package g2futil; BEGIN { if (!defined $ENV{'FEDORA_HOME'}) { print STDERR "Error: Environment variable FEDORA_HOME not set.\n"; exit 1; } my $fedora_client_bin = &util::filename_cat($ENV{'FEDORA_HOME'},"client","bin"); &util::envvar_append("PATH",$fedora_client_bin); } use strict; use util; sub run_cmd_old { my ($cmd,$verbosity,$tolerate_error) = @_; if (($verbosity == 0) || (defined $tolerate_error && ($tolerate_error eq "tolerate_error"))) { if($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^windows$/i) { $cmd .= " > nul"; } else { $cmd .= " > /dev/null"; } } if ($verbosity >= 2) { print "Running command:\n"; print "$cmd\n"; } my $status = system($cmd); if ($verbosity >= 2) { print "Exit status = ", $status/256, "\n"; } if ((!defined $tolerate_error) || ($tolerate_error ne "tolerate_error")) { if ($status>0) { print STDERR "Error executing:\n$cmd\n"; print STDERR "$!\n"; } } return $status; } sub run_cmd { my ($prog,$arguments,$verbosity,$tolerate_error) = @_; my $cmd_status = undef; my $script_ext = ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ m/^windows/) ? ".bat" : ".sh"; if ($prog =~ m/^fedora-/ || $prog =~ m/^run[A-Z]*Client/) { # fedora or fedoragsearch script $prog .= $script_ext; } if (($prog =~ m/.pl$/i) && ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ m/^windows/)) { $prog ="\"".&util::get_perl_exec()."\" -S $prog"; } my $cmd = "$prog $arguments"; ### print "*** cmd = $cmd\n"; if (open(CMD,"$cmd 2>&1 |")) { my $result = ""; my $line; while (defined ($line = )) { $result .= $line; if ((!defined $tolerate_error) || ($tolerate_error ne "tolerate_error")) { print $line; } } close(CMD); $cmd_status = $?; if ($cmd_status == 0) { # Check for any lines in result begining 'Error:' if ($result =~ m/^Error\s*:/m) { # Fedora script generated an error, but did not exit # with an error status => artificially raise one $cmd_status = -1; } } if ($cmd_status != 0) { if ((!defined $tolerate_error) || ($tolerate_error ne "tolerate_error")) { print STDERR "Error: processing command failed. Exit status $cmd_status\n"; if ($verbosity >= 2) { print STDERR " Command was: $cmd\n"; } if ($verbosity >= 3) { print STDERR "result: $result\n"; } } } } else { print STDERR "Error: failed to execute $cmd\n"; } return $cmd_status; } sub run_datastore_info { my ($pid,$options) = @_; my $verbosity = $options->{'verbosity'}; my $hostname = $options->{'hostname'}; my $port = $options->{'port'}; my $username = $options->{'username'}; my $password = $options->{'password'}; my $protocol = $options->{'protocol'}; my $prog = "fedora-dsinfo"; my $arguments = "$hostname $port $username $password $pid $protocol"; my $status = run_cmd($prog,$arguments,$verbosity,"tolerate_error"); return $status; } sub run_purge { my ($pid,$options) = @_; my $verbosity = $options->{'verbosity'}; my $hostname = $options->{'hostname'}; my $port = $options->{'port'}; my $username = $options->{'username'}; my $password = $options->{'password'}; my $protocol = $options->{'protocol'}; my $server = "$hostname:$port"; my $prog = "fedora-purge"; my $arguments = "$server $username $password $pid $protocol"; $arguments .