remove Plugin". Plugins are configured by providing arguments. To alter them, select the plugin from the list and click "Configure Plugin" (or double-click the plugin). A "Configuring Arguments" dialog appears with three parts: a text field for entering custom arguments, an area containing controls for specifying arguments, and two buttons at the bottom. There are different kinds of controls. Some are checkboxes, and clicking one adds the appropriate option to the plugin. Others are text strings, with a checkbox and a text field. Click the box to enable the argument, then type appropriate text (regular expression, file path etc) in the box. Others are pull-down menus from which you can select from a given set of values. Still others allow multiple selections from a list. To add a value, select it and click "Add"; to remove it, select it and click "Remove". To learn what an argument does, let the mouse hover over its name for a moment and a description will appear. When you have changed the configuration, click "OK" to commit the changes and close the dialog, or "Cancel" to close the dialog without changing any plugin arguments. The plugins in the list are executed in order, and the ordering is sometimes important. Two plugins, ArcPlug and RecPlug, are vital to the collection building process, and are fixed in place at the end of the list (with a separator line). To change the ordering of the other ones, select the plugin you want to move and click "Move To Top", "Move Up", "Move Down", or "Move To Bottom". Advanced Instructions: The Librarian Interface does its best to determine what arguments a plugin supports. However, there may be cases where the user wants to specify special arguments, and for this a text field called "Custom Arguments" (at the top) is provided. Any text in it is appended verbatim to the end of the plugin command.
Search Types This section explains how to modify a new design feature in Greenstone, Search Types, which allow fielded searching. Under "Design Sections", click "Search Types". What enabling advanced searches means Adding a new search type Removing a search type Changing the order of search types Simple Instructions: When you enter the Search Types view, first check "Enable Advanced Searches", which activates the other controls. This migrates the collection to Greenstone 2.4 format, which supports fielded searching, and means that (a) the index design is different (explained in the Search Indexes section), (b) there are more text fragments to translate (see Translation), and (c) the collection will not be usable under older Greenstone installations. If you later uncheck this field, most of your collection will be migrated back to Greenstone 2.39. However the Librarian Interface cannot convert the new index specifications into older ones, so you will have to re-enter them manually. To add a search type, select it from the "Search Types" list and click "Add Search Type". Each type can only appear in the list once. To remove a search type, select it from the "Currently Assigned Search Types" list and click "Remove Search Type". The list must contain at least one search type. To change to order of a search type, select it from the list and click "Move Up" or "Move Down". The first one will be the default.
Search Indexes Indexes specify what parts of the collection are searchable. This section explains how to add and remove indexes, and set a default index. Under "Design Sections", click "Search Indexes". Add an index Remove an index Set default index Clear default index Simple Instructions: To add an index, type a name for it into the "Index Name" field. Select which of the possible information sources to index by clicking the checkboxes beside them. The list shows all the assigned metadata elements, as well the full text. Having selected the data sources, choose the granularity of the index, using the "At the level" menu. Once these details are complete, "Add Index" becomes active (unless there is an existing index with the same settings). Click it to add the new index. To remove an index, select it from the list of assigned indexes and click "Remove Index". The default index, the one used on the collection's search page, is tagged with "[Default Index]" in the "Assigned Indexes" list. To set it, select an index from the list and click "Set Default". To reset it, click "Clear Default". If advanced searching is enabled (via the Search Types view), the index controls are different. Each index is based on just one data source. There is a new pseudo-data source "allfields" which provides searching across all specified indexes at once. Levels are not assigned to a specific index, but apply across all indexes: thus indexes and levels are added separately. Indexes are removed in the same way as above, but the default index can no longer be set -- it is simply the first index assigned. To create indexes on all sources, click the "Add All" button. The name of each index will default to the source name. To change the name, select an index, change its details, and click "Replace Index".
Partition Indexes Indexes are built on particular text or metadata sources. The search space can be further controlled by partitioning the index, either by language or by a predetermined filter. This section describes how to do this. Under "Design Sections", click "Partition Indexes". The "Partition Indexes" view has three tabs; "Define Filters", "Assign Partitions" and "Assign Languages". To learn more about partitions read about subcollections and subindexes in Chapter 2 of the Greenstone Developer's Guide.
