@echo off set GLILANG=en :: -------- Run the Greenstone Librarian Interface -------- :: This script must be run from within the directory in which it lives if exist gli4gs3.bat goto start if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo This script must be run from the directory in which it resides. if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo Este gui¢n deber  ejecutarse desde el directorio en el que reside. if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo Ce script doit ˆtre ex‚cut‚ … partir du r‚pertoire dans lequel il se trouve. if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo â®â áªà¨¯â ¤®«¦¥­ ¡ëâì ¢§ïâ ¨§ ¤¨à¥ªâ®à¨¨, ¢ ª®â®à®© ®­ à á¯®«®¦¥­ goto exit :start if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto findGSDL3 :: Invoke a new command processor to ensure there's enough environment space if "%1" == "Second" goto findGSDL3 command /E:2048 /C %0 Second %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 goto done :findGSDL3 echo. if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo Greenstone Librarian Interface (GLI) if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo Copyright (C) 2005, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University Of Waikato if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo GLI comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see LICENSE.txt if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo Interfaz de la Biblioteca Digital Greenstone (Greenstone Librarian Interface - GLI) if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo Copyright (C) 2005, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University Of Waikato if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo La Interfaz de la Biblioteca Digital Greenstone NO INCLUYE ABSOLUTAMENTE NINGUNA GARANTÖA. if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo Para mayor informaci¢n vea los t‚rminos de la licencia en LICENSE.txt if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo Este es un software abierto, por lo que lo invitamos a que lo distribuya de forma gratuita if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo Interface du Biblioth‚caire Greenstone (Greenstone Librarian Interface - GLI) if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo Copyright (C) 2005, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University Of Waikato if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo GLI est fourni sans AUCUNE GARANTIE; pour des d‚tails, voir LICENSE.txt if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo Ceci est un logiciel libre, et vous ˆtes invit‚ … le redistribuer if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ¨¡«¨®â¥ç­ë© ¨­â¥à䥩á Greenstone (Greenstone Librarian Interface - GLI) if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo Copyright (C) 2005, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University Of Waikato if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ˆƒ ­¥ ¤ ¥â €‘Ž‹ž’Ž ˆŠ€Šˆ• ƒ€€’ˆ‰; ¤¥â «¨ á¬. ¢ ⥪á⥠LICENSE.TXT if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo â® - ᢮¡®¤­® à á¯à®áâ࠭塞®¥ ¯à®£à ¬¬­®¥ ®¡¥á¯¥ç¥­¨¥ ¨ ‚ë ¬®¦¥â¥ à á¯à®áâà ­ïâì ¥£® echo. :: ---- Determine GSDL3HOME ---- set GSDL3PATH= :: Some users may set the above line manually if not "%GSDL3PATH%" == "" goto testGSDL3 :: The default location for the GLI is a subdirectory of Greenstone 3 set GSDL3PATH=.. :: If it is set, use the GSDL3HOME environment variable if "%GSDL3HOME%" == "" goto testGSDL3 set GSDL3PATH=%GSDL3HOME% :testGSDL3 :: Check that the Greenstone 3 installation looks OK if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo Checking GSDL3: %GSDL3PATH% if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo Revisando GSDL3: %GSDL3PATH% if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo V‚rification de GSDL3: %GSDL3PATH% if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ஢¥àª  GSDL3: %GSDL3PATH% if exist "%GSDL3PATH%\gs3-setup.bat" goto prepGSDL3 echo. if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo The Greenstone 3 installation could not be found, or is incomplete. if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo Try reinstalling Greenstone 3 then running this script again. if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo No se pudo encontrar la instalaci¢n de Greenstone 3 o est  incompleta. if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo Trate de reinstalar Greenstone 3 y a continuaci¢n ejecute nuevamente este gui¢n. if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo L'installation de Greenstone 3 est introuvable ou incomplŠte. Essayez if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo de r‚installer Greenstone 3 et ex‚cutez ce script … nouveau. if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ˆ­áâ ««ïæ¨ï Greenstone 3 ­¥ ¡ë«  ­ ©¤¥­  ¨«¨ ®­  ­¥¯®«­ . ®¯à®¡ã©â¥ ¯®¢â®à­® if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ãáâ ­®¢¨âì Greenstone, 3   § â¥¬ ¢¢¥á⨠íâ®â áªà¨¯â á­®¢ . goto exit :prepGSDL3 :: Setup Greenstone 3, unless it has already been done if not "%GSDL3HOME%" == "" goto doneGSDL3 cd | winutil\setvar.exe GLIDIR > setgli.bat call setgli.bat del setgli.bat cd "%GSDL3PATH%" call gs3-setup.bat SetEnv > nul cd %GLIDIR% :doneGSDL3 :: GSDL3PATH is no longer needed, since GSDL3HOME should now be set set