########################################################################### # # ConvertBinaryFile.pm -- plugin that facilitates conversion of binary files # through gsConvert.pl # # A component of the Greenstone digital library software # from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the # University of Waikato, New Zealand. # # Copyright (C) 1999 New Zealand Digital Library Project # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ########################################################################### # This plugin is inherited by such plugins as WordPlugin, PowerPointPlugin, # PostScriptPlugin, # RTFPlugin and PDFPlugin. It facilitates the conversion of these document types # to either HTML, Text or a series of images. It works by dynamically loading # an appropriate secondary plugin (HTMLPlug, StructuredHTMLPlug, # PagedImagePlugin or TextPlugin) based on the plugin argument 'convert_to'. package ConvertBinaryFile; use AutoExtractMetadata; use ghtml; use HTMLPlugin; use TextPlugin; use PagedImagePlugin; use strict; no strict 'refs'; # allow filehandles to be variables and viceversa no strict 'subs'; use util; use FileUtils; sub BEGIN { @ConvertBinaryFile::ISA = ('AutoExtractMetadata'); } my $convert_to_list = [ { 'name' => "auto", 'desc' => "{ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to.auto}" }, { 'name' => "html", 'desc' => "{ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to.html}" }, { 'name' => "text", 'desc' => "{ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to.text}" } ]; my $arguments = [ { 'name' => "convert_to", 'desc' => "{ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to}", 'type' => "enum", 'reqd' => "yes", 'list' => $convert_to_list, 'deft' => "auto" }, { 'name' => "keep_original_filename", 'desc' => "{ConvertBinaryFile.keep_original_filename}", 'type' => "flag" }, { 'name' => "title_sub", 'desc' => "{HTMLPlugin.title_sub}", 'type' => "string", #'type' => "regexp", 'deft' => "" }, { 'name' => "apply_fribidi", 'desc' => "{ConvertBinaryFile.apply_fribidi}", 'type' => "flag", 'reqd' => "no" }, { 'name' => "use_strings", 'desc' => "{ConvertBinaryFile.use_strings}", 'type' => "flag", 'reqd' => "no" }, ]; my $options = { 'name' => "ConvertBinaryFile", 'desc' => "{ConvertBinaryFile.desc}", 'abstract' => "yes", 'inherits' => "yes", 'args' => $arguments }; sub load_secondary_plugins { my $self = shift (@_); my ($class,$input_args,$hashArgOptLists) = @_; my @convert_to_list = split(",",$self->{'convert_to_plugin'}); my $secondary_plugins = {}; # find the plugin foreach my $convert_to (@convert_to_list) { # load in "convert_to" plugin package my $plugin_class = $convert_to; my $plugin_package = $plugin_class.".pm"; my $colplugname = undef; if (defined $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}) { $colplugname = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}, "perllib","plugins", $plugin_package); } my $mainplugname = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDLHOME'}, "perllib","plugins", $plugin_package); if ((defined $colplugname) && (-e $colplugname)) { require $colplugname;} elsif (-e $mainplugname) { require $mainplugname; } else { &gsprintf(STDERR, "{plugin.could_not_find_plugin}\n", $plugin_class); die "\n"; } # call its constructor with extra options that we've worked out! my $arglist = $input_args->{$plugin_class}; my ($secondary_plugin); eval("\$secondary_plugin = new $plugin_class([],\$arglist)"); die "$@" if $@; $secondary_plugins->{$plugin_class} = $secondary_plugin; } $self->{'secondary_plugins'} = $secondary_plugins; } sub new { my ($class) = shift (@_); my ($pluginlist,$inputargs,$hashArgOptLists) = @_; push(@$pluginlist, $class); my $classPluginName = (defined $pluginlist->[0]) ? $pluginlist->[0] : $class; push(@{$hashArgOptLists->{"ArgList"}},@{$arguments}); push(@{$hashArgOptLists->{"OptList"}},$options); my $self = new AutoExtractMetadata($pluginlist, $inputargs, $hashArgOptLists); return bless $self, $class; } # should be called by subclasses after checking and setting # $self->{'convert_to'} sub set_standard_convert_settings { my $self =shift (@_); my $convert_to = $self->{'convert_to'}; if ($convert_to eq "auto") { $convert_to = "html"; $self->{'convert_to'} = "html"; } if ($convert_to =~ /^html/ || $convert_to eq "paged_html") { # may be html or html_multi, or paged_html with the new Xpdf's own pdftohtml $self->{'convert_to_plugin'} = "HTMLPlugin"; $self->{'convert_to_ext'} = "html"; } elsif ($convert_to eq "text") { $self->{'convert_to_plugin'} = "TextPlugin"; $self->{'convert_to_ext'} = "txt"; } elsif ($convert_to eq "structuredhtml") { $self->{'convert_to_plugin'} = "StructuredHTMLPlugin"; $self->{'convert_to_ext'} = "html"; } elsif ($convert_to =~ /^pagedimg/) { $self->{'convert_to_plugin'} = "PagedImagePlugin"; my ($convert_to_ext) = $convert_to =~ /pagedimg\_(jpg|gif|png)/i; $convert_to_ext = 'jpg' unless defined $convert_to_ext; $self->{'convert_to_ext'} = $convert_to_ext; } } sub init { my $self = shift (@_); my ($verbosity, $outhandle, $failhandle) = @_; $self->SUPER::init($verbosity,$outhandle,$failhandle); my $secondary_plugins = $self->{'secondary_plugins'}; foreach my $plug_name (keys %$secondary_plugins) { my $plugin = $secondary_plugins->{$plug_name}; $plugin->init($verbosity,$outhandle,$failhandle); } } sub deinit { # called only once, after all plugin passes have been done my ($self) = @_; my $secondary_plugins = $self->{'secondary_plugins'}; foreach my $plug_name (keys %$secondary_plugins) { my $plugin = $secondary_plugins->{$plug_name}; $plugin->deinit(); } } sub convert_post_process { # by default do no post processing return; } # Run conversion utility on the input file. # # The conversion takes place in a collection specific 'tmp' directory so # that we don't accidentally damage the input. # # The desired output type is indicated by $output_ext. This is usually # something like "html" or "word", but can be "best" (or the empty string) # to indicate that the conversion utility should do the best it can. sub tmp_area_convert_file { my $self = shift (@_); my ($output_ext, $input_filename, $textref) = @_; my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'}; my $convert_to = $self->{'convert_to'}; my $failhandle = $self->{'failhandle'}; my $convert_to_ext = $self->{'convert_to_ext'}; my $upgraded_input_filename = &util::upgrade_if_dos_filename($input_filename); # derive tmp filename from input filename my ($tailname, $dirname, $suffix) = &File::Basename::fileparse($upgraded_input_filename, "\\.[^\\.]+\$"); # softlink to collection tmp dir my $tmp_dirname = &util::get_timestamped_tmp_folder(); if (defined $tmp_dirname) { $self->{'tmp_dir'} = $tmp_dirname; } else { $tmp_dirname = $dirname; } # # convert to utf-8 otherwise we have problems with the doc.xml file later on # my $utf8_tailname = (&unicode::check_is_utf8($tailname)) ? $tailname : $self->filepath_to_utf8($tailname); # make sure filename to be used can be stored OK in a UTF-8 compliant doc.xml file my $utf8_tailname = &unicode::raw_filename_to_utf8_url_encoded($tailname); # URLEncode this since htmls with images where the html filename is utf8 don't seem # to work on Windows (IE or Firefox), as browsers are looking for filesystem-encoded # files on the filesystem. $utf8_tailname = &util::rename_file($utf8_tailname, $self->{'file_rename_method'}, "without_suffix"); my $lc_suffix = lc($suffix); my $tmp_filename = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($tmp_dirname, "$utf8_tailname$lc_suffix"); # If gsdl is remote, we're given relative path to input file, of the form import/utf8_tailname.suffix # But we can't softlink to relative paths. Therefore, we need to ensure that # the input_filename is the absolute path, see http://perldoc.perl.org/File/Spec.html my $ensure_path_absolute = 1; # true &FileUtils::softLink($input_filename, $tmp_filename, $ensure_path_absolute); my $output_filename = $self->run_conversion_command($tmp_dirname, $tmp_filename, $utf8_tailname, $lc_suffix, $tailname, $suffix); return $output_filename; } # The latter half of tmp_area_convert_file: runs the conversion command and returns the output file name # Split from tmp_area_convert_file because UnknownConverterPlugin can then inherit all of # tmp_area_convert_file and only needs to override this part: sub run_conversion_command { my $self = shift (@_); my ($tmp_dirname, $tmp_filename, $utf8_tailname, $lc_suffix, $tailname, $suffix) = @_; my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'}; my $convert_to = $self->{'convert_to'}; my $failhandle = $self->{'failhandle'}; my $verbosity = $self->{'verbosity'}; if ($verbosity > 0) { print $outhandle "Converting $tailname$suffix to $convert_to format\n"; } my $errlog = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($tmp_dirname, "err.log"); # Execute the conversion command and get the type of the result, # making sure the converter gives us the appropriate output type my $output_type=$self->{'convert_to'}; # if ($convert_to =~ m/PagedImage/i) { # $output_type = lc($convert_to)."_".lc($convert_to_ext); # } else { # $output_type = lc($convert_to); # } my $cmd = "\"".&util::get_perl_exec()."\" -S gsConvert.pl -verbose $verbosity "; if (defined $self->{'convert_options'}) { $cmd .= $self->{'convert_options'} . " "; } if ($self->{'use_strings'}) { $cmd .= "-use_strings "; } $cmd .= "-errlog \"$errlog\" -output $output_type \"$tmp_filename\""; print STDERR "calling cmd $cmd\n"; $output_type = `$cmd`; # remove symbolic link to original file &FileUtils::removeFiles($tmp_filename); # Check STDERR here chomp $output_type; if ($output_type eq "fail") { print $outhandle "Could not convert $tailname$suffix to $convert_to format\n"; print $failhandle "$tailname$suffix: " . ref($self) . " failed to convert to $convert_to\n"; # The following meant that if a conversion failed, the document would be counted twice - do we need it for anything? #$self->{'num_not_processed'} ++; if (-s "$errlog") { open(ERRLOG, "$errlog"); while () { print $outhandle "$_"; } print $outhandle "\n"; close ERRLOG; } &FileUtils::removeFiles("$errlog") if (-e "$errlog"); return ""; } # store the *actual* output type and return the output filename # it's possible we requested conversion to html, but only to text succeeded #$self->{'convert_to_ext'} = $output_type; if ($output_type =~ /html/i) { $self->{'converted_to'} = "HTML"; } elsif ($output_type =~ /te?xt/i) { $self->{'converted_to'} = "Text"; } elsif ($output_type =~ /item/i){ $self->{'converted_to'} = "PagedImage"; } my $output_filename = $tmp_filename; if ($output_type =~ /item/i) { # running under windows if ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^windows$/i) { $output_filename = $tmp_dirname . "\\$utf8_tailname\\" . $utf8_tailname . ".$output_type"; } else { $output_filename = $tmp_dirname . "\/$utf8_tailname\/" . $utf8_tailname . ".$output_type"; } } else { $output_filename =~ s/$lc_suffix$/.