Define Filters The section explains how to define a partition filter. Add a filter Remove a filter Update a filter Simple Instructions: Filters allows you to group together into a subcollection all documents in an index for which a metadata value matches a given pattern. To create a filter, click the "Define Filters" tab and enter a name for the new filter into the "Name the subcollection filter" field. Next choose a document attribute to match against, either a metadata element or the name of the file in question. Enter a regular expression to use during the matching. You can toggle between "Including" documents that match the filter, or "Excluding" them. Finally, you can specify any of the standard PERL regular expression flags to use when matching (e.g. "i" for case-insensitive matching). Finally, click "Add Filter" to add the filter to the "Defined Subcollection Filters" list. To remove a filter, select it from the list and click "Remove Filter". To alter a filter, select it from the list, change any of the values that appear in the editing controls and click "Replace Filter" to commit the changes.
Assign Partitions This section explains how to assign a previous defined partition filter. Add a partition Remove a partition Set default partition Clear default partition Simple Instructions: Having defined a subcollection filter, use the "Assign Partitions" tab to build indexes for it (or for a group of filters). Select the desired filter (or filters) from the "Defined Subcollection Filters" list, enter a name for your partition in the "Partition Name" field, and click "Add Partition". To remove a partition, select it from the list and click "Remove Partition". To make a partition the default one, select it from the list and click "Set Default". To clear the default partition, click "Clear Default".
Assign Languages This section details how to restrict search indexes to particular languages. You do this by generating a partition using the "Assign Languages" tab of the "Partition Indexes" view. Language controls Add language Remove language Set default language Clear default language Simple Instructions: To add a new language to partition by, use the "Assign Languages" tab to build an index for it. Select the desired language from the "Language to add" pull-down list and click "Add Language". To remove a language, select it from the "Language Selection" list and click "Remove Language". To set the default language, select it from the list and click "Set Default". To clear the default language, click "Clear Default".
Cross-Collection Searching Greenstone can search across several different collections as though they were one. This is done by creating a "super-collection" that comprises the individual collections. Under "Design Sections", click "Cross-Collection Search". Selecting a collection Simple Instructions: The Cross-Collection Search view shows a checklist of available collections. The current collection is ticked and cannot be deselected. To add another collection to be searched in parallel, click it in the list (click again to remove it). If only one collection is selected, there is no cross-collection searching. For further details, see Chapter 1 of the Greenstone Developer's Guide.
Classifiers This section explains how to assign "classifiers", which are used for browsing, to the collection. Under "Design Sections", click "Browsing Classifiers". Classifier selection and configuration Add a classifier Remove a classifier Configure a classifier Alter classifier ordering CustomAZList Simple Instructions: To add a classifier, select it using the "Select classifier to add" pull-down list near the bottom and then click "Add Specified Classifier". A window appears entitled "Configuring Arguments"; instructions for this dialog are just the same as for plugins (see Document Plugins). Once you have configured the new classifier, it is added to the end of the "Currently Assigned Classifiers" list. To remove a classifier, select it from the list and click "Remove Selected Classifier". To change the arguments a classifier, select it from the list and click "Configure Selected Classifier" (or double-click on the classifier in the list). The ordering of classifiers in the collection's navigation bar is reflected in their order here. To change it, select the classifier you want to move and click "Move To Top", "Move Up", "Move Down", or "Move To Bottom". For further information on classifiers read Chapter 2, Greenstone Developer's Guide -- Getting the most out of your documents. Advanced Instructions: The CustomAZList classifier is a special classifier that builds an alphabetical selection list ("AZList") and allows you to specify the letter ranges. This classifier has its own configuration dialogue. When a metadata element is selected, the "Ranges" tree automatically becomes populated with appropriate values. Expand or collapse the tree as desired. Select any two values and click "Merge" to specify a range, or select a previously merged value and click "Split" to restore the values contained within. When satisfied with the ranges, click "OK" to begin processing the documents in the collection. You can "Cancel" the dialog without making any changes to the collection.