GSDL3PATH= :: ---- Determine GSDLHOME ---- set GSDLPATH= :: Some users may set the above line manually if not "%GSDLPATH%" == "" goto testGSDL :: The default location for Greenstone is a gs2build subdirectory of Greenstone 3 set GSDLPATH=%GSDL3HOME%\gs2build :: If it is set, use the GSDLHOME environment variable if "%GSDLHOME%" == "" goto testGSDL set GSDLPATH=%GSDLHOME% :testGSDL :: Check that the Greenstone installation looks OK if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo Checking GSDL: %GSDLPATH% if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo Revisando GSDL: %GSDLPATH% if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo V‚rification de GSDL: %GSDLPATH% if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ஢¥àª  GSDL: %GSDLPATH% if exist "%GSDLPATH%\setup.bat" goto prepGSDL echo. if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo The Greenstone installation could not be found, or is incomplete. if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo Try reinstalling Greenstone then running this script again. if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo No se pudo encontrar la instalaci¢n de Greenstone o est  incompleta. if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo Trate de reinstalar Greenstone y a continuaci¢n ejecute nuevamente este gui¢n. if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo L'installation de Greenstone est introuvable ou incomplŠte. Essayez if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo de r‚installer Greenstone et ex‚cutez ce script … nouveau. if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ˆ­áâ ««ïæ¨ï Greenstone ­¥ ¡ë«  ­ ©¤¥­  ¨«¨ ®­  ­¥¯®«­ . ®¯à®¡ã©â¥ ¯®¢â®à­® if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ãáâ ­®¢¨âì Greenstone,   § â¥¬ ¢¢¥á⨠íâ®â áªà¨¯â á­®¢ . goto exit :prepGSDL :: Setup Greenstone, unless it has already been done if not "%GSDLHOME%" == "" goto doneGSDL call "%GSDLPATH%\setup.bat" SetEnv > nul :doneGSDL :: GSDLPATH is no longer needed, since GSDLHOME should now be set set GSDLPATH= :findPerl :: ---- Check Perl exists ---- set PERLPATH= :: Some users may set the above line manually if not "%PERLPATH%" == "" goto testPerl :: Check if Perl is on the search path echo %PATH%| winutil\which.exe perl.exe | winutil\setvar.exe PERLPATH > setperl.bat call setperl.bat del setperl.bat if not "%PERLPATH%" == "" goto testPerl :: If not, try GSDLHOME\bin\windows\perl\bin if exist "%GSDLHOME%\bin\windows\perl\bin\perl.exe" goto gsdlPerl :: Still haven't found anything, so try looking in the registry (gulp!) type nul > perl.reg regedit /E perl.reg "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Perl" type perl.reg > perl.txt del perl.reg winutil\findperl.exe perl.txt | winutil\setvar.exe PERLPATH > setperl.bat del perl.txt call setperl.bat del setperl.bat :: If nothing was found in the registry, we're stuck if "%PERLPATH%" == "" goto noPerl goto testPerl :gsdlPerl set PERLPATH=%GSDLHOME%\bin\windows\perl\bin :testPerl :: Check that a Perl executable has been found if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo Checking Perl: %PERLPATH% if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo Revisando Perl: %PERLPATH% if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo V‚rification de Perl: %PERLPATH% if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ஢¥àª  Perl: %PERLPATH% if exist "%PERLPATH%\perl.exe" goto findJava :noPerl echo. if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo The Greenstone Librarian Interface requires perl in order to operate, if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo but perl could not be detected on your system. Please ensure that perl if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo is installed and is on your search path, then rerun this script. if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo La Interfaz de la Biblioteca Digital Greenstone requiere Perl para poder if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo operar, pero ‚ste no aparece en su sistema. Por favor aseg£rese de if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo que Perl est  instalado y se encuentra en su ruta de b£squeda. if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo A continuaci¢n ejecute nuevamente este gui¢n. if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo Greenstone Librarian Interface n‚cessite perl pour son fonctionnement, if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo mais perl n'a pas pu ˆtre d‚tect‚ dans votre systŠme. Veuillez vous if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo assurer que perl est install‚ et est sp‚cifi‚ dans votre chemin de if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo recherche, puis red‚marrez ce script. if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ¨¡«¨®â¥ç­ë© ¨­â¥à䥩á Greenstone âॡã¥â Perl, çâ®¡ë ¨¬¥âì ¢®§¬®¦­®áâì if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo à ¡®â âì, ­® Perl ­¥ ¡ë« ¢ ¢ è¥© á¨á⥬¥. ®¦ «ã©áâ , ¯®¤â¢¥à¤¨â¥, if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo çâ® Perl ãáâ ­®¢«¥­ ¨ ­ å®¤¨âáï ­  ¢ è¥¬ ¯ã⨠¯®¨áª , § â¥¬ if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ¯®¢â®à­®¢¢¥¤¨â¥ íâ®â áªà¨¯â. goto exit :findJava :: ---- Check Java exists ---- set JAVAPATH= :: Some users may set the above line manually if not "%JAVAPATH%" == "" goto