########################################################################### # # DSpacePlugin.pm -- plugin for importing a collection from DSpace # # A component of the Greenstone digital library software # from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the # University of Waikato, New Zealand. # # Copyright (C) 2004 New Zealand Digital Library Project # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ########################################################################### # This plugin takes "contents" and dublin_core.xml file, which contain # Metadata and lists of associated files for a particular document # and produces a document containing sections, one for each page. # The files should be named "contents" and "dublin_core.xml". For each of # document in DSpace, it is stored in one directory # # The format of the "contents" file is as follows: # # File.type bundle:ORIGINAL # license.txt bundle:LICENSE # The format of the "dublin_core.xml" file is as follows: # The first line contains any metadata for the whole document # # eg. # Snail farming # 2004-10-15 # package DSpacePlugin; use extrametautil; use ReadTextFile; use plugin; use util; use FileUtils; use XMLParser; use strict; no strict 'refs'; # allow filehandles to be variables and viceversa sub BEGIN { @DSpacePlugin::ISA = ('ReadTextFile'); } my $arguments = [ { 'name' => "process_exp", 'desc' => "{BaseImporter.process_exp}", 'type' => "string", 'deft' => &get_default_process_exp(), 'reqd' => "no" }, { 'name' => "only_first_doc", 'desc' => "{DSpacePlugin.only_first_doc}", 'type' => "flag", 'reqd' => "no" }, { 'name' => "first_inorder_ext", 'desc' => "{DSpacePlugin.first_inorder_ext}", 'type' => "string", 'reqd' => "no" }, { 'name' => "first_inorder_mime", 'desc' => "{DSpacePlugin.first_inorder_mime}", 'type' => "flag", 'reqd' => "no" }, { 'name' => "block_exp", 'desc' => "{CommonUtil.block_exp}", 'type' => "regexp", 'deft' => &get_default_block_exp(), 'reqd' => "no" }]; my $options = { 'name' => "DSpacePlugin", 'desc' => "{DSpacePlugin.desc}", 'inherits' => "yes", 'abstract' => "no", 'args' => $arguments }; my $primary_doc_lookup = { 'text/html' => '(?i)\.(gif|jpe?g|jpe|jpg|png|css)$' }; # Important variation to regular plugin structure. Need to declare # $self as global variable to file so XMLParser callback routines # can access the content of the object. my ($self); sub new { my ($class) = shift (@_); my ($pluginlist,$inputargs,$hashArgOptLists) = @_; push(@$pluginlist, $class); push(@{$hashArgOptLists->{"ArgList"}},@{$arguments}); push(@{$hashArgOptLists->{"OptList"}},$options); $self = new ReadTextFile($pluginlist, $inputargs, $hashArgOptLists); if ($self->{'info_only'}) { # don't worry about creating the XML parser as all we want is the # list of plugin options return bless $self, $class; } #create XML::Parser object for parsing dublin_core.xml files my $parser = new XML::Parser('Style' => 'Stream', 'Handlers' => {'Char' => \&Char, 'Doctype' => \&Doctype }); $self->{'parser'} = $parser; $self->{'extra_blocks'} = {}; return bless $self, $class; } sub get_default_process_exp { my $self = shift (@_); return q^(?i)(contents)$^; } # want to block all files except the "contents" sub get_default_block_exp { my $self = shift (@_); # Block handle and txt files if present. Specifically don't block dublin_core xml return q^(?i)(handle|\.tx?t)$^; } sub store_block_files_BACKUP { # Option of making blocking sensitive to files that are in directory # This subroutine is not currently used! (relies on default block expression stopping all handle and .txt files) my $self =shift (@_); my ($filename_full_path, $block_hash) = @_; my ($tailname, $contents_basedir, $suffix) = &File::Basename::fileparse($filename_full_path, "\\.[^\\.]