# this file must be UTF-8 encoded ##################################################################### # # Chinese Language text and icon macros # Many thanks to Andrew Yan Han (updated August 2004) # ###################################################################### # # This is the main macro file for translation when creating an # interface in another language. # Under the 'text macros' comments are text macros of the form: # _macroname_ {macro value} # Everything between the {} is the text to be translated. This text # may itself contain macros (i.e. characters other than space between # underscore characters, e.g. _about:numdocs_ or _textpage_). These # macro names occurring within text shouldn't be translated but should # be left as they are. Underscores or curly brackets occurring # naturally within the text should be escaped with a leading backslash # (i.e. '\_', '\{' or '\}). # # Under the 'icons' comments are macros concerned with displaying # icons which themselves contain text. # Above each macro (or group of macros) for an icon is a comment line # that looks something like '## "HOME" ## top_nav_button ## chome ##'. # The first field of the comment ("HOME" in this case) is the text # that appears in the english version of the icon. This is the text # that must be translated, nothing needs to be done to the macros # themselves. The other two fields of the comments are used by # automatic icon generating software which reads the newly translated # file and generates appropriate icons. # # Comment lines (other than those described above) need not be # translated (i.e. any lines beginning with '#', like this line). # # The simplest way to translate this file is to save it as something # else (e.g. french.dm) and work through translating all the text # macro values and icon comments. # ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Global (base) package package Global ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textperiodicals_ [l=zh] {杂志} _textsource_ [l=zh] {来源参考:} _textdate_ [l=zh] {出版日期:} _textnumpages_ [l=zh] {总页数} _textsignin_ [l=zh] {登录} _textdefaultcontent_ [l=zh] {未发现您要求的网页。请用浏览器“后退”键或上面的home键退回绿宝石数字图书馆。} _textdefaulttitle_ [l=zh] {绿宝石数字图书馆错误} _textbadcollection_ [l=zh] {此绿宝石数字图书馆没有安装本收藏 ("_cvariable_") 。 } _textselectpage_ [l=zh] {— 选择页—} _collectionextra_ [l=zh] {本收藏现有 _about:numdocs_ 文档。 它最近更新与_about:builddate_ 日前。} # this is only used by the collector (where the above _collectionextra_ # macro will always be set to another value) _collectorextra_ [l=zh] {

本收藏现有_numdocs_ _If_("_numdocs_" eq "1",document,documents), 总共 _numbytes_.