$output_type/; } return $output_filename; } # Override BasPlug read_into_doc_obj - we need to call secondary plugin stuff sub read_into_doc_obj { my $self = shift (@_); my ($pluginfo, $base_dir, $file, $block_hash, $metadata, $processor, $maxdocs, $total_count, $gli) = @_; my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'}; my ($filename_full_path, $filename_no_path) = &util::get_full_filenames($base_dir, $file); my $output_ext = $self->{'convert_to_ext'}; my $conv_filename = ""; $conv_filename = $self->tmp_area_convert_file($output_ext, $filename_full_path); if ("$conv_filename" eq "") {return -1;} # had an error, will be passed down pipeline my $output_type=$self->{'convert_to'}; if (!&FileUtils::fileExists($conv_filename)) {return -1;} $self->{'conv_filename'} = $conv_filename; $self->convert_post_process($conv_filename); # Check if, after post-processing, the final expected output file has changed # And if it has, check that the final output file now exists after post processing if(defined $self->{'conv_filename_after_post_process'}) { $conv_filename = $self->{'conv_filename_after_post_process'}; if (!&FileUtils::fileExists($conv_filename)) {return -1;} } # Run the "fribidi" (http://fribidi.org) Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm program over the converted file # Added for fixing up Persian PDFs after being processed by pdftohtml, but may be useful in other cases too if ($self->{'apply_fribidi'} && $self->{'converted_to'} =~ /(HTML|Text)/) { my $fribidi_command = "fribidi \"$conv_filename\" >\"${conv_filename}.tmp\""; if (system($fribidi_command) != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: Cannot run fribidi on \"$conv_filename\".\n"; } else { &FileUtils::moveFiles("${conv_filename}.tmp", $conv_filename); } } my $secondary_plugins = $self->{'secondary_plugins'}; my $num_secondary_plugins = scalar(keys %$secondary_plugins); if ($num_secondary_plugins == 0) { print $outhandle "Warning: No secondary plugin to use in conversion. Skipping $file\n"; return 0; # effectively block it } my @plugin_names = keys %$secondary_plugins; my $plugin_name = shift @plugin_names; if ($num_secondary_plugins > 1) { print $outhandle "Warning: Multiple secondary plugins not supported yet! Choosing $plugin_name\n."; } my $secondary_plugin = $secondary_plugins->{$plugin_name}; # note: metadata is not carried on to the next level ## **** I just replaced $metadata with {} in following my ($rv,$doc_obj) = $secondary_plugin->read_into_doc_obj ($pluginfo,"", $conv_filename, $block_hash, {}, $processor, $maxdocs, $total_count, $gli); if ((!defined $rv) || ($rv<1)) { # wasn't processed return $rv; } # Override previous gsdlsourcefilename set by secondary plugin my $collect_file = &util::filename_within_collection($filename_full_path); my $collect_conv_file = &util::filename_within_collection($conv_filename); $doc_obj->set_source_filename ($collect_file, $self->{'file_rename_method'}); ## set_source_filename does not set the doc_obj source_path which is used in archives dbs for incremental # build. so set it manually. $doc_obj->set_source_path($filename_full_path); $doc_obj->set_converted_filename($collect_conv_file); my $plugin_filename_encoding = $self->{'filename_encoding'}; my $filename_encoding = $self->deduce_filename_encoding($file,$metadata,$plugin_filename_encoding); $self->set_Source_metadata($doc_obj, $filename_full_path, $filename_encoding); $doc_obj->set_utf8_metadata_element($doc_obj->get_top_section(), "Plugin", "$self->{'plugin_type'}"); $doc_obj->set_utf8_metadata_element($doc_obj->get_top_section(), "FileSize", (-s $filename_full_path)); # **** my ($tailname, $dirname, $suffix) = &File::Basename::fileparse($filename_full_path, "\\.[^\\.]