= " \\\n \"Automated_purge_by_g2f_script\""; my $status = run_cmd($prog,$arguments,$verbosity); return $status; } # runs fedora gsearch's updateIndex deletePID sub run_delete_from_index { my ($fedoragsearch_webapp,$pid,$options) = @_; my $verbosity = $options->{'verbosity'}; my $hostname = $options->{'hostname'}; my $port = $options->{'port'}; my $username = $options->{'username'}; my $password = $options->{'password'}; my $protocol = $options->{'protocol'}; my $server = "$hostname:$port"; #$ENV{'fgsUserName'} = $options->{'username'}; #$ENV{'fgsPassword'} = $options->{'password'}; #my $prog = &util::filename_cat($ENV{'FEDORA_GSEARCH'}, ""); my $prog = &util::filename_cat($fedoragsearch_webapp, "client", ""); my $gsearch_commands = "updateIndex deletePid"; # deletePID my $arguments = "$server $gsearch_commands $pid"; my $status = run_cmd($prog,$arguments,$verbosity); return $status; } # runs fedora gsearch's updateIndex fromPID sub run_update_index { my ($fedoragsearch_webapp,$pid,$options) = @_; my $verbosity = $options->{'verbosity'}; my $hostname = $options->{'hostname'}; my $port = $options->{'port'}; my $username = $options->{'username'}; my $password = $options->{'password'}; my $protocol = $options->{'protocol'}; my $server = "$hostname:$port"; #$ENV{'fgsUserName'} = $options->{'username'}; #$ENV{'fgsPassword'} = $options->{'password'}; #my $prog = &util::filename_cat($ENV{'FEDORA_GSEARCH'}, ""); my $prog = &util::filename_cat($fedoragsearch_webapp, "client", ""); my $gsearch_commands = "updateIndex fromPid"; # fromPID my $arguments = "$server $gsearch_commands $pid"; my $status = run_cmd($prog,$arguments,$verbosity); return $status; } sub gsearch_webapp_folder { my $fedoragsearch_webapp = undef; # if GS3, first look for a fedoragsearch webapp installed in Greenstone's tomcat if(defined $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}) { $fedoragsearch_webapp = &util::filename_cat($ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'},"packages","tomcat","webapps","fedoragsearch"); return $fedoragsearch_webapp if (&util::dir_exists($fedoragsearch_webapp)); } # next look for a fedoragsearch webapp installed in Fedora's tomcat if(defined $ENV{'FEDORA_HOME'}) { $fedoragsearch_webapp = &util::filename_cat($ENV{'FEDORA_HOME'},"tomcat","webapps","fedoragsearch"); return $fedoragsearch_webapp if (&util::dir_exists($fedoragsearch_webapp)); } ## check for a user-defined $ENV{'FEDORA_GSEARCH'} variable first, which points to a gsearch webapp folder?? # assume no fedoragsearch return $fedoragsearch_webapp; # undef } sub run_ingest { my ($docmets_filename,$options) = @_; my $verbosity = $options->{'verbosity'}; my $hostname = $options->{'hostname'}; my $port = $options->{'port'}; my $username = $options->{'username'}; my $password = $options->{'password'}; my $protocol = $options->{'protocol'}; my $server = "$hostname:$port"; my $prog = "fedora-ingest"; my $type = undef; if ($ENV{'FEDORA_VERSION'} =~ m/^2/) { # checking if major version is 2 $type = "metslikefedora1"; } else { $type = "info:fedora/fedora-system:METSFedoraExt-1.1"; } my $arguments = "file \"$docmets_filename\" $type $server $username $password $protocol"; $arguments .= " \\\n \"Automated_purge_by_g2f_script\""; my $status = run_cmd($prog,$arguments,$verbosity); return $status; } sub rec_get_all_hash_dirs { my ($full_dir,$all_dirs) = @_; if (opendir(DIR, $full_dir)) { my @sub_dirs = grep { ($_ !~ /^\./) && (-d &util::filename_cat($full_dir,$_)) } readdir(DIR); closedir DIR; my @hash_dirs = grep { $_ =~ m/\.dir$/ } @sub_dirs; my @rec_dirs = grep { $_ !~ m/\.dir$/ } @sub_dirs; foreach my $hd (@hash_dirs) { my $full_hash_dir = &util::filename_cat($full_dir,$hd); push(@$all_dirs,$full_hash_dir); } foreach my $rd (@rec_dirs) { my $full_rec_dir = &util::filename_cat($full_dir,$rd); rec_get_all_hash_dirs($full_rec_dir,$all_dirs); } } } sub get_all_hash_dirs { my ($start_dir,$maxdocs) = @_; my @all_dirs = (); rec_get_all_hash_dirs($start_dir,\@all_dirs); if ((defined $maxdocs) && ($maxdocs ne "")) { my @maxdoc_dirs = (); for (my $i=0; $i<$maxdocs; $i++) { push(@maxdoc_dirs,shift(@all_dirs)); } @all_dirs = @maxdoc_dirs; } return @all_dirs; } sub get_hash_id { my ($hash_dir) = @_; my $hash_id = undef; my $docmets_filename = &util::filename_cat($hash_dir,"docmets.xml"); if (open(DIN,"<$docmets_filename")) { while (defined (my $line = )) { if ($line =~ m/(.