########################################################################### # # BasePlugout.pm -- base class for all the plugout modules # A component of the Greenstone digital library software # from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the # University of Waikato, New Zealand. # # Copyright (C) 2006 New Zealand Digital Library Project # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ########################################################################### package BasePlugout; eval {require bytes}; use strict; no strict 'subs'; no strict 'refs'; use dbutil; use gsprintf 'gsprintf'; use printusage; use parse2; use util; use FileUtils; # suppress the annoying "subroutine redefined" warning that various # gets cause under perl 5.6 $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {warn($_[0]) unless ($_[0] =~ /Subroutine\s+\S+\sredefined/)}; my $arguments = [ { 'name' => "group_size", 'desc' => "{BasPlugout.group_size}", 'type' => "int", 'deft' => "1", 'reqd' => "no", 'hiddengli' => "no"}, { 'name' => "output_info", 'desc' => "{BasPlugout.output_info}", 'type' => "string", 'reqd' => "yes", 'hiddengli' => "yes"}, { 'name' => "xslt_file", 'desc' => "{BasPlugout.xslt_file}", 'type' => "string", 'reqd' => "no", 'deft' => "", 'hiddengli' => "no"}, { 'name' => "output_handle", 'desc' => "{BasPlugout.output_handle}", 'type' => "string", 'deft' => 'STDERR', 'reqd' => "no", 'hiddengli' => "yes"}, { 'name' => "verbosity", 'desc' => "{BasPlugout.verbosity}", 'type' => "int", 'deft' => "0", 'reqd' => "no", 'hiddengli' => "no"}, { 'name' => "gzip_output", 'desc' => "{BasPlugout.gzip_output}", 'type' => "flag", 'reqd' => "no", 'hiddengli' => "no"}, { 'name' => "debug", 'desc' => "{BasPlugout.debug}", 'type' => "flag", 'reqd' => "no", 'hiddengli' => "yes"}, { 'name' => "subdir_split_length", 'desc' => "{BasPlugout.subdir_split_length}", 'type' => "int", 'reqd' => "no", 'deft' => "8", 'hiddengli' => "no"}, { 'name' => "subdir_hash_prefix", 'desc' => "{BasPlugout.subdir_hash_prefix}", 'type' => "flag", 'reqd' => "no", 'deft' => "no", 'hiddengli' => "no"} ]; my $options = { 'name' => "BasePlugout", 'desc' => "{BasPlugout.desc}", 'abstract' => "yes", 'inherits' => "no", 'args' => $arguments}; sub new { my $class = shift (@_); my ($plugoutlist,$args,$hashArgOptLists) = @_; push(@$plugoutlist, $class); my $plugout_name = (defined $plugoutlist->[0]) ? $plugoutlist->[0] : $class; push(@{$hashArgOptLists->{"ArgList"}},@{$arguments}); push(@{$hashArgOptLists->{"OptList"}},$options); my $self = {}; $self->{'plugout_type'} = $class; $self->{'option_list'} = $hashArgOptLists->{"OptList"}; $self->{"info_only"} = 0; # Check if gsdlinfo is in the argument list or not - if it is, don't parse # the args, just return the object. foreach my $strArg (@{$args}) { if(defined $strArg && $strArg eq "-gsdlinfo") { $self->{"info_only"} = 1; return bless $self, $class; } } delete $self->{"info_only"}; if(parse2::parse($args,$hashArgOptLists->{"ArgList"},$self) == -1) { my $classTempClass = bless $self, $class; print STDERR "\n"; &gsprintf(STDERR, "\n{BasPlugout.bad_general_option}\n", $plugout_name); $classTempClass->print_txt_usage(""); # Use default resource bundle die "\n"; } if(defined $self->{'xslt_file'} && $self->{'xslt_file'} ne "") { my $full_file_path = &util::locate_config_file($self->{'xslt_file'}); if (!defined $full_file_path) { print STDERR "Can not find $self->{'xslt_file'}, please make sure you have supplied the correct file path\n"; die "\n"; } $self->{'xslt_file'} = $full_file_path; } $self->{'gs_count'} = 0; $self->{'keep_import_structure'} = 0; return bless $self, $class; } sub print_xml_usage { my $self = shift(@_); my $header = shift(@_); my $high_level_information_only = shift(@_); # XML output is always in UTF-8 gsprintf::output_strings_in_UTF8; if ($header) { &PrintUsage::print_xml_header("plugout"); } $self->print_xml($high_level_information_only); } sub