点击这里 浏览本收藏 build summary 。 } _textimagecollection_ [l=zh] {} _textimageabout_ [l=zh] {关于页} _textimagehome_ [l=zh] {主页} _textimagehelp_ [l=zh] {帮助页} _textimagepref_ [l=zh] {选项页} _textimagegreenstone_ [l=zh] {绿宝石数字图书馆软件} _textimageusab_ [l=zh] {您在使用中有何困难?} _textimagesearch_ [l=zh] {特定范围检索} _textimageTitle_ [l=zh] {按标题排列浏览} _textimageList_ [l=zh] {按文档排列浏览} _textimageCreator_ [l=zh] {按作者名顺序浏览} _textimageSeries_ [l=zh] {按册浏览} _textimageDate_ [l=zh] {按时间顺序浏览} _textimageSubject_ [l=zh] {按主题浏览} _textimageTo_ [l=zh] {按"截止于"域浏览} _textimageFrom_ [l=zh] {按“开始于”浏览} _textimageOrganization_ [l=zh] {按组织浏览} _textimageHowto_ [l=zh] {按如何浏览} _textimageTopic_ [l=zh] {浏览特别文章} _textimageBrowse_ [l=zh] {浏览} _textimageCollage_ [l=zh] {按图片查阅} _textimagePeople_ [l=zh] {按人名排列顺序浏览} _textimageLanguage_ [l=zh] {按语言浏览} _textimageAcronym_ [l=zh] {浏览词头} _textimagePhrase_ [l=zh] {浏览短词} _textimageArtist_ [l=zh] {浏览艺术家} _textimageSource_ [l=zh] {按原始文件名浏览} _textimageKeyword_ [l=zh] {按关键词浏览} _textimageVolume_ [l=zh] {按册次浏览} _textimageCountries_ [l=zh] {按国家排列查阅} _textimageCaptions_ [l=zh] {按图片注释浏览} _texticontabsearchgreen_ [l=zh] {查询} _texticontabDategreen_ [l=zh] {日子} _texticontabseriesgreen_ [l=zh] {系列} _texticontabCreatorgreen_ [l=zh] {作者 A-Z} _texticontabTitlegreen_ [l=zh] {标题 A-Z} _texticontablistgreen_ [l=zh] {列表} _texticontabSubjectgreen_ [l=zh] {主题} _texticontabtogreen_ [l=zh] {截止于} _texticontabfromgreen_ [l=zh] {开始于} _texticontaborggreen_ [l=zh] {组织} _texticontabhowgreen_ [l=zh] {“如何”} _texticontabtopicgreen_ [l=zh] {文章} _texticontabbrwsegreen_ [l=zh] {浏览} _texticontabCollagegreen_ [l=zh] {合集} _texticontabbrowsgreen_ [l=zh] {浏览} _texticontabPeoplegreen_ [l=zh] {人名索引A-Z} _texticontabLanguagegreen_ [l=zh] {语言} _texticontabAcronymgreen_ [l=zh] {词头} _texticontabPhrasegreen_ [l=zh] {短句} _texticontabArtistgreen_ [l=zh] {艺术家} _texticontabSourcegreen_ [l=zh] {文件名} _texticontabKeywordgreen_ [l=zh] {关键词} _texticontabVolumegreen_ [l=zh] {卷} _texticontabCaptionsgreen_ [l=zh] {注释} _texticontabCountriesgreen_ [l=zh] {国家} _texticontext_ [l=zh] {浏览文档} _texticonclosedbook_ [l=zh] {打开记录并浏览内容} _texticonnext_ [l=zh] {访问下一单元} _texticonprev_ [l=zh] {访问前一单元} _texticonmidi_ [l=zh] {浏览MIDI文档} _texticonmsword_ [l=zh] {浏览微软Word文档} _texticonpdf_ [l=zh] {浏览PDF文档} _texticonps_ [l=zh] {浏览PostScript文档} _texticonppt_ [l=zh] {浏览PowerPoint文档} _texticonrtf_ [l=zh] {浏览RTF文档} _texticonxls_ [l=zh] {浏览微软Excel文档} _page_ [l=zh] {页} _pages_ [l=zh] {页} _of_ [l=zh] {的} _vol_ [l=zh] {册} _num_ [l=zh] {否} _textmonth00_ [l=zh] {} _textmonth01_ [l=zh] {一月} _textmonth02_ [l=zh] {二月} _textmonth03_ [l=zh] {三月} _textmonth04_ [l=zh] {四月} _textmonth05_ [l=zh] {五月} _textmonth06_ [l=zh] {六月} _textmonth07_ [l=zh] {七月} _textmonth08_ [l=zh] {八月} _textmonth09_ [l=zh] {九月} _textmonth10_ [l=zh] {十月} _textmonth11_ [l=zh] {十一月} _textmonth12_ [l=zh] {十二月} _textdocument_ [l=zh] {文档} _textsection_ [l=zh] {段落} _textparagraph_ [l=zh] {段落} _magazines_ [l=zh] {杂志} _nzdlpagefooter_ [l=zh] {


