#!/bin/bash glilang=en if [ "x$PROGNAME" = "x" ] ; then if [ "$glilang" = "es" ]; then PROGNAME="Biblioteca Digital Greenstone" elif [ "$glilang" = "fr" ]; then PROGNAME="Bibliothécaire Greenstone" elif [ "$glilang" = "ru" ]; then PROGNAME="ÉÎÔÅÒÆÅÊÓ Greenstone" else PROGNAME="Greenstone Librarian Interface" fi fi if [ "x$PROGABBR" = "x" ] ; then PROGABBR="GLI" fi if [ "x$PROGNAME_EN" = "x" ] ; then PROGNAME_EN="Greenstone Librarian Interface" fi if [ "x$GLIMODE" = "x" ] ; then GLIMODE="local" fi echo if [ "$glilang" = "es" ]; then echo "Interfaz de la $PROGNAME ($PROGNAME_EN - $PROGABBR)" echo "Copyright (C) 2006, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University Of Waikato" echo "La Interfaz de la $PROGNAME NO INCLUYE ABSOLUTAMENTE NINGUNA GARANTÍA." echo "Para mayor información vea los términos de la licencia en LICENSE.txt" echo "Este es un software abierto, por lo que lo invitamos a que lo distribuya de forma gratuita" elif [ "$glilang" = "fr" ]; then echo "Interface du $PROGNAME ($PROGNAME_EN - $PROGABBR)" echo "Copyright (C) 2006, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University Of Waikato" echo "$PROGABBR est fourni sans AUCUNE GARANTIE; pour des détails, voir LICENSE.txt" echo "Ceci est un logiciel libre, et vous êtes invité à le redistribuer" elif [ "$glilang" = "ru" ]; then echo "âÉÂÌÉÏÔÅÞÎÙÊ $PROGNAME ($PROGNAME_EN - $PROGABBR)" echo "Copyright (C) 2006, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University Of Waikato" echo "âéç ÎÅ ÄÁÅÔ áâóïìàôîï îéëáëéè çáòáîôéê; ÄÅÔÁÌÉ ÓÍ. × ÔÅËÓÔÅ LICENSE.TXT" echo "üÔÏ - Ó×ÏÂÏÄÎÏ ÒÁÓÐÒÏÓÔÒÁÎÑÅÍÏÅ ÐÒÏÇÒÁÍÍÎÏÅ ÏÂÅÓÐÅÞÅÎÉÅ É ÷Ù ÍÏÖÅÔÅ ÒÁÓÐÒÏÓÔÒÁÎÑÔØ ÅÇÏ" else echo "$PROGNAME ($PROGABBR)" echo "Copyright (C) 2006, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University Of Waikato" echo "$PROGABBR comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see LICENSE.txt" echo "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it" fi echo ## -------- Run the Greenstone Librarian Interface -------- # Need to run this script from its own directory instead of whichever directory it may be called from #currentdir=$(cd `dirname "$0"` && pwd) thisdir="`dirname \"$0\"`" thisdir="`cd \"$thisdir\" && pwd`" cd "$thisdir" ## ---- Determine GSDLHOME ---- # need to source a script in order to inherit the env vars it has set # Exit on error code (non-zero) exit_status=0 source ./findgsdl.sh exit_status=$? if [ "$exit_status" -eq 1 ]; then exit 1; fi ## ---- find perl ---- # no need to source the findperl script since it does not set env vars exit_status=0 ./findperl.sh exit_status=$? if [ "$exit_status" -eq 1 ]; then exit 1; fi ## ---- Check Java ---- # call the script with source, so that we have the variables it sets ($javapath) exit_status=0 source ./findjava.sh "$glilang" "$PROGNAME" exit_status=$? if [ "$exit_status" -eq 1 ]; then exit 1; fi ## ---- Check that the GLI has been compiled ---- if [ ! -f "classes/org/greenstone/gatherer/GathererProg.class" ] && [ ! -f "GLI.jar" ]; then echo if [ "$glilang" = "es" ]; then echo "Usted necesita compilar la Interfaz de la Biblioteca Digital Greenstone" echo "(por medio de makegli.sh) antes de ejecutar este guión." elif [ "$glilang" = "fr" ]; then echo "Vous devez compiler le Greenstone Interface (en utilisant makegli.sh)" echo "avant