print_xml { my $self = shift(@_); my $high_level_information_only = shift(@_); my $optionlistref = $self->{'option_list'}; my @optionlist = @$optionlistref; my $plugoutoptions = shift(@$optionlistref); return if (!defined($plugoutoptions)); gsprintf(STDERR, "\n"); gsprintf(STDERR, " $plugoutoptions->{'name'}\n"); my $desc = gsprintf::lookup_string($plugoutoptions->{'desc'}); $desc =~ s//&gt;/g; gsprintf(STDERR, " $desc\n"); gsprintf(STDERR, " $plugoutoptions->{'abstract'}\n"); gsprintf(STDERR, " $plugoutoptions->{'inherits'}\n"); unless (defined($high_level_information_only)) { gsprintf(STDERR, " \n"); if (defined($plugoutoptions->{'args'})) { &PrintUsage::print_options_xml($plugoutoptions->{'args'}); } gsprintf(STDERR, " \n"); # Recurse up the plugout hierarchy $self->print_xml(); } gsprintf(STDERR, "\n"); } sub print_txt_usage { my $self = shift(@_); # Print the usage message for a plugout (recursively) my $descoffset = $self->determine_description_offset(0); $self->print_plugout_usage($descoffset, 1); } sub determine_description_offset { my $self = shift(@_); my $maxoffset = shift(@_); my $optionlistref = $self->{'option_list'}; my @optionlist = @$optionlistref; my $plugoutoptions = pop(@$optionlistref); return $maxoffset if (!defined($plugoutoptions)); # Find the length of the longest option string of this download my $plugoutargs = $plugoutoptions->{'args'}; if (defined($plugoutargs)) { my $longest = &PrintUsage::find_longest_option_string($plugoutargs); if ($longest > $maxoffset) { $maxoffset = $longest; } } # Recurse up the download hierarchy $maxoffset = $self->determine_description_offset($maxoffset); $self->{'option_list'} = \@optionlist; return $maxoffset; } sub print_plugout_usage { my $self = shift(@_); my $descoffset = shift(@_); my $isleafclass = shift(@_); my $optionlistref = $self->{'option_list'}; my @optionlist = @$optionlistref; my $plugoutoptions = shift(@$optionlistref); return if (!defined($plugoutoptions)); my $plugoutname = $plugoutoptions->{'name'}; my $plugoutargs = $plugoutoptions->{'args'}; my $plugoutdesc = $plugoutoptions->{'desc'}; # Produce the usage information using the data structure above if ($isleafclass) { if (defined($plugoutdesc)) { gsprintf(STDERR, "$plugoutdesc\n\n"); } gsprintf(STDERR, " {common.usage}: plugout $plugoutname [{common.options}]\n\n"); } # Display the download options, if there are some if (defined($plugoutargs)) { # Calculate the column offset of the option descriptions my $optiondescoffset = $descoffset + 2; # 2 spaces between options & descriptions if ($isleafclass) { gsprintf(STDERR, " {common.specific_options}:\n"); } else { gsprintf(STDERR, " {common.general_options}:\n", $plugoutname); } # Display the download options &PrintUsage::print_options_txt($plugoutargs, $optiondescoffset); } # Recurse up the download hierarchy $self->print_plugout_usage($descoffset, 0); $self->{'option_list'} = \@optionlist; } sub error { my ($strFunctionName,$strError) = @_; { print "Error occoured in BasePlugout.pm\n". "In Function: ".$strFunctionName."\n". "Error Message: ".$strError."\n"; exit(-1); } } # OIDtype may be "hash" or "hash_on_full_filename" or "incremental" or "filename" or "dirname" or "full_filename" or "assigned" sub set_OIDtype { my $self = shift (@_); my ($type, $metadata) = @_; if ($type =~ /^(hash|hash_on_full_filename|incremental|filename|dirname|full_filename|assigned)$/) { $self->{'OIDtype'} = $type; } else { $self->{'OIDtype'} = "hash"; } if ($type =~ /^assigned$/) { if (defined $metadata) { $self->{'OIDmetadata'} = $metadata; } else { $self->{'OIDmetadata'} = "dc.Identifier"; } } } sub set_output_dir { my $self = shift @_; my ($output_dir) = @_; $self->{'output_dir'} = $output_dir; } sub setoutputdir { my $self = shift @_; my ($output_dir) = @_; $self->{'output_dir'} = $output_dir; } sub get_output_dir { my $self = shift (@_); return $self->{'output_dir'}; } sub getoutputdir { my $self = shift (@_); return $self->{'output_dir'}; } sub getoutputinfo { my $self = shift (@_); return $self->{'output_info'}; } sub get_output_handler { my $self = shift (@_); my ($output_file_name) = @_; my $fh; &FileUtils::openFileHandle($output_file_name, '>', \$fh) or die('Can not open a file handler for: ' . $output_file_name . "\n"); return $fh; } sub release_output_handler { my $self = shift (@_); my ($outhandler) = @_; close($outhandler); } sub output_xml_header { my $self = shift (@_); my ($handle,$docroot,$nondoctype) = @_; #print $handle '' . "\n"; #For Dspace must be UTF in lower case print $handle '' . "\n"; if (!defined $nondoctype){ my $doctype = (defined $docroot) ? $docroot : "Section"; # Used to be '\n"; } print $handle "<$docroot>\n" if defined $docroot; } sub output_xml_footer { my $self = shift (@_); my ($handle,$docroot) = @_; print $handle "\n" if defined $docroot; } sub output_general_xml_header { my $self = shift (@_); my ($handle,$docroot,$opt_attributes,$opt_dtd, $opt_doctype) = @_; print $handle '' . "\n"; if (defined $opt_dtd) { my $doctype = (defined $opt_doctype) ? $opt_doctype : $docroot; print $handle "\n"; } if (defined $docroot) { my $full_docroot = $docroot; if (defined $opt_attributes) { $full_docroot .= " $opt_attributes"; } print $handle "<$full_docroot>\n" } } sub output_general_xml_footer { output_xml_footer(@_); } sub process { my $self = shift (@_); my ($doc_obj) = @_; # for OAI purposes $doc_obj->set_lastmodified(); $doc_obj->set_oailastmodified(); if ($self->{'group_size'} > 1) { $self->group_process ($doc_obj); return; } my $OID = $doc_obj->get_OID(); $OID = "NULL" unless defined $OID; my $top_section = $doc_obj->get_top_section(); #get document's directory my $doc_dir = $self->get_doc_dir ($OID, $doc_obj->get_source_filename()); my $output_info = $self->{'output_info'}; return if (!defined $output_info); ############################## # call subclass' saveas method ############################## $self->saveas($doc_obj,$doc_dir); $self->archiveinf_db($doc_obj,$doc_dir); } sub store_output_info_reference { my $self = shift (@_); my ($doc_obj) = @_; my $output_info = $self->{'output_info'}; my $metaname = $self->{'sortmeta'}; if (!defined $metaname || $metaname !~ /\S/) { $output_info->add_info($doc_obj->get_OID(),$self->{'short_doc_file'}, undef, ""); return; } my $metadata = ""; my $top_section = $doc_obj->get_top_section(); my @commameta_list = split(/,/, $metaname); foreach my $cmn (@commameta_list) { my $meta = $doc_obj->get_metadata_element($top_section, $cmn); if ($meta) { # do remove prefix/suffix - this will apply to all values $meta =~ s/^$self->{'removeprefix'}// if defined $self->{'removeprefix'}; $meta =~ s/$self->{'removesuffix'}$// if defined $self->{'removesuffix'}; $meta = &sorttools::format_metadata_for_sorting($cmn, $meta, $doc_obj); $metadata .= $meta if ($meta); } } # store reference in the output_info $output_info->add_info($doc_obj->get_OID(),$self->{'short_doc_file'}, undef, $metadata); } sub group_process { my $self = shift (@_); my ($doc_obj) = @_; my $OID = $doc_obj->get_OID(); $OID = "NULL" unless defined $OID; my $groupsize = $self->{'group_size'}; my $gs_count = $self->{'gs_count'}; my $open_new_file = (($gs_count % $groupsize)==0); my $outhandle = $self->{'output_handle'}; # opening a new file, or document has assoicated files => directory needed if (($open_new_file) || (scalar(@{$doc_obj->get_assoc_files()})>0)) { # The directory the archive file (doc.xml) and all associated files # should end up in my $doc_dir; # If we've determined its time for a new file, open it now if ($open_new_file || !defined($self->{'gs_doc_dir'})) { $doc_dir = $self->get_doc_dir ($OID, $doc_obj->get_source_filename()); # only if opening new file my $output_dir = $self->get_output_dir(); &FileUtils::makeAllDirectories($output_dir) unless &FileUtils::directoryExists($output_dir); my $doc_file = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($output_dir, $doc_dir, "doc.xml"); my $short_doc_file = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($doc_dir, "doc.xml"); if ($gs_count>0) { return if (!