Format Features Format commands control the structure and appearance of the collection. They affect such things as where buttons appear when a document is shown, and what links are displayed by the DateList classifier. Format commands are not easy to develop, and you should read Chapter 2 of the Greenstone Developer's Guide. This section discusses the format settings, and how the Librarian Interface gives access to them. Under "Design Sections", click "Format Features". Formatting Add format command Remove format command Update format command Extended formatting options Simple Instructions: You can apply a format command to anything in the "Choose Feature" pull-down list, which includes each classifier and a predefined list of features. When you select a feature, there are two types of control. Some features are simply enabled or disabled, and this is controlled by a checkbox. Others require a format string to be specified. For these there is a pull-down list ("Affected Component") for selecting which part of the feature the string applies to (if necessary), a text area ("HTML Format String") for entering the string, and a selection of predefined "Variables". To insert a variable into the current position in the format string, select it from the pull-down list and click "Insert". You can specify a default format for a particular component by selecting the blank feature. This format is then applied to all applicable features unless otherwise specified. To add a new format command, fill out the information as explained above and click "Add Format". The new format command appears in the list of "Currently Assigned Format Commands". Only one format command can be assigned to each feature/component combination. To remove a format command, select it from the list and click "Remove Format". To change a format command, select it from the list, modify the settings, and click "Replace Format". For more information about variables and the feature components, read Chapter 2 of the Greenstone Developer's Guide. Advanced Instructions: If the "Allow Extended Options" checkbox is ticked, some advanced formatting options are enabled. The list of features that can be formatted is changed slightly, and more variables are available to be used in the format command, providing greater control over the page layout.
Translate Text This section describes the translation view, where you can define language-specific text fragments for parts of the collection's interface. Under "Design Sections", click "Translate Text". Add translation Remove translation Update translation Simple Instructions: First choose the an entry from the "Features" list. The language-specific strings associated with this feature appear below. Use the "Language of translation" pull-down list to select the target language, and type the translated text into the text area, referring to the "Initial Text Fragment" if necessary. Click "Add Translation" when finished. To remove an existing translation, select it in the "Assigned Translations" table and click "Remove Translation". To edit a translation, select it, edit it in the "Translated Text" text area, and click "Replace Translation".
Metadata Sets This section explains the metadata set review panel. Under "Design Sections", click "Metadata Sets". Available metadata sets Simple Instructions: This view is used to review the metadata sets that the collection uses, and the elements that are available within each set. Choose from the list of "Available Metadata Sets" in order to see details of their elements. This view is read-only.
Producing Your Collection Having collected the documents for the collection, annotated them with metadata, and designed how the collection will appear, you can now produce the collection using Greenstone. This section explains how.
The Create View This section explains the Create view used to produce a collection. The Create view is used to create the collection by running Greenstone collection-building scripts on the information you have provided. This is generally straightforward: just click "Build Collection" at the bottom of the screen. However, the building process can be customized. You can also use this view to review details of previous attempts to build this collection, whether successful or not. The buttons for building and cancelling the building process are at the bottom. Above appears a group of controls titled "Collection Import & Build Options". To the left is a list of three items, and to the right is a pane that reflects the currently chosen item in the list, as described in the following sections. Clicking "Build Collection" initiates the collection building process. The time this takes depends on the size of the collection and the number of indexes being created (for huge collections it can be hours). To cancel the process at any time, click "Cancel Build".
Import and Build Settings This section explains how to access the various import and build settings. For more information of importing and building read Chapter 1 of the Greenstone Developer's Guide -- Understanding the collection-building process. General settings Import settings Build settings Simple Instructions: The first two entries in the list on the left are "Import" and "Build", which give settings that apply to the import and build scripts respectively. Controlling the various settings is done in a similar way to the "Configuring Arguments" window described in the Document Plugins section. Some fields require numeric arguments, and you can either type these in or use the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the current value (in some cases, the interface restricts the range you can enter). Others are enabled by clicking a checkbox (click again to disable).
Message Log This section explains the message log. Message log Simple Instructions: The third item on the left is "Message Log". This shows the output that Greenstone generated when it built the collection before. Select the log you want by clicking on the desired date in the "Log History" list.
