/** *############################################################################ * A component of the Greenstone Librarian Interface, part of the Greenstone * digital library suite from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the * University of Waikato, New Zealand. * * Author: Michael Dewsnip, NZDL Project, University of Waikato, NZ * * Copyright (C) 2004 New Zealand Digital Library Project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *############################################################################ */ package org.greenstone.gatherer.metadata; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import org.greenstone.gatherer.gui.MetadataImportMappingPrompt; /** This class is a static class that manages the metadata sets */ public class MetadataSetManager { static public final String EXTRACTED_METADATA_NAMESPACE = "ex"; static public final String EXPLODED_METADATA_NAMESPACE = "exp"; static private ArrayList metadata_sets = new ArrayList(); static public void clearMetadataSets() { metadata_sets.clear(); } static public int compareMetadataElements(MetadataElement metadata_element_a, MetadataElement metadata_element_b) { // First compare the namespaces of the two metadata elements if (!metadata_element_a.getNamespace().equals(metadata_element_b.getNamespace())) { if (metadata_element_a.getNamespace().equals(EXTRACTED_METADATA_NAMESPACE)) { return 1; } if (metadata_element_b.getNamespace().equals(EXTRACTED_METADATA_NAMESPACE)) { return -1; } return metadata_element_a.getNamespace().compareTo(metadata_element_b.getNamespace()); } // Otherwise compare the two elements within the one set MetadataSet metadata_set = getMetadataSet(metadata_element_a.getNamespace()); return metadata_set.compareMetadataElements(metadata_element_a, metadata_element_b); } static public ArrayList getEveryMetadataSetElement() { ArrayList every_metadata_set_element = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < metadata_sets.size(); i++) { MetadataSet metadata_set = (MetadataSet) metadata_sets.get(i); every_metadata_set_element.addAll(metadata_set.getMetadataSetElements()); } return every_metadata_set_element; } static public MetadataSet getMetadataSet(String metadata_set_namespace) { // Find the desired metadata set in the list for (int i = 0; i < metadata_sets.size(); i++) { MetadataSet metadata_set = (MetadataSet) metadata_sets.get(i); if (metadata_set.getNamespace().equals(metadata_set_namespace)) { return metadata_set; } } // Not found return null; } static public ArrayList getMetadataSets() { // We don't want anyone to modify the list, so return a copy of it return (ArrayList) metadata_sets.clone(); } static public ArrayList listMetadataSets(File directory) { // Make sure the directory (metadata) exists if (directory.exists() == false) { return null; } // Load just those .mds files in this directory, and return them ArrayList directory_metadata_sets = new ArrayList(); File[] directory_files = directory.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < directory_files.length; i++) { File child_file = directory_files[i]; if (!child_file.isDirectory() && child_file.getName().endsWith(".mds")) { MetadataSet metadata_set = new MetadataSet(child_file); directory_metadata_sets.add(metadata_set); } } return directory_metadata_sets; } static public void loadMetadataSets(File directory) { // Make sure the directory (metadata) exists if (directory.exists() == false) { return; } // Look recursively at each subfile of the directory for .mds files File[] directory_files = directory.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < directory_files.length; i++) { File child_file = directory_files[i]; if (child_file.isDirectory()) { loadMetadataSets(child_file); } else if (child_file.getName().endsWith(".mds")) { loadMetadataSet(child_file); } } } static public void loadMetadataSet(File metadata_set_file) { MetadataSet metadata_set = new MetadataSet(metadata_set_file); // Ignore legacy crap if (metadata_set.getNamespace().equals("hidden")) { return; } metadata_sets.add(metadata_set); } static public String mapUnloadedMetadataElement(String metadata_element_name_full) { // Check if we have an import mapping for this metadata element String target_metadata_element_name_full = ProfileXMLFileManager.getMetadataElementFor(metadata_element_name_full); if (target_metadata_element_name_full != null) { // Yes, so return it return target_metadata_element_name_full; } // If there are no metadata sets (except extracted) loaded then there is nothing to map the element into if (metadata_sets.size() <= 1) { return null; } // Ask the user how they want to deal with this element MetadataImportMappingPrompt metadata_import_mapping_prompt = new MetadataImportMappingPrompt(metadata_element_name_full); int result = metadata_import_mapping_prompt.getResult(); // Add the element into an existing metadata set if (result == MetadataImportMappingPrompt.ADD_BUTTON_PRESSED) { MetadataSet target_metadata_set = metadata_import_mapping_prompt.getSelectedMetadataSet(); String metadata_element_name = MetadataTools.getMetadataElementName(metadata_element_name_full); target_metadata_set.addMetadataElementForThisSession(metadata_element_name); target_metadata_element_name_full = target_metadata_set.getNamespace() + "." + metadata_element_name; } // Replace the element with an element in an existing metadata set if (result == MetadataImportMappingPrompt.MERGE_BUTTON_PRESSED) { MetadataElement target_metadata_element = metadata_import_mapping_prompt.getSelectedMetadataElement(); target_metadata_element_name_full = target_metadata_element.getFullName(); } // Ignore the element if (result == MetadataImportMappingPrompt.IGNORE_BUTTON_PRESSED) { target_metadata_element_name_full = ""; } // Store this import mapping for future elements with the same name ProfileXMLFileManager.mapElement(metadata_element_name_full, target_metadata_element_name_full); return target_metadata_element_name_full; } static public void unloadMetadataSet(MetadataSet metadata_set) { // Find the metadata set in the list of loaded sets, and remove it for (int i = 0; i < metadata_sets.size(); i++) { if (metadata_set == (MetadataSet) metadata_sets.get(i)) { metadata_sets.remove(i); break; } } } }