$self->close_file_output()); } open (GROUPPROCESS, ">$doc_file") or (print $outhandle "BasePlugout::group_process could not write to file $doc_file\n" and return); $self->{'gs_filename'} = $doc_file; $self->{'short_doc_file'} = $short_doc_file; $self->{'gs_OID'} = $OID; $self->{'gs_doc_dir'} = $doc_dir; $self->output_xml_header('BasePlugout::GROUPPROCESS','Archive'); } # Otherwise load the same archive document directory used last time else { $doc_dir = $self->{'gs_doc_dir'}; } # copy all the associated files, add this information as metadata # to the document print $outhandle "Writing associated files to $doc_dir\n"; $self->process_assoc_files ($doc_obj, $doc_dir); # look up 'gsdlmetafile' metadata and store that information # explicitly in $doc_obj $self->process_metafiles_metadata ($doc_obj); } # save this document my $section_text = &docprint::get_section_xml($doc_obj,$doc_obj->get_top_section()); print GROUPPROCESS $section_text; $self->{'gs_count'}++; } sub saveas { my $self = shift (@_); die "Basplug::saveas function must be implemented in sub classes\n"; } sub get_doc_dir { my $self = shift (@_); my ($OID, $source_filename) = @_; my $working_dir = $self->get_output_dir(); my $working_info = $self->{'output_info'}; return if (!defined $working_info); my $doc_info = $working_info->get_info($OID); my $doc_dir = ''; if (defined $doc_info && scalar(@$doc_info) >= 1) { # This OID already has an archives directory, so use it again $doc_dir = $doc_info->[0]; $doc_dir =~ s/\/?((doc(mets)?)|(dublin_core))\.xml(\.gz)?$//; } elsif ($self->{'keep_import_structure'}) { $source_filename = &File::Basename::dirname($source_filename); $source_filename =~ s/[\\\/]+/\//g; $source_filename =~ s/\/$//; $doc_dir = substr($source_filename, length($ENV{'GSDLIMPORTDIR'}) + 1); } # We have to use a new archives directory for this document if ($doc_dir eq "") { $doc_dir = $self->get_new_doc_dir ($working_info, $working_dir, $OID); } if (!defined $self->{'group'} || !$self->{'group'}){ &FileUtils::makeAllDirectories(&FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($working_dir, $doc_dir)); } return $doc_dir; } ## @function get_new_doc_dir() # # Once a doc object is ready to write to disk (and hence has a nice OID), # generate a unique subdirectory to write the information to. # - create the directory as part of this call, to try and avoid race conditions # found in parallel processing [jmt12] # sub get_new_doc_dir { my $self = shift (@_); my($working_info,$working_dir,$OID) = @_; my $doc_dir = ""; my $doc_dir_rest = $OID; # remove any \ and / from the OID $doc_dir_rest =~ s/[\\\/]//g; # Remove ":" if we are on Windows OS, as otherwise they get confused with the drive letters if ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^windows$/i) { $doc_dir_rest =~ s/\://g; } # we generally create a unique directory by adding consequtive fragments of # the document identifier (split by some predefined length - defaulting to # 8) until we find a directory that doesn't yet exist. Note that directories # that contain a document have a suffix ".dir" (whereas those that contain # only subdirectories have no suffix). my $doc_dir_num = 0; # how many directories deep we are my $created_directory = 0; # have we successfully created a new directory do { # (does this work on windows? - jmt12) if ($doc_dir_num > 0) { $doc_dir .= '/'; } # the default matching pattern grabs the next 'subdir_split_length' # characters of the OID to act as the next subdirectory my $pattern = '^(.{1,' . $self->{'subdir_split_length'} . '})'; # Do we count any "HASH" prefix against the split length limit? if ($self->{'subdir_hash_prefix'} && $doc_dir_num == 0) { $pattern = '^((HASH)?.