The Progress View This section explains the building progress view. Measuring progress Simple Instructions: When you start to build a collection, the view changes immediately. The controls described previously are replaced by two progress bars and a text area. The bars indicate progress through the import phase, then the build phase. The text area shows the Message Log mentioned in the previous section.
Previewing the Collection This section explains how to use the "Preview" view to inspect the collection you have produced.
The Preview View This section explains how to use the "Preview" view to inspect the collection you have produced. Browsing the preview Simple Instructions: Once you have built a collection the "Preview" tab on the main screen becomes enabled. This allows you to inspect the new collection. It shows a simplified Web browser with initial page (and home page) set to the new collection's "About" page. You can navigate the collection using standard hyperlink clicks.
Miscellaneous This section describes features of the Librarian Interface that are not associated with any particular view.
Preferences This section explains the preferences dialog, accessed by opening "File" -> "Preferences". Workflow Connection Warnings Simple Instructions: There are three "General" options. If "View Extracted Metadata" is checked, the various controls dealing with metadata always show all metadata that has been extracted automatically from documents. Deselecting it hides this metadata (although it is still available during collection design, and within the final Greenstone collection). If "Show File Size" is checked, the file size is shown next to each file in the Workspace and Collection file trees in the Gather and Enrich views. The third "General" option is a pull-down list of the various languages that the Librarian Interface can be presented in. These correspond to the dictionaries located in the "classes" folder of the Librarian Interface's directory. If you change the dictionary by choosing one from the list, you must restart the Librarian Interface in order to load the new language strings from the dictionary. The Librarian Interface can support different workflows by determining which of the various view tabs are visible. Use the "Workflow" tab to customise what views are available by checking the boxes next to the views that you want to be available. Alternatively, use the pull-down list at the bottom to select predetermined configurations. Closing the preferences dialog establishes these workflow settings. These settings are stored with the collection, not in the Librarian Interface configuration file. The "Connection" tab lets you alter the path to the locally-running Greenstone library server, which is used when Previewing collections. It also lets you set proxy information for connecting to the Internet (e.g. when Browsing or Mirroring your files; see 3.0 and 4.0 for details). Check the box to enable proxy connection and supply details of the proxy host address and port number. The proxy connection is established when you close the Preferences dialog. During the course of a session the Librarian Interface may give warning messages which inform you of possibly unforeseen consequences of an action. You can disable the messages by checking the "Do not show this warning again" box. You can re-enable warning messages using the "Warnings" tab. Check the box next to warning messages you want to see again.
File Associations The Librarian Interface uses particular application programs to open particular file types. This section explains how to assign and edit these file associations. Add association Edit association Remove association Simple Instructions: To alter file associations open the "File" menu and click "File Associations...". To add an association, select the target file extension from the pull-down list, or type in a new extension (do not include the "."). Next either type command that launches the desired application in the appropriate field, or choose the application from the "Browse" dialog. "%1" can be used in the launch command to insert the name of the file being opened. Once these are filled out, "Add Association" is enabled and can be clicked to add the association. To edit an association, select an existing file extension. Any existing associated command is shown in the launch command field. Edit it, and then click "Replace Association". To remove an association, select an existing file extension and click "Remove Association". (The file extension remains in the "For Files Ending" pull-down list.) File associations are stored in the Librarian Interface's main folder, in a file called "associations.xml".
Exporting Collections to CD-ROM This section describes how to export collections to a self-installing Greenstone CD-ROM. How to export Simple Instructions: Greenstone can export one or more collections to a self-installing CD-ROM for Windows. To do so, Greenstone's "Export to CD-ROM" package must be installed. This is not included by default, so you may need to modify your installation to include it. To export a collection, open the "File" menu and choose "Export to CD-ROM". A list of Greenstone collections appears; click on any one to see its description. Tick the check boxes of the collections to export. You can enter the CD-ROM's name in the box: this is what will appear in the Start menu when the CD-ROM has been installed. Then click "Export". The process involves copying many files and may take a few minutes. Upon completion, Greenstone will show the name of a folder containing the exported collections. Use a CD writer to copy its contents to a blank CD-ROM.