电脑科学系, 威科图大学, 新西兰} #------------------------------------------------------------ # icons #------------------------------------------------------------ ## "主页" ## top_nav_button ## chome ## _httpiconchomeof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/chomeof.gif} _httpiconchomeon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/chomeon.gif} ## "帮助" ## top_nav_button ## chelp ## _httpiconchelpof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/chelpof.gif} _httpiconchelpon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/chelpon.gif} ## "选项" ## top_nav_button ## cpref ## _httpiconcprefof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/cprefof.gif} _httpiconcprefon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/cprefon.gif} ## "回馈信息" ## top_nav_button ## cusab ## _httpiconcusabof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/cusabof.gif} _httpiconcusabon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/cusabon.gif} ## "帮助" ## green_title ## h_help ## _httpiconhhelp_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_help.gif} _widthhhelp_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthhelp_ [l=zh] {57} ## "作者索引a-z" ## nav_bar_button ## tauth ## _httpicontcreatgr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tauthgr.gif} _httpicontcreatof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tauthof.gif} _httpicontcreaton_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tauthon.gif} _widthtcreatx_ [l=zh] {110} ## "集" ## nav_bar_button ## tser ## _httpicontsergr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tsergr.gif} _httpicontserof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tserof.gif} _httpicontseron_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tseron.gif} _widthtserx_ [l=zh] {87} ## "日子" ## nav_bar_button ## tdate ## _httpicontdategr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tdategr.gif} _httpicontdateof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tdateof.gif} _httpicontdateon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tdateon.gif} _widthtdatex_ [l=zh] {87} ## "主题" ## nav_bar_button ## tsubj ## _httpicontsubjgr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tsubjgr.gif} _httpicontsubjon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tsubjon.gif} _httpicontsubjof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tsubjof.gif} _widthtsubjx_ [l=zh] {87} ## "截止于" ## nav_bar_button ## tto ## _httpiconttogr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/ttogr.gif} _httpiconttoon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/ttoon.gif} _httpiconttoof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/ttoof.gif} _widthttox_ [l=zh] {87} ## "开始于" ## nav_bar_button ## tfrom ## _httpicontfromgr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tfromgr.gif} _httpicontfromon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tfromon.gif} _httpicontfromof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tfromof.gif} _widthtfromx_ [l=zh] {87} ## "组织" ## nav_bar_button ## torg ## _httpicontorggr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/torggr.gif} _httpicontorgon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/torgon.gif} _httpicontorgof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/torgof.gif} _widthtorgx_ [l=zh] {114} ## "“如何”" ## nav_bar_button ## thow ## _httpiconthowgr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/thowgr.gif} _httpiconthowon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/thowon.gif} _httpiconthowof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/thowof.gif} _widththowx_ [l=zh] {87} ## "论题" ## nav_bar_button ## ttopic ## _httpiconttopicgr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/ttopicgr.gif} _httpiconttopicon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/ttopicon.gif} _httpiconttopicof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/ttopicof.gif} _widthttopicx_ [l=zh] {87} ## "浏览" ## nav_bar_button ## tbrwse ## _httpicontbrwsegr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tbrwsegr.gif} _httpicontbrwseon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tbrwseon.gif} _httpicontbrwseof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tbrwseof.gif} _widthtbrwsex_ [l=zh] {87} ## "合集" ## nav_bar_button ## tcoll ## _httpicontcollgr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tcollgr.gif} _httpicontcollof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tcollof.gif} _httpicontcollon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tcollon.gif} _widthtcollx_ [l=zh] {87} ## "查询" ## nav_bar_button ## tsrch ## _httpicontsrchgr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tsrchgr.gif} _httpicontsrchof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tsrchof.gif} _httpicontsrchon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tsrchon.gif} _widthtsrchx_ [l=zh] {87} ## "标题索引a-z" ## nav_bar_button ## ttitl ## _httpiconttitlgr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/ttitlgr.gif} _httpiconttitlof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/ttitlof.gif} _httpiconttitlon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/ttitlon.gif} _widthttitlx_ [l=zh] {87} ## "人名" ## nav_bar_button ## tpeop ## _httpicontpeopgr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tpeopgr.gif} _httpicontpeopof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tpeopof.gif} _httpicontpeopon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tpeopon.gif} _widthtpeopx_ [l=zh] {97} ## "语言" ## nav_bar_button ## tlang ## _httpicontlanggr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tlanggr.gif} _httpicontlangon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tlangon.gif} _httpicontlangof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tlangof.gif} _widthtlangx_ [l=zh] {87} ## "词头" ## nav_bar_button ## tacro ## _httpicontacrogr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tacrogr.gif} _httpicontacroof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tacroof.gif} _httpicontacroon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tacroon.gif} _widthtacrox_ [l=zh] {87} #TODO singular or plural? ## "短句" ## nav_bar_button ## tphrse ## _httpicontphrsegr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tphrsegr.gif} _httpicontphrseof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tphrseof.gif} _httpicontphrseon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tphrseon.gif} _widthtphrsex_ [l=zh] {87} ## "艺术家" ## nav_bar_button ## tartst ## _httpicontartstgr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tartstgr.gif} _httpicontartstof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tartstof.gif} _httpicontartston_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tartston.gif} _widthtartstx_ [l=zh] {87} ## "文件名" ## nav_bar_button ## tsrc ## _httpicontsrcgr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tsrcgr.gif} _httpicontsrcof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tsrcof.gif} _httpicontsrcon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tsrcon.gif} _widthtsrcx_ [l=zh] {87} ## "关键词" ## nav_bar_button ## tkw ## _httpicontkwgr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tkwgr.gif} _httpicontkwof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tkwof.gif} _httpicontkwon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tkwon.gif} _widthtkwx_ [l=zh] {87} ## "卷数" ## nav_bar_button ## tvol ## _httpicontvolgr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tvolgr.gif} _httpicontvolof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tvolof.gif} _httpicontvolon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tvolon.gif} _widthtvolx_ [l=zh] {87} ## "标题" ## nav_bar_button ## tcapt ## _httpicontcaptgr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tcaptgr.gif} _httpicontcaptof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tcaptof.gif} _httpicontcapton_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tcapton.gif} _widthtcaptx_ [l=zh] {87} ## "国家" ## nav_bar_button ## tcount ## _httpicontcountgr_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tcountgr.gif} _httpicontcountof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tcountof.gif} _httpicontcounton_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/tcounton.gif} _widthtcountx_ [l=zh] {87} ###################################################################### # 'about' page package about ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textabcol_ [l=zh] {关于本收藏} _textsubcols1_ [l=zh] {