{1,' . $self->{'subdir_split_length'} . '})'; } # Note the use of 's' to both capture the next chuck of OID and to remove # it from OID at the same time if ($doc_dir_rest =~ s/$pattern//i) { $doc_dir .= $1; $doc_dir_num++; $created_directory = &FileUtils::makeAllDirectories(&FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($working_dir, $doc_dir . '.dir')); } my $new_dir = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($working_dir, $doc_dir . '.dir'); ###rint STDERR "[DEBUG] BasePlugout::get_new_doc_dir(, $working_dir, $oid)\n"; ###rint STDERR " - create directory: $new_dir => $created_directory\n"; ###rint STDERR " - rest: $doc_dir_rest\n"; ###rint STDERR " - working_info->size(): " . $working_info->size() . " [ < 1024 ?]\n"; ###rint STDERR " - doc_dir_num: " . $doc_dir_num . "\n"; } while ($doc_dir_rest ne '' && ($created_directory == 0 || ($working_info->size() >= 1024 && $doc_dir_num < 2))); # not unique yet? Add on an incremental suffix until we are unique my $i = 1; my $doc_dir_base = $doc_dir; while ($created_directory == 0) { $doc_dir = $doc_dir_base . '-' . $i; $created_directory = &FileUtils::makeAllDirectories(&FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($working_dir, $doc_dir . '.dir')); $i++; } # in theory this should never happen if (!$created_directory) { die("Error! Failed to create directory for document: " . $doc_dir_base . "\n"); } return $doc_dir . '.dir'; } ## get_new_doc_dir() sub process_assoc_files { my $self = shift (@_); my ($doc_obj, $doc_dir, $handle) = @_; my $outhandle = $self->{'output_handle'}; my $output_dir = $self->get_output_dir(); return if (!defined $output_dir); &FileUtils::makeAllDirectories($output_dir) unless &FileUtils::directoryExists($output_dir); my $working_dir = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($output_dir, $doc_dir); &FileUtils::makeAllDirectories($working_dir) unless &FileUtils::directoryExists($working_dir); my @assoc_files = (); my $filename;; my $source_filename = $doc_obj->get_source_filename(); my $collect_dir = $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}; if (defined $collect_dir) { my $dirsep_regexp = &util::get_os_dirsep(); if ($collect_dir !~ /$dirsep_regexp$/) { $collect_dir .= &util::get_dirsep(); # ensure there is a slash at the end } # This test is never going to fail on Windows -- is this a problem? if ($source_filename !~ /^$dirsep_regexp/) { $source_filename = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($collect_dir, $source_filename); } } # set the assocfile path (even if we have no assoc files - need this for lucene) $doc_obj->set_utf8_metadata_element ($doc_obj->get_top_section(), "assocfilepath", "$doc_dir"); foreach my $assoc_file_rec (@{$doc_obj->get_assoc_files()}) { my ($dir, $afile) = $assoc_file_rec->[1] =~ /^(.*?)([^\/\\]+)$/; $dir = "" unless defined $dir; my $utf8_real_filename = $assoc_file_rec->[0]; # for some reasons the image associate file has / before the full path $utf8_real_filename =~ s/^\\(.*)/$1/i; ## my $real_filename = &util::utf8_to_real_filename($utf8_real_filename); my $real_filename = $utf8_real_filename; $real_filename = &util::downgrade_if_dos_filename($real_filename); if (&FileUtils::fileExists($real_filename)) { $filename = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($working_dir, $afile); &FileUtils::hardLink($real_filename, $filename, $self->{'verbosity'}); $doc_obj->add_utf8_metadata ($doc_obj->get_top_section(), "gsdlassocfile", "$afile:$assoc_file_rec->[2]:$dir"); } elsif ($self->{'verbosity'} > 1) { print $outhandle "BasePlugout::process couldn't copy the associated file " . "$real_filename to $afile\n"; } } } sub process_metafiles_metadata { my $self = shift (@_); my ($doc_obj) = @_; my $top_section = $doc_obj->get_top_section(); my $metafiles = $doc_obj->get_metadata($top_section,"gsdlmetafile"); foreach my $metafile_pair (@$metafiles) { my ($full_metafile,$metafile) = split(/ : /,$metafile_pair); $doc_obj->metadata_file($full_metafile,$metafile); } $doc_obj->delete_metadata($top_section,"gsdlmetafile"); } sub archiveinf_files_to_field { my $self = shift(@_); my ($files,$field,$collect_dir,$oid_files,$reverse_lookups) = @_; foreach my $file_rec (@$files) { my $real_filename = (ref $file_rec eq "ARRAY") ? $file_rec->[0] : $file_rec; my $full_file = (ref $file_rec eq "ARRAY") ? $file_rec->[1] : $file_rec; # for some reasons the image associate file has / before the full path $real_filename =~ s/^\\(.