Metadata Set and Profile Editing This section explains how to edit metadata sets used by the Librarian Interface. This is the only way to remove a value from the "Previous Values" tree. Although you can use the Enrich view to remove a certain value from a record, the value remains in the value tree. To remove it (or any part of the metadata set, including its elements), use the metadata set editor. The same tool is used to alter the instructions that map metadata from files imported into the collection to existing metadata sets. These are called "importing profiles". To edit a metadata set or importing profile, choose "Metadata Sets" from the menu bar and select the "Edit Set" action.
Editing Metadata Sets This section describes how to edit metadata sets and previously assigned values. Editing sets Editing elements Simple Instructions: On the left of the "Edit Metadata Sets" dialog is a list showing what metadata sets and profiles can be edited. Click one of these and its details will appear on the right in one or more tables. Beneath are buttons for adding, editing or removing the various parts; alongside them is the "Close" button. Many buttons are greyed out initially, and are activated by selections in the tables. Now we describe how to edit sets and elements. To define a new metadata set, beside "Set" click "Add", fill out the information requested, and click "OK". "Namespace" is a short identifier for the new set (e.g. "dc" for Dublin Core; "dls" for the Development Library Subset). To remove a metadata set, select it in the list on the left and click "Remove". A confirmation prompt will appear; confirming it permanently removes the set and all associated metadata. Some information is associated with each metadata set, such as its creator and creation date. We call these "attributes" of the metadata set, and you can alter them. Beside "Attribute", click "Add" to add an attribute to the selected metadata set, fill in the requested information -- name, language and values -- and click "OK". Each metadata set is considered unique, so for a new metadata set the pull-down list for the name and value are initially empty. Beside "Attribute", "Edit" becomes active when an attribute is selected in the table and leads to the same dialog as "Add" (except that the current value is already filled out). Beside "Attribute", "Remove" becomes active when the attribute is selected; when clicked the attribute is removed. Double clicking on a set in the list on the left will display a list of metadata elements in that set. You can add an element, remove it, and remove values from it. To add an element, beside "Element" click "Add" and specify the new element's name. To remove a metadata element, select it and beside "Element" click "Remove". This permanently removes the element and all metadata associated with it. Just as information is associated with each metadata set, information can also be associated with each metadata element -- metadata about metadata! Again we call these "attributes"; Examples are a language-specific name for the element, its definition, or perhaps a general comment. You edit the attributes of an element in the same way that you edit the attributes of a metadata set, explained above. In this case the pull-down lists in the add and edit prompts may contain values from the same attribute of other elements within the set. You can also alter the "value tree" for an element, which contains all the values that have been assigned to it. You can "Add" a value whenever an element is selected. Choose a parent folder (if any), enter the value and click "OK" to put the new value in the tree. You can "Edit" a value that you have selected in the value tree; click "OK" to commit the changes. Note that changing the parent subject will cause the value to be moved to that subject. You can "Remove" a value that you have selected in the tree -- but note that this does not remove all metadata referring to this value, and if the value is still in use it will be restored the next time you save. Once you have finished changing the metadata set, click "Close".
Editing Metadata Import Profiles This section describes how to edit metadata importing profiles. Editing profiles Simple Instructions: Double-click the "Importing Profiles" item to see a list of importing profiles for importing from other collections into this one. Each profile is named after the collection to which it applies -- that is, the collection that documents are coming from. You can add a profile by clicking "Add" beside "Profile" and specifying the name of the collection that it should apply to. You can remove a profile by selecting it and click "Remove" beside "Profile". When a profile is selected, its mapping table appears. Each line gives a correspondence between a metadata element in the collection that the metadata comes from, and a metadata element in the collection being constructed. You can edit this table. To add a new mapping, select a source profile, then click "Add" beside "Attribute". The standard attribute dialog box appears, except that the language field is disabled and the "Values" pull-down list contains all the elements currently available in the collection. Mappings can be edited and removed as described above. Once you have finished changing the metadata importing profile, click "Close".