+\$"); $doc_obj->set_utf8_metadata_element($doc_obj->get_top_section(), "FilenameRoot", $tailname); # do plugin specific processing of doc_obj unless (defined ($self->process($pluginfo, $base_dir, $file, $metadata, $doc_obj, $gli))) { print STDERR "\n" if ($gli); return -1; } my $topsection = $doc_obj->get_top_section(); $self->add_associated_files($doc_obj, $filename_full_path); # extra_metadata is already called by sec plugin in process?? $self->extra_metadata($doc_obj, $topsection, $metadata); # do we need this here?? # do any automatic metadata extraction $self->auto_extract_metadata ($doc_obj); # have we found a Title?? $self->title_fallback($doc_obj,$topsection,$filename_no_path); # force a new OID - this will use OIDtype option set for this plugin. $self->add_OID($doc_obj, 1); return (1, $doc_obj); } sub process { my $self = shift (@_); my ($pluginfo, $base_dir, $file, $metadata, $doc_obj, $gli) = @_; return $self->process_type($base_dir, $file, $doc_obj); } # do plugin specific processing of doc_obj for doc_ext type sub process_type { my $self = shift (@_); my ($base_dir, $file, $doc_obj) = @_; # need to check that not empty my ($doc_ext) = $file =~ /\.(\w+)$/; $doc_ext = lc($doc_ext); my $file_type = "unknown"; $file_type = $self->{'file_type'} if defined $self->{'file_type'}; # associate original file with doc object my $cursection = $doc_obj->get_top_section(); my $filename = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($base_dir, $file); my $assocfilename = "doc.$doc_ext"; if ($self->{'keep_original_filename'} == 1) { # this should be the same filename that was used for the Source and SourceFile metadata, # as we will use SourceFile in the srclink (below) $assocfilename = $doc_obj->get_assocfile_from_sourcefile(); } $doc_obj->associate_file($filename, $assocfilename, undef, $cursection); # We use set instead of add here because we only want one value $doc_obj->set_utf8_metadata_element($cursection, "FileFormat", $file_type); my $srclink_filename = "doc.$doc_ext"; if ($self->{'keep_original_filename'} == 1) { $srclink_filename = $doc_obj->get_sourcefile(); } # srclink_file is now deprecated because of the "_" in the metadataname. Use srclinkFile $doc_obj->add_utf8_metadata ($cursection, "srcicon", "_icon".$doc_ext."_"); $doc_obj->add_utf8_metadata ($cursection, "srclink_file", $srclink_filename); $doc_obj->add_utf8_metadata ($cursection, "srclinkFile", $srclink_filename); return 1; } sub clean_up_after_doc_obj_processing { my $self = shift(@_); my $tmp_dir = $self->{'tmp_dir'}; if (defined $tmp_dir && -d $tmp_dir) { ##print STDERR "**** Suppressing clean up of tmp dir\n"; &FileUtils::removeFilesRecursive($tmp_dir); $self->{'tmp_dir'} = undef; } } # This sub is shared across PowerPointPlugin and UnknownConverterPlugin, # so it's been copied into here from the former. sub generate_item_file { my $self = shift(@_); my ($input_filename) = @_; my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'}; my ($tailname, $dirname, $suffix) = &File::Basename::fileparse($input_filename, "\\.[^\\.]+\$"); my $plugin_name = $self->{'plugin_type'}; # inherited from BaseImporter # find all the files in the directory if (!opendir (DIR, $dirname)) { print $outhandle "$plugin_name: Couldn't read directory $dirname\n"; return $input_filename; } my @dir = readdir (DIR); closedir (DIR); # start the item file my $itemfile_name = &util::filename_cat($dirname, "$tailname.item"); # encoding specification???? if (!open (ITEMFILE, ">$itemfile_name")) { print $outhandle "$plugin_name: Couldn't open $itemfile_name for writing\n"; } print ITEMFILE "$plugin_name\n"; # print the first page my @sorted_dir = sort alphanum_sort @dir; for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@sorted_dir); $i++) { my $file = $sorted_dir[$i]; if ($file =~ /^img(\d+)\.jpg$/) { my $num = $1; $self->tidy_up_html(&util::filename_cat($dirname, "text$num.html")); print ITEMFILE "$num:img$num.jpg:text$num.html:\n"; } } close ITEMFILE; return $itemfile_name; } 1;