*?)<\/dc:identifier>/) { $hash_id = $1; last; } } close(DIN); } else { print STDERR "Warning: Unable to open \"$docmets_filename\"\n"; } return $hash_id; } # Subroutine to write the gsdl.xml file in FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/conf/Catalina// # This xml file will tell Fedora where to find the parent folder of the GS collect dir # so that it can obtain the FedoraMETS files for ingestion. # It depends on the Fedora server being on the same machine as the Greenstone server that # this code is part of. sub write_gsdl_xml_file { my ($fedora_host, $collect_dir, $options) = @_; my $verbosity = $options->{'verbosity'}; my $hostname = $options->{'hostname'}; my $port = $options->{'port'}; my $protocol = $options->{'protocol'}; print STDERR "Ensuring that a correct gsdl.xml file exists on the Fedora server end\n"; # The top of this file has already made sure that FEDORA_HOME is set, but for GS3 # CATALINA_HOME is set to GS' own tomcat. Since we'll be working with fedora, we need # to temporarily set CATALINA_HOME to fedora's tomcat. (Catalina is undefined for GS2.) my $gs_catalina_home = $ENV{'CATALINA_HOME'} if defined $ENV{'CATALINA_HOME'}; $ENV{'CATALINA_HOME'} = &util::filename_cat($ENV{'FEDORA_HOME'}, "tomcat"); # 1. Find out which folder to write to: fedora_host or localhost # whichever contains fedora.xml is the one we want (if none, exit with error value?) my $fedora_home = $ENV{'FEDORA_HOME'}; my $base_path = &util::filename_cat($fedora_home, "tomcat", "conf", "Catalina"); my $host_path = &util::filename_cat($base_path, $fedora_host); my $xmlFile = &util::filename_cat($host_path, "fedora.xml"); if (!-e $xmlFile) { # check if the folder localhost contains fedoraXML $host_path = &util::filename_cat($base_path, "localhost"); $xmlFile = &util::filename_cat($host_path, "fedora.xml"); if(!-e $xmlFile) { # try putting gsdl in this folder, but still print a warning print STDERR "$host_path does not contain file fedora.xml. Hoping gsdl.xml belongs there anyway\n"; } } # 2. Construct the string we are going write to the gsdl.xml file # a. get the parent directory of collect_dir by removinbg the word # "collect" from it and any optional OS-type slash at the end. # (Path slash direction does not matter here.) my $collectParentDir = $collect_dir; $collectParentDir =~ s/collect(\/|\\)?//; # b. Use the collectParentDir to create the contents of gsdl.xml my $greenstone_url_prefix = &util::get_greenstone_url_prefix(); # would have the required slash at front my $gsdlXMLcontents = "\n"; # 3. If there is already a gsdl.xml file in host_path, compare the string we # want to write with what is already in there. If they're the same, we can return $xmlFile = &util::filename_cat($host_path, "gsdl.xml"); if(-e $xmlFile) { # such a file exists, so read the contents unless(open(FIN, "<$xmlFile")) { print STDERR " Unable to open existing $xmlFile for comparing...Recoverable. $!\n"; # doesn't matter, we'll just overwrite it then } my $xml_contents; { local $/ = undef; # Read entire file at once $xml_contents = ; # Now file is read in as one single 'line' } close(FIN); # close the file if($xml_contents eq $gsdlXMLcontents) { print STDERR "Fedora links to the FLI import folder through gsdl.xml.