d'exécuter ce script." elif [ "$glilang" = "ru" ]; then echo "÷Ù ÄÏÌÖÎÙ ËÏÍÐÉÌÉÒÏ×ÁÔØ ÂÉÂÌÉÏÔÅÞÎÙÊ ÉÎÔÅÒÆÅÊÓ Greenstone" echo "(ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÕÑ makegli.sh) ÐÅÒÅÄ ××ÏÄÏÍ ÜÔÏÇÏ ÓËÒÉÐÔÁ" else echo "You need to compile the Greenstone Librarian Interface (using makegli.sh)" echo "before running this script." fi exit 1 fi ## ---- Explain how to bypass Imagemagick and Ghostscript bundled with Greenstone if needed ---- if [ -e "$GSDLHOME/bin/$GSDLOS/ghostscript" ] ; then echo "GhostScript bundled with Greenstone will be used, if you wish to use the version installed on your system (if any) please go to $GSDLHOME/bin/$GSDLOS and rename the folder called ghostscript to something else." fi echo echo if [ -e "$GSDLHOME/bin/$GSDLOS/imagemagick" ] ; then echo "ImageMagick bundled with Greenstone will be used, if you wish to use the version installed on your system (if any) please go to $GSDLHOME/bin/$GSDLOS and rename the folder called imagemagick to something else." echo echo fi ## ---- Finally, run the GLI ---- if [ "$glilang" = "es" ]; then echo "Ejecutando la Interfaz de la $PROGNAME..." elif [ "$glilang" = "fr" ]; then echo "Exécution de $PROGNAME..." elif [ "$glilang" = "ru" ]; then echo "ôÅËÕÝÉÊ ÂÉÂÌÉÏÔÅÞÎÙÊ $PROGNAME..." else echo "Running the $PROGNAME..." fi # basic_command is the cmd string common to both Greenstone 3 and Greenstone 2 execution #basic_command="$javapath -Xmx128M -classpath classes/:GLI.jar:lib/apache.jar:lib/qfslib.jar org.greenstone.gatherer.GathererProg" stop_gli=0 while [ "$stop_gli" = "0" ] ; do # Other arguments you can provide to GLI to work around memory limitations, or debug # -XmsM To set minimum memory (by default 32MB) # -XmxM To set maximum memory (by default the nearest 2^n to the total remaining physical memory) # -verbose:gc To set garbage collection messages # -Xincgc For incremental garbage collection (significantly slows performance) # -Xprof Function call profiling # -Xloggc: Write garbage collection log exit_status=0 if [ "$_version" -eq 2 ]; then # GS2 webLib if [ "$PROGABBR" = "FLI" -o ! -f "$GSDLHOME/gs2-server.sh" ]; then "$javapath" -Xmx128M -classpath classes/:GLI.jar:lib/apache.jar:lib/qfslib.jar org.greenstone.gatherer.GathererProg -gsdl "$GSDLHOME" -gsdlos $GSDLOS $* exit_status=$? # GS2 localLib else "$javapath" -Xmx128M -classpath classes/:GLI.jar:lib/apache.jar:lib/qfslib.jar org.greenstone.gatherer.GathererProg -gsdl "$GSDLHOME" -gsdlos $GSDLOS -local_library "$GSDLHOME/gs2-server.sh" $* exit_status=$? fi # GS3 elif [ "$_version" -eq 3 ]; then "$javapath" -Xmx128M -classpath classes/:GLI.jar:lib/apache.jar:lib/qfslib.jar org.greenstone.gatherer.GathererProg -gsdl "$GSDLHOME" -gsdlos $GSDLOS -gsdl3 "$GSDL3HOME" -gsdl3src "$GSDL3SRCHOME" $* exit_status=$? fi if [ "$exit_status" != "2" ] ; then stop_gli=1 else echo if [ "$glilang" = "es" ]; then echo "Restarting/Ejecutando la Interfaz de la $PROGNAME..." elif [ "$glilang" = "fr" ]; then echo "Restarting/Exécution de $PROGNAME..." elif [ "$glilang" = "ru" ]; then echo "Restarting/ôÅËÕÝÉÊ ÂÉÂÌÉÏÔÅÞÎÙÊ $PROGNAME..." else echo "Restarting the $PROGNAME..." fi fi done if [ "$glilang" = "es" ]; then echo "Hecho." elif [ "$glilang" = "fr" ]; then echo "Terminé." elif [ "$glilang" = "ru" ]; then echo "÷ÙÐÏÌÎÅÎÏ." else echo "Done." fi