*)/$1/i; my $raw_filename = &util::downgrade_if_dos_filename($real_filename); if (&FileUtils::fileExists($raw_filename)) { # if (defined $collect_dir) { # my $collect_dir_re_safe = $collect_dir; # $collect_dir_re_safe =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; # use &util::filename_to_regex() # $collect_dir_re_safe =~ s/\./\\./g;## # $real_filename =~ s/^$collect_dir_re_safe//; # } if (defined $reverse_lookups) { $reverse_lookups->{$real_filename} = 1; } ### push(@{$oid_files->{$field}},$full_file); push(@{$oid_files->{$field}},$raw_filename); } else { print STDERR "Warning: archiveinf_files_to_field()\n $real_filename does not appear to be on the file system\n"; } } } sub archiveinf_db { my $self = shift (@_); my ($doc_obj) = @_; my $verbosity = $self->{'verbosity'}; my $collect_dir = $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}; if (defined $collect_dir) { my $dirsep_regexp = &util::get_os_dirsep(); if ($collect_dir !~ /$dirsep_regexp$/) { # ensure there is a slash at the end $collect_dir .= &util::get_dirsep(); } } my $oid = $doc_obj->get_OID(); my $source_filename = $doc_obj->get_unmodified_source_filename(); my $working_info = $self->{'output_info'}; my $doc_info = $working_info->get_info($oid); my ($doc_file,$index_status,$sortmeta) = @$doc_info; # doc_file is the path to the archive doc.xml. Make sure it has unix # slashes, then if the collection is copied to linux, it can be built without reimport $doc_file =~ s/\\/\//g; my $oid_files = { 'doc-file' => $doc_file, 'index-status' => $index_status, 'src-file' => $source_filename, 'sort-meta' => $sortmeta, 'assoc-file' => [], 'meta-file' => [] }; my $reverse_lookups = { $source_filename => "1" }; $self->archiveinf_files_to_field($doc_obj->get_source_assoc_files(),"assoc-file", $collect_dir,$oid_files,$reverse_lookups); $self->archiveinf_files_to_field($doc_obj->get_meta_files(),"meta-file", $collect_dir,$oid_files); # Get the infodbtype value for this collection from the arcinfo object my $infodbtype = $self->{'output_info'}->{'infodbtype'}; my $output_dir = $self->{'output_dir'}; my $doc_db = &dbutil::get_infodb_file_path($infodbtype, "archiveinf-doc", $output_dir); my $src_db = &dbutil::get_infodb_file_path($infodbtype, "archiveinf-src", $output_dir); ##print STDERR "*** To set in db: \n\t$doc_db\n\t$oid\n\t$doc_db_text\n"; if (($oid_files->{'index-status'} eq "I") || ($oid_files->{'index-status'} eq "R")) { my $top_section = $doc_obj->get_top_section(); my $dc_titles = $doc_obj->get_metadata($top_section,"dc.Title"); my $dc_title = join("; ", @$dc_titles); if ($oid_files->{'index-status'} eq "R") { $dc_title .= " (Updated)"; } my $rss_filename = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($output_dir,"rss-items.rdf"); my $rss_fh; if (&FileUtils::openFileHandle($rss_filename, '>>', \$rss_fh)) { print $rss_fh "\n"; print $rss_fh " $dc_title\n"; print $rss_fh " _httpdomain__httpcollection_/document/$oid\n"; print $rss_fh "\n"; &FileUtils::closeFileHandle($rss_filename, \$rss_fh); } else { print STDERR "**** Failed to open $rss_filename\n!