\n"; # it already contains what we want, we're done return "gsdl.xml"; } } # 4. If we're here, the contents of gsdl.xml need to be updated: # a. First stop the fedora server my $script_ext = ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ m/^windows/) ? ".bat" : ".sh"; my $stop_tomcat = &util::filename_cat($fedora_home, "tomcat", "bin", "shutdown".$script_ext); # execute the command $! = 0; # does this initialise the return value? my $status = system($stop_tomcat); if ($status!=0) { # to get the actual exit value, divide by 256, but not useful here # possible tomcat was already stopped - it's not the end of the world print STDERR "Failed to stop Fedora server. Perhaps it was not running. $!\n"; print "Exit status = ", $status/256, "\n"; } # b. overwrite the file that has outdated contents with the contents we just constructed unless(open(FOUT, ">$xmlFile")) { # create or overwrite gsdl.xml file die " Unable to open $xmlFile for telling Fedora where the collect dir is...ERROR: $!\n"; } # write out the updated contents and close the file print FOUT $gsdlXMLcontents; close(FOUT); # c. Restart the fedora server my $start_tomcat = &util::filename_cat($fedora_home, "tomcat", "bin", "startup".$script_ext); $! = 0; $status = system($start_tomcat); if ($status!=0) { print STDERR "Failed to restart the Fedora server... ERROR: $!\n"; print "Exit status = ", $status/256, "\n"; } # reset CATALINA_HOME to GS' Tomcat (it is undefined for GS2 since GS2 has no tomcat): $ENV{'CATALINA_HOME'} = $gs_catalina_home if defined $gs_catalina_home; # Starting up the Fedora server takes a long time. We need to wait for the server to be # ready before import can continue, because g2f-import relies on an up-and-running Fedora # server to purge the collection from it while needs a ready Fedora server # in order to make it ingest the FedoraMETS. Sleeping is not sufficient (#sleep 10;) since # the subsequent steps depend on a proper server restart. # Dr Bainbridge's suggestion: test the server is ready with a call to wget. # Wget tries to retrieve the fedora search page (protocol://host:port/fedora/search) # 20 times, waiting 3 seconds between each failed attempt. If it ultimately fails, we # print a message to the user. # The wget --spider option makes it check that the page is merely there rather than # downloading it (see # -q is for quiet, --tries for the number of retries, --waitretry is the number of seconds # between each attempt. Usually wget returns the contents of the page, but in our case it # will return 0 for success since we are not downloading. print STDERR "Fedora server restarted. Waiting for it to become ready...\n"; #print STDERR "****$protocol://$hostname:$port/fedora/search\n"; $! = 0; #my $fedoraServerReady = system("wget -q --spider --waitretry=10 --tries=20 $protocol://$hostname:$port/fedora/search"); # The retries above won't work if the server isn't running: # #'--tries=number' # Set number of retries to number. Specify 0 or 'inf' for infinite retrying. The default is to retry 20 times, # with the exception of fatal errors like "connection refused" or "not found" (404), which ARE NOT RETRIED. # retry fedora server every second for a total of 20 times until the server is ready my $fedoraServerReady = 0; my $count = 0; do { $fedoraServerReady = system("wget -q --spider $protocol://$hostname:$port/fedora/search"); if($fedoraServerReady != 0) { sleep(1); $count++; #print STDERR "$count second(s)\n"; } } while($fedoraServerReady != 0 && $count < 20); if($fedoraServerReady != 0) { print STDERR "Fedora server is still not ready... ERROR: $!\n"; print "Exit status = ", $fedoraServerReady/256, "\n"; die "Exiting....\n"; } # return some indication that things went well return "gsdl.xml"; } 1;