package; import java.util.*; import java.awt.image.*; import*; import javax.imageio.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; /** * This class is one record of the action user did to any of the component * inside the window that the application open that is recorded by the * special listener class. * An instance of this class will hold all the information about the action * user did at that moment,all information about all the components inside the * window where the action occured and all information about all the components * inside all the windows that were opened when the action occured. * @author Veronica Liesaputra */ public class History implements Serializable { /** * This is the date of when the action is done by the user. */ private String date; /** * This is the command that user did. */ private String command; /** * This is the title of the window where the action occured. */ private String title; /** * This hold all information about all the components inside the * window where the action occured and all information about all the components * inside all the windows that were open when the action occured. */ private ArrayList component; /** * This hold the image of the window where the action occured. */ private String image = null; /** * This is the image file name, if then user decide to save the image to a jpeg file. */ private String imageName = ""; /** * This is the height of image of the window where the action occured. */ private String height; /** * This is the width of image of the window where the action occured. */ private String width; /** * This constructor will be initializing the date,command and component value. * (Precondition: (curr_date != null)) * @param curr_date is the date when the action occured. * @param curr_command is the command the user did. */ public History (Date curr_date,String curr_command) { date = curr_date.toString(); command = curr_command; component = new ArrayList(); } /** * This method will be setting up the image attributes to the passed values. * It will setting the image of the window where the action occured and its height * and width.It will also generate the supposed file name for this image. * (Precondition: (imag != null) && (h != null) && (w != null)) * @param img the image of the window where the action occured. * @param h image's height. * @param w image's width. */ public void setImage(String img,String h,String w) { image = img; height = h; width = w; StringTokenizer st; st = new StringTokenizer(date,": "); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { imageName += st.nextToken(); } imageName += ".jpg"; } /** * This method will add a new CompGroup instance that hold information and * the status of a window that were open when the action occured. * @param comp UserComponent instance that hold information about all * components inside the window. * @param curr_status The current status of the window. */ public void addComponent (UserComponent comp,String curr_status) { component.add(new CompGroup(comp,curr_status)); } /** * This method will get the image's height of the window where the action * occured. * @return image's height. */ public String getHeight () { return height; } /** * This method will get the image's width of the window where the action * occured. * @return image's width. */ public String getWidth () { return width; } /** * This method will set the title of the window where the action occured. * @param name window's title. */ public void setTitle (String name) { title = name; } /** * This method will get the title of the window where the action occured. * @return the window's title. */ public String getTitle () { return title; } /** * This method will get the date when the action occured. * @return the date when the action occured. */ public String getDate() { return date; } /** * This method will get the command that user did. * @return the command user did. */ public String getCommand() { return command; } /** * This method will get the array of CompGroup instances that hold * all the information and status of all the window that were open when * the action occured. * @return the array list of the CompGroup instances. */ public ArrayList getArray() { return component; } /** * This method will get the image of the window where the action occured. * @return image the window's image. */ public String getImage() { return image; } /** * This method will get the supposed image's file name. * @return image's file name. */ public String getImageName() { return imageName; } /** * This method will stored this instance to an xml file. * It will only store the date,title,command,image and all * image attributes of this instance to the xml file. * @param sx is the xml file where we want to store. */ public void sendXMLComm (SaveToXML sx) { sx.startContent(10); sx.startContent(7); sx.saveContent(date); sx.closeContent(7); sx.startContent(2); sx.saveContent(title); sx.closeContent(2); sx.startContent(8); sx.saveContent(command); sx.closeContent(8); if (image != null) { sx.startContent(6); sx.saveImage(image,imageName,width,height); sx.closeContent(6); } sx.closeContent(10); } /** * This method will stored this instance to an xml file. * It will store all the data members of this instance to * the xml file. * @param sx is the xml file where we want to store. */ public void sendXML (SaveToXML sx) { sx.startContent(10); sx.startContent(7); sx.saveContent(date); sx.closeContent(7); sx.startContent(2); sx.saveContent(title); sx.closeContent(2); sx.startContent(8); sx.saveContent(command); sx.closeContent(8); if (image != null) { sx.startContent(6); sx.saveImage(image,imageName,width,height); sx.closeContent(6); } int j; for (j = 0 ; j < component.size() ; j++) { sx.startContent(9); CompGroup comp; comp = (CompGroup) component.get(j); sx.startContent(8); sx.saveContent(comp.getStatus()); sx.closeContent(8); sx.startContent(0); comp.getComponent().sendingXML(sx); sx.closeContent(0); sx.closeContent(9); } sx.closeContent(10); } }