########################################################################### # # ghtml.pm -- this used to be called html.pm but it clashed # with the existing html module under windows # # A component of the Greenstone digital library software # from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the # University of Waikato, New Zealand. # # Copyright (C) 1999 New Zealand Digital Library Project # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ########################################################################### package ghtml; use unicode; # htmlsafe(TEXT) # # Converts SGML meta characters in TEXT to entity references. # sub htmlsafe { $_[0] =~ s/&/&/osg; $_[0] =~ s//>/osg; $_[0] =~ s/\"/"/osg; } # unescape_html(TEXT) # # Converts HTML entities into their original form. # sub unescape_html { my ($html) = @_; $html =~ s/&/&/osg; $html =~ s/<//osg; $html =~ s/"/\"/osg; return $html; } # urlsafe(TEXT) # # Converts characters not allowed in a URL to their hex representation. # sub urlsafe { $_[0] =~ s/[\x09\x20\x22\x3c\x3e\x5b\x5c\x5d\x5e\x60\x7b\x7c\x7d\x7e\?\=\&\+_\/]/sprintf("%%%2x", ord($&))/gse; } # dmsafe # # Converts characters which could make display.pl or html crack to their entity references. # Don't use this on dm macros as they will no longer be recognisable by dm (which # by the way, is the whole idea). # -- Rodger 12/1/98 sub dmsafe { my ($s) = $_[0]; $s =~ s/&/&/osg; # for html $s =~ s//>/osg; # for html $s =~ s/\_/_/osg; # for dm (we have a convention of starting macros with _ $s =~ s/\"/"/osg; # for html (don't want to be interpreted as a quote) $s =~ s/\{/{/osg; # for dm blocks $s =~ s/\}/}/osg; # for dm blocks $s =~ s/\\/\/osg; # for dm (dm removes naturally occurring backquotes) return $s; } # named entry to the standard html font %charnetosf = ("Agrave"=> "192", "Aacute"=> "193", "Acirc" => "194", "Atilde"=> "195", "Auml" => "196", "Aring" => "197", "AElig" => "198", "Ccedil"=> "199", "Egrave"=> "200", "Eacute"=> "201", "Ecirc" => "202", "Euml" => "203", "Igrave"=> "204", "Iacute"=> "205", "Icirc" => "206", "Iuml" => "207", "ETH" => "208", "Ntilde"=> "209", "Ograve"=> "210", "Oacute"=> "211", "Ocirc" => "212", "Otilde"=> "213", "Ouml" => "214", "Oslash"=> "216", "Ugrave"=> "217", "Uacute"=> "218", "Ucirc" => "219", "Uuml" => "220", "Yacute"=> "221", "THORN" => "222", "szlig" => "223", "agrave"=> "224", "aacute"=> "225", "acirc" => "226", "atilde"=> "227", "auml" => "228", "aring" => "229", "aelig" => "230", "ccedil"=> "231", "egrave"=> "232", "eacute"=> "233", "ecirc" => "234", "euml" => "235", "igrave"=> "236", "iacute"=> "237", "icirc" => "238", "iuml" => "239", "eth" => "240", "ntilde"=> "241", "ograve"=> "242", "oacute"=> "243", "ocirc" => "244", "otilde"=> "245", "ouml" => "246", "oslash"=> "248", "ugrave"=> "249", "uacute"=> "250", "ucirc" => "251", "uuml" => "252", "yacute"=> "253", "thorn" => "254", "yuml" => "255"); %symnetosf = ("quot" => "34", "amp" => "38", "lt" => "60", "gt" => "62", "nbsp" => "160", "iexcl" => "161", "cent" => "162", "pound" => "163", "curren"=> "164", "yen" => "165", "brvbar"=> "166", "sect" => "167", "uml" => "168", "copy" => "169", "ordf" => "170", "laquo" => "171", "not" => "172", "shy" => "173", "reg" => "174", "macr" => "175", "deg" => "176", "plusmn"=> "177", "sup2" => "178", "sup3" => "179", "acute" => "180", "micro" => "181", "para" => "182", "middot"=> "183", "cedil" => "184", "sup1" => "185", "ordm" => "186", "raquo" => "187", "frac14"=> "188", "frac12"=> "189", "frac34"=> "190", "iquest"=> "191", "times" => "215", "divide"=> "247"); # standard font to plain text %sftotxt = ("32" => " ", "33" => "!", "34" => "\"", "35" => "\#", "36" => "\$", "37" => "\%", "38" => "&", "39" => "'", "40" => "(", "41" => ")", "42" => "*", "43" => "+", "44" => ",", "45" => "-", "46" => ".", "47" => "/", "48" => "0", "49" => "1", "50" => "2", "51" => "3", "52" => "4", "53" => "5", "54" => "6", "55" => "7", "56" => "8", "57" => "9", "58" => ":", "59" => ";", "60" => "<", "61" => "=", "62" => ">", "63" => "?", "64" => "\@", "65" => "A", "66" => "B", "57" => "9", "58" => ":", "59" => ";", "61" => "=", "63" => "?", "64" => "\@", "65" => "A", "66" => "B", "67" => "C", "68" => "D", "69" => "E", "70" => "F", "71" => "G", "72" => "H", "73" => "I", "74" => "J", "75" => "K", "76" => "L", "77" => "M", "78" => "N", "79" => "O", "80" => "P", "81" => "Q", "82" => "R", "83" => "S", "84" => "T", "85" => "U", "86" => "V", "87" => "W", "88" => "X", "89" => "Y", "90" => "Z", "91" => "[", "92" => "\\", "93" => "]", "94" => "^", "95" => "_", "96" => "`", "97" => "a", "98" => "b", "99" => "c", "100" => "d", "101" => "e", "102" => "f", "103" => "g", "104" => "h", "105" => "i", "106" => "j", "107" => "k", "108" => "l", "109" => "m", "110" => "n", "111" => "o", "112" => "p", "113" => "q", "114" => "r", "115" => "s", "116" => "t", "117" => "u", "118" => "v", "119" => "w", "120" => "x", "121" => "y", "122" => "z", "123" => "{", "124" => "|", "125" => "}", "126" => "~", "130" => ",", "131" => "f", "132" => "\"", "133" => "...", "139" => "<", "140" => "OE", "145" => "'", "146" => "'", "147" => "\"", "148" => "\"", "149" => "o", "150" => "--", "151" => "-", "152" => "~", "153" => "TM", "155" => ">", "156" => "oe", "159" => "Y", "160" => " ", "178" => "2", "179" => "3", "185" => "1", "188" => "1/4", "189" => "1/2", "190" => "3/4", "192" => "A", "193" => "A", "194" => "A", "195" => "A", "196" => "A", "197" => "A", "198" => "AE", "199" => "C", "200" => "E", "201" => "E", "202" => "E", "203" => "E", "204" => "I", "205" => "I", "206" => "I", "207" => "I", "208" => "D", "209" => "N", "210" => "O", "211" => "O", "212" => "O", "213" => "O", "214" => "O", "215" => "*", "216" => "O", "217" => "U", "218" => "U", "219" => "U", "220" => "U", "221" => "Y", "223" => "ss", "224" => "a", "225" => "a", "226" => "a", "227" => "a", "228" => "a", "229" => "a", "230" => "ae", "231" => "c", "232" => "e", "233" => "e", "234" => "e", "235" => "e", "236" => "i", "237" => "i", "238" => "i", "239" => "i", "241" => "n", "242" => "o", "243" => "o", "244" => "o", "245" => "o", "246" => "o", "247" => "/", "248" => "o", "249" => "u", "250" => "u", "251" => "u", "252" => "u", "253" => "y", "255" => "y", "8218" => ","); # returns the character as a raw utf-8 character. It assumes that the # & and ; have been stripped off the string. sub getcharequiv { my ($entity, $convertsymbols) = @_; # a numeric entity if ($entity =~ /^\#0*(\d+)/) { my $code=$1; # non-standard Microsoft breakage, as usual if ($code < 0x9f) { # code page 1252 uses reserved bytes if ($code == 0x91) {$code=0x2018} # 145 = single left quote elsif ($code == 0x92) {$code=0x2019} # 146 = single right quote elsif ($code == 0x93) {$code=0x201c} # 147 = double left quote elsif ($code == 0x94) {$code=0x201d} # 148 = double right quote # ... } return &unicode::unicode2utf8([$code]); } # a named character entity if (defined $charnetosf{$entity}) { return &unicode::unicode2utf8([$charnetosf{$entity}]); } # a named symbol entity if ($convertsymbols && defined $symnetosf{$entity}) { return &unicode::unicode2utf8([$symnetosf{$entity}]); } return "&$entity;"; # unknown character } # convert character entities from named equivalents to html font sub convertcharentities { # args: the text that you want to convert $_[0] =~ s/&([^;]+);/&getcharequiv($1,0)/gse; } # convert any entities from named equivalents to html font sub convertallentities { # args: the text that you want to convert $_[0] =~ s/&([^;]+);/&getcharequiv($1,1)/gse; } sub html2txt { # args: the text that you want converted to ascii, # and whether to strip out sgml tags # strip out sgml tags if needed $_[0] =~ s/<[^>]>//g if $_[1]; # convert the char entities to the standard html font &convertcharentities($_[0]); # convert the html character set to a plain ascii character set my $pos = 0; while ($pos < length($_[0])) { my $charnum = ord(substr($_[0], $pos, 1)); if ($charnum >= 32) { # only convert characters above #32 my $replacechars = " "; $replacechars = $sftotxt{$charnum} if defined $sftotxt{$charnum}; substr($_[0], $pos, 1) = $replacechars; $pos += length ($replacechars); } else { $pos ++; } } } # look for mime.types (eg in /etc, or apache/conf directories), or have a look # at for defaults. sub guess_mime_type { my ($filename) = @_; my ($fileext) = $filename =~ /\.(\w+)$/; return "unknown" unless defined $fileext; my %mime_type = ("ai"=>"application/postscript", "aif"=>"audio/x-aiff", "aifc"=>"audio/x-aiff", "aiff"=>"audio/x-aiff", "au"=>"audio/basic", "avi"=>"video/x-msvideo", "bcpio"=>"application/x-bcpio", "bin"=>"application/octet-stream", "cdf"=>"application/x-netcdf", "class"=>"application/octet-stream", "cpio"=>"application/x-cpio", "cpt"=>"application/mac-compactpro", "csh"=>"application/x-csh", "dcr"=>"application/x-director", "dir"=>"application/x-director", "dms"=>"application/octet-stream", "doc"=>"application/msword", "dvi"=>"application/x-dvi", "dxr"=>"application/x-director", "eps"=>"application/postscript", "etx"=>"text/x-setext", "exe"=>"application/octet-stream", "gif"=>"image/gif", "gtar"=>"application/x-gtar", "hdf"=>"application/x-hdf", "hqx"=>"application/mac-binhex40", "htm"=>"text/html", "html"=>"text/html", "ice"=>"x-conference/x-cooltalk", "ief"=>"image/ief", "jpe"=>"image/jpeg", "jpeg"=>"image/jpeg", "jpg"=>"image/jpeg", "kar"=>"audio/midi", "latex"=>"application/x-latex", "lha"=>"application/octet-stream", "lzh"=>"application/octet-stream", "man"=>"application/x-troff-man", "mcf"=>"image/vasa", "me"=>"application/x-troff-me", "mid"=>"audio/midi", "midi"=>"audio/midi", "mif"=>"application/x-mif", "mov"=>"video/quicktime", "movie"=>"video/x-sgi-movie", "mp2"=>"audio/mpeg", "mpe"=>"video/mpeg", "mpeg"=>"video/mpeg", "mpg"=>"video/mpeg", "mpga"=>"audio/mpeg", "ms"=>"application/x-troff-ms", "nc"=>"application/x-netcdf", "oda"=>"application/oda", "pbm"=>"image/x-portable-bitmap", "pdb"=>"chemical/x-pdb", "pdf"=>"application/pdf", "pgm"=>"image/x-portable-graymap", "png"=>"image/png", "pnm"=>"image/x-portable-anymap", "ppm"=>"image/x-portable-pixmap", "ppt"=>"application/vnd.ms-powerpoint", "ps"=>"application/postscript", "qt"=>"video/quicktime", "ra"=>"audio/x-realaudio", "ram"=>"audio/x-pn-realaudio", "ras"=>"image/x-cmu-raster", "rgb"=>"image/x-rgb", "roff"=>"application/x-troff", "rpm"=>"audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin", "rtf"=>"application/rtf", "rtx"=>"text/richtext", "sgm"=>"text/x-sgml", "sgml"=>"text/x-sgml", "sh"=>"application/x-sh", "shar"=>"application/x-shar", "sit"=>"application/x-stuffit", "skd"=>"application/x-koan", "skm"=>"application/x-koan", "skp"=>"application/x-koan", "skt"=>"application/x-koan", "snd"=>"audio/basic", "src"=>"application/x-wais-source", "sv4cpio"=>"application/x-sv4cpio", "sv4crc"=>"application/x-sv4crc", "t"=>"application/x-troff", "tar"=>"application/x-tar", "tcl"=>"application/x-tcl", "tex"=>"application/x-tex", "texi"=>"application/x-texinfo", "texinfo"=>"application/x-texinfo", "tif"=>"image/tiff", "tiff"=>"image/tiff", "tr"=>"application/x-troff", "tsv"=>"text/tab-separated-values", "txt"=>"text/plain", "ustar"=>"application/x-ustar", "vcd"=>"application/x-cdlink", "vrml"=>"x-world/x-vrml", "wav"=>"audio/x-wav", "wrl"=>"x-world/x-vrml", "xbm"=>"image/x-xbitmap", "xls"=>"application/vnd.ms-excel", "xpm"=>"image/x-xpixmap", "xwd"=>"image/x-xwindowdump", "xyz"=>"chemical/x-pdb", "zip"=>"application/zip"); return $mime_type{$fileext} if (defined $mime_type{$fileext}); return "unknown"; } 1;