此全部收藏由 _1_ subcollections 组成。 它们在:

} _textsubcols2_ [l=zh] {
您可以在选项页查询(并修改)现使用的集。} #------------------------------------------------------------ # icons #------------------------------------------------------------ ## "关于" ## green_title ## h_about ## _httpiconhabout_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_about.gif} _widthhabout_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthabout_ [l=zh] {57} ###################################################################### # document package package document ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _texticonhtitle_ [l=zh] {标题索引A-Z} _texticonhcoll_ [l=zh] {合集} _texticonhcreat_ [l=zh] {作者索引A-Z} _texticonhsubj_ [l=zh] {主题} _texticonhto_ [l=zh] {截止于} _texticonhfrom_ [l=zh] {开始于} _texticonhser_ [l=zh] {丛书} _texticonhdate_ [l=zh] {日期} _texticonhhow_ [l=zh] {“如何”} _texticonhorg_ [l=zh] {组织} _texticonhbrwse_ [l=zh] {浏览} _texticonhbrows_ [l=zh] {浏览} _texticonhpeople_ [l=zh] {人名索引A-Z} _texticonhlang_ [l=zh] {语言} _texticonhacronym_ [l=zh] {词头} _texticonhphrases_ [l=zh] {短句} _texticonhartist_ [l=zh] {艺术家} _texticonhsrc_ [l=zh] {文件名} _texticonhkw_ [l=zh] {关键词} _texticonhvol_ [l=zh] {卷数} _texticonhcapt_ [l=zh] {注释} _texticonhcount_ [l=zh] {国家} _texticonopenbookshelf_ [l=zh] {关闭本项} _texticonclosedbookshelf_ [l=zh] {打开本项并且浏览内容} _texticonopenbook_ [l=zh] {关闭本书} _texticonclosedfolder_ [l=zh] {打开文件夹并且浏览目录} _texticonclosedfolder2_ [l=zh] {打开此节:} _texticonopenfolder_ [l=zh] {关闭文件夹} _texticonopenfolder2_ [l=zh] {关闭此节:} _texticonsmalltext_ [l=zh] {浏览此部份文本} _texticonsmalltext2_ [l=zh] {浏览文本:} _texticonpointer_ [l=zh] {本项} _texticondetach_ [l=zh] {在新窗口显示本页} _texticonhighlight_ [l=zh] {突出显示查询项} _texticonnohighlight_ [l=zh] {不要突出显示查询项} _texticoncontracttoc_ [l=zh] {关闭目录表} _texticonexpandtoc_ [l=zh] {扩展目录表} _texticonexpandtext_ [l=zh] {显示所有文本} _texticoncontracttext_ [l=zh] {对选定的段落只显示文字} _texticonwarning_ [l=zh] {警告:} _texticoncont_ [l=zh] {继续?} _textltwarning_ [l=zh] {

