9. 27 Oct 2016 After the changes to build gnome-lib as statically linked libraries, need to link wvware against BZIP2 as well, so had to add in -lbz2 in the GNUMakefile.in (and added it to GNUMakefile.am) in the list of WVLIBS. The lbz2 library must be listed in the correct position for compilation to work, which seems to be before lz (libz/ZLib). 8. Rev Chgset Date Author @29716 [29716] 21 months ak19 Justified text in Word docs converted to html were showing up left aligned. Thanks to Giorgi Varamishvili for telling us of this problem. Changed the wvware config files that map markup in input word docs to markup into output formats like html, txt and xml. In this case both html and xml were mapping justified ('block') text to left (aligned). Changed both to justify. and although we don't use 7. @26816 [26816] 4 years davidb config.guess and config.sub updated to new versions that include android as host architecture 6. @26065 [26065] 4 years sjm84 Reverting this file back to a previous version until I can figure out which the configure changes aren't working 5. @26061 [26061] 4 years sjm84 Having problems with autoconf (I think), trying a different version 4. @26053 [26053] 4 years sjm84 A minor text fix 3. @26052 [26052] 4 years sjm84 Adding a better message for wvWare configuration failures 2. @22694 [22694] 6 years mdewsnip Added wv-1.2.4-gs.tar.gz, a slightly modified version of wv-1.2.4.tar.gz (as downloaded from sourceforge) that only installs the stuff Greenstone needs. This is basically a drop-in replacement for wv-0.7.1-gs.tar.gz, although the new version has different library dependencies (now requires libgsf, no longer seems to use iconv). 1. wv - Microsoft Word converter This directory contains a version of the wv program. It was originally written by Caolan McNamara and distributed under the GNU General Public License. wv is now maintained by Dom Lachowicz and Martin Vermeer. wv incorporates code from a variety of GPL programs from other sources. Thank you all. The wv homepage is http://wvware.sourceforge.net/ We have included the source code here. It is a slimmed-down version of wv version 0.7.1. It should handle documents created with Word 2 up to Word 2000. We have tested it on Linux (slackware 7), darwin (OS X 10.1.3), cygwin, and solaris 2.8 (via sourceforge's compile farm). John McPherson -- Apr 2002