ant java version=${} is linux : ${current.os.isunix} is mac : ${current.os.ismac} is unixnotmac : ${current.os.isunixnotmac} is windows : ${current.os.iswindows} To install Greenstone3, run '${install-command}'. There are properties defined in The install process will ask you if these properties are set correctly. To avoid this prompt, use the '-Dproperties.accepted=yes' option. To log the output, use the '-logfile build.log' option. The README.txt file has more information about the ant targets and install process. The following properties (among others) are being used from a file found in this directory: tomcat.server=${tomcat.server} tomcat.port=${tomcat.port} tomcat.installed.path=${tomcat.installed.path} (this is the location of Tomcat's base dir if it is already installed) gsdl2.installed.path=${gsdl2.installed.path} (this is the location of Greenstone 2 if you have it)${} proxy.port=${proxy.port} mysql.installed.path=${mysql.installed.path} (this is the location of mysql if it is already installed) mysql.port=${mysql.port} If these are not acceptable, please change them and rerun this target. Continue [y/n]? /> Build aborted by user. Please change your properties settings and re-run the target tomcat.port:${tomcat.port}, gli.present:${gli.present} gsdlislocal=${gsdl2.islocal} gs2build.present=${gs2build.present} gsdl2.installed.path = ${gsdl2.installed.path} Enter password in the Java popup. (If you do not have a window server running, please set the mysql.root.password in the file.) (Enter password in the Java popup) Enter password in the Java popup. (If you do not have a window server running, please set the mysql.reader.password in the file.) Enter password in the Java popup. (If you do not have a window server running, please set the mysql.admin.password in the file.) Starting up the mysql server MYSQL database server shutdown successfully At the password prompt, enter the mysql root password. ${axis.sitename}, ${axis.siteuri} Configuring MG Configuring MGPP Configuring JavaGDBM Compiling MG Compiling MGPP Compiling Vishnu Compiling GSDL-AS checking out gs2build checking out gli Running GLI from Ant means that you don't get to see any of the terminal output. If you have problems with GLI and want to see the output, please run the script from the greenstone3/gli directory. Running GLI from Ant means that you don't get to see any of the terminal output. If you have problems with GLI and want to see the output, please run the following in a terminal/command prompt: (Linux/Mac OS X / Windows) in greenstone3 directory: source / gs3-setup in gsdl directory: source setup.bash / setup in gli directory: / gli4gs3 ********************************************* Test output can be found in directory 'test' *********************************************