_iconwarning_展开此文本将会在您的浏览器显示大量的内容 _imagecont_
} _textgoto_ [l=zh] {链接到页} _textintro_ [l=zh] {(介绍)} #------------------------------------------------------------ # icons #------------------------------------------------------------ ## "标题索引a-z" ## green_title ## h_title ## _httpiconhtitle_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_title.gif} _widthhtitle_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthtitle_ [l=zh] {57} ## "作者索引a-z" ## green_title ## h_auth ## _httpiconhcreat_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_auth.gif} _widthhcreat_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthcreat_ [l=zh] {57} ## "主题" ## green_title ## h_subj ## _httpiconhsubj_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_subj.gif} _widthhsubj_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthsubj_ [l=zh] {57} ## "截止于" ## green_title ## h_to ## _httpiconhto_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_to.gif} _widthhto_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthto_ [l=zh] {57} ## "开始于" ## green_title ## h_from ## _httpiconhfrom_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_from.gif} _widthhfrom_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthfrom_ [l=zh] {57} ## "丛书" ## green_title ## h_ser ## _httpiconhser_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_ser.gif} _widthhser_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthser_ [l=zh] {57} ## "日子" ## green_title ## h_date ## _httpiconhdate_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_date.gif} _widthhdate_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthdate_ [l=zh] {57} ## "“如何”" ## green_title ## h_how ## _httpiconhhow_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_how.gif} _widthhhow_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthhow_ [l=zh] {57} ## "标题" ## green_title ## h_topic ## _httpiconhtopic_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_topic.gif} _widthhtopic_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthtopic_ [l=zh] {57} ## "组织" ## green_title ## h_org ## _httpiconhorg_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_org.gif} _widthhorg_ [l=zh] {250} _heighthorg_ [l=zh] {57} ## "浏览" ## green_title ## h_brwse ## _httpiconhbrwse_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_brwse.gif} _widthhbrwse_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthbrwse_ [l=zh] {57} ## "合集" ## green_title ## hcoll ## _httpiconhcoll_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_coll.gif} _widthhcoll_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthcoll_ [l=zh] {57} ## "人" ## green_title ## h_people ## _httpiconhpeople_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_people.gif} _widthhpeople_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthpeople_ [l=zh] {57} ## "语言" ## green_title ## h_lang ## _httpiconhlang_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_lang.gif} _widthhlang_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthlang_ [l=zh] {57} ## "词头" ## green_title ## h_acro ## _httpiconhacronym_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_acro.gif} _widthhacronym_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthacronym_ [l=zh] {57} ## "短句" ## green_title ## h_phrse ## _httpiconhphrse_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_phrse.gif} _widthhphrse_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthphrse_ [l=zh] {57} ## "艺术家" ## green_title ## h_artist ## _httpiconhartist_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_artist.gif} _widthhartist_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthartist_ [l=zh] {57} ## "文件名" ## green_title ## h_src ## _httpiconhsrc_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_src.gif} _widthhsrc_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthsrc_ [l=zh] {57} ## "关键词" ## green_title ## h_kw ## _httpiconhkw_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_kw.gif} _widthhkw_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthkw_ [l=zh] {57} ## "卷数" ## green_title ## h_vol ## _httpiconhvol_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_vol.gif} _widthhvol_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthvol_ [l=zh] {57} ## "国家" ## green_title ## h_count ## _httpiconhcount_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_count.gif} _widthhcount_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthcount_ [l=zh] {57} ## "标题" ## green_title ## h_capt ## _httpiconhcapt_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_capt.gif} _widthhcapt_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthcapt_ [l=zh] {57} ## "继续???" ## top_nav_button ## cont ## _httpiconcontoff_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/contof.gif} _httpiconconton_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/conton.gif} ## "展开文本" ## document_button ## eallt ## _httpiconealltof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/ealltof.gif} _httpiconeallton_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/eallton.gif} ## "关闭目录" ## document_button ## econc ## _httpiconeconcof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/econcof.gif} _httpiconeconcon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/econcon.gif} ## "新窗口显示" ## document_button ## edtch ## _httpiconedtchof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/edtchof.gif} _httpiconedtchon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/edtchon.gif} ## "打开目录" ## document_button ## eexpc ## _httpiconeexpcof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/eexpcof.gif} _httpiconeexpcon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/eexpcon.gif} ## "关闭文本" ## document_button ## etsec ## _httpiconetsecof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/etsecof.gif} _httpiconetsecon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/etsecon.gif} ## "突出显示" ## document_button ## ehl ## _httpiconehlof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/ehlof.gif} _httpiconehlon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/ehlon.gif} ## "不突出显示" ## document_button ## enhl ## _httpiconenhlof_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/enhlof.gif} _httpiconenhlon_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/enhlon.gif} ###################################################################### # 'search' page package query ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # this if statement produces the text 'results n1 - nn for query: querystring' or # 'No matches for query: querystring', depending on whether or not there were # any matches _textquerytitle_ [l=zh] {_If_(_thislast_,results _thisfirst_ - _thislast_ 查询: _cgiargq_,未发现: _cgiargq_)} _textnoquerytitle_ [l=zh] {查找页} _texticonthispage_ [l=zh] {查询} _textsome_ [l=zh] {部分} _textall_ [l=zh] {全部} _textboolean_ [l=zh] {布尔} _textranked_ [l=zh] {排名} _textnatural_ [l=zh] {自然} #_textsome_ {_If_(_cgiargb_,ranked,some)} #_textall_ {_If_(_cgiargb_,boolean,all)} #_textformsome_ {_If_(_cgiargb_,ranked,some)} #_textformall_ {_If_(_cgiargb_,natural,all)} _texticonqueryresultsbar_ [l=zh] {} _texticonsearchhistorybar_ [l=zh] {查询历史} # -- Missing translation: _textifeellucky_ #alt text for query buttons _textusequery_ [l=zh] {使用此查询} _textfreqmsg1_ [l=zh] {词语总计:} _textpostprocess_ [l=zh] {_If_(_quotedquery_,
后处理去发现_quotedquery_ )} _textinvalidquery_ [l=zh] {非法的搜寻语法} _textmorethan_ [l=zh] {多于} _textapprox_ [l=zh] {关于} _textnodocs_ [l=zh] {没有文档符合搜寻条件。} _text1doc_ [l=zh] {1个文档符合查询条件。} _textlotsdocs_ [l=zh] {个文档符合搜寻条件。} _textmatches_ [l=zh] {符合} _textbeginsearch_ [l=zh] {开始查询} _textrunquery_ [l=zh] {执行查询} _textclearform_ [l=zh] {清除表格} #these go together in form search: #"Word or phrase (fold, stem) ... in field" _textwordphrase_ [l=zh] {词或短句} _textinfield_ [l=zh] {… 在域} _textfoldstem_ [l=zh] {(文件夹, 结尾)} _textadvquery_ [l=zh] {或者直接输入查询语句:} _textallfields_ [l=zh] {全部} _texttextonly_ [l=zh] {只限文本} _textand_ [l=zh] {"与“运算} _textor_ [l=zh] {或者} _textandnot_ [l=zh] {“与否”运算} # _indexselection_, _jselection_, _nselection_ and _gselection_ are set from # within the server - _indexselection_ is always set, but the others may be # unset _textsimplesearch_ [l=zh] {按 _indexselection_ _If_(_jselection_,of _jselection_ )_If_(_gselection_, at _gselection_ level )_If_(_nselection_,in _nselection_ language )查询包含 _querytypeselection_ 提问词的记录} _textadvancedsearch_ [l=zh] {_indexselection_ _If_(_jselection_,of _jselection_ )_If_(_gselection_,at _gselection_ level )_If_(_nselection_,in _nselection_ language )使用 _querytypeselection_ 语句查询} _textformsimplesearch_ [l=zh] {_If_(_jselection_, _jselection_ )_If_(_gformselection_,at _gformselection_ level )_If_(_nselection_,in _nselection_ language )以 _formquerytypeselection_ 查询} _textformadvancedsearch_ [l=zh] {_If_(_jselection_,_jselection_ )_If_(_gformselection_,at _gformselection_ level )_If_(_nselection_,in _nselection_ language )查询并且以 _formquerytypeselection_ order 显示结果} _textnojsformwarning_ [l=zh] {警告:您浏览器的Javascript被禁用了。
要使用查询功能,请启用它。} _textdatesearch_ [l=zh] {本收藏可以按日期范围或包含一个特定的日子来进行查询.这是查询的一项可选择功能.} _textstartdate_ [l=zh] {开始(或限制)日期:} _textenddate_ [l=zh] {完成日期:} _textbc_ [l=zh] {公元前} _textad_ [l=zh] {公元} _textexplaineras_ [l=zh] {C.E. 和 B.C.E 是公元(A.D.)和公元前(B.C.)同义词. 这些词语被认为是文化差异, 表示"现在" 和"先于现在".} _textstemon_ [l=zh] {(忽略词尾)} _textsearchhistory_ [l=zh] {查询历史} #text macros for search history _textnohistory_ [l=zh] {查询历史不存在} _texthresult_ [l=zh] {结果} _texthresults_ [l=zh] {结果} _texthallwords_ [l=zh] {所有词语} _texthsomewords_ [l=zh] {一些词语} _texthboolean_ [l=zh] {布尔} _texthranked_ [l=zh] {排名} _texthcaseon_ [l=zh] {大小写必须符合} _texthcaseoff_ [l=zh] {忽略大小写} _texthstemon_ [l=zh] {结尾} _texthstemoff_ [l=zh] {无结尾} #------------------------------------------------------------ # icons #------------------------------------------------------------ ## "查询" ## green_title ## h_search ## _httpiconhsearch_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_search.gif} _widthhsearch_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthsearch_ [l=zh] {57} ## "结果" ## green_bar_left_aligned ## qryresb ## _httpiconqryresb_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/qryresb.gif} _widthqryresb_ [l=zh] {_pagewidth_} _heightqryresb_ [l=zh] {17} ## "历史纪录" ## green_bar_left_aligned ## schhistb ## _httpiconsrchhistb_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/schhistb.gif} _widthsrchhistb_ [l=zh] {_pagewidth_} _heightsrchhistb_ [l=zh] {17} ###################################################################### # 'preferences' page package preferences ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textprefschanged_ [l=zh] {选项已经按以下设定. 请不要使用浏览器的"后退"键 - 这样的话将会重新设置选项. 请点击上面的查阅条的按键. } _textsetprefs_ [l=zh] {设置选项} _textsearchprefs_ [l=zh] {查询选项} _textcollectionprefs_ [l=zh] {收藏选项} _textpresentationprefs_ [l=zh] {显示选项} _textpreferences_ [l=zh] {选项} _textcasediffs_ [l=zh] {区分大小写:} _textignorecase_ [l=zh] {忽略大小写} _textmatchcase_ [l=zh] {大写/小写必须符合} _textwordends_ [l=zh] {词结尾} _textstem_ [l=zh] {忽略词结尾} _textnostem_ [l=zh] {全部词必须符合 } _textprefop_ [l=zh] {查询最多传回    _maxdocoption_ 条记录,每页显示 _hitsperpageoption_ 条记录} _textextlink_ [l=zh] {查阅外部网页:} _textintlink_ [l=zh] {发现源文档由:} _textlanguage_ [l=zh] {界面语言:} _textencoding_ [l=zh] {编码方式:} _textformat_ [l=zh] {界面格式:} _textall_ [l=zh] {全部} _textquerymode_ [l=zh] {查询模式:} _textsimplemode_ [l=zh] {简单查询方式} _textadvancedmode_ [l=zh] {高级查询方式(可以使用 !、&、| 和括号来进行布尔查询)} _textlinkinterm_ [l=zh] {由中间页} _textlinkdirect_ [l=zh] {直接链接到} _textdigitlib_ [l=zh] {数字图书馆} _textweb_ [l=zh] {网} _textgraphical_ [l=zh] {图形} _texttextual_ [l=zh] {文字} _textcollectionoption_ [l=zh] {