$\n"; } } $oid_files->{'doc-file'} = [ $oid_files->{'doc-file'} ]; $oid_files->{'index-status'} = [ $oid_files->{'index-status'} ]; $oid_files->{'src-file'} = [ $oid_files->{'src-file'} ]; $oid_files->{'sort-meta'} = [ $oid_files->{'sort-meta'} ]; my $infodb_file_handle = &dbutil::open_infodb_write_handle($infodbtype, $doc_db, "append"); &dbutil::write_infodb_entry($infodbtype, $infodb_file_handle, $oid, $oid_files); &dbutil::close_infodb_write_handle($infodbtype, $infodb_file_handle); foreach my $rl (keys %$reverse_lookups) { $working_info->add_reverseinfo($rl,$oid); } # meta files not set in reverese entry, but need to set the metadata flag if (defined $doc_obj->get_meta_files()) { foreach my $meta_file_rec(@{$doc_obj->get_meta_files()}) { my $full_file = (ref $meta_file_rec eq "ARRAY") ? $meta_file_rec->[0] : $meta_file_rec; $working_info->set_meta_file_flag($full_file); } } } sub set_sortmeta { my $self = shift (@_); my ($sortmeta, $removeprefix, $removesuffix) = @_; $self->{'sortmeta'} = $sortmeta; if (defined ($removeprefix) && $removeprefix ) { $removeprefix =~ s/^\^//; # don't need a leading ^ $self->{'removeprefix'} = $removeprefix; } if (defined ($removesuffix) && $removesuffix) { $removesuffix =~ s/\$$//; # don't need a trailing $ $self->{'removesuffix'} = $removesuffix; } } sub open_xslt_pipe { my $self = shift @_; my ($output_file_name, $xslt_file)=@_; return unless defined $xslt_file and $xslt_file ne "" and &FileUtils::fileExists($xslt_file); my $java_class_path = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDLHOME'},"bin","java","ApplyXSLT.jar"); my $mapping_file_path = ""; if ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} eq "windows"){ $java_class_path .=";".&FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDLHOME'},"bin","java","xalan.jar"); # this file:/// bit didn't work for me on windows XP #$xslt_file = "\"file:///".$xslt_file."\""; #$mapping_file_path = "\"file:///"; } else{ $java_class_path .=":".&FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDLHOME'},"bin","java","xalan.jar"); } $java_class_path = "\"".$java_class_path."\""; my $cmd = "| java -cp $java_class_path org.nzdl.gsdl.ApplyXSLT -t \"$xslt_file\" "; if (defined $self->{'mapping_file'} and $self->{'mapping_file'} ne ""){ my $mapping_file_path = "\"".$self->{'mapping_file'}."\""; $cmd .= "-m $mapping_file_path"; } open(*XMLWRITER, $cmd) or die "can't open pipe to xslt: $!"; $self->{'xslt_writer'} = *XMLWRITER; print XMLWRITER "\n"; print XMLWRITER "$output_file_name\n"; } sub close_xslt_pipe { my $self = shift @_; return unless defined $self->{'xslt_writer'} ; my $xsltwriter = $self->{'xslt_writer'}; print $xsltwriter "\n"; close($xsltwriter); undef $self->{'xslt_writer'}; } sub close_file_output { my ($self) = @_; # make sure that the handle has been opened - it won't be if we failed # to import any documents... if (defined(fileno(GROUPPROCESS))) { $self->output_xml_footer('GROUPPROCESS','Archive'); close GROUPPROCESS; } my $OID = $self->{'gs_OID'}; my $short_doc_file = $self->{'short_doc_file'}; if ($self->{'gzip'}) { my $doc_file = $self->{'gs_filename'}; `gzip $doc_file`; $doc_file .= ".gz"; $short_doc_file .= ".gz"; if (!&FileUtils::fileExists($doc_file)) { my $outhandle = $self->{'output_handle'}; print $outhandle "error while gzipping: $doc_file doesn't exist\n"; return 0; } } # store reference in output_info my $output_info = $self->{'output_info'}; return 0 if (!defined $output_info); $output_info->add_info($OID, $short_doc_file, undef, undef); return 1; } #the subclass should implement this method if is_group method could return 1. sub close_group_output{ my $self = shift (@_); } sub is_group { my $self = shift (@_); return 0; } my $dc_set = { Title => 1, Creator => 1, Subject => 1, Description => 1, Publisher => 1, Contributor => 1, Date => 1, Type => 1, Format => 1, Identifier => 1, Source => 1, Language => 1, Relation => 1, Coverage => 1, Rights => 1}; # returns an XML representation of the dublin core metadata # if dc meta is not found, try ex meta # This method is not used by the DSpacePlugout, which has its # own method to save its dc metadata sub get_dc_metadata { my $self = shift(@_); my ($doc_obj, $section, $version) = @_; # build up string of dublin core metadata $section="" unless defined $section; my $section_ptr = $doc_obj->_lookup_section($section); return "" unless defined $section_ptr; my $explicit_dc = {}; my $explicit_ex_dc = {}; my $explicit_ex = {}; my $all_text=""; # We want high quality dc metadata to go in first, so we store all the # assigned dc.