+\$"); my $handle_filename = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($contents_basedir,"handle"); if (&FileUtils::fileTest($handle_filename)) { $self->block_raw_filename($block_hash,$handle_filename); } } sub read_content { my $self = shift (@_); my ($dir, $only_first_doc, $first_inorder_ext, $first_inorder_mime, $mimetype_list) = @_; my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'}; my @fnamemime_list = (); my @assocmime_list = (); my $content_fname = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($dir,"contents"); open(CIN,"<$content_fname") || die "Unable to open $content_fname: $!\n"; my $line; my $pos = 0; while (defined ($line = )) { if ($line =~ m/^(.*)\s+bundle:ORIGINAL\s*$/) { my $fname = $1; my $mtype = $mimetype_list->[$pos]; my $fm_rec = { 'file' => $fname, 'mimetype' => $mtype}; push(@fnamemime_list,$fm_rec); $pos++; } } close CIN; if ($only_first_doc){ my ($first_fname, @rest_fnames) = @fnamemime_list; @fnamemime_list = ($first_fname); @assocmime_list = @rest_fnames; } # allow user to specify the types of files (inorder)they would like to assign as # a primary bitstream if ($first_inorder_ext) { # parse user-define file extension names my @extfiles_list = split /,/, $first_inorder_ext; my (@rest_fnames) = @fnamemime_list; my @matched_list = (); foreach my $file_ext (@extfiles_list) { $pos = 0; foreach my $allfiles (@fnamemime_list){ $allfiles->{'file'} =~ /^(.*)\.(.*?)$/; my $allfiles_ext = $2; if ($allfiles_ext =~ /$file_ext/) { print $outhandle "Existing file:$allfiles->{'file'} match the user-define File Extension:$file_ext\n"; push (@matched_list, $allfiles); # delete the matched extension file from the array splice(@rest_fnames,$pos,1); return (\@matched_list, \@rest_fnames); } $pos++; } } } if ($first_inorder_mime) { # parse user-define file mimetype my @file_mime_list = split /,/, $first_inorder_mime; my (@rest_fnames) = @fnamemime_list; my @matched_list = (); foreach my $file_mime (@file_mime_list) { $pos = 0; foreach my $allfiles (@fnamemime_list){ my $allfiles_mime = $allfiles->{'mimetype'}; if ($allfiles_mime =~ /$file_mime/) { print $outhandle "Existing file:$allfiles->{'file'} match the user-defined File MimeType:$file_mime\n"; push (@matched_list, $allfiles); # delete the matched MIMEType file from the array splice(@rest_fnames,$pos,1); return (\@matched_list, \@rest_fnames); } $pos++; } } } return (\@fnamemime_list, \@assocmime_list); } sub filemime_list_to_re { my $self = shift (@_); my ($fnamemime_list) = @_; my @fname_list = map { "(".$_->{'file'}.")" } @$fnamemime_list; my $fname_re = join("|",@fname_list); # Indexing into the extrameta data structures requires the filename's style of slashes to be in URL format # Then need to convert the filename to a regex, no longer to protect windows directory chars \, but for # protecting special characters like brackets in the filepath such as "C:\Program Files (x86)\Greenstone". $fname_re = &util::filepath_to_url_format($fname_re); # just in case there are slashes in there $fname_re =~ s/\./\\\./g; return $fname_re; } # Read dublin_core metadata from DSpace collection sub metadata_read { my $self = shift (@_); my ($pluginfo, $base_dir, $file, $block_hash, $extrametakeys, $extrametadata, $extrametafile, $processor, $gli, $aux) = @_; my $only_first_doc = $self->{'only_first_doc'}; my $first_inorder_ext = $self->{'first_inorder_ext'}; my $first_inorder_mime = $self->{'first_inorder_mime'}; my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'}; my $filename = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($base_dir, $file); # return 0 if $self->{'block_exp'} ne "" && $filename =~ /$self->{'block_exp'}/; if ($filename !~ /dublin_core\.xml$/ || !-f $filename) { return undef; } print $outhandle "DSpacePlugin: extracting metadata from $file\n" if $self->{'verbosity'} > 1; my ($dir) = $filename =~ /^(.*?)