} _textrelateddocdisplay_ [l=zh] {显示相关的文档} _textsearchhistory_ [l=zh] {查询历史} _textnohistory_ [l=zh] {无查询历史} _texthistorydisplay_ [l=zh] {显示过去 _historynumrecords_条查询} _textnohistorydisplay_ [l=zh] {不显示查询历史} #_texttypesearch_ {Type of search:} #_texttextsearch_ {text search} _textformsearch_ [l=zh] {表格查询:} _textplainsearch_ [l=zh] {单一查询} _textqueryboxsize_ [l=zh] {查询框尺寸:} _textregbox_ [l=zh] {一般查询框} _textbigbox_ [l=zh] {较大查询框} _textformtype_ [l=zh] {表格类型:} _textsimple_ [l=zh] {简单} _textadvanced_ [l=zh] {高级的} # used in "with 4 fields" in the form search box _textwith_ [l=zh] {和} _textfields_ [l=zh] {域} #------------------------------------------------------------ # icons #------------------------------------------------------------ ## "选项" ## green_title ## h_pref ## _httpiconhpref_ [l=zh] {_httpimg_/zh/h\_pref.gif} _widthhpref_ [l=zh] {200} _heighthpref_ [l=zh] {57} ##################################################################### # 'browse' package for the dynamic browsing interface package browse ##################################################################### _textsortby_ [l=zh] {排列文档按} _textalsoshowing_ [l=zh] {还显示} _textwith_ [l=zh] {最多以} _textdocsperpage_ [l=zh] {文档中每页} _textfilterby_ [l=zh] {文档包含} _textall_ [l=zh] {全部} _textany_ [l=zh] {任何} _textwords_ [l=zh] {词的} _textleaveblank_ [l=zh] {不选此项以获得所有文档} _browsebuttontext_ [l=zh] {“文档排序”} _nodata_ [l=zh] {无数据} _docs_ [l=zh] {文档} ###################################################################### # 'help' page -- this is lower priority for translating than the # rest of this file package help ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textHelp_ [l=zh] {帮助} _textSearchshort_ [l=zh] {按特定词语查找} _textSeriesshort_ [l=zh] {按丛书查阅出版物} _textDateshort_ [l=zh] {按日期查阅出版物} _textSubjectshort_ [l=zh] {按主题查阅出版物} _textToshort_ [l=zh] {按“To"选项查阅出版物} _textFromshort_ [l=zh] {按送出人查阅出版物} _textTitleshort_ [l=zh] {按标题查阅出版物} _textBrowseshort_ [l=zh] {浏览出版物} _textCreatorshort_ [l=zh] {按作者查阅出版物} _textOrganizationshort_ [l=zh] {按组织查阅出版物} _textHowtoshort_ [l=zh] {按“如何”功能排列查阅出版物} _textTopicshort_ [l=zh] {按论题查阅出版物} _textPeopleshort_ [l=zh] {按人物查阅出版物} _textLanguageshort_ [l=zh] {按语言查阅出版物} _textAcronymshort_ [l=zh] {按词头查阅出版物} _textPhraseshort_ [l=zh] {按短语出现查阅出版物} _textArtistshort_ [l=zh] {按作家出版物查阅} _textSourceshort_ [l=zh] {按文件名查阅出版物} _textKeywordshort_ [l=zh] {按关键词查阅出版物} _textVolumeshort_ [l=zh] {按册次查阅出版物} _textCountriesshort_ [l=zh] {按国家查阅出版物} _textdefaultshorttext_ [l=zh] {未定义分类} _textSearchlong_ [l=zh] {