* values first. Then, for all those dc metadata names in # the official dc set that are as yet unassigned, we look to see whether # embedded ex.dc.* metadata has defined some values for them. If not, # then for the same missing dc metadata names, we look in ex metadata. foreach my $data (@{$section_ptr->{'metadata'}}){ my $escaped_value = &docprint::escape_text($data->[1]); if ($data->[0]=~ m/^dc\./) { $data->[0] =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; $data->[0] =~ m/^dc\.(.*)/; my $dc_element = $1; if (!defined $explicit_dc->{$dc_element}) { $explicit_dc->{$dc_element} = []; } push(@{$explicit_dc->{$dc_element}},$escaped_value); if (defined $version && ($version eq "oai_dc")) { $all_text .= " $escaped_value\n"; } else { # qualifier??? $all_text .= ' '. $escaped_value. "\n"; } } elsif ($data->[0]=~ m/^ex\.dc\./) { # now look through ex.dc.* to fill in as yet unassigned fields in dc metaset $data->[0] =~ m/^ex\.dc\.(.*)/; my $ex_dc_element = $1; my $lc_ex_dc_element = lc($ex_dc_element); # only store the ex.dc value for this dc metaname if no dc.* was assigned for it if (defined $dc_set->{$ex_dc_element}) { if (!defined $explicit_ex_dc->{$lc_ex_dc_element}) { $explicit_ex_dc->{$lc_ex_dc_element} = []; } push(@{$explicit_ex_dc->{$lc_ex_dc_element}},$escaped_value); } } elsif (($data->[0] =~ m/^ex\./) || ($data->[0] !~ m/\./)) { # look through ex. meta (incl. meta without prefix) $data->[0] =~ m/^(ex\.)?(.*)/; my $ex_element = $2; my $lc_ex_element = lc($ex_element); if (defined $dc_set->{$ex_element}) { if (!defined $explicit_ex->{$lc_ex_element}) { $explicit_ex->{$lc_ex_element} = []; } push(@{$explicit_ex->{$lc_ex_element}},$escaped_value); } } } # go through dc_set and for any element *not* defined in explicit_dc # that does exist in explicit_ex, add it in as metadata foreach my $k ( keys %$dc_set ) { my $lc_k = lc($k); if (!defined $explicit_dc->{$lc_k}) { # try to find if ex.dc.* defines this dc.* meta, # if not, then look for whether there's an ex.* equivalent if (defined $explicit_ex_dc->{$lc_k}) { foreach my $v (@{$explicit_ex_dc->{$lc_k}}) { my $dc_element = $lc_k; my $escaped_value = $v; if (defined $version && ($version eq "oai_dc")) { $all_text .= " $escaped_value\n"; } else { $all_text .= ' '. $escaped_value. "\n"; } } } elsif (defined $explicit_ex->{$lc_k}) { foreach my $v (@{$explicit_ex->{$lc_k}}) { my $dc_element = $lc_k; my $escaped_value = $v; if (defined $version && ($version eq "oai_dc")) { $all_text .= " $escaped_value\n"; } else { $all_text .= ' '. $escaped_value. "\n"; } } } } } if ($all_text eq "") { $all_text .= " There is no Dublin Core metatdata in this document\n"; } $all_text =~ s/[\x00-\x09\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]//g; return $all_text; } # Build up dublin_core metadata. Priority given to dc.* over ex.* # This method was apparently added by Jeffrey and committed by Shaoqun. # But we don't know why it was added, so not using it anymore. sub new_get_dc_metadata { my $self = shift(@_); my ($doc_obj, $section, $version) = @_; # build up string of dublin core metadata $section="" unless defined $section; my $section_ptr=$doc_obj->_lookup_section($section); return "" unless defined $section_ptr; my $all_text = ""; foreach my $data (@{$section_ptr->{'metadata'}}){ my $escaped_value = &docprint::escape_text($data->[1]); my $dc_element = $data->[0]; my @array = split('\.',$dc_element); my ($type,$name); if(defined $array[1]) { $type = $array[0]; $name = $array[1]; } else { $type = "ex"; $name = $array[0]; } $all_text .= ' '. $escaped_value. "\n"; } return $all_text; } 1;