testJava :: If it is set, use the JAVA_HOME environment variable if not "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" goto javahome :: Check if Java is on the search path echo %PATH%| winutil\which.exe java.exe | winutil\setvar.exe JAVAPATH > setjava.bat call setjava.bat del setjava.bat if not "%JAVAPATH%" == "" goto testJava :: Still haven't found anything, so try looking in the registry (gulp!) type nul > jdk.reg regedit /E jdk.reg "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit" type jdk.reg > jdk.txt del jdk.reg type nul > jre.reg regedit /E jre.reg "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment" type jre.reg > jre.txt del jre.reg winutil\findjava.exe jdk.txt jre.txt | winutil\setvar.exe JAVAPATH > setjava.bat del jdk.txt del jre.txt call setjava.bat del setjava.bat :: If nothing was found in the registry, we're stuck if "%JAVAPATH%" == "" goto noJava set JAVAPATH=%JAVAPATH%\bin goto testJava :javahome set JAVAPATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin :testJava :: Check that a Java executable has been found if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo Checking Java: %JAVAPATH% if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo Revisando Java: %JAVAPATH% if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo V‚rification de Java: %JAVAPATH% if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ஢¥àª  Java: %JAVAPATH% if exist "%JAVAPATH%\java.exe" goto checkGLI :noJava echo. if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo Failed to locate an appropriate version of Java. You must install a if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo Java Runtime Environment (version 1.4 or greater) before running the if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo Greenstone Librarian Interface. if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo No se pudo localizar una versi¢n apropiada de Java. Usted deber  if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo instalar un Ambiente de Ejecuci¢n Java (versi¢n 1.4 o superior) if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo antes de correr la Interfaz de la Biblioteca Digital Greenstone. if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo Une version ad‚quate de Java n'a pas pu ˆtre localis‚e. Vous devez if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo installer un Java Runtime Environment (version 1.4 ou sup‚rieur) if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo avant de d‚marrer Greenstone Librarian Interface. if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ¥ 㤠«®áì ®¯à¥¤¥«¨âì ¬¥áâ®­ å®¦¤¥­¨¥ ᮮ⢥âáâ¢ãî饩 ¢¥àᨨ Java. if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ‚ë ¤®«¦­ë ãáâ ­®¢¨âì Java Runtime Environment (¢¥àá¨î 1.4 ¨«¨ ¢ëè¥) ¯¥à¥¤ ¢¢®¤®¬ if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ¡¨¡«¨®â¥ç­®£® ¨­â¥àä¥©á  Greenstone. goto exit :checkGLI :: ---- Check that the GLI has been compiled ---- if exist "classes/org/greenstone/gatherer/GathererProg.class" goto runGLI if exist "GLI.jar" goto runGLI echo. if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo You need to compile the Greenstone Librarian Interface (using makegli.bat) if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo before running this script. if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo Usted necesita compilar la Interfaz de la Biblioteca Digital Greenstone if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo (por medio de makegli.bat) antes de ejecutar este gui¢n. if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo Vous devez compiler le Greenstone Interface (en utilisant makegil.bat) if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo avant d'ex‚cuter ce script. if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ‚ë ¤®«¦­ë ª®¬¯¨«¨à®¢ âì ¡¨¡«¨®â¥ç­ë© ¨­â¥à䥩á Greenstone (¨á¯®«ì§ãï makegli.bat) if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ¯¥à¥¤ ¢¢®¤®¬ í⮣® áªà¨¯â  goto exit :runGLI :: ---- Finally, run the GLI ---- echo. :: ---- Set wget path manually if don't want to use the version (1.9) :: that comes with Greenstone ------- set WGETPATH= if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo Running the Greenstone Librarian Interface... if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo Ejecutando la Interfaz de la Biblioteca Digital Greenstone... if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo Ex‚cution de Greenstone Librarian Interface if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ’¥ªã騩 ¡¨¡«¨®â¥ç­ë© ¨­â¥à䥩á Greenstone... :: -Xms32M To set minimum memory :: -Xmx32M To set maximum memory :: -verbose:gc To set garbage collection messages :: -Xincgc For incremental garbage collection :: -Xprof Function call profiling :: -Xloggc: Write garbage collection log "%JAVAPATH%\java" -cp classes/;GLI.jar;lib/apache.jar;lib/qfslib.jar;lib/mail.jar;lib/activation.jar org.greenstone.gatherer.GathererProg -gsdl %GSDLHOME% -gsdl3 %GSDL3HOME% -perl %PERLPATH% -wget %WGETPATH% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo Done! if "%GLILANG%" == "es" echo ­Hecho! if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" echo Termin‚! if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" echo ‚믮«­¥­®! goto done :exit echo. pause :done :: ---- Clean up ---- set PERLPATH= set JAVAPATH= set WGETPATH=