您可以在“查找”页面内的按特定词语查找。此页是开始的第一页,您也可以在其它页按查找键浏览此页。 } _textTitlelong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按标题查阅出版物,请按标题a-z键。 此操作显示按序排列的标题目录。 } _textOrganizationlong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按组织查阅出版物,请按组织键。此操作生成 组织列表。} _textHowtolong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按“如何”功能排列查阅出版物 请按“如何”键。此操作显示一系列“如何”语句。 } _textCreatorlong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按作者查阅出版物,请按 作者索引a-z 键。 此项操作会列出所有按作者名字排列的书。 } _textTopiclong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按论题查阅出版物,请按论题键。 此操作显示可浏览的论题目录。 } _textSubjectlong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按主题查阅出版物,请按主题键。 此操作显示主题目录。 } _textTolong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按“To"选项查阅出版物,请按to键。 此操作显示地址目录。 } _textFromlong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按From查阅,请按 from 键。 此项操作会列出送出人。 } _textSerieslong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按丛书查阅出版物, 请按丛书键。此操作显示收藏内的丛书列表。 } _textDatelong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按日期查阅出版物,请按 日期 键。 此项操作会列出所有按日期排列的书。 } _textBrowselong_ [l=zh] {

您可以浏览出版物, 请按 浏览键。} _textPeoplelong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按人物查阅出版物,请按人物键。此操作生成 人物姓氏列表。} _textLanguagelong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按语言查阅出版物, 请按 语言键。此操作生成按语言排序的纪录。 } _textAcronymlong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按词头查阅出版物, 请按 词头键。此操作会列出所有词头和它们出现的位置。 } _textPhraselong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按短语出现查阅出版物,请按短语键。此操作使用“Phild"短语浏览器。} _textArtistlong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按作者查阅出版物, 请按 作者键。 此操作会列出所有按作者名字排列的记录。} _textSourcelong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按文件名查阅出版物,请按文件名键。 此操作显示按原始文件名排列的目录。 } _textKeywordlong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按关键词查阅出版物 请按关键词 键。此操作显示关键词列表。 } _textVolumelong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按册次查阅出版物,请按册次键。 此操作显示册次目录。 } _textCaptionslong_ [l=zh] {

您可以 按注释查阅出版物 请按注释键。此操作显示注释列表。 } _textCountrieslong_ [l=zh] {

您可以按国家查阅出版物 请按 国家 键。 此操作显示国家列表。 } _textdefaultlongtext_ [l=zh] {

请点击未知键浏览出版物(目录按一个未知选项排序)。} _texthelptopics_ [l=zh] {


} # there are 4 versions of this section of the help text. # which version is used is currently set within the server # (it should probably use the macro language e.g. [type=book]) # 1 = html (like fao collections) -- section is empty # 2 = book (like hdl collection) -- macros beginning with book # 3 = bibliographic (like csbib) -- macros beginning with bib # 4 = standard (like gberg) -- the default _topicreadingdocs_ [l=zh] {
  • _textreadingdocs_} _textreadingdocs_ [l=zh] {如何阅读文档} _texthelpreadingdocs_ [l=zh] {






    在封面下方有三个按键,单击“展开文本”即打开当前章节或书目的全部文本。单击“打开目录”打开整个目录表,您可以看到所有章节的目录;单击““新窗口显示”则打开另一浏览窗显示该屏幕(这个功能在想要比较不同的书或同时阅读两本书时是很有用的)。最后,当您查询的时候查询词是突出显示的, 点击突出显示查询项取消本功能。

    } _texthelpsearching_ [l=zh] {



    1. 指明您想要查询的文件
    2. 选择是查询所有字还是部份字
    3. 输入要查询的字
    4. 单击“开始查询”










    Highlight search terms, or not
    ... 或回上一节