[^\/\\]*$/; eval { $self->{'parser'}->parsefile($filename); }; if ($@) { die "DSpacePlugin: ERROR $filename is not a well formed dublin_core.xml file ($@)\n"; } my $mimetype_list = $self->{'saved_metadata'}->{'ex.dc.Format^mimetype'}; my ($doc_file_mimes, $assoc_file_mimes) = $self->read_content($dir, $only_first_doc, $first_inorder_ext, $first_inorder_mime, $mimetype_list); my $file_re = $self->filemime_list_to_re($doc_file_mimes); if ($only_first_doc || $first_inorder_ext || $first_inorder_mime) { foreach my $afm ( @$assoc_file_mimes ) { my $full_af = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($dir,$afm->{'file'}); $self->{'extra_blocks'}->{$full_af} = 1; } } &extrametautil::addmetakey($extrametakeys, $file_re); # See Format's Extent section in http://dublincore.org/documents/usageguide/qualifiers.shtml # it could specify duration, size or even dimensions of the resource. It may be a useful piece # of metadata to preserve after all. #if (defined $self->{'saved_metadata'}->{'ex.dc.Format^extent'}) { #delete $self->{'saved_metadata'}->{'ex.dc.Format^extent'}; #} if (defined $mimetype_list) { delete $self->{'saved_metadata'}->{'ex.dc.Format^mimetype'}; # Temporarily store associate file info in metadata table # This will be removed in 'extra_metadata' in BaseImporter and used # to perform the actual file association (once the doc obj has # been formed my $main_doc = $doc_file_mimes->[0]; my $md_mimetype = $main_doc->{'mimetype'}; my $pd_lookup = $primary_doc_lookup->{$md_mimetype}; if (defined $pd_lookup) { my $filter_re = $pd_lookup; @$assoc_file_mimes = grep { $_->{'file'} !~ m/$filter_re/ } @$assoc_file_mimes; } my @gsdlassocfile_tobe = map { &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($dir,$_->{'file'}) .":".$_->{'mimetype'}.":" } @$assoc_file_mimes if @$assoc_file_mimes; $self->{'saved_metadata'}->{'gsdlassocfile_tobe'} = \@gsdlassocfile_tobe; } &extrametautil::setmetadata($extrametadata, $file_re, $self->{'saved_metadata'}); return 1; } # The DSpacePlugin read() function. We are not actually reading any documents # here, just blocking ones that have been processed by metadata read. # # Returns 0 for a file its blocking, undef for any other sub read { my $self = shift (@_); my ($pluginfo, $base_dir, $file, $block_hash, $metadata, $processor, $maxdocs, $total_count, $gli) = @_; my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'}; # Block all files except contents my $filename = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($base_dir, $file); return 0 if $self->{'block_exp'} ne "" && $filename =~ /$self->{'block_exp'}/; my $assocfile = $metadata->{'assocfile'}; return 0 if (($filename =~ /dublin_core\.xml$/) || ($filename =~ /contents$/)); return 0 if (defined $self->{'extra_blocks'}->{$filename}); return undef; } sub Doctype { my ($expat, $name, $sysid, $pubid, $internal) = @_; die if ($name !~ /^dublin_core$/); } sub StartTag { my ($expat, $element) = @_; if ($element eq "dublin_core") { $self->{'saved_metadata'} = {}; } elsif ($element eq "dcvalue") { my $metaname = $_{'element'}; my $qualifier = $_{'qualifier'}||""; if ($metaname ne "description" || $qualifier ne "provenance") { $metaname .= "^$qualifier" if ($qualifier ne "none" && $qualifier ne ""); $self->{'metaname'} = "ex.dc.\u$metaname"; } } } sub EndTag { my ($expat, $element) = @_; if ($element eq "dcvalue") { $self->{'metaname'} = ""; } } sub Text { if (defined ($self->{'metaname'}) && $self->{'metaname'} ne "") { # $_ == Metadata content my $mname = $self->{'metaname'}; my $mvalue = prepareMetadataValue($_); if (defined $self->{'saved_metadata'}->{$mname}) { # accumulate - add value to existing value(s) if (ref ($self->{'saved_metadata'}->{$mname}) eq "ARRAY") { push (@{$self->{'saved_metadata'}->{$mname}}, $mvalue); } else { $self->{'saved_metadata'}->{$mname} = [$self->{'saved_metadata'}->{$mname}, $mvalue]; } } else { # accumulate - add value into (currently empty) array $self->{'saved_metadata'}->{$mname} = [$mvalue]; } } } # Prepare DSpace metadata for using with Greenstone. # Some value must be escaped. sub prepareMetadataValue { my ($value) = @_; $value =~ s/\[/[/g; $value =~ s/\]/]/g; return $value; } # This Char function overrides the one in XML::Parser::Stream to overcome a # problem where $expat->{Text} is treated as the return value, slowing # things down significantly in some cases. sub Char { use bytes; # Necessary to prevent encoding issues with XML::Parser 2.31+ $_[0]->{'